****role play #2****



  • teethewicked
    teethewicked Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Viktor stopped as he walked by his siblings. He had his arms folded up behind his head, as if he were stretching. "Im going to the pub. DON'T.....bother me" He gave a puzzled expression as he took note of his younger brother's expression "What's wrong, did Joseph wet himself or something?"
    Don't be jealous of my boogie.
  • LifeHunting - Heavens Tear
    LifeHunting - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Joseph snarled at his brother, "No you idiot. I had asked one of the guards, at least what I thought was a guard, why the hell the gate wasn't opening and when he didn't turn around or listen I went to grab him and see why he was disobeying a question posed by his "employers", my hand literally went through his shoulder and down out the side of his rib cage." Joseph told Viktor with a slight snarl in his tone.
  • teethewicked
    teethewicked Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Viktor frowned "Wait, the gate isn't opening?" He turned to the figure of the guard "Hey, ghost man, get your head out of the clouds and say something."
    Don't be jealous of my boogie.
  • TsukuyomiHot - Raging Tide
    TsukuyomiHot - Raging Tide Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Meanwhile, Rah is spying through the window, smiling as ever, with the moonlight on half of his face.

    "Everything is going as planned. There's no need for me to show up understairs and get involved in those troubles. But tonight noboby will get hurt... They will just understand they are a bunch of losers. Hihihihi..."

    He releases the curtains and goes back to bed. His pleasure is costantly increasing.
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Grim woke up. It was unexplainable why it is so cold in his room. The bed was pretty hard too. He turned to his right side and opened his eyes. The view shocked him - he was in the in the dungeons.
    -What the ..-he thought-What am I doing here ?! Am I a sleepwalker ?!
    She slowly stood up and took a look around. Yep, he was down there. Something strange was happening, and the worst thing was that he was in his pajamas instead of his armor. He headed to the door - it was unlocked. He opened it quickly without having any idea what is really happening. He was almost in the corridor when he spot a dark spirit near the stairs that were leading to the backyard of the castle.
    -This one isn't supposed to be here-he said to himself quietly-Ok, I need a plan to get out of here as soon as possible.
    Grim slowly got back into the jail room and backed against the wall
  • Grippieluver - Lost City
    Grippieluver - Lost City Posts: 9,807 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    OOC: okie guys it's going great! :) we're gunna go with the rules of the last RP... wait at least two IC posts, b4 u post IC... and when you're typing write "typing...." and then edit the post (that way no1 gets ninja'd)

    IC: "Joseph, I'm sure this was just all your imganination. You were just a little startled that the gate was stuck, and your mind took the better of you." She glided across the floor, her heels making the tip tap sound, and she delicately placed her hand on the chain to pull the draw gate down

    OOC: I'm assuming you ment a draw gate?

    IC: The chain wouldn't budge. She pulled a little harder. nothing. Luna grunted, then she smoothed out her dress and walked back over to Viktor and Joseph. "Maybe it's a little rusty up at the top, I can go down to Grim's corders later and see what he can do. In the meantime, Viktor, we need head back to the great hall. I've gotten wind from our scouts that there have been fire out breaks in the village." The brother and sister headed back up the spiral stair case to the first floor.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!

    MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever

    P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?
  • TsukuyomiHot - Raging Tide
    TsukuyomiHot - Raging Tide Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Rah couldn't sleep. He was too much excited about what was happening in the castle. This night, the begininng of his plan, he planned this night for months and months.

    "Hihihihihi" he kept laughing.

    Two of the described spirits in the ancient book he retrieved about a year ago, The Lesser Solomon Key, were now summoned and free around the castle. The order Rah gave to these spirits, though not lethal.... was something really really scary.
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    There was something wrong today. Something very, very wrong. Andran thought to himself, walking down the hallway. His feet echoed on the cold stone floors. Everything looked alright, but there was something...off... about everything. Then he realized what was wrong. There was nobody else in the hallway with him. Normally, the castle was bustling with the activity of the servants, knights, and servants of the court. But today, nothing. Not even the head knight had been in the barracks today. Although he did get a special chamber there, he usually was the first one up, just to make sure everyone else got up on time as well. But not today. Now that he thought about it, he was the only one that was in the barracks. He needed to find someone, and fast.
    Be nice to people
  • XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary
    XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    [Sorry, yes I've RPGed before but I'm a bit confused. BTW, what does IC mean?]

