Cheekysmile drama
Cheekysmile - Dreamweaver wrote: »When i complained, Jonathon's account Exsaiga was hijacked. His email account as well. He had no way of getting back his toon. They forced him to divorce me, and stole his entire toon which he spent a lot of time and money on. He was recently poor from helping his friend in the hospital and did not have money for a divorce. He had to save up for the wedding packs.
Me thinks Cheeky just can't accept the fact that she got dumped so she's crying about Dynasty hacking, truly believing that's the only way Exsaiga would have left her. We shouldn't flame her, we should feel sorry for the poor girl. Wait nevermind.. if she wants to be a drama queen I say we throw her in lava, that's how we got rid of them back in the old days. b:sin
(Seriously.. anyone else notice how that's one of the only things she's said aside from "Dynasty hacks! Don't join them or spend money on a game!" *puts up anti Cheeky QQ shield and runs*)
And really.. when even I'M saying that Dynasty in no way **** you, it kind of makes you think. I'm hate Dynasty but Cheeky's pure idiocy and drama starting is too damn much. Half of what she says isn't even true... I still hate you Dynasty, but damn Cheeky needs to shut the hell up already... Wait, what am I saying? I love this drama!
(NobutreallystopQQingCheeky)0 -
Slandering is a bannable offence.
You'd better bring decent proofs, not only "the aliens caught my virtual hubby to do sexual investigations on myself"0 -
So Cheeky, you've had a few days of attention. You've admitted to trying to destroy Dynasty through lies. Many holes have been brought to light through your unimaginative stories. How much further do you need to drag your name through the mud before you feel like you have had a theorapeutic bath? b:victory0
So Cheeky, you've had a few days of attention. You've admitted to trying to destroy Dynasty through lies. Many holes have been brought to light through your unimaginative stories. How much further do you need to drag your name through the mud before you feel like you have had a thearapeutic bath? b:victory0
So Cheeky, you've had a few days of attention. You've admitted to trying to destroy Dynasty through lies. Many holes have been brought to light through your unimaginative stories. How much further do you need to drag your name through the mud before you feel like you have had a theorapeutic bath? b:victory
Dynasty has edited screenshots and tried to slander me, it is true.
But people aren't listening to that garbage, and they are listening to my warnings.
Many have thanked me for the warning. And i know many who have left Dynasty or at
least left their hacking site.
Through all these alts of Dynasty leaders and through accounts they have ****, they can
talk bad about me until they are blue in the face. But my message will get across. I have
nothing to gain from this, please remember.
They will do anything to try and keep their criminal activity running. The GM's are working on this problem, but it may take some time.
Until then, i cannot say this enough : STAY AWAY FROM OFF GAME WEBSITES THAT PEOPLE SAY "YOU HAVE TO" SIGN UP ON. STAY AWAY FROM DYNASTY, THEY ARE KNOWN AND ADMITTED HACKERS. THEY HAVE BRAGGED ABOUT IT IN GAME. THEY ARE TRYING TO FOOL YOU. REMEMBER THE NAMES WackyTaffy, Decus and _Brighid , and any "leader" of Dynasty (Executor, Marshall, or Director) who tries to get you to "sign up"
i know good people will see through all this slandering Dynasty says about me. I am just trying to help, i am a simple girl, who was victimized by these people. i don't want to see anyone else have to suffer this pain.
please be careful.
God Bless,
Skylevchka0 -
Cheekysmile - Dreamweaver wrote: »Dynasty has edited screenshots and tried to slander me, it is true.
But people aren't listening to that garbage, and they are listening to my warnings.
Many have thanked me for the warning. And i know many who have left Dynasty or at
least left their hacking site.
Through all these alts of Dynasty leaders and through accounts they have ****, they can
talk bad about me until they are blue in the face. But my message will get across. I have
nothing to gain from this, please remember.
They will do anything to try and keep their criminal activity running. The GM's are working on this problem, but it may take some time.
