Post your wizard time line here

Omgnooblol - Dreamweaver
Omgnooblol - Dreamweaver Posts: 107 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Wizard
Well I saw this on clerics forum so I think it would be fun to have one here too...
Sooo heres mine...
lvl 1-10 Oh my god! i can shoot fire balls... ughh why is it so hard to get into town...
10-20. I like 2 shotting mobs. Whats this call to duty for?
20-30 Ughh why is arch so confusingggg and why are the walls so highh... Morning dew is a life saverrrr... Ohh thats what call to duty isss.
30-40 Yayy I can flyyyyy. I need more moneysssss... Wtf is demon? FB 39 is funn.
40-50 I love BHes and CS i Level every day...
50-55 I love my stash sword Thanks Jet <3... emberstorm is stupiddd... I still need more moneyyy...
and thats all i got for now :)... but I wanna see your time lines so get posting b:victory
b:flower <--- Techno Rave flower
Post edited by Omgnooblol - Dreamweaver on


  • PenutButer - Dreamweaver
    PenutButer - Dreamweaver Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    1-92: i'm nub
  • _Inferno - Sanctuary
    _Inferno - Sanctuary Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    _Inferno 101 Arcane Sage Crit Wizard b:cool
    magnumcroft 8x Fist/Axe Blademaster b:laugh
    ^Sanctuary's TW vids yo!
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    100+: I hate pve.. because nobody wants me in a party. I hate world pvp because my gear sucks b/c I can never get parties, and even if I were to throw a few grand in game.. a sin with a char worth 1/1000th of my char will still **** me. The only thing I'm even remotely good at is TW.
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • DaHealanator - Raging Tide
    DaHealanator - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    for my wiz (dnt feel like posting on him):

    1-10: haha I can own these mobs 10x faster than bms. I kill mobs that bms are attacking just to **** them off b:laugh

    10-20: hailstorm looks awesome >.< and glacial shell is really useful! that 3mp a sec is a life saver...i think. Wtf is this fb, and why does everyone wanna be my friend when I mention it?

    20-30: holy ******* **** archosuar is big. and it makes me lag to the point that I dc, and when i relog, it takes 20min for screen to load >.< man i can hit hard, but everything kills me in 2-3 hits. Stone barrier doesnt do ****, when i use it I die in 2-3 hits still. I think I'll stop leveling it. Wow pitfall is super useful :3. Distance shrink makes me wet.

    30-40: I <3 crazy stone. only reason I get on. OMG I CAN FLY. **** teleporting to quests, I think I'll fly to the quests instead so I can play the starfox theme song in my head the whole time and pretend I'm in the airforce. Pyrogram= heat seaking missile

    40-50: Maxed my first skill yay! Hey, stone barrier is kinda useful, why the **** did I level glacial shell so much? Why the hell do wizards have a skill like emberstorm? I spend 90% of my time on this game kiting to preserve hp, why the hell would I jus throw it at someone? OMG I LOVE BH. Now I dont have to do quests anymore, just log on for cs and bh, then log off.

    50-60: MUST...GET...ULTIMATES!!! final stretch boys! daddy's guna be dropping nukes once he's lvl 59. Hey, I think I'll go into a LA build for better phys defence, since I'm tired of dying. Plus I heard you do practically same damage. I think I should become sage/demon for blah blah blah reason, and I would know because I'm level 5X.

    60-70: God restating without a scroll is hard as hell. I <3 my ultimates. Whats that Mr.(insert class here)? you just crit'd a 10k? Oh thats cool, my gush jus hit 8k, and my ult jus hit 18k. Did I crit that? nope. I'm still dying in 2-3 hits. But everthings dying in 1-2 hits.

    70-80: Why the hell did I restat?!?! LA wiz are stupid as heck!! I'm hitting at least 6k less than pure mag builds ffs!! OMG UNDINE MAKES ME UBER WET. Sopophoric whisper is aight. Not 4m aight (how much it cost me), but its aight. I think I should be sage/demon because blah blah blah, and I would know because I'm level 7X.