    Princess Moira sighed nonchalantly, as she always did. Something feels... off. She thought, and rose from one of her bedroom's chairs. She walked out of her room and closed the door behind her, peering sideways into the hallway. Nobody. Strange. Moira picks up her crimson red gown and whisks down the hallway, looking for someone. A knight, her sister, one of her brothers. Anyone.
    MizukiMinoru ll Charisma Executor ll Active
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    IC - In Character, or when you are RPing
    OOC - Out of Character, or when you are typing things like me atm b:laugh
  • teethewicked
    teethewicked Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Viktor's face contorted at his sister's words "Forget the Great Hall, what about the village?" He ran to the gate and began yanking at the chain. His efforts were useless, as the gate refused to budge even an inch. He snarled as he punched the gate "Damnit! What's going on here?"
    Don't be jealous of my boogie.
  • XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary
    XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Moira picked up the pace and glided until she saw Luna and Viktor. "What's happened?" She said, lacking emotion. Moira eyed the gate and looked back at her siblings.
    MizukiMinoru ll Charisma Executor ll Active
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    A sun light entered the small dark room. The air was heavy and depressing. Grim's nose was becoming red from all the bacteries around. He was all alone down in this tiny room. Well not all alone if we count the dark ghost staying right in front of the door already. From what he have learned in the little school that was down the road these things were dangerous. "They could do everything you can imagine"-he remembered this dark and ugly voice of the teacher. Grim hated him for a long time back then. He've always been messing around with him and the only reason that he was doing this was that Grim was never good back in school."Sometimes they can do things that you can't even dream about" and an evil smile on the face of Mr. Lucifer. Thoughts were coming up one of another as he was heading for the door. He was in sweat already, his hands were shaking. He encroached with his left arm and felt the cold handle of the door. It was his final moment. He opened the door and quickly rushed towards. A second later he was in the corridor ... all alone. He quickly decided that this was the happiest moment in his life. Quick look around and he headed for the stairs. Crouched right next to stairs just like he was praying. Then he turn his head left and took a look upstairs. Dark clouds and noone in the way.
    -God-the only thought that came up in his head.
    Crawling on the ground he made it to the top stair. The backyard was clear, but the strange was that everything was the same - same old trees, same green grass which was in total contrast with the blood filled stones laying on the ground.
    Thunder. Rain.
  • LifeHunting - Heavens Tear
    LifeHunting - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Joseph made a smug look at his brother as he tried to get the gate to open also. "I told you the thing wouldn't open." He said as he stood back up on his feet, his normal composer regained, to an extent, he looked back around. Still seeing that same guard. "....Gonna have to ask the soccerr about that later..." Joseph said to himself as he turned and began to walk back towards the courtyard.
    Joseph was able to get into the hallways leading to the Courtyard slightly before Moria, his sister, made it to the area were Luna and Viktor were at.

    "Now....lets see, where is the soccerr's room again....?" Joseph mummbled to himself as he walked through the courtyard looking at the different windows trying to remember which tower, floor, and room the soccerr usually stayed in.
    As he was looking around he noticed Grim, the man who lead all the other guards, crawl out of the dungeon. "Grim!" Joseph said in a confused, but slightly authoritized voice. "What happened? Your in a cold sweat and you look like you've seen a demon." Joseph said as he was walking over to help him stand back up.
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    As Andran continued to walk, he heard voices down at the other end of the hallway. Good. At least I'm not completely alone in here. He thought as he made his way to where the people were. Seeing most of the royal family, and the head knight when he got there, he immediately got down on his knee, and waited for them to notice him. Right now, it looked like they were too preoccupied by Grim, his direct superior, who was covered with dirt, and looked as if he had just come up from the dungeon. What is going on in this place?
    Be nice to people
  • XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary
    XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Moira looked around, and spotted Andran. "Rise, Sir Andran." She said, and made direct eye contact with him. "Can you inform me of what's going on?"
    MizukiMinoru ll Charisma Executor ll Active
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Grim was still laying in the grass when he saw a silhouette coming right towards him. The dark ghost was still in his mind so he was feeling like "oh sh*t". A second later she recognized the young prince, that was his greatest breathing out for years.
    -Grim ! What happened? Your in a cold sweat and you look like you've seen a demon.-Joseph said.
    -I did. Two times.-Grim said while he was receiving help from the young prince.-Why are you walking around ? You know this isn't the right place for you.
    Now Grim was absolutely sure that something was terribly wrong. A second later there was a strange voice coming from the hallway.
    -Get down-Grim pushed Joseph down to his knees and instinctively looked for his sword. But he wasn't there.-Aw great. C'mon follow me.
    It was hard to be called a follow since Grim was dragging Joseph as quickly as possible to the dungeon. They reached the stairs and Grim dropped Joseph.
    -Hide, now!
  • LifeHunting - Heavens Tear
    LifeHunting - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Joseph was seriously confused by the sudden tugging of Grim. "Huh, what!?" He said as he was being dragged down to the dungeon by Grim.

