Who has Rank 8? Worth it?

Feiric - Harshlands
Feiric - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Wizard
I am debating on Rank 8. I read some of the stuff in Rank 8 vs. Nirvana. I'm not going to worry about Nirvana right now. I'm at Rank 6 right now, but I'd like to know if getting Nature Talkers really make a huge difference from more easily acquired gear.

Anyone who has Rank 8 regret their investment? I'm wondering if I'll think, "Man, this isn't as great as it was built up to be ...," you know? Any situations where you think it really saved your hide, or made the game that much better?
Post edited by Feiric - Harshlands on


  • KittyTaco - Lost City
    KittyTaco - Lost City Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    well the rank 6 weapon is pretty sexy.
  • Feiric - Harshlands
    Feiric - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Oooooh yeah, thanks for mentioning that lol. Do I need to do any monkeybusiness in order to get the Rank 8 gear, like with the badges/signs for Rank 6 weapon? If so, that's horrible.
  • NonameWiz - Sanctuary
    NonameWiz - Sanctuary Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Worth every coin IMHO, not regret at all
    Rank 8 Wizard: 1% farm b:shutup
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    You can actually get a CV wand and +12 it for cheaper and it'll have as much matk as a +10 rank 8. If you plan on getting +12 rank 8 though it is worth it.
  • Kokki - Harshlands
    Kokki - Harshlands Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    You can actually get a CV wand and +12 it for cheaper and it'll have as much matk as a +10 rank 8. If you plan on getting +12 rank 8 though it is worth it.

    And it's all about magic >.>

    Even at same magic attack rank 6 or 8 has higher spell damage. It's about the weapon damage range and only a little about magic attack.

    I'm loving my rank 6 weapon btw, it's mass rapage imho. I gove from +7 aquadash and rank 6 +3 hits like 15% harder then that. while my magic attack only went up for like 1K total. Now that i got +10 rank 6 it's just sick. and i can't even imagine what rank 8 +10-12 will do.

    For difference i tested spells with rank 6 +10 on a fully buffed cata barb. My gush hitted for like 3K. Rank 8 +12 hits over 5K with the same spell ( confirmed SS from same cata barb in TW )

    So once i can afford it, i will go rank 8. Also because we know rank 9 is coming our way lol. i think rank 9 will be way out of reach ( but also waaaaay overpowered in hands of wiz )
    I'm famous! i'm on ecatomb
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    And it's all about magic >.>

    Even at same magic attack rank 6 or 8 has higher spell damage. It's about the weapon damage range and only a little about magic attack.

    I'm loving my rank 6 weapon btw, it's mass rapage imho. I gove from +7 aquadash and rank 6 +3 hits like 15% harder then that. while my magic attack only went up for like 1K total. Now that i got +10 rank 6 it's just sick. and i can't even imagine what rank 8 +10-12 will do.

    For difference i tested spells with rank 6 +10 on a fully buffed cata barb. My gush hitted for like 3K. Rank 8 +12 hits over 5K with the same spell ( confirmed SS from same cata barb in TW )

    So once i can afford it, i will go rank 8. Also because we know rank 9 is coming our way lol. i think rank 9 will be way out of reach ( but also waaaaay overpowered in hands of wiz )

    There is a much larger dmg gap between +10 and +12 than +3 to +6. I doubt +10 rank8 is exactly the same dmg wise as +12 cv wand, but it sounds like they are very comparable.

    You cant just say that rank8 hits 5/3 times harder than rank6 off of your evidence. You are wasting your time posting **** like that, there are dozens of other variables that you dont even mention. Lets try to post something that at least has some validity.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    well the rank 6 weapon is pretty sexy.

    Rank 6 weapon doesn't exist. It's 7 sages weapon and it nothing to do with rank weapon. Just 1 condition has to be done and it's 35K reputation. But it's not rank weapon. Rank weapon you can buy for coins but this 7 sage weapon you need to collect 7 signs to make it.
  • fulgida
    fulgida Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Rank 6 weapon doesn't exist. It's 7 sages weapon and it nothing to do with rank weapon. Just 1 condition has to be done and it's 35K reputation. But it's not rank weapon. Rank weapon you can buy for coins but this 7 sage weapon you need to collect 7 signs to make it.

    But I think we all understand that rank 6 means 35k reputation...
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    fulgida wrote: »
    But I think we all understand that rank 6 means 35k reputation...

    Yep. Rank 6 is 35K rep. b:pleased
  • ELQuAdRoo - Harshlands
    ELQuAdRoo - Harshlands Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Rank 6 weapon doesn't exist. It's 7 sages weapon and it nothing to do with rank weapon. Just 1 condition has to be done and it's 35K reputation. But it's not rank weapon. Rank weapon you can buy for coins but this 7 sage weapon you need to collect 7 signs to make it.

    i thought u need the rank 6 badge to get it b:faint
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    i thought u need the rank 6 badge to get it b:faint

    You need 35K reputation if you want to use that sword. BUT to make this sword you need 7 sages signs. Regardless of reputation. 1sign=10 badges
    Example. 1sign of courage = 10 badges of courage
    And you need
    1 sign - courage
    1 sign - endurance
    1 sign - dexterity
    1 sign - strength
    1 sign - stamina (I think)
    1 sign - Another I don't remember. ;-)
  • Feiric - Harshlands
    Feiric - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I believe it's the Wisdom sign you're thinking of.

    Anyway, I decided to invest toward Rank 8 rather than mess around with the Rank 6 weapon. If I decide to keep playing at all though. Who knows.
  • fulgida
    fulgida Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    If you want to get the 35k rep weapon, you need signs of:

    Speed (from snake island race)
    Dexterity (from cube of fate)
    Endurance (from temple of the dragon)
    Courage (from city of abominations)
    Strength (from city of abominations)
    Bravery (from packs or city of abominations or legion attack on archosaur)
    Wisdom (from dragon quest)

    To get a badge (and you need 10 badges them for each sign):

    Snake Island Race -- you need to run 3 laps in something like 20 minutes. Any level 40 character can do this once per day. (the race starts 12:30 and 9:30 pm server time)

    Dexterity -- you will average one of these for every 20 reward packs you get from the cube. The upcoming jungle ruins will probably also produce them.

    Endurance -- you have a 60% chance of getting a badge of endurance from each chest you dig in the temple of the dragon. If your squad can get in early (and survive everything that wants to kill you, including crazed players) you can harvest a lot of these in one night.

    Courage and Strength -- each of these requires 100 astral orbs (or 50 if you are in a winning instance). If you can put out enough DPS to solo five CoA bosses in one hour, you can average 1.25 of these badges per week. If you can earn 2.5 million per week, you might have better luck paying 40-50 million to a fist bm (cash on delivery of course).

    Bravery -- these require 600 astral orbs (or 400 if you are in a winning instance) from city of abominations. If you can solo that, you do not need the weapon. You would probably be best off buying them from kitty shops (and you can sometimes find them fairly cheaply).

    Wisdom -- if you are bored you can buy level 20 dragon quest items and run the dragon quests yourself. 100 level 20 dragon quests will get you the sign (and each quest will use 20 dragon quest items which you can probably get for 16k in a kitty shop). Or, for the cost of the items and teleports which you might be wanting to use to get the stupid quest over with quickly, you can probably buy the copper dragon orders (but only a few per day, usually, and expect their price to go up quite a lot when other people are buying them).
  • XTryToBeaTMe - Lost City
    XTryToBeaTMe - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    b:sad you need to get lunar helm.. b:shocked that one sux b:chuckle
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Lifes like a movie , Just make sure your the lead role in yours b:cute