    80-90: restated to pure wiz. got some decent armour. who the hell ever thought LA was good idea? Archers think it sucks anyways... God I really am a nuke now. Time to join a TW faction! Holy **** did I jus 1 hit 10 lvl 9X with Blade Tempest? **** thats awesome... SHOULD I BE SAGE OR DEMON I DON'T KNOW ANYMOREb:cry

    90-91: I'M A GOD IN PVP...until the release of sins. So much for sharded/refined gear, lvl 8X sins just stun and **** me in 3sec. You know what, I'm tired of this boring tw server (sanc), I think I'll start an account on Raging Tide.

    Hi, I'm DaHealanator :3
    and this server isnt so boring in TW.
    and, one day, despite the assassins, despite me being a cleric
    I'll own in PvP

    I hopeb :surrender
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    1-60 boring pve.
    60-80 join RageQuit, oneshot people with Sandstorm crits.
    80-90 spend 7 hours a day grinding fish on exp scroll while defending KoS guilds crashing us.
    90+ join conqueror
    101+ get nirvana weapon and hit people for 50k
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Alimion - Sanctuary
    Alimion - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Signed myself and son on January 09 cus my wife was writing a thesis on technology/gaming and its effects on society and wanted to observe me and our son gaming for a year.

    Lvls 1-19 Fun game, hard to find good advice, didnt go the forums, totally winged it. only died a few times but saw the damage potential of the wiz. Wow this "help people with FB"event made it easy to get FB done.

    Lvl 20-24 I was an archan00b, joined my current faction, changed my look, met an LA wiz who spent hours explaining the game to me, introduced me to ayano-chan and I learned the difference between LA and PURE.

    Lvl 25-29 Oh yeah much better, take a hit, leave a hit why in the world did i level pyro and glacial shield, and wow hailstorm and pitfall are deceptively non-sucky. Divine Pyro FTW, peeps actually helped fb29 why oh why did i even take crown of flames. Distince shrink and Dragons breath is cool.

    Lvl 30-39 dont remember too much of those, old school days, no packs, no BH, just quest and grind, BH39 is definately fun looking forward to WotP and SS, been told that these spells indicate the turning point, slow, for the wizard.

    Lvl 40-49 WOW SS and WotP rock, this LA thing is awesome, never cash shopped, actually never new it even existed until someone pointed it out DERP! Work hard to get ot 49 for the next spells that everyone say are awesome. Continue to get great advice in wizarding from 3 awesome "mentors" and its paying off in dividends

    Lvl 50-59 DAM! Snare/FoW make life a ton easier, I cant belive i leveled crown and hail and the other shields as far as i could super stupid but what a snooze fest, quest quest quest for your ultimates. So far no mocking of the LA since no anni packs or warsoul or puzzle cube stuff is out and Ayano-CHan is tearing it up.

    Lvl 60-69 HOLY CARP! the ulties rock, i switch to a larger faction for help and high level advice and actually learn the wizzy combo that pretty much garantees little or no chance of mob hitting you(yes i was a bit slow and still had to be taught things). Life is good and I cant think of any other class to play.

    NOTE; 45-60 just really sucked for leveling and was frustrating.

    lvl 70-79
    ERR, UMM this would be around the beginning of last summer just as the anni packs were coming out and other end game items were either being contemplated to introduced, i got a lunar ring a gourd and some best luck tokens. And met what i must call my LA GURU, and went back to my old faction. Regardless of my LA joy i Was starting to experience **** for being LA by the haters.

    Lvl 76-82(sub-timeline) was taught how to maximize LA by a pro(2 pros actually) shingard of hades/grieving sorrow/bracers of feng/citrines plus other tidbits of out of the box thinking. Life is good

    80-88 BEST FREAKING TIME OF MY far the 80's were superb between advice and a modest supply of funds there was not too much i could not do, i tenked FB's/bosses for lower faction members, i dueled melee classes with little or no fear, lost but held my own against pures spell chuckers(enough so they had to pay attention when beating me lol) my ultras hit for 2500 less then my pure counterpart. Unfortunately the new endgame stuff was slowly making my build irrelevant, but i was ok with that. Discovered PWICALC...Tideborn came out.

