+ (#) Recovery Formula (Please Help) +5 HP Recovery +3 MP Recovery

_LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
_LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
edited July 2010 in General Discussion
Ok, I find this question difficult to ask it terms for people understand what I am trying to say, but I will try my best.

Many Items have HP and MP recovery on them.
Such as:

Cape of Tauan Chieftain
As an example:
+5 HP
+3 MP

My question is how would you measure the affect of this item.

What dose +5 and +3 = ?

Is it depended on another number?

My question I guess in a round about way is what is the formula?

If this Item has +5 HP recovery is it simply 5HP a second?

THANK YOU for any answers or theory

Ok, my new question +1 recovery = how many stat points?
Post edited by _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City on


  • wraithkiller69
    wraithkiller69 Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    since I never played a veno I dont know much about the class but as a barb. we have Feral Regen(20 HP recovery a sec), so with the cape I would have 25 HP recovery a second. BUT with cleric level 10 buffs I would have 35 HP recovery a second
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ok, so...
    If this Item has +5 HP recovery is it simply 5HP a second?

    Unless you use buff.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ok, so...
    If this Item has +5 HP recovery is it simply 5HP a second?

    Unless you use buff.

    These items add to your natural, buffed or geared recovery. If you have high magic or high vitality, you will recover hp or mp at a faster rate. These items and buffs increase your recovery by that many more points per second. If you are meditating you recover at double that total rate I believe.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    These items add to your natural, buffed or geared recovery. If you have high magic or high vitality, you will recover hp or mp at a faster rate. These items and buffs increase your recovery by that many more points per second. If you are meditating you recover at double that total rate I believe.


    So, say someone had a huge amount of vit.
    With out any items they would gain hp fast.
    +hp recovery items even faster.

    You said add just want to make shure.

    Ok, so are the items like this:

    vit (times) x item = recovery rate?


    Vit (Plus) + itme = recovery rate?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Is there any way of putting it into scale.
    Lets say
    +1hp recovery rate = how may points of vit?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Recovery from gear is added.


    Edit: don't quote me, but I think it may be 20 stat points = +1 recovery (vit, = 1hp, magic, = 1mp). I think.
    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Recovery from gear is added.


    Edit: don't quote me, but I think it may be 20 stat points = +1 recovery (vit, = 1hp, magic, = 1mp). I think.

    I quote you but only on threads =)

    If 20 stat points = +1 recovery that would be freeking SICK!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ok, my new question +1 recovery = how many stat points?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    9x Demon Cleric
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    100% shure?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I know it is a long shot but do any fourm gm's know the answer to this question at all?
    So, I can lay this thread to rest.
    And sleep better knowing my question has been answered, instead of wondering if my idea will work.

    Thanks Again
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    So, say someone had a huge amount of vit.
    With out any items they would gain hp fast.
    +hp recovery items even faster.

    You said add just want to make shure.

    Ok, so are the items like this:

    vit (times) x item = recovery rate?


    Vit (Plus) + itme = recovery rate?

    I said ADD not multiply. :P
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear
    Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I believe it's every 20 vit=+1 hp recovery and every 20 mag=+1 mp recovery along with cleric buffs +1-10 on each, I believe level also plays into both via a different equation.

    the recovery is per second and in all honesty isn't that much though it will make the difference between death on a couple hits and being left with 20 hp.
    Lypiphera 101 Cleric
    Incompetance 100 Blademaster
    MetalPenguin 101 Seeker

  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ok, here is the reason you don't notice hp/mp recovery all that much. When in combat mode (ie, you are hitting a mob/person/whatever, or are aggroed by something), your hp and mp regeneration is reduced to 25% of normal. As an example, my cleric has 360 magic points; 360 point/20 point per recovery = 18 mp/sec regeneration just from magic. Gear gives about 30, for ~total of 50 mana/second regeneration... but don't forget the cleric mana regeneration buff (+10) so I'm getting 60 mana/second when not in combat. Sound nice? Sure it is, when healing, since (unless you are using bb/aoe is hitting you) you aren't in combat. But when in combat mode, that 60 mana/second is cut down to only 15/second. Which, is still better than none, but isn't much compared to the mana skills are using.

