You too can help a poor Panda achieve a dream!
Asheera - Raging Tide wrote: »
Talking about carebear stuff and PvP... you have 1.6k kills, (some of which prolly are PKing lowbies too) but a kill death ratio of 1.0 that means you died 1.6k times LMFAO. That's Pro.
O K/D ratio sucks as well .
But can I help it ? I'm a class that's supposed to rush into large groups of ppl in TW , stun , amp , aoe a bit , then fall back or keep on aoeing & drawing all the fire on me to keep the squishier , ranged DDs safe .
It's really hard to tell how one plays from looking at pvp kills or K/D ratio . I won't say it doesn't help on giving you an idea but calling some1 fail for that is a bit too much .
Just my 2 cents .It's all about LoL,yo.0 -
Veritas_ - Raging Tide wrote: »maybe u should ask pimp who kisses male asses for buying decides on credit
i loled so badly when i was in tt with rem:
wc: WTS uncanny chrystals
Rem: damn y didnt TheMagicPimp gave me my 20m coins back
kissed male asses much pimp?
can u pls write a guide. How to be a man and get stuffs for free
I thunk u are pretty pro in it
So liek , 1st you say that Sar got me those claws , then you claim that I didn't give rem back the 20m that I owed him & had 1 week to pay ?
He told me to mail them to Ben , which I did quite a few days ago . And I told rem that I gave the money to Ben . It's funny how I didn't get any pms from Rem nor Ben about not paying back since I did as it was agreed . We can even all squad & talk about it in-game if needed .
I find it amusing how you keep making up things to try & make me look like the server's biggest @ss hole , talk to my friends trying to get them to hate me or something while acting all nice & innocent to them , trying to get them on your side or something ?
You pm Knulls & Sar who have nothing to do with your hatred towards me , saying how wrong I am & making up all kinds of lies just to try & get them to hate me , yet you don't have the guts to tell me that directly without involving any1 else ?
And yet you're the one talking about using others ? Just how lame can you be ?
If you haven't noticed by now , I've been pretty much ignoring you but I don't have you BL'ed , that wouldn't be fun . The only time I reply to you is in a sarcastic manner ( in other words , to troll you ) because everything you say is so stupid that it's too amusing not to troll .
Oh and this wasn't a troll , I was actually serious & said something which I should've said some time ago .
It's all about LoL,yo.0 -
TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide wrote: » K/D ratio sucks as well .
But can I help it ? I'm a class that's supposed to rush into large groups of ppl in TW , stun , amp , aoe a bit , then fall back or keep on aoeing & drawing all the fire on me to keep the squishier , ranged DDs safe .
It's really hard to tell how one plays from looking at pvp kills or K/D ratio . I won't say it doesn't help on giving you an idea but calling some1 fail for that is a bit too much .
Just my 2 cents .
this. k/d means nothing. neither does kill count. just do your job during TW and you wont fail.0 -
TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide wrote: »We can even all squad & talk about it in-game if needed .
If only he spoke understandable English, that would be an option.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Gotta love the cash shop idiots.0 -
Esuna - Raging Tide wrote: »If only he spoke understandable English, that would be an option.
Who`ish tolking understrabale englaish?!?![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Each time the sun goes down,
I remember that somewhere near,
It's spreding its first morning sunshines.
b:shy0 -
TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide wrote: » K/D ratio sucks as well .
But can I help it ? I'm a class that's supposed to rush into large groups of ppl in TW , stun , amp , aoe a bit , then fall back or keep on aoeing & drawing all the fire on me to keep the squishier , ranged DDs safe .
It's really hard to tell how one plays from looking at pvp kills or K/D ratio . I won't say it doesn't help on giving you an idea but calling some1 fail for that is a bit too much .
Just my 2 cents .
I wish we had BMs that did what you just mentioned.0 -
NightRage - Raging Tide wrote: »I wish we had BMs that did what you just mentioned.
said an archer with claws,lionbelt and lionneck (maybe good for pve, but pvp sucks with it as archer)0 -
Asheera - Raging Tide wrote: »Hmm I don't see the contradiction. I said that you have competition with a player that started playing long after you. Which is shameful for you, or should be anyway.