    89-94 Demon stuff was good, i went tt90 LA until i saw how ugly it looked, started seeing a larger gap appear in damage and figured that once i hit 95 and can use my lunar ring i would restat, had fun tanking bh 79 and 69(except pole) in the time being. Started really losing any good opinion of most of the players on the server as the derision of my choice to stay LA after 90 poured in, apparently they had me mixed up with someone who didnt have a life/felt life imitated game/whos parents never beat their **** for doing something wrong and thought i cared about their infantile analysis of my gameplay.
    It was at this time i started restricting my sons gameplay so he would not devolve into something similar to the people on the server.

    Wife Writes thesis, luckily all the names are pseudonyms so we didn't have to ask you permission to use a shining example of the average gamer and why society is doomed(she got a B+ because professor didnt know what PWI was only WoW and could not relate to it)

    95+ Restatted, love the damage see how new items constantly blur the lines between the classes tried playing a BARB to 21. now totally bored and trying to find a silver bullets for SINS.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    LvL1-19 - damn, this was fast.
    lvl 19 - I WANT MY DAMN FB DONE ...(server just opened, highest lvl was 3x)
    19-29 - the cultivation quests are driving me mad.
    30-39 - easy mode. FB 39 i get Wheel of Fate mold drop. About 4-5 on the whole server at that time. 30 ich epeen. First TW on lvl 3 land against NPC. The mobs were 1 shotting entire minute long.
    49-49 - charged gold, refine WoF... easy mode on.
    50-59 - helping nubs doing FB19 (I'm not nub anymore, lol) and questing the rest of the time.
    60-69 - finally got rid of the WoF. 2 shotting the fishes with Arbor. Me Strong. Still TW against NPC - Time down to 20 minutes.
    70-79 - Swamp is my friend. PVP TW. YAAAAY!. 13 milion down the drain for 79 skills. Gold was 120k...
    80-89 - RB Gamma is cool. Need moar HP. Cube is fun.Time to do some merchanting, Jolly was out
    ANNI PACKS (OMG)....
    90-95 - contemplating 95 gear on the "have"s ...I'm on the "have not" side. Merchanting again - and with help of some nubs trade, i got my gear ready for 95.
    95 - OMG, I can go against chezedude 1-1 in TW. I love my pdef.
    97 - chezedude got his lunar bow to +10. That s#i* hurts. Need moar HP.
    99 - OMG ultis... No time for TW anymore. /sadface. sigh... well, let's hit 100. At least I'll have a 3 number lvl.
    6 months into 100 - uhm...time to have fun with a 5aps BM. Sold all my unbound gear. BM build is comming out better than expected.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • worldsanctuary
    worldsanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    I always play wizzies. Wizzies are the best. Maybe I should look at the other toons. Veno? I ain't playing no chick. Animal taming? Pets? Thats SOO carebear. Barb? I don't even look like a person, more like a stuffed animal. Archer? Eh, probably cool, but I have to be an elf? BM? Nah, I want a class that has alot of different skills to use and cool effects, not just swing a sword. Cleric? I want to kill stuff, not heal people all day. Noone will want to squad with me if I can't kill ****.

    So definitely wiz. Ok, made my toon. Old gandolf looking mother ****er. Lets get into game.

    Where to I go first? These lowbie quests suck? I GET A MAGIC ROBE ALREADY!!! WOOT!!! Where the hell is Etherblade?

    My god this game has alot of walking. I spend 5 minutes doing stuff and 30 mintues walking here and there.

    Leap quest? How the hell am I supposed to get up there? YEA!!! I MADE IT!!!! What the **** do you mean time ran out? 3 hours later . . . .

    God, everyone in this game made their toons look like pubic hair-free teenie boppers. I look kinda stupid.


    I hate this game. If you don't run from mobs you die. This sucks. I can only kill one at a time. This sucks,

    More walking. When can I fly? At level 20 I can get a flying sword, for how much? No way am I putting $25 into a free game.