    Venos, as it turns out, are put into combat mode simply by healing pet *edit, pet that is hitting something*. So a veno who is killing something or healing pet will always have mana regen cut to 25% of normal.

    Hope this helps, correct me if I've made an error somewhere.

    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I said ADD not multiply. :P

    I know I said this:

    You said add just want to make shure.

    Thanks for the help btw.
    20 vit=+1 hp recovery
    20 mag=+1 mp recovery

    I believe level also plays into both via a different equation.

    Ok, now we are getting some were, same answers all around.
    20 vit=+1 hp recovery
    20 mag=+1 mp recovery
    =) Thank You

    Do you know how the level plays into it?

    Venos, as it turns out, are put into combat mode simply by healing pet. So a veno who is killing something or healing pet will always have mana regen cut to 25% of normal.

    WOW! More deals into this then what I thought!
    Ok, now to get to my core question.
    Thank You for eveyrthing so far helped a lot!

    If I was to get:

    +17 MP Recovery
    +29 HP Recovery

    Would the Recovery rate in combat be better then haveing another stat?

    Recovery > or < other stat

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Adding stat points to simply get recovery is not worth it. If you want recovery, get it in the form of +recovery (hp/mp) on gear. For instance, the cape of tauran chieftain, with +5 hp/s and +3 mp/s has the regeneration equivalent of 160 stat points (100 vitality and 60 magic). So just plan your stat points like normal; an arcane veno would be needing a minimum amount of magic & a tiny bit of strength (no dexterity for arcane build) and some vitality points if you wish. But you get vitality for the increase to your max hp (and small increases to defenses) NOT for the increased hp regen. See what I'm saying?

    Hope this helps,


    P.S Level, as far as I know, has zilch to do with hp/mp recovery.
    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • ACLucius - Archosaur
    ACLucius - Archosaur Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I'll make it really simple for you.

    Every 20 Vit gives you a recovery rate of 1 HP per second (the same for Mag and MP).

    You have a base recovery of 1 per second.

    So, the formula would be [(X/20)+Y+Z+1]=T

    X-Total Vit/Mag points (including any boni from armor)
    Y-Total additional +HP/+MP recovery from gear
    Z-HP/MP recovery items (such as Life Powder) or HP/MP recovery buffs
    T-Total HP/MP recovery

    To better explain Y for you, I'll use my Cleric's armor.

    Headgear: +3 MP recovery
    Chest: +6 MP recovery
    Wrist: +3 MP recovery
    Necklace: +7 MP recovery
    Boots: +3 MP recovery
    Robe: +3 MP recovery

    So, Y would be equal to 3+6+3+7+3+3. I cannot remember my Mag offhand with gears, but I know with level 10 Celestial Guardian's Seal, my MP recovery is a total of 50 MP/second.

    Now, the formula gets more complicated as you take into account meditation and combat mode. So, here is the formula with those involved.


    X-Total Vit/Mag points (including any boni from armor)
    Y-Total additional +HP/+MP recovery from gear
    Z-HP/MP recovery items (such as Life Powder) or HP/MP recovery buffs
    T-Total HP/MP recovery
    S-Combat mode enabled (Always 1 when enabled, 0 when disabled)
    V-Meditation mode enabled (Always 1 when enabled, 0 when disabled)
    r-0 by default, 1 when either S>0 or V>0

    So, it gets complicated just a little bit if you think too much about it. The easiest way to figure out your MP recovery by far though is to just cast a spell which requires at least 5 intervals of recovery to your MP, and count how much it increases each time. For HP, just let a mob around your level hit you once, then count. b:victory
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Adding stat points to simply get recovery is not worth it. If you want recovery, get it in the form of +recovery (hp/mp) on gear.

    See what I'm saying?

    Hope this helps

    P.S Level, as far as I know, has zilch to do with hp/mp recovery.

    Yep, get the armor instead of stats.
    Great I was hope'n you would say this.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • Egaenil - Heavens Tear
    Egaenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    its ok if u sitting down, but i dont think its usefull when u in battle
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"wink wink"
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I'll make it really simple for you.

