Is light armor'd veno's ment to fox form?

Kissina - Raging Tide
Kissina - Raging Tide Posts: 21 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Venomancer
Hey I really need help with this question because I am confussed T~T.

My high level friend veno told me that if I go light armor build I am not ment to be building up my fox form skill/skill's that go with it. I just wanted to double check to see if this is correct? I am hunting this answer because Ive seen loads of venos in fox form in TW and stuff but never been able to see if they were light build. Please help me ^_^~

Post edited by Kissina - Raging Tide on


  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Any veno period that tells you you're not meant to be leveling your fox skills for any arbitrary reason doesn't know what they're talking about. While you certainly will be spending a majority of your time when solo in human form slinging spells (assuming you aren't a heavy armored fox user or simply prefer to stay in fox to DD), the fox tree has several rather useful skills you will find yourself using often when in a squad and, sometimes, even while solo.

    This is especially true for things like TW where you can abuse skills like Amp, Purge, Soul Degen, or even Fox rainbow to help cause utter devastation to opposing groups.
  • Kissina - Raging Tide
    Kissina - Raging Tide Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Bleh, I dont know what to do, shall I start leveling up my fox form skill/skills?b:thanks
  • Mhna - Raging Tide
    Mhna - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I'm LA build (with as less dext. as possible, and as much strength as possible), have leveled up both human and fox skills, and I'm glad I did! Both skill types are useful in specific conditions.

    Best thing you can do is to try by yourself... Buying a lvl1 skill is not SP/coin expensive and can give you a good idea of its effect. Then you'll be free to make your own choices.
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    i try to take at least one level in all the fox tree skills --- in all my skills, period. granted that lots of other things often take precedence. if i've got a level available in ironwood scarab or venomous i definitely pick those staple skills over fox form ones, since i rarely play in fox form, but i'm always planning to get each one i'm lacking to at least try it out.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Desiree - Harshlands
    Desiree - Harshlands Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    LA is good, easy and cheap pre-90 due to the abundance of cheap molds.
    After 90, it sucks, no matter what build you want to pursue.
  • Kissina - Raging Tide
    Kissina - Raging Tide Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Aah okay guys tyvm I will now start to spend spirit on fox form stuff. ooh ooh and Desiree I saw a youtube TW video of you and your faction and I watched it thats what made me think of fox form~ ^^
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Foxform is a basic part of being a veno no matter what your build is. I have an 8 mag arcane build and i keep Foxform, Melee Mastery, Amplify Damage, Stunning Blow and Leech maxed. I'll probably start leveling Purge soon. It's not just amping but Foxform provides you with a lot of versatility and allows you good options in many dangerous scenarios. I would recommend at least keeping Foxform, Amp and Leech maxed, perhaps leveling Befuddling mist a bit if you want to keep it basic, although you should be careful not to use this skill when along brambled tanks.

    Venos that never go fox are ignoring a good half of their potential, in much the same way "fox" builds can't allow themselves to ignore some basic caster skills you shouldn't ignore your fox skill tree completely.
  • Kissina - Raging Tide
    Kissina - Raging Tide Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Aaah okay tyvm guys<3 much love ^_^
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Things have been answered already but I'd like to add my opinion here,too.

    I'm not sure what were the Devs thinking about when they created the Venomancer class. (Always speaking in terms of build and armour) However, I assume Venomancers were meant to be played with Arcane Armour from the start. This is because of a few simple facts:
    1) Fox Form increases the physical defence that you naturally lack.
    2) Melee Mastery and Accuracy increase are there to help deal actual damage as you lack both Accuracy and physical attack.
    3) You need a magical weapon in order to use Fox Form and Fox Skills.
    4) Every race has a physical damage dealer and a magical damage dealer, Venomancer is the "wizard" of the Untamed.
    In conclusion Venomancers are probably meant to be a caster class who is able to switch form in order to be able to survive under certain circumstances.

    However, in order to take a better advantage of the nice bonuses Fox Form gives people decided to try out Light Armour and Heavy Armour. It really is better to have one of those two builds if you are planning on focusing on your fox skills mostly (which seem to be more suitable for PK/TW/PvP due to the nice debuffs they can cause to the opponent). As you naturally lack physical attack it won't matter much if you don't have as high magic as Pure Magic/Hybrid builds. Light Armour will give you nice critical hits because of the dex points you need. Heavy armour will increase your physical damage because of the str points you need. Both will give you a greater physical defence than Arcane Armour.

