SG1OWNS recruiting =3

Vitrus - Lost City
Vitrus - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Guild Banter
I noticed my guild didn't have a very recent recruiting thread on here so I'm putting one up =3

SG1OWNS is recruiting 70+ for TWs/everything else +more, if you are not 70+ talk to an officer about joining, officer names are typed out at the end of the post, thank you.

A Little About SG1:
Right, well I've been in this guild for about a month maybe a month and a half now? And I must say, despite the tons and tons of hate from the server, I am proud to have the guild tag above my name. Our leader and everyone else actually, is / are very helpful.

and on that note, here are some info I think I should cover, if there are any questions...well obviously post a reply =3

-We have vent =3 which is always fun
-We have "the SG1 mindset" if someone pisses our members off, we go for the kill, RPK is a part of this guild, and I believe that is part of the reason why we are so hated xD
-We help out our members, despite any rumors, we do. If any of our members need anything, guild chat is the first place to go, and yes sometimes too many people are busy, this doesn't mean we don't want to help.
*On that note, if you ask once and no one responds, wait until later to ask again. DON'T SPAM GUILD CHAT. That **** gets really annoying and you are likely to **** off some people, especially if you are new to the guild. No guild likes to be used.
*Boss days are on Wednesdays, again DON'T SPAM GUILD CHAT FOR IT. Wait until Wednesday, uberhurts [leader] is the shix and he will get that done, just don't whine.
*HH runs, BH's, etc, usually happen when there are enough people on who need such and such that are online
-We TW every week, yes EVERY week, and we don't do it just because we want territory, we do it because as a guild we like to HAVE FUN [which it seems some people have forgotten to do].
*If we win, salary is passed around, uber is a fair leader, again I don't care what hate anyone wants to say, he is. The money is divided equally between those who went. Yes EQUALLY, everyone in the guild who is present is a factor.

So far these are the things that pop into my head, so if any SG1 member happens by this post please correct / add on to it.

Lastly: Officers [will always be updated]
*these are the people you should pm / contact if you think SG1 is the guild for you, and yes I typed the names the way they are supposed to be typed with the capitals etc etc etc

again if there are any questions, post obviously =3 I'll be glad to try and answer questions based on my knowledge
Post edited by Vitrus - Lost City on


  • Vitrus - Lost City
    Vitrus - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    oh and WolfCoren is also and exec =3
  • SkullCrusher - Lost City
    SkullCrusher - Lost City Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    i keel all
  • Cupac - Lost City
    Cupac - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    so SkullCrusher is lvl 96.......

    DAM U for rpking me xD
    tho im fine with u pking GypsyLexi b:pleased

    Good Luck owning SG1BLOWS
    alot of people ask me am i affraid of death...
    hell yea im affraid of death
    i dont wanna die yet
    alot of people think that i worship the devil..
    that i do all types of **** ****
    look i cant change the way i think..and i cant change the way i am
    so if i offended you
    GOOD coz i still dont give a ****
  • Vitrus - Lost City
    Vitrus - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    cupac weren't you kicked from SG1?
    until you can own Lexi yourself, don't talk shix.
    the thread is for recruiting,
    not for arguing.
  • Cupac - Lost City
    Cupac - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    lol im glad i was coz now i stopped getting rpked by cq,gz,rq etc
    alot of people ask me am i affraid of death...
    hell yea im affraid of death
    i dont wanna die yet
    alot of people think that i worship the devil..
    that i do all types of **** ****
    look i cant change the way i think..and i cant change the way i am
    so if i offended you
    GOOD coz i still dont give a ****
  • Vitrus - Lost City
    Vitrus - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    well that's your own business then.
    don't take it into my thread.
    sorry you were too much of a baby to take a little pk.
  • Cupac - Lost City
    Cupac - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    change of plans all join SG1OWNS b:victory
    alot of people ask me am i affraid of death...
    hell yea im affraid of death
    i dont wanna die yet
    alot of people think that i worship the devil..
    that i do all types of **** ****
    look i cant change the way i think..and i cant change the way i am
    so if i offended you
    GOOD coz i still dont give a ****
  • Vitrus - Lost City
    Vitrus - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ya and you left...
    happy hunting for everyone else who stayed.
  • SashaSlick - Sanctuary
    SashaSlick - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Wat does SG means?
  • BlackRaxor - Lost City
    BlackRaxor - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I am a little interested in the faction but I really like my current one. I am wondering how your faction chat is. As in not too overly serious. Mainly I would like to know what the atmosphere of a larger faction is like and what Territory Wars are also like. Hope someone replies. If someone does thank you.
  • _DonEnrico_ - Lost City
    _DonEnrico_ - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    it prob means suck Great heheheehb:shockedb:laughb:chuckle
  • Lady_of_rage - Lost City
    Lady_of_rage - Lost City Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ive been in the SG1 maybe 2 months now, great people. Practically the entire server hates us, and i love it because ill never want for pk. Very loyal people and we take care of our own.
    P.S. SG1OWNS = Star Gate 1 OWNSb:bye
    We are Death, destroyer of Worlds
  • Rainlia - Lost City
    Rainlia - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    One thing i noticed about you guys is every guild im in your on KoS id rly fix that if i were you -.-

    Rainlia- Lvl 51 Blademaster- Active/Main
    Rayneds-Cleric - Lvl 23 - Somewhat Active
    Rainlias- Archer Lvl 22- Active
    DarkGoddesz-Assassin Lvl 24- active
  • Lady_of_rage - Lost City
    Lady_of_rage - Lost City Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    One thing i noticed about you guys is every guild im in your on KoS id rly fix that if i were you -.-

    Why would we?b:laugh It's just the way we like itb:victory
    We are Death, destroyer of Worlds
  • Alliptica - Raging Tide
    Alliptica - Raging Tide Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    i was in there once and they were like dont pk blah blah blah. wtf stupid wankers

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Mondarez - Lost City
    Mondarez - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    SG1 is now 80+ for recruitment.

    We are still RPK.

    We are still KOS to 95% of other guilds on Lost City.

    We TW everyweek and are not afraid of taking on factions that many other guilds do not attempt to TW against. (We have missed TW only once in the 5 months i have so far been a member)

    We do have some allies who are on Safe List but not so many that it gets in the way of our fun.

    Our guild is not for every player. Many can not handle the constant attention we recieve. Those who stay thrive on the excitement it brings to our gameplay.

    In Summary:

    If you enjoy PVP and the freedom to PVP almost as you see fit, free from the complicated politics of other factions, want to experience TW with the occasional taste of Victory, Then perhaps SG1 is for you.

    Current Director of SG1OWNS as of date of this post.

    An Average Archer Who Likes Pushing His Character to its Limits and Often Beyond b:laugh
  • Extreeme - Lost City
    Extreeme - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    woot im the last 7x in the guild!!!! Is that good or bad?
    Keep on troli'n.b:victory
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    So do you guys do rebirth a lot? A couple friends and I are looking for a guild that we will be able to find BH squads and Rebirth squads with easily, and I mean on a daily basis, not once or twice a week. We are interested in leveling and leveling quickly. I'm sure we can manage to wait until wednesdays for bosses, but we really want constant instance and fast leveling, quests and grinding are old and boring :P

    EDIT: Guess I shoulda read through the whole thread :3
    SG1 is now 80+ for recruitment.
    We are all 7x, but hey if you want, still answer my question and maybe we can join up later ;)
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Lady_of_rage - Lost City
    Lady_of_rage - Lost City Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    b:surrender Need Major Bump
    We are Death, destroyer of Worlds