Until then, i cannot say this enough : STAY AWAY FROM OFF GAME WEBSITES THAT PEOPLE SAY "YOU HAVE TO" SIGN UP ON. STAY AWAY FROM DYNASTY, THEY ARE KNOWN AND ADMITTED HACKERS. THEY HAVE BRAGGED ABOUT IT IN GAME. THEY ARE TRYING TO FOOL YOU. REMEMBER THE NAMES WackyTaffy, Decus and _Brighid , and any "leader" of Dynasty (Executor, Marshall, or Director) who tries to get you to "sign up"
i know good people will see through all this slandering Dynasty says about me. I am just trying to help, i am a simple girl, who was victimized by these people. i don't want to see anyone else have to suffer this pain.
please be careful.
God Bless,
Skylevchka0 -
I'm beginning to think she just wants attention... We should all stop feeding this troll, it's only making her (wait, can girls even have an e-peen? O.o) Anyway... this was interesting for a bit but now it's just old. Buh-bye guys0
Zanryu - Dreamweaver wrote: »I'm beginning to think she just wants attention... We should all stop feeding this troll, it's only making her (wait, can girls even have an e-peen? O.o) Anyway... this was interesting for a bit but now it's just old. Buh-bye guys
As much as I hate to say it, I agree with Zan. b:cute
None of her claims have a shred of evidence to them and she has repeatedly ignored my requests to sit and talk about these accusations. If she wants to slander us as a faction, so be it. In the end she'll be the one to look idiotic. We need to let it die already. So please, just ignore it and blacklist away. I'll gladly pay the cost for blacklist extension stones b:laughProving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
Decus, **** me please. b:dirty0
Ok for one Cheeky, Ive been a photoshop user for nearly 2 years.
IF they had edited the screenshots,there would be hints and evidence of erasing 'what you claim you wrote'.
You obviously arnt a photoshop user, or you would know that.
That screenshot provided is bad quality,but we can still see the writing,the fact that it is a bad quality screen shot is BETTER because its HARDER to edit because of all the little pixels. IF they had edited it,Evidence would be seen through the layers.
In that picture,there is the layer behind the chat box(the grass),then the chatbox itself,THEN the writing.
Know what they would have to do to edit that? They would have to delete each layer where the writing is,then put it ALL back in again. Even then,there would be TINY little markings where the grass joins because it wouldnt be the original picture.
Ive zoomed right in on the picture,and there are NO hints of editing whatsoever.So that piece of proof is out the window.
Another thing,the WARNING from PWI about passwords has been there for nearly 2 weeks.Its a natural thing thats in EVERY single MMO ive ever played. To be honest im surprised they havent always had it.
To me its looking like your attention seeking as well,maybe your trying to rally up people who agree with you so that you can start your own faction or something.I tell you one thing,you will most likely not get into any of the other factions out there after this.
And Decus,ill take you up on that blacklist extension offer b:chuckle0 -
Why is always word "drama" in red?
and btw. i think if ill want to type WackyTaffy, Decus and _Brighid as many times as Cheeky did already it will take me at least 2 hours >.> But whatever.
and other hackers <3334567896969690
0 -
If you're stupid enough to use the same account name and password of your in-game account into a faction website, you deserve to be **** due to uber stupidity, it's not that hard to remember 8 new digits for a new password, monkeys can do it, are you [person this thread is about] less intelligent than a monkey?Originally Posted by frankieraye: To say that would be a lie, because in regards to the DQ problem, it's something that we're honestly still working on, and something that we believe we can fix.
(8)Don't stop! believing! hold onto that feeling!(8)0 -
Daikataro - Dreamweaver wrote: »If you're stupid enough to use the same account name and password of your in-game account into a faction website, you deserve to be **** due to uber stupidity, it's not that hard to remember 8 new digits for a new password, monkeys can do it, are you [person this thread is about] less intelligent than a monkey?
Please read the whole forum. The site was able to upload a keylogger onto Jonathon's computer by somehow tracking his ip address. They tried to do this to me. The person from Calamity explained it earlier, how easy it is for owners of these sites to trace members.
As for the picture, these are professional criminals trying to protect their organization which is likely making profit for them, in and out of game, they clearly have the technology to **** computers, so editing a screenshot cannot be that difficult.