    All my friends are level 60 already. I want to go back to Dungeon Runners. I was a GOD there.


    Swipe $25 gold, buy Zuriels Blade.

    God, this doesn't fly much faster than I walk, that sucks. That barb is going faster than me? I should have rolled a barb.

    How many times to I have to click on this call to duty thing to get the quest? I must not be doing something right.

    Questing sucks, but at least its faster when I'm flying.


    All my gear is level 15, this sucks. Enough heavy armor drops, how about some rings?

    Great, another call to duty, I better ask my friends for help. I can't believe they are level 80 already.

    Im the only old **** on the server. I need to remake my character. Can you do that?

    I'm dying so much. I get 10 hp for each point of vit? I am putting all my points to vit till I can actually survive questing.


    I can sell gold for coin and buy these oracle things? Maybe I can catch up with my friends and do stuff with them, they are so op.

    I hate this fn spider. I keep taking damage after its dead. Thats not really fair.

    WOOT!! I can do the Oracle II's now!!!

    ****, it killed me. ****, another one spawned right on top of me while I was killing this one, thats so lame.

    Go back to spiders.

    This dragon breath is cool. Hail storm, the AoE is so narrow, but it says it gets wider at higher levels. I need to level that as much as I can.

    Why can't I learn Essential Sutra? I have to learn what skill up to level 5 first? Where the hell does it say that?

    These pirates are alot easier now. I can tank 2 at once and double up on the oracles, woot!. Wait! How did I die? What the hell is Chilopod . . . .


    I love BH's. Why can't I figure out these maps. What is all this gear everyone has? TT? What the hell is that? So I have to do this dungeon with magic resist mobs over and over again, get last pick, collect the mats, level my crafting skills? I'll just sell gold and get it from Auction House.

    Where the hell did my Zuriels Blade go. Damn, I left computer on and my 3 year old dropped it somewhere near nameless isle and was swimming around getting my charmed ***** by those lantern things ("daddy, those lamps kept chasing me so I kept swimming . . . .")

    Sell more gold and buy Nakirs Judgment in AH, much cheaper.

    70 points in vitality and im still dying too much. Everyone says pure is best, but I hear some mages play as light armor . . . . .

    Buy reset scroll, restat to light armor.

    Gotta use this makeover scroll. That guy with the tatoo head looks kinda arcane . . . .

    OMG!!! 4 out of 10 attacks is a critical hit. And I can tank my quests!!!! Why don't more people know about this light armor thing . . . . .

    Met a cool Wiz (HerneHunter), seems to know alot, but have no idea why he is still wearing that level 45 cape (wings of cloudcharger). There isn't even any channeling on it . . . .


    Join TW faction. God I die alot, but boy is this fun.

    Why do people use this TT stuff? The legendary gear is just as good, and way cheaper.

    I can do FCC now, but everyone says they want "experienced" players. And what the hell is gamma?

    Why is everyone shocked when they see I wear light armor? Everyone says I will regret light armor once I get to level 90, that I should restat AGAIN back to pure magic. F them.

    Someone in BH today said my toon looked like a long lost member of the Village People. A veno the other day pm'd me and said "yum", but now I think it might have been some **** guy.

    There's this hot chick I like, I'll tell her to pick my next look. Maybe she'll gimme some lovin.

    Remake toon to what she wanted. I screwed up the facial hair though, so I kinda look like a teenage asian hitler. She says she likes it though. WOOT!!!

    Ding 89. Everyone goes sage. Demon seems kinda cool. I can't make up my mind. I'll just skip it for now.


    They are opening a new server (Archo)? Where did everyone from my faction go? Your kidding? Ok, find, I'll reroll a wiz there, but I'm not putting any money into a second wizard when I already have another one here level 90 . . . .


    Hyper turtles.


    Oracle. Buy 700 packs. Wings of Cloudcharger is so OP.


    Hyper clevehands, public quest, BH, CS, FCC, whole server acting like "whats Gamma".


    FCC, TW (sage wizzies owns)

    I am NOT putting more rl$ into this game.