    "wait...What is going on!!?" He said when Grim told him to hide. He was still confused until he heard a seriously loud screech.

    "....WHAT IN GOD's NAME...." Joseph began to shout before seeing a goulish figure come up the hall. Which instantly shut him up, and press a single brick in the dungeon wall, which opened up a secret passage leading to his bedroom. He grabbed Grim and pulled him inside the passage way before it sealed shut.
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    As Andran stood up, he saw the ghoul approaching. Grim had gotten Joseph out of the way (or was it the other way around?) But there were still the two princesses and prince to watch over. Unfortunately, the thing had more or less cut off their escape route. I really hope this thing is solid he thought, drawing his swords and getting ready for the inevitable fight.
    Be nice to people
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    OOC : Should we stop for a bit, because Grippie will have to read a lot if we continue ?
  • Grippieluver - Lost City
    Grippieluver - Lost City Posts: 9,807 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    OOC: no LOL it's fine haha it was a great read... thx for the concern tho... oh and remember we're struck inside... soo let's just say u came up to the floor from the dungeon where we're all at...we can't go outside ;)

    IC: Luna saw two shadowy figures coming across. Grim had her youngest brother taken care of, but what about dear Moira and Viktor? Luna grabbed Moira's hand and whispered, "Come on Viktor... u too of course Sr Adran" She held up her gown in one hand and tugged her sister's in the other. They ran down the corridor, Luna's silvery blonde hair flowing like silver rivers, and Moira's flowing like the nite. They came to one of the windows down the corridor and saw the velvet drapes. Luna pulled Moira and herself behind one of them, and motioned for Viktor and Adran to do the same. They crouched down as the shadow ghost began to pass by.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!

    MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever

    P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?
  • TsukuyomiHot - Raging Tide
    TsukuyomiHot - Raging Tide Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The sorcerer came out of his room, towards Luna and the others, after the ghost went away.

    "My dearest friends, are you allright?" he helped the ladies to stand up "I was asleep and nobody woke me up, just heard noise and voices in the castle. What the hell is going on??"

    The other people told Rah about the ghosts and the strange things happening in the castle.

    "I see, this is very bad, my dears" Rah said. "But with my skill i can help. I don't want any of you to get hurt. Understood?" He said, watching moira right in the eyes.

    "We should find the two mising ones, Joseph and Grim, then i'll bring you to a secret safe place that only i know in this castle" Said Rah with a very serious face.

    "If you're okay with this i suggest to move immediatly. We don't have time." Said watching Adran this time.
  • XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary
    XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    As Moira was being whisked away by her sister, and hidden behind one of the drapes, she took a moment to recollect her thoughts. Ghosts. Ghosts. GHOSTS. She snapped back to reality when Rah, the sorcerer spoke. She took his hand to stand and glanced briefly at Luna, then at Rah. He was looking at her, and Moira studied his eyes carefully, her eyes slightly narrowed but showed no emotion. As Rah turned to watch to Andran, Moira went back to looking at her sister.
    MizukiMinoru ll Charisma Executor ll Active
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    As the sisters went down the hallway with the sorcerer, he turned back to the ghoul. It wasn't really doing much of anything, but there was no telling how long that would last. He may have to deal with it, should it become hostile.

    "You all go on ahead. I'll stay here and slow it down should such actions become necessary."

    He stood in the entrance to the hallway while the others got out, and stood, watching the thing very, very carefully as it paced the hallway.
    Be nice to people
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Never Mind
  • LifeHunting - Heavens Tear
    LifeHunting - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    OOC: >.< Grim ninja'd me so i'm gonna have to re-edit this after he posts b:sad

    After the passageway had sealed itself shut, Joseph grabbed grim's hand and began to pull him down the hallways. "Little further and we'll be at my room. Should be a little safer there." Joseph said back to Grim as he was tugging him along through the passageway, which seemed to wined and twist like a rollercoaster.
    As a little bit of light began to be able to be seen, so could Joseph's bedroom be seen. "Ok, almost there." Joseph said as they reahced the end of the passageway and he pressed another key stone on the wall to open the door to his bedroom. "Ok, we should be safe for the moment." Joseph said to grim as he walked into his bedroom.

