Really big font.

TattooAngel - Archosaur
TattooAngel - Archosaur Posts: 107 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Support Desk
So I updated the usual game patch this morning and I logged in and found out that everything was written in a really big font. I managed to fix the chat settings, but certain things like my HP and MP bar or the Genie bars are in really big font. Even the words in the quest box are in really big font. I'm rahter far sighted, and it's really kind of anoying. I was wondering how I could fix this.
Post edited by TattooAngel - Archosaur on


  • BHTank - Dreamweaver
    BHTank - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    is there any fix for the huge font ? very ugly font.
  • Cleanse - Raging Tide
    Cleanse - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    this is just part of the patch. they changed everything and im afraid you wont be able to get the normal font back until pwi realizes no one likes the new font.
  • GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver
    GrimReaperHC - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,695 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Go to the Settings, in the Game or HUD tab there is a "font size" menu. Just browse the settings and you will see it.
  • TattooAngel - Archosaur
    TattooAngel - Archosaur Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The font in the Settings only changes the font in the chat. The new font is really bugging me though. It makes me feel like I have super vision. I hope they change it soon.
  • somi1010
    somi1010 Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The font in the Settings only changes the font in the chat. The new font is really bugging me though. It makes me feel like I have super vision. I hope they change it soon.

    I agree... how would anyone think the new font is actually better? it's too big for the graphis and looks really intrusive. As well, in my chat window, there's a little box infront of every post that says "world" or "system" or "faction".... like we really didn't know this before???? This is a Bad, Bad update. Ridiculous and completely unnecessary.