    No matter what your build is, like everyone said above me, you shouldn't neglect anything. Venomancers are meant to be played with both forms to get the best out of them.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • SeaStorm - Heavens Tear
    SeaStorm - Heavens Tear Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I am arcane build, I use all mage form skills and all fox form skills but 3. It's much easier to take out a magic resist mob in fox form, pull a boss with phy aoe in fox form, fight a wood immunity mob/boss in fox form. I have a couple of phy attack rings and a magic weapon with acc. on it that I added a garnet shard in for when I do fox form. I'll end up using both in BH, TT, FB depending on the needs.

    Due to my lvl if I'm tanking a lower lvl FB or BH for friends I'll fight in fox so that I don't pull aggro off my herc.

    Fox form is just fun if you want to take a break from casting too :)
  • Silvia_Xenth - Lost City
    Silvia_Xenth - Lost City Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    i am purely a fox and i wont ever need caster skill aside from hp and mp switch hp heal and mp recovery and bramble wish is human wish is a shame.

    i am AA with 1 piece of HA in foxform
  • Kissina - Raging Tide
    Kissina - Raging Tide Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ah okay I understand now, the fact that it helps out a lot i guess from what i have read from here~
    As you guys may know I am a LA and I was told by blah blah not to waste my spirit on fox form tree skills, I didnt ask why I didnt know what a veno was like at first so I guess I followed what this high 'understanding' venos orders shall I say?b:sad. And I just wanna add even though it may be off topic but still veno wise, I choose LA build because I see/hear that AA build is a bit too much power for the skills and AA stat'd venos most of the time pull aggro off their pets and sometimes die because full mag adds quite a lot of power to the skills that we use on a regular basic~ And I know that HA is very good for fox form but costs loads for armor and shizz~
    But I would like to know if LA is okay to be? Seeming as it adds dex, which is useful cause pkers and mobs if Im lucky they miss me which gives LA builds a chance. Also, skills are about average so I dont ever pull aggro from my walker in my point of view~ ...bleh I want a nix+herc T~T

    Pro venos teach me more so I understand and learn moreb:thanks~
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Going LA is totally fine and it's actually highly recommended even if you intend going HA. People usually start with LA and restart after level 80-90.

    I play LA venomancer myself and I have focused on the fox skill tree. I totally love dueling with her and I am able to take hits. The critical hits I do come in very handy. Also since you do melee in fox you can count on your DPS too. I often use Advanced Spark eruption and just let the venomancer attack. I deal some nice 900-1000 damage one right after the other and that's probably a higher damage output than casting spells which require channeling therefore you lose precious seconds (it's mostly useful when fighting bosses).

    I have an AA venomancer too which is my main. She's semi-hybrid and yes indeed I have high magic and I do steal aggro from my pets (but if i'm careful and do it right I don't). I like both types of venomancers that's why I made two. One is a great damage dealer and debuffer but is squishy, the other is a deadly opponent with some horrible debuffs but with low attack b:chuckle

    If you'd like to still focus on your human skill tree but stay light armour there's nothing wrong with that either. A lot of wizards out there got for light armour although they are meant to wear arcane b:laugh

    Experiment and find your own way, the way you want to play your venomancer.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I choose LA build because I see/hear that AA build is a bit too much power for the skills and AA stat'd venos most of the time pull aggro off their pets and sometimes die because full mag adds quite a lot of power to the skills that we use on a regular basic~

    This is a poor reason. If it were true, you could simply stat some to vit. As venos become more powerful, they may acquire skills like Sage Soul Degeneration which takes 20% of HP off the top without generating much aggro. There's also +30% from Sage's Amp. Both those skills can cause massive dmg increase with little aggro. The genie skill Tangling Mire combined with Ironwood also helps your pet greatly with aggro as well as kill time. If the mob isn't worth the time to use those skills on, then you can likely kill before mob reaches you. Think also of the savings on weapon refines, and imbues if it were true. Venos have a great chance to learn all the details of aggro. With LA, you may get 5 crits in a row and gain aggro, and other times you'll take 2-3 more hits to kill a mob. Learning how to adapt, you won't have an issue with consistent atk power. I'm pure mag with a +10 weapon and would still like more.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Lylfo - Dreamweaver
    Lylfo - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    LA is good, easy and cheap pre-90 due to the abundance of cheap molds.
    After 90, it sucks, no matter what build you want to pursue.