WackyTaffy (aka Stabber), Decus, _Brighid and any one with a Executor, Marshal or Director title over their head in Dynasty is probably involved, or has been **** and not being controlled by the original creators of those characters.
eventually we hope the GM's will be able to stop these people, until then
please, be safe, and watch out for one another,
God Bless,
Skylevchka0 -
Zmiksowana - Dreamweaver wrote: »Why is always word "drama" in red?
and btw. i think if ill want to type WackyTaffy, Decus and _Brighid as many times as Cheeky did already it will take me at least 2 hours >.> But whatever.
and other hackers <3334567896969690
ahahahahZmik since we are hackers now for being in dyna will you **** me a herc
kthnx (jk)
0 -
Cheekysmile - Dreamweaver wrote: »Please read the whole forum. The site was able to upload a keylogger onto Jonathon's computer by somehow tracking his ip address. They tried to do this to me. The person from Calamity explained it earlier, how easy it is for owners of these sites to trace members.
As for the picture, these are professional criminals trying to protect their organization which is likely making profit for them, in and out of game, they clearly have the technology to **** computers, so editing a screenshot cannot be that difficult.
WackyTaffy (aka Stabber), Decus, _Brighid and any one with a Executor, Marshal or Director title over their head in Dynasty is probably involved, or has been **** and not being controlled by the original creators of those characters.
eventually we hope the GM's will be able to stop these people, until then
please, be safe, and watch out for one another,
God Bless,
LOL you clearly know nothing about photoshop or anything like that.DO you know anything about it? Like i said the process to EDIT that screenshot would take time,and boring effort.and even THEN,you would STILL be able to see proof of edit on it.
I notice how you completely avoided me saying that before.Tell me you know what you are talking about in photoshop,and ill believe you.Because like i said,ive been using it for 2 years,and there is no hints of edit whatsoever in that pic.
Oh yeah...and if your so bothered about your in game hubby being **** and all that,how come your married already?
So now your not only calling them hackers,your calling them Criminals??
I sure as hell hope you have decent proof to back up that statement.0 -
Cheekysmile - Dreamweaver wrote: »-snips worthless ****-
Sounds fun, since I used the verb "to slander", you're using it as well. Learnt a new word ? Feel more superior ?
And please, for god's sake (as you like to talk on his (its ?) behalf), stop telling stupid things, as uploading keyloggers trough reversing of the IP address, or that WaffleTacos, Decko or Bri are members and leaders of a giant criminal organization which activities are hacking your account... They're leader/officers of Dynasty (or DynHaxy according to you), and have enough to do with that.
Now I'm still defining myself as being gentle (and awesome), let me ask this question. Why did they not **** my account ? Is my veno gear so crappy ? b:cry Or did they enter my mind and forced me to write this post ? b:shocked
God bless you (all but Cheeky, she has her own god)
b:bye0 -
Cheekysmile - Dreamweaver wrote: »Please read the whole forum. The site was able to upload a keylogger onto Jonathon's computer by somehow tracking his ip address. They tried to do this to me. The person from Calamity explained it earlier, how easy it is for owners of these sites to trace members.
As for the picture, these are professional criminals trying to protect their organization which is likely making profit for them, in and out of game, they clearly have the technology to **** computers, so editing a screenshot cannot be that difficult.
WackyTaffy (aka Stabber), Decus, _Brighid and any one with a Executor, Marshal or Director title over their head in Dynasty is probably involved, or has been **** and not being controlled by the original creators of those characters.
eventually we hope the GM's will be able to stop these people, until then
please, be safe, and watch out for one another,
God Bless,
bri is a good person she is not a hacker cheeky and her kids are not fake!!0 -
LOL, do you know that these days there are programs specifically created to protect your computer? they're called antivirus, antispyware and firewalls, i've been told they're all the rage these days, seriously if you own a computer with internet connection and don't have one of these... well you're a noob
Uploading a keylogger via back-tracking an IP is easier said than done, someone able to do that wouldn't bother on a stupid MMO account, they will aim for bank accounts or something bigger, about the accusations to our leaders wacky is quiet in fc but helpful and definitely not a criminal, decus is just our favourite noob and he's not smart enough to **** an acc (sowwy decus!), brig is a really nice girl who has enough in her hands taking care of her kids and hubby in real life to even bother trying to **** anyone, and if our website allows anyone to track IPs then why guildlaunch is such a widely used site for creating faction websites and yet you're the only one getting ****?
