[Discussion about the new UI]



  • MsEvilness - Heavens Tear
    MsEvilness - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    New UI is horrible... the tags next to each chat are pointless; people know that aqua is guildchat, yellow is worldchat etc

    It just takes up space and ends up with useless tags cluttering up the screen
    Originally posted by LShattered - HeavensTear
    Ohhh...I am dumb b:shutup
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Lol with 10 pages & counting of playing commentng that link is good while the new font sucks, let's see if anything will be changed.
  • LordZenith - Harshlands
    LordZenith - Harshlands Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think the new font is too wide. and my favourite smiley (^^) becomes so horribly small.. lol.
    The previous font was good I thought..

    I like the Item link, also just a note: it doesnt link items in bank or account stash.. if you do it, it goes back to bag and gets the "link" from there.. Don't know if its intentional.. Nothing big I guess..

    EDIT: Also.. can you put the delete function back? Like if you're typing lots of stuff and want to delete all in one go in a chat, "esc button" used to work wonder for me. Now it won't do anything..
  • Arog - Dreamweaver
    Arog - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The new font is simply horrible. I normally don't complain about stuff but seriously that is the worst change you ever made.

    It is an absolute pain to read the stuff and the new icons saying what kind of chat is used by a player make the stuff difficult to read and are totally unneccessary unless 50% of the community would admit they are actually colour blind.

    I logged out just a few minutes after seeing the new font and I am not sure yet if I want to keep playing the game. This might sound exaggerated but for me this kills the game.

    I used to like this game a lot but well, thanks for destroying it for me.

    I hope someone will bring you to your senses.

    On a sidenote: On Dreamweaver people plan to erase PWI from their Facebook friends to show their point cleary. If you hate the new font just as much as those people you might want to consider doing it too.
  • ElfyPrincess - Heavens Tear
    ElfyPrincess - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Dear GM's what is wrong with you? If people are asking the old font back then they WANT it back. They dont want to fit this new one into button frames, they dont want to lower ir... they just want the normal, crisp and nicely looking font back. Actually for me the game is unplayable and im not feeling comfortable anymore. I never liked those wide stretched, rounded and bold'ed letters and I was happy that PWI didnt had them. At the moment it looks terrible, like a game for 7 years old children, only bunnies and teddies are missing. Previously it was nice to control my HP and MP amount. Now i just cant the hell see how much i have because of this huge font. So, please put the old font back and it will make the thing.
    I guess because of the very good support from us (players and payers) the situation is a bit for the benefit of game creators. We all the time only cry about uninstalling and not playing this game, but we play and pay anyway. What if we just say stop it...?
  • Damewort - Sanctuary
    Damewort - Sanctuary Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Lol with 10 pages & counting of playing commentng that link is good while the new font sucks, let's see if anything will be changed.

    Nah... nothing will change like always... people will just rant away how horrible is the new font and size of it, some will quit cause of it. Rest will stay, get used to it and move on... like always... What doesn't kill you, make you stronger...

    But seriously... that new font is hideous, I know some person who is stopping to play till it gets fixed not cause of "dislike", but cause of health... seems it hurts some people eyes, who already got problems with vision.
    But I doubt that they will fix it. For me it seems they took part of JD code and made it usable for PWI. I think the linking thing is coming from there and the huge text came along. At least an option to change the size would be nice...
  • Renerei - Dreamweaver
    Renerei - Dreamweaver Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    change chat back to the way it was D: hate this new chat system >.< the old one was perfect.. the new fonts just ugly.. the chat tags just mess up the chat window, like I look at the chat window to see chat not see huge tags taking up half of it.. the old colour coding worked fine..

    Like all the devs do is mess with stuff that's working fine and never give a damn abt fixing glitches and stuff that really need fixing..
  • morgoth77
    morgoth77 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    My first ever QQ on the forums...

    I can't play this game anymore. And it sucks, because I really want to! b:cry

    I've just spent the last few hours trying to change resolution, display settings, font sizes, and various combinations of everything i could think of, and at the end of this I have a splitting headache and my eyes are burning. And I have not found any setting that makes chat comfortable to read. I can deal with everything else, but chat is unusable now.

    The icons that tell you which chat you're in don't need to be there, and they take up too much space. If it's light blue, I know it's faction chat. Or is it guild chat? Or guildtion chat? Whatever it is.

    Everything looks fuzzy now, no matter what resolution I view it in. I've even been so far as to change the refresh rate of my monitor, and it's making no difference. The font is just wrong too.

    Kudos on the item linking though, that feature is awesome.

    But can the other chat features be put back to how they were? I really love this game and want to continue to enjoy it, but my eyes just cannot deal with the changes to the chat. It's honestly painful.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I don't want to say this, but i think these was the worst case caused by simple thing = Interface b:surrender
    This was even worse than any packs or boutique sale
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • fifimus
    fifimus Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    To be honest, the new UI looks terrible imo, im acctually wondering abt quiting pwi just becz of it, but the new item thingy was awesome b:victory
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    linking is somewhat tedious pressing ctrl+shift+click at the same time.