    "Though i'm surprise I still remember that passageway, last time I used it I was about 10." Joseph said laughingly as he went over and sat on his bed. He looked out one of the windows he had in his bedroom and saw the village outside, at this point he was just wondering why the gate didn't open and why there was weird creatures in the castle.
    "Hey grim, have you happen to seen the soccerr?" Joseph asked grim, hoping to hear a yes, but doubting it. While he waited for grim to answer, Joseph began to walk around the room and grab a few items. Most of it just looked like small toys, or something a child would play with. Other items seemed to be weapons, but it wasn't really possible to tell.
    "So, Grim have you?" Joseph repeated after finishing gathering the items together.
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Grim finally found himself in Joseph's bedroom. The adrenaline was still pumping trough his veins.
    "I've never felt like that before, I have the feeling I`m at war"-dark thought passed in his brain-"God, nothing special, just a bad day I guess"-Grim quickly forgot the previous thought, or at least he was thinking that he is forgetting it. He heard Joseph talking about something, but he was too distracted and he only heard "Have you seen" or something like that. Grim got his taze off the ground and looking towards Joseph who was acting strange while trying to gather some strange items looking like weapons
    -"Yes, yes milord, I did, they are pretty awesome"-Grim said as he was thinking that J. is talking about the items. It seems that Joseph was also distracted since he didn't said anything back. Grim looked towards the door when Joseph asked him again, and this time Grim heard him very well
    -"So, Grim have you?"-Joseph said. Grim quickly remembered what he said the first time and gave a quick and accurate answer.
    -"No, I hate this guy.I`m sorry milord, I mean that I'vent saw him around"-Grim was really hating him, but as a servant to the kingdom he could never use word as hate.-"Why ? You also have some bad feeling ?". Grim looked towards the door again.
    -"Can I ask where is this one leading to ?"

    OOC : Sorry everybody, it takes me really long to go back and check who is the youngest prince or the middle princess, who is with who and where they are etc. :( I`ll be really thankful if you post a list of all the chars, so I don't have to browse 2-3 pages to find all the info I need. And Life sorry for ninja'ing you, but your post was really helpful tho, I was stuck. :)
  • TsukuyomiHot - Raging Tide
    TsukuyomiHot - Raging Tide Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    OOC : Sorry everybody, it takes me really long to go back and check who is the youngest prince or the middle princess, who is with who and where they are etc. :( I`ll be really thankful if you post a list of all the chars, so I don't have to browse 2-3 pages to find all the info I need. And Life sorry for ninja'ing you, but your post was really helpful tho, I was stuck. :)
    OOC: True i find this observation really useful and absolutely agree since it's kinda hard and i'm afraid i'll commit huge mistakes.... :(


    Rah left Adran fighting with the ghoul and took Luna, Moira and Viktor with him to his "secret safe place".

    "We have to go through a jailroom down in the prisons, the fifth cell to be precise, then press a secret button" Said Rah while he was runnin in the huge corridor.
    "Then a secret passage will open and we'll be able to enter to the Magic Room, a special and hidden room where no entity can hurt us" continued Rah "I know that room cause as a sorcerer i studied all the castles secrets"

    While they was running something came up in Rah's mind:
    "Oh people wait a second; we forgot about Grim and Joseph. Joseph's room is over there, i'll go and check if they are there. You can wait here, nothing should pop out and attack us now."

    While Rah turned back to go toward Joseph's room a strange smile appeared on his face, of course Luna and the others couldn't see it. He then ran till Joseph's room's door. He was to open it.... But the door opened itself with Joseph on the other side.

    "Oh you're here" Said Rah smiling.
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    OOC : THE F*** !!! This is getting interesting b:chuckleb:pleasedb:laugh
  • XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary
    XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    OOC: I personally remembered all the characters, probably because I'm a FanFiction writer, but I do agree that a list of where they are would be useful.


    Moira held Luna's hand as they followed Rah to the "special and hidden room". She thought back about Andran, how he was still hallway with the ghost. Then she thought about Joseph and Grim, whereever they were. Right then Rah left to go find Joseph and Grim, and Moira eyed Rah's back carefully.
    MizukiMinoru ll Charisma Executor ll Active