    Every 20 Vit gives you a recovery rate of 1 HP per second (the same for Mag and MP).

    You have a base recovery of 1 per second.

    So, the formula would be [(X/20)+Y+Z+1]=T

    X-Total Vit/Mag points (including any boni from armor)
    Y-Total additional +HP/+MP recovery from gear
    Z-HP/MP recovery items (such as Life Powder) or HP/MP recovery buffs
    T-Total HP/MP recovery

    To better explain Y for you, I'll use my Cleric's armor.

    Headgear: +3 MP recovery
    Chest: +6 MP recovery
    Wrist: +3 MP recovery
    Necklace: +7 MP recovery
    Boots: +3 MP recovery
    Robe: +3 MP recovery

    So, Y would be equal to 3+6+3+7+3+3. I cannot remember my Mag offhand with gears, but I know with level 10 Celestial Guardian's Seal, my MP recovery is a total of 50 MP/second.

    Now, the formula gets more complicated as you take into account meditation and combat mode. So, here is the formula with those involved.


    X-Total Vit/Mag points (including any boni from armor)
    Y-Total additional +HP/+MP recovery from gear
    Z-HP/MP recovery items (such as Life Powder) or HP/MP recovery buffs
    T-Total HP/MP recovery
    S-Combat mode enabled (Always 1 when enabled, 0 when disabled)
    V-Meditation mode enabled (Always 1 when enabled, 0 when disabled)
    r-0 by default, 1 when either S>0 or V>0

    So, it gets complicated just a little bit if you think too much about it. The easiest way to figure out your MP recovery by far though is to just cast a spell which requires at least 5 intervals of recovery to your MP, and count how much it increases each time. For HP, just let a mob around your level hit you once, then count. b:victory

    Beast if this is correct do you mind if I use what you have typed on another thread one day?

    Thank You for the help also. b:victory
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • ACLucius - Archosaur
    ACLucius - Archosaur Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Beast if this is correct do you mind if I use what you have typed on another thread one day?

    Thank You for the help also. b:victory

    By all means, use it if you find it helpful. b:laugh

    Now that I look at it, its not as simple as I had hoped.
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • Egaenil - Heavens Tear
    Egaenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    it is usfull but wont be a game changer thats all i can say XD
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"wink wink"
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    It's beast lol

    I would have never thought this question would be so hardcore.
    A lot to take into account.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • ACLucius - Archosaur
    ACLucius - Archosaur Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    it is usfull but wont be a game changer thats all i can say XD

    Well neither was your thread saying the GM's are lazy, but you still made it. b:laugh
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    It changed my game XD
    Thanks for the info
    + Game is online.

    Humm can't think of any other questions atm.
    Well answered everyone.b:pleased
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Got a Formula for -Channeling >.< ?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • ACLucius - Archosaur
    ACLucius - Archosaur Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Even easier.


    X-your channeling time on spell
    Y-your total percent of -chan
    Z-total channeling time

    So, if you have -12% channeling on a skill that is 1 second channeling, you will be taking 12% of your channeling time (.12 seconds) and subtracting that from the spell's channeling time. In this example, it would be:

    1 sec.-.12(1 sec.)=.88 sec

    It doesn't seem like much, but if you have a spell that takes 5 seconds to cast, a bit over half a second faster makes a difference.
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Thank You =)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    -interval is the same I am guessing?
    What about 1% Defense and attack?

    I know some say 1% phy defense dose that mean all elemental stats or just plain phy defense lol?
    Anything else you can think of I would be happy to learn thank you so much help so far =)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • ACLucius - Archosaur
    ACLucius - Archosaur Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Honestly, interval gear itself confuses me a bit, and I have not figured out an exact formula for it. Attack and defense levels are approximately 1%/level, but I have seen some debate about this on the defense levels.

    However, when a gear says it adds +1% physical resistance, it means that if you take your current resistance (say its 43%), it would just add on to that (becoming 44%).

    However, that applies only to physical resistance in this case, and not elemental. I do not know the exact formulae for damage and resistance, but I believe they are on the PW Wiki.
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.