    Has anybody else seriously not seen the differences to TW?b:puzzled

    im not bothered botu the TW changes AT ALL it in fact made me laugh my fudgeing **** off.
    however pwi will be losing peopel because of those changes and now because of the pooey chat box they will also lose people who only play teh game to have a good time and chat to friends as wel. was the aim to half the amount of players frankie? was that the aim?

    (i had to edit because Fudgeing and pooey were nto originaly used xd)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • ShadesGlory - Heavens Tear
    ShadesGlory - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well whoever decided to increase the font size and add the useless Faction, System ect Boxes on the chat needs to be fired immediately, the linking system is pretty cool for the time being but do we really need all these changes?

    (Starts to wonder how many will actually leave PWI because of the lame **** changes)
  • ToxxicSushi - Lost City
    ToxxicSushi - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Im going with what everybody else is, short and simple... chat tags and font = total fail we dont need to know that yellow text is World Chat and orange is Trade Chat, most newcomers even pick up on that fast, I know I did when i first started... though on a side note! the Item Linking is cool for somebody selling something throuugh chat without having to type out the stats, sockets, and refine etc on items, so thats the only good thing that I have seen come out of this patch so far (havnt got to see how everything else is yet... kinda afraid to) :\
  • SuperHebbe - Dreamweaver
    SuperHebbe - Dreamweaver Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I don't think the new chat window is so bad when you get used to it..

    Just make an option to make it wider and fix so words arn't splitted apart when there is a line shift...
    Like this exam

    Would also be nice if you fix so chat history isn't cleared when you change from squad to faction chat etc while you are fighting b:thanks
  • ElfyPrincess - Heavens Tear
    ElfyPrincess - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I don't think the new chat window is so bad when you get used to it..

    Just make an option to make it wider and fix so words arn't splitted apart when there is a line shift...

    Thank you SuperHebbe b:cry Now because of your comment, no one will listen to another 500 ones who want the old font back
  • Tayalka - Heavens Tear
    Tayalka - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hm...i.m.p the font is too big, too fat and the "Guild/Faction/..." "button" from where it comes is rly....ehm...ya...annoying. Make it smaller, ot that fat and pleeeeeeeaaaseeee remove this annoying buttons saying who said what T_T...old style was nice
    ~Roses are red,
    violetts are blue,
    God made me beautiful,
    but what happend to you?~
  • SuperHebbe - Dreamweaver
    SuperHebbe - Dreamweaver Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Thank you SuperHebbe b:cry Now because of your comment, no one will listen to another 500 ones who want the old font back

    Anytime lol.. Font doesn't look bad on my screen, just need to adjust size them and align it better in some windows :p

    If they make an option to have a wider chat, then most of the chat will stay on 1 line like before ^^
  • Ember_s - Heavens Tear
    Ember_s - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Items-linking: It's nice to have!

    Font-style: AWFUL, I can't stand the farspaced types.
    Font-size: In chat I can decide about the size, everywhere else I sadly can't. Please make the size free to choose ... but fix the gauges of mobs/bosses, players, genies. Thats awfully too big! Please fix the size in the questlist, please fix the fontsize everywhere to something smaller.

    Private, World,...-Icons: do we REALLY need to have that? I am quite happy with the colour and find the icons merely irritating.
    Although I don't use hyperstones myself for all it concerns I think the hyperstonebutton at the personal gauge is nice to have.

    All in all: font-style and size is bad, else: its alright.
  • Marpino - Heavens Tear
    Marpino - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    To be honest, the new UI sucks.
    The font seize is too huge, especially the HP/MP and Genie bar.
    And i rly don`t like the new chat window, think it`s messed up now and it
  • Zairi - Dreamweaver
    Zairi - Dreamweaver Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Since i play with a resolution of ~ 1620 x 1024 it was way to small before! So yes i like the Interface update as a whole. Ok it has bugs but i finally am able to see my HP without a magnifing glass. Also i can now read the quests way easyer (yes i read the quests and yes some i realy like). Also i can see, without glueing my nose to the screen, that the Boss has 400k HP not 4million.

    The font looks a little booring tho. :(
    Also at the AH the font could be bolder for the listed items too. :3
    Now if youd manage to fix that the font busts the windows or just writes itself over like in the Genie window im happy. :P

    It would be the nice if you could change the interface size along with the font size. So maybe if you could choose between small font and smaller windows (like it was before) or bigger font +bigger windows (like now but with a little bigger windows)at the system menu that would be hot and help those with smaller screens too. I dont know the basic resolution of the window images so that might be harder then it sounds. ;_;

    I also think its very good that now it reads "WORLD" etc in front of the chat message. Yes we veteran players got it and dont need it but i remember exactly how i felt like when i played for the first time 2 years ago: "What the hell does yellow mean? What does green mean?" PWI already is not very new player friendly and that was one thing which added up.