    Wait, dragon orbs are going on sale again? ****!!!
  • Jonnykins - Dreamweaver
    Jonnykins - Dreamweaver Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Is tihs more like a level line, rather a time line
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    no s#i^ Einstein.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Omgnooblol - Dreamweaver
    Omgnooblol - Dreamweaver Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Is tihs more like a level line, rather a time line

    It kinda is b:surrender but timeline was what sounded best yesterday
    b:flower <--- Techno Rave flower
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    b:laughb:chuckle nubcake, was fun to read, BLOODMYSTIC ^^

    wizard 1 first char, a friend told me this game is kinda cool
    never made it past lvl20, had a feeling i messed it up
    (friends advice for stats: put 1 point in everything and whats left in magic)
    trying other classes, cleric up to tw with lvl 5Xish xd
    new servers opening? wee time to roll a wizard! **** healing

    boom lvling is fast, lvl 19 in no time, omg a squad of 4 lvl 20-30ish venos and a cleric doing my fb
    they did nothing but fb19 all day lols

    20-29 ahrgh i need coin, *joined a small faction*, rolling a veno for coin.. veno lvled to 30 5 times as fast as wizard OMG! ..bored, back to wizzie
    cultivation quests take so loong omg D:

    30-39 OMG I CAN FLY YAY *makes 30000 screenshots flying*
    OMG Dragons Breath<333 *makes 30000 screenshots db*
    ohi sword tamer, i died like 10 times to him, always stop flying on the wrong spot D:

    switching to other small guilds, advancing in guild ranks
    hmm some few ppl are lvl 60 already, wow D:, why did i lvl 2 chars
    my fb39 was 2 hours, horrible fail squad

    40-49 maa things getting harder, there is a cash shop? lol why would someone pay for a free game lol!
    buying gold-hp charms from other players
    almost perma charmed from now on - PIE MODE! (still dies)

    50-59 awwww i want Blade Tempest so badly
    those taurox thingies hit hard, this quest will take years D: so much kiting

    omg Lol metal element mobs *grind grind grind* sell element essence for 10k each in lowbie area *grind grind grind*

    first players happen to be lvl80..

    fb59 -got wine... wines? i need TWO wines?? OMG facepalm
    a wizard called Seraphim tanking my fb
    didnt see many high lvl wizards yet

    *1shots Kunkun with BT* REVENGE! *3000 screenshots with BT*

    60-69 WIZARD YAY :D
    time of jolly and joy
    got a +4 arbor for free
    running tt for fun with faction

    grinding is fun *Fire magic pwns*
    i run so many fbs omg.., rank 4 i come
    zomg aoe grinding one-man-armies with a cleric friend

    Lol zhen squads are the way to go, getting coin for charms and esos, zhenning, return

    70-79 well... ok rebirth beta failed hard on lvl70 uhm ..lets lvl and forget that fast..

    charging some gold for fashion D:

    those Jolly pots are nice...
    ScrewBall outlvled me in 1 day, oracles D:

    80-88 oh well hours of farming brimstone for 79 skills....

    bought some guardian angels b:shocked i wont drop! nevaa!
    those people faceroll me D:

    charging some gold for groom pack D:

    Rebirth Gamma on a regular basis... lvling fastened

    frost revamped, i was almost ready to enter it... all items gone
    some runs, no hypers, no esos, no nothing just for fun :)

    Sage is ****, i feel more like a demon b:cute

    89- 3skills for free - wow i took aggro in TT D: .... i can tank tt? lol

    after ages in TT there is my full tt90 set, cool everything has 2 sockets -.-
    hell mobs have so high hp O_o
    but i can kite them