    After 90, it sucks unless you are still poor. b:chuckle
    Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Silvia_Xenth - Lost City
    Silvia_Xenth - Lost City Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    yes listen 2 the pure pve venomancer who i bet is blune name still and worse whould it we 2 pvp in a pve server.
    yay Tweak won the game she is pure caster veno plz **** just cos u like pure veno dosent mean sht i bet ur foxform tree sux 2 the extent u never use it unless ppl bug you with it.

    pure venomancer is just as fail as u say LA or vitality venomancer is fail i mean a venomancer is not a true dd o didnt all ur lv on a easy mode show u that much yet ooh wait u do steal agro from ather dd classes with +3 weapon gratz u fcvking fail.

    a venomancer is a do all u want but is not a true DD class unless u go pure but then ur foxform wish is HALV the venomancer tree is garbage same would we me as i only play as fox but i at least dont go out talking how OP pure is and i do play on a normal server u fail chicken veno.

    and taht my rant dont listen 2 Tweak and play fox if u want it fun or play as pure veno as Tweak but rememebr veno aint a real DD class atherwise we wouldent need a PET
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    you may not like the way he comes off in conversation, but tweakz knows how to play his character.

    you just sound like a drunken mush-mouthed idiot.


    venos aren't real DDs? what does that even mean?
  • Kissina - Raging Tide
    Kissina - Raging Tide Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Woah okay I see. But you cant say venos are not DD's. DD = Damage dealer >__> They hit and deal damage points do they not?

    Well anyways I have been anwsered and have been given alot of information from all you pro venos :) I will stick to LA and start building up my fox form tree~
  • SeaStorm - Heavens Tear
    SeaStorm - Heavens Tear Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ah okay I understand now, the fact that it helps out a lot i guess from what i have read from here~
    As you guys may know I am a LA and I was told by blah blah not to waste my spirit on fox form tree skills, I didnt ask why I didnt know what a veno was like at first so I guess I followed what this high 'understanding' venos orders shall I say?b:sad. And I just wanna add even though it may be off topic but still veno wise, I choose LA build because I see/hear that AA build is a bit too much power for the skills and AA stat'd venos most of the time pull aggro off their pets and sometimes die because full mag adds quite a lot of power to the skills that we use on a regular basic~ And I know that HA is very good for fox form but costs loads for armor and shizz~
    But I would like to know if LA is okay to be? Seeming as it adds dex, which is useful cause pkers and mobs if Im lucky they miss me which gives LA builds a chance. Also, skills are about average so I dont ever pull aggro from my walker in my point of view~ ...bleh I want a nix+herc T~T

    Pro venos teach me more so I understand and learn moreb:thanks~

    AA builds can can be pure, have vit or dex if you'd like. Pet lvl also has to do with will you pull aggro off your pet, as well as how soon do u strike a mob in regards to your pet. I've seen veno's one or two shotted that have the pet on auto so that the pet attacks when they begin to use their skills. Veno's that have send the pet in before firing a shot or by using a debuff skill etc have a completely different result.

    You'll probably discover as you go through BHs that as you get close to shifting to the next BH lvl that a high end squad example 68/69s in BH51 will have a high chance of aggro bouncing among the chars unless you have a barb tanking or a really really good BM. I've seen some really crazy aggro bouncing in BH 79 due to the squads lvls.

    Due to my build and ability to shift out some gear depending on the needs of the instance I'm doing; I've been the last DD standing allowing the cleric to rez the rest of the squad or keep the boss from resetting allowing the squad to get back.

    Personally my job is to lure, DD, and at all costs protect the cleric if it the instance goes south. As for my job in TW survive at all costs and do my job as a veno.
  • Kissina - Raging Tide
    Kissina - Raging Tide Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Veno's that have send the pet in before firing a shot or by using a debuff skill etc have a completely different result.

    Yes I always do it that, it seems to help out alot, you can do so much when your pet holds hate for you^^ And as for the other information you have said, it helps alot T~T /joy