Revamp your computer's security (if any), think about who else had access to your account and for christs sake LEARN TO PROTECT YOUR INFORMATION, i've been to 7 MMOs and i have yet to be **** (knocks on wood), for real it's not THAT hard to protect your account
And no i haven't been **** and are still in control of my account, i have "Daikataro" as username in several other websites created prior to my entrace to PWI and own the hotmail adress daikataro as well, so can backup my statement with ease, can you backup your accusations?
Oh one more thing, you can be a pro hacker and fail in photoshop, it's harder to be a graphic artist than you might think, i know for a good friend of mine does it and it's hard as hell, specially working with a full 3D enviroment such as a PWI chatbox with a backgroundOriginally Posted by frankieraye: To say that would be a lie, because in regards to the DQ problem, it's something that we're honestly still working on, and something that we believe we can fix.
(8)Don't stop! believing! hold onto that feeling!(8)0 -
Cheekysmile - Dreamweaver wrote: »
i was personally targeted, because it was clear they didn't like me. they wanted a name and a number not a talkative person. They tried to install a keylogger onto my computer through some invasive bypassing of mmoguildsites security. My Mom runs her business on her computer so has some very high tech "anti spyware" i believe it is called. Technicians whom she works with came over and we're able to trace the source of the keylogger to Dynasty's mmoguildsite. I confronted the leaders, and was booted almost immediately.
When i complained, Jonathon's account Exsaiga was hijacked. His email account as well. He had no way of getting back his toon. They forced him to divorce me, and stole his entire toon which he spent a lot of time and money on. He was recently poor from helping his friend in the hospital and did not have money for a divorce. He had to save up for the wedding packs.
ZhenKai may have also been ****, because one day she was my best friend, and the next she was saying bad things.Remember people used to get mad at her for supporting me? Maybe they got so mad they took her account? All the sudden she is saying bad things?
That is unclear, but Jonathan is clear. He has since quit the game.
from the top down...
You were "Personally targeted" because you were causing a lot of drama and problems came up AT LEAST once a week with either you being mad at someone, or them being mad at you. you went so far as saying you were "Mentally abused" for not getting into a BH group.
Seriously? you had mommy call in professional technicians to track where a keylogger came from for a free game you play? wtfness? and YOU didn't confront US. we dragged you into a chatroom because you were running people out of the faction. and when we tried asking you to leave nicely, YOU were the one that suggested "i'll just be a name on the list, you won't hear me talk ever again, just please don't kick me out!" which was sad =/
no one forced Exsaiga to divorce you. after you threatened to kill yourself if we booted you, and flipped out in faction chat, he was like "damn, that was embaressing, i don't want that psycho bish's name over my head" and promptly ran to the marriage guy to dump your crazy ****
Zhenkai is cool with everyone, she likely was just giving you a chance at first, and then couldn't put up with you later on.
/end snippits
so cheeky, when i warned you not to trust everyone on the internet, and saying there's some bad people out there... this isn't what i meant =/ you took it to the extremes of paranoia, delusion, spite, and jealousy0 -
Fixed it for you.b:cuteOn indefinite hiatus0 -
Arishock - Dreamweaver wrote: »from the top down...
You were "Personally targeted" because you were causing a lot of drama and problems came up AT LEAST once a week with either you being mad at someone, or them being mad at you. you went so far as saying you were "Mentally abused" for not getting into a BH group.
Seriously? you had mommy call in professional technicians to track where a keylogger came from for a free game you play? wtfness? and YOU didn't confront US. we dragged you into a chatroom because you were running people out of the faction. and when we tried asking you to leave nicely, YOU were the one that suggested "i'll just be a name on the list, you won't hear me talk ever again, just please don't kick me out!" which was sad =/
no one forced Exsaiga to divorce you. after you threatened to kill yourself if we booted you, and flipped out in faction chat, he was like "damn, that was embaressing, i don't want that psycho bish's name over my head" and promptly ran to the marriage guy to dump your crazy ****
Zhenkai is cool with everyone, she likely was just giving you a chance at first, and then couldn't put up with you later on.