    *charges gold for a new groom pack*

    now where is the wizard highlvl awesomeness?
    switch PK mode on *gets pwned and owned*

    ya i regret picking demon
    *launches demon black ice dragon* *its not critting* yes
    i like potato
  • JiEunxD - Archosaur
    JiEunxD - Archosaur Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    1-19: Play when I feel like it, easy stuff.
    20-29: Easy stuff still thanks to my ninetails, Urim's light, and Mirage Sword.
    30-39: Yay I can CS and level up, and I get Rank gear!
    40-49: CS, then BH, then sleep, rinse and repeat. (Yay at level 43 for Wheel of Fate)
    50-59: Get frustrated that you have to bh 39, CS every day, and be lazy to do Nien event. Motivating factor is ultistreamrollbombs.
    60-69: Yay I got my Ancient Arbor, and I can pwn any mob in 3 hits. Also, love the 2 spark/sutra, as well as ultis (Don't use them much because of low MP efficiency in grinding). I actually get full reward packs now from the event!
    70-74: Yay for my TT 70 gear and Saka's Light! Also, swapped out mounts to getting a Blazing Tempest and a Glacial Blade! However, getting a bit tiring considering that event and bh's are the only way for me to level, and can't seem to make time for fb 69 and bh's. Major leveling source is event. However, I can pwn with my sandstorm in TW b:victory.
    List of my territory war videos:
    ht tp://
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Wife Writes thesis, luckily all the names are pseudonyms so we didn't have to ask you permission to use a shining example of the average gamer and why society is doomed(she got a B+ because professor didnt know what PWI was only WoW and could not relate to it)

    What if me real life name really be MagicHamsta?
    Nah me just messing with you.
    And human society be doomed.......only if things do not go as planned.
    Humans really do seem to want to be destroyed sometimes...
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • worldsanctuary
    worldsanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    b:laughb:chuckle nubcake, was fun to read, BLOODMYSTIC ^^

    Er, do i know you? Fluffy? b:chuckle

    Found a back door on my employer's internet filter that lets me post, but not one to let me change the avatar. So work posts have this one. Home posts have the other.

    Nubcake? does that at least taste good with coffee?
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Er, do i know you? Fluffy? b:chuckle

    Found a back door on my employer's internet filter that lets me post, but not one to let me change the avatar. So work posts have this one. Home posts have the other.

    Nubcake? does that at least taste good with coffee?

    Yes it goes nicely with teh coffee.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Aerubin - Lost City
    Aerubin - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    1 - 10: YES IM GOING TO DO THIS LONG! hooray! i joined lost city and started my adventure, as a wizard. i can use fire cards (finely i can cheat on poker, muhaha) and i can make my own fountain, using the horribly sound skill "Gush" and crash a huge meat ball to pwn my enemies, so for a begginer, im impressed from this game.

    10 - 20: i recently discoverd that lost city, is a PVP server! ahhhh! well it might give ME a chance to pk on later lvls. dang, those cultivation quests are so.... short? ive been told they are longer... but agien, i am a low lvl so i dont really count my quests...

    20 - 30: i know i know, "archosaur is hugggggggee!!!!" "i am getting lost in the west district" "laggs my screen" all these dident go on my mind, in fact, i was preparing for my fly mount on lvl 30 :] i dident find anything usful with distance shrink, on lvl 1 or 2 i think its usless but on lvl 10, ive seen wizards that ran with me and just teleported forwerd, i felt weak....

    30 - 40: the words: "ouch!" and "dammit!!!!!!!!!!" were used alot by me in lvl 30 - 40, i was pked like im the only noob in the world, that im being used as a dummy for others wizards, or just other higher lvl classes then me, but at least i got sandstorm and phonix, (which is cool, i must say!) and im getting used to perfecet world, to cs and other quests.

    40 - 50: i started cursing the day that i made my character in lost city, i am getting pked even more! but only one thing i had in mind.... i MUST GET THE ULTIMATES! every day that passed i felt im slower, but maybe its just me.

    58 - 59: the longest day in my life.

    59 - 59: the longest fb in my life.

    59 - 60: finely!!!!!!!! i can pwn mobs and impress my friends with my new skills! even that i am a bit pissed off about that i need to lvl wellspring quaff for sutra, but got over it, and now, i am a new person!

  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    ahaha meatball? xD

    *gush* wizards - make others wet b:dirty
    i like potato
  • worldsanctuary
    worldsanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Yes it goes nicely with teh coffee.


    /10 char