    Im also aware that it isnt that easy since you can say much more with chinease letters in the same space then with western letters. So localization of that is hard work for the interface guy and btw the main reason many asian games are never released for western markets.

    Please excuse my bad english i realy tried hard. b:surrender
  • Lessein - Sanctuary
    Lessein - Sanctuary Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Yes theres lots of ****
    But theres so many threads about all the **** that I do not intend to make yet another one (though yes I agree with most of them!)
    So heres a thread with a list of good things XD

    AH Pages now fit on one page! (without having to scroll)
    Earthflames Range is 25m
    The Item link needs a bit of work I think, but as a whole - very good change
    The player info window has been made a bit bigger but now actually looks very nice.
    You can now change the font size in the chat window, and while i dont like the "Guild", "Squad" etc pictures, I do like how the chat window text is now broken up a bit.

    Only thing I'd say is that, there are lots of pre-existing glitches and bugs.
    And that adding new content while there are still things wrong with the previous version is silly and will only result in bugs piling up.

    My advice for the Devs is just this:
    PLEASE fix previous bugs before you add more further content, otherwise these small glitches will just continue to build up.
    Also test things before you release them! Allot of these issues would of been averted if you'd just tried the patch yourselves before you released it!
  • Miisa - Raging Tide
    Miisa - Raging Tide Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    gross. as far as i can tell there was no reason for any of that. the origin of each chat was perfectly understandable before with the color coding, why is it necessary to tell us (guild), (world), (squad), etc? and having a single color for the names of all chatters regardless of the chat origin is just an eyesore.

    i tried jade dynasty on a whim a few months ago, and quit after about a week because the UI was so terrible. the chat box was totally illegible, for instance, and now pw looks a lot more like that.

    and while i don't TW myself, the changes to that seem really poorly thought out. mirages as the only consistent reward? secret bids? no refunds? you don't want people to do TW at all, do you?

    you "fixed" stuff that wasn't broken, and it turned out a LOT worse than it was. why not spend a few minutes taking care of things related to actual gameplay, like the bugged cleric m.def skill? i'm sure there's plenty of stuff like that to take care of.
  • Paramedic - Dreamweaver
    Paramedic - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    font is ugly, looks old

    also: text merges or is bigger than buttons

    hire new typograph guy
    BUILD EFFICIENCY CALCULATOR: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1129681

    AGGRO MECHANICS: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=481682

    GAME IS DEAD wiki-article: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=938282
  • Whiner - Sanctuary
    Whiner - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    We have all gotten used to the other font and sizes so this new update takes away what we are used of, and therefore many think it's bad. Not to mention since the font sizes on different things are too big, everyone automatically goes "No I hate it!".

    I personally like the font size in the chat box if you decrease the font size to minimum. And you should remove the annoying buttons before the name too.

    Edit: Everything is actually horrible besides the chat box. The NPC texts are horrible, and the territory name that appears when you enter a new territory was sooo much better on the older version. Bring it back please!
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    hmm few things
    1st already been said (chat font is horrid)
    2nd not been said far as i have read (why have the graphic's been altered to such an extent that it almost looks like black hole devourer is from a 1990's era game and everything else as well)
    3rd the fallen roc now has a lot less realistic of a look to it then pre-patch it had moved w/o the "zombie" jerking effect so to speak and was a lot more smooth
    4th the genie currently shows no bar for stamina at all while the energy bar does
    5th the armor for TT90(green) looks like its made of grey cardboard now
    did i forget anything not sure though i was only ingame prehaps 10 min tops till i logged off so um franky jus wondering if you noticed this as well?b:surrender
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • Hopsu - Heavens Tear
    Hopsu - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm on vacation so unable to log in pwi myself... but my friend sent me a screenshot from the new chat.
    I'm saying this:


    Are you trying to make PWI as Ether Saga with all "cute" chat and chibi characters? Or like Maple Story? T____T


    Or make it possible to take tags away of yourself if you don't like it. b:beg

    Sage cleric 103 / 101 / 101

    - Heaven's Tear -
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    How do you change the font size?

    What I like now if you sell a bunch of stuff in a kitty you no longer hve to click on every single pop up button to make it go away, but only the last sales.
  • Lessein - Sanctuary
    Lessein - Sanctuary Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    to change the font size in the chat window go to
    system settings > game
    and its just below the box containing the chat region info.
    Can un-bold it as well ^^
  • Silest - Sanctuary
    Silest - Sanctuary Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The bold on the font is unneeded, but the size is fine.
  • Paytah - Lost City
    Paytah - Lost City Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    inb4thefail..... woops to late

    edit: meh im just turning off all chat now im a loner anyway
This discussion has been closed.