/end snippits
so cheeky, when i warned you not to trust everyone on the internet, and saying there's some bad people out there... this isn't what i meant =/ you took it to the extreme of paranoia and delusional0 -
any1 who've been anywhere near cheeky should know she's an untrustable, lil girl who like to cause drama ( for fun or is she mentally unstable i dont know)
to be honest this should be locked.I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender
102 - Archer - Heartz0 -
Heartstone - Dreamweaver wrote: »to be honest this should be locked.
Ah, finally !0 -
Foxmeko - Dreamweaver wrote: »Jeff is 100% right ^
b:chuckle LOL0 -
Dynasty has edited screenshots, idk what program they used, they also edit my words in this forum and tried to slander me, it is true.
But people aren't listening to that garbage, and they are listening to my warnings.
Many have thanked me for the warning. And i know many who have left Dynasty or at
least left their hacking site.
Through all these alts of Dynasty leaders and through accounts they have ****, they can
talk bad about me until they are blue in the face. But my message will get across. I have
nothing to gain from this, please remember.
They will do anything to try and keep their criminal activity running. The GM's are working on this problem, but it may take some time.
Until then, i cannot say this enough : STAY AWAY FROM OFF GAME WEBSITES THAT PEOPLE SAY "YOU HAVE TO" SIGN UP ON. STAY AWAY FROM DYNASTY, THEY ARE KNOWN AND ADMITTED HACKERS. THEY HAVE BRAGGED ABOUT IT IN GAME. THEY ARE TRYING TO FOOL YOU. REMEMBER THE NAMES WackyTaffy, Decus and _Brighid , and any "leader" of Dynasty (Executor, Marshall, or Director) who tries to get you to "sign up"
i know good people will see through all this slandering Dynasty says about me. I am just trying to help, i am a simple girl, who was victimized by these people. i don't want to see anyone else have to suffer this pain.
please be careful.
God Bless,
Skylevchka0 -
way to not address anything i just called you on, grats.0
Cheekysmile - Dreamweaver wrote: »Dynasty has edited screenshots, idk what program they used, they also edit my words in this forum and tried to slander me, it is true.
But people aren't listening to that garbage, and they are listening to my warnings.
Many have thanked me for the warning. And i know many who have left Dynasty or at
least left their hacking site.
Through all these alts of Dynasty leaders and through accounts they have ****, they can
talk bad about me until they are blue in the face. But my message will get across. I have
nothing to gain from this, please remember.
They will do anything to try and keep their criminal activity running. The GM's are working on this problem, but it may take some time.
Until then, i cannot say this enough : STAY AWAY FROM OFF GAME WEBSITES THAT PEOPLE SAY "YOU HAVE TO" SIGN UP ON. STAY AWAY FROM DYNASTY, THEY ARE KNOWN AND ADMITTED HACKERS. THEY HAVE BRAGGED ABOUT IT IN GAME. THEY ARE TRYING TO FOOL YOU. REMEMBER THE NAMES WackyTaffy, Decus and _Brighid , and any "leader" of Dynasty (Executor, Marshall, or Director) who tries to get you to "sign up"
i know good people will see through all this slandering Dynasty says about me. I am just trying to help, i am a simple girl, who was victimized by these people. i don't want to see anyone else have to suffer this pain.
please be careful.
God Bless,
your saying the same thing over cheeky....0 -
uhm.. this is.. interesting. Either this Cheeky chick is psycho, or everyone is out to get her? O_o and this thread hasnt been locked because...?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!
MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever
P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?0 -
Yup. Cheeky is repeating everything over and over again. I'd also like to point out...
Why does her profile say she's a he?
Drama king? b:shocked[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
b:sweatuhm.. oh my... well... the wierdos that play PW these days[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!
MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever
P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?0
This discussion has been closed.
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