I'm using 4th map because I don't have the Lionheart, not that I prefer it. Idiot demon sin who talks out of his **** is truly idiot.
Talking about carebear stuff and PvP... you have 1.6k kills, (some of which prolly are PKing lowbies too) but a kill death ratio of 1.0 that means you died 1.6k times LMFAO. That's Pro.
Oh but I forgot you can DD a bit more on bosses that's so pro dude. In the few times that you don't die, anyway. Clearly everyone will love you cuz of that asset.
You just fail, and after playing the game for so long.
There is no competion lmao, your dd is much lower then mine,your skills in pve also are less usefull, skills in pvp? when you start fighting people with tt99,nirvana,highly refined gears you'll start to realize that skill spamming isn't gonna go farther then a good stun lock.
For someone with all refines over +4 I think you could've afforded it.
The difference between you and me isn't just the different fish build its that ive accomplished multiple things you never will, Its that instead off flying around in tw lf low level dds or clerics to kill, I go in apo,hp food etc and take out 5-10 people with me, rinse and repeat.
Now in pve which also factors into k/d ratio all your sage skills have no value, also unlike you I've had to tank/farm my own TT90/99 since 89.
And Finaly you can always come to OT and prove yourself right. Till then your still twice as useless as nublade,asher,and beinghope combined which is an accomplishment gratz.-quit-
@Pimp: Well I agree because some classes aren't meant to kill, like you or cata barbs. But Legend is a sin I doubt he does much support other than killing other people
@Legend: First of all I apologize for the tone yesterday because I was pissed on a fail delta because wizard dc'ed on 4th wave and didn't come back so we wiped on 8th. I'm more chill now.
1) Yeah no competition cuz raw single target DPS is all that matters in PVE /facepalm
How many times you went to Delta with your uber single target DPS?
How many times people ask you to come TT with your crappy bloodpaint, which unlike mine, doesn't make it possible for Man to duo Illusion Lord without charm?
I bet the only really times you're loved for was Nien Quest or other similar stuff were single target raw DPS is ALL that matters.
About PvP... you do NOT have better DPS than me, or you're telling me you can demon spark in PvP without failing as a melee? If you do this then stop fighting noobs cuz that's pure fail on their part to let you demon spark and kill them.
Well, actually I admit I was half wrong, you have higher DPS because of gear. But I was talking about the main point of drama in here which was sage / demon.
Headhunt and Shadow Teleport are the only skills that are really good in PvP compared to mine but, it's not that a huge difference actually except in 1v1 PK maybe. Because in an organized team PvP like tournament or TW, you usually have to kill your targets fast or you fail.
Also... what about the 9 times or so I killed you in DT while you killed me only twice, when I was 95 or so? You know when you were in Transcend with Fate, I killed you two a lot of times :P No competition hmm?
2) I didn't pay for my +4 gears I only used mirages for that which I got from event
3) If you take down 5-10 people with you how you have such a low k/d ratio?
K/D doesn't work in PvE deaths too like you said, that would totally have different results in my rankings.
For example I had 3.4 k/d ratio before this weekend's and I didn't TW or PvP last week. But I died a lot during 2 weeks in PvE for sure, it should have been at most 3.3
But it was still 3.4 and now 3.5 with some more kills this last TW yesterday.
So you can brag how much you want the truth is you don't kill as many people as you exaggerately claim to do. At least I am always honest and don't make up fake stories to brag about.
And... no I don't go for lower levels you can ask Nuff how many times I killed him in the last TWs 2 weeks ago (which were those long ones) if he still remembers. Or most good clerics from Levi. But I have to agree I don't jump on HA I mean that would be silly, I don't know if you do to brag about your DD but if you jump on HA and fail to kill them (but do more damage than me) I wouldn't call that smart, you know.
Oh and don't act like you did every bit yourself without any "gifts" at all, how about the money you stole from Ben? That could be considered as a free gift.
4) As you saw I do PvP in events like tourney, DT, TW. But I don't like PK because it has no real goal just a waste of resources, and also everyone being able to interfere including Veri Luci pooh makes it all the more less appealing, especially when other people jump on you when you want a 1v1 also.First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
Quit.0 -
Veritas_ - Raging Tide wrote: »said an archer with claws,lionbelt and lionneck (maybe good for pve, but pvp sucks with it as archer)
Lionbelt+Lionneck gives more crit, more pdef, and you can substitute the str into dex. Unless you had the Cube/Warsong neck/belts there's no really better Neck o.o.0 -
Asheera - Raging Tide wrote: »
1) Yeah no competition cuz raw single target DPS is all that matters in PVE /facepalm
I never said it was, but in most instances single dps is by far better
How many times you went to Delta with your uber single target DPS?
I never said it was uber, I just said it was much better then yours.
How many times people ask you to come TT with your crappy bloodpaint, which unlike mine, doesn't make it possible for Man to duo Illusion Lord without charm?
Lolbloodpaint while it the 1% does help since man uses claws, both knife throw and ribstrike help out barbs that don't use claws, it all depends on whose your tank and which situation you are put into.
About PvP... you do NOT have better DPS than me, or you're telling me you can demon spark in PvP without failing as a melee? If you do this then stop fighting noobs cuz that's pure fail on their part to let you demon spark and kill them.
DPS-2.0 w/o spark= 2k/sec on squishies 1k-2k on heavy/la
DPH= Sure, you do have better dph from using skills + CoD but do you really think thats enough to take down people with decent gear?
Also... what about the 9 times or so I killed you in DT while you killed me only twice, when I was 95 or so? You know when you were in Transcend with Fate, I killed you two a lot of times :P No competition hmm?
Lol are you srzly taking me going around w/o a charm hitting people in fish form as srz pvp? and you didn't get all the *9*killstherewasalotofyouqqmedirtthere
2) I didn't pay for my +4 gears I only used mirages for that which I got from event
Cool story on getting +7
But it was still 3.4 and now 3.5 with some more kills this last TW yesterday.
If K/D means that much I bet I can double mine by next week
And... no I don't go for lower levels you can ask Nuff how many times I killed him in the last TWs 2 weeks ago (which were those long ones) if he still remembers. Or most good clerics from Levi. But I have to agree I don't jump on HA I mean that would be silly, I don't know if you do to brag about your DD but if you jump on HA and fail to kill them (but do more damage than me) I wouldn't call that smart, you know.
Im sure it was a 1vs1 situation where nuff had you targeted and noone else was on him gratz.
Oh and don't act like you did every bit yourself without any "gifts" at all, how about the money you stole from Ben? That could be considered as a free gift.
yes totally that 8m helped me alot(/sarcasm) even after I offered to mail back the daggers since i bought another pair when TT came out.
4) As you saw I do PvP in events like tourney, DT, TW. But I don't like PK because it has no real goal just a waste of resources, and also everyone being able to interfere including Veri Luci pooh makes it all the more less appealing, especially when other people jump on you when you want a 1v1 also. Good pvp will almost never be a 1vs1 situation but when it is its amazing fun.
Why do you take every action I do srzly o.o I put on lv5x fists to die to sc's reflect,i use a bow in tw to **** people off, I use fishform in dt to get a lol from the fish tail whip animation but again your welcome to come prove me wrong at OT,DT, I'd say tourney but its always a 5:1 ratio.-quit-
I can settle this right now; any type of fish takes no skill to play.
You can go Sage or Demon, but you're still a lolopfish.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Gotta love the cash shop idiots.0 -
Esuna - Raging Tide wrote: »I can settle this right now; any type of fish takes no skill to play.
You can go Sage or Demon, but you're still a lolopfish.
No I'm having funI wanna see if he's really this stupid or if he's planning a long time troll like NuBlade.
Lolbloodpaint while it the 1% does help since man uses claws, both knife throw and ribstrike help out barbs that don't use claws, it all depends on whose your tank and which situation you are put into.
lol barbs without claws.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
Legend - Raging Tide wrote: »I wanna see if he's really this stupid0
Dude what +7? I don't have any +7.
I use mirages to +4. Anything past that is d.orbs, yes, and I only use 6* on end game gear. The belt being +4 means it's not my best choice I wanted, clear?
And yes you have higher aps because you got better gear. I'm not denying that. We were discussing sage vs demon though. And tell me one reason demon has better DPS in PvP where 95% of time you don't/can't demon spark. You're talking as if sages can't normal attack at all, and I agree with you when you say sins that ONLY use CotD and spam skills are fail.
So again, I don't see what I said "stupid like Nublade" for you. Can you have a civil discussion once? I'm just saying some facts by analyzing, that demons do not have better DPS than sages without demon sparking which isn't used in PvP much.
Also... someone from harshlands said most sins are going sage, that's PvP server for you
And yeah one last thing since you seem to not get is, stop thinking stereotypical. Sages don't use only CotD and spam skills, well not all anyway, don't put me in the same room with other noobs who went sage and don't stack -int at all. Those fail better roll wiz imoFirst 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
Quit.0 -
Asheera - Raging Tide wrote: »Can you have a civil discussion once? No
Okay since this shifted from a lolumad/whyumad/istilldontgetwhyumad type of conversation into fish talk, the only benefit of bringing a sage sin along to a instance would be the 3% bp and 50% amp for 8 seconds. The benefits of bringing a demon would be -75% slow atk rate from bosses, 30% amp for 15 seconds,and a higher dps from demon spark. Now in PvP most defensive sage skills shine but for offensive you've only got the -10% hp debuff and +10atk level for 10secs, while for demon you get the 2 extended stuns, 25% chance to amp target by 25% using seal,longer shadow jump and 40% added dmg to crits. So this brings me back to concluding that demon > Sage in both PvE and PvP. but tbh its all about preference. Now the same rule that applies to sage<demon archer applies here too, sage is only good if you got the money for it.-quit-
Legend - Raging Tide wrote: »Okay since this shifted from a lolumad/whyumad/istilldontgetwhyumad type of conversation into fish talk, the only benefit of bringing a sage sin along to a instance would be the 3% bp and 50% amp for 8 seconds. The benefits of bringing a demon would be -75% slow atk rate from bosses, 30% amp for 15 seconds,and a higher dps from demon spark. Now in PvP most defensive sage skills shine but for offensive you've only got the -10% hp debuff and +10atk level for 10secs, while for demon you get the 2 extended stuns, 25% chance to amp target by 25% using seal,longer shadow jump and 40% added dmg to crits. So this brings me back to concluding that demon > Sage in both PvE and PvP. but tbh its all about preference. Now the same rule that applies to sage<demon archer applies here too, sage is only good if you got the money for it.
i have the money for sage. but i still personally think demon is better.0 -
Rawrgh - Raging Tide wrote: »lol barbs without claws.
Come find Fuzzy, we put that statement to the test Rawrgh. b:cute
As for the rest of this thread.... its interesting to read an all, but Fuzzy still not receive a single cog in me mailbox... b:sad[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide wrote: »Come find Fuzzy, we put that statement to the test Rawrgh. b:cute
As for the rest of this thread.... its interesting to read an all, but Fuzzy still not receive a single cog in me mailbox... b:sad
sowwy fuzzy[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Original Join date: Nov 24, 2008
Originally Posted by Russiee - Raging Tide
As for Shadow Escape. "I am sin, I Shadow Escape on a boss, Boss attacks cleric and squad wipes. Lolol im pro fish".
^ So pro b:victory ^0 -
Legend - Raging Tide wrote: »There is no competion lmao, your dd is much lower then mine,your skills in pve also are less usefull, skills in pvp? when you start fighting people with tt99,nirvana,highly refined gears you'll start to realize that skill spamming isn't gonna go farther then a good stun lock.
For someone with all refines over +4 I think you could've afforded it.
The difference between you and me isn't just the different fish build its that ive accomplished multiple things you never will, Its that instead off flying around in tw lf low level dds or clerics to kill, I go in apo,hp food etc and take out 5-10 people with me, rinse and repeat.
Now in pve which also factors into k/d ratio all your sage skills have no value, also unlike you I've had to tank/farm my own TT90/99 since 89.
And Finaly you can always come to OT and prove yourself right. Till then your still twice as useless as nublade,asher,and beinghope combined which is an accomplishment gratz.0
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