Assassin or Pyschic?

Laharl - Dreamweaver
Laharl - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
Man... I really need help choosing between these two.
I got both classes to level 22 and are now sitting at Archosaur.

I really, REALLY like the gameplay for both. I like assassin because im used to playing dagger-type characters, usually called a "rogue." The speed and power assassins have is what I love.

I rarely or perhaps never play a caster-type class but when I tried out the Pyschic, I was all,
"Whoa." One hitting everything, killing everything before they even get to me. Grinding went a lot faster compared to my assassin and got my Physchic to archosaur hours earlier.

Ok, here are some questions for you pros and experienced players:

1. Which class is more of the "solo" type. Independent kind that can survive on their own.

2. What do you suggest is better end-game? I wish to get to level 100-105 with ONE of these two classes.

3. Which of these classes are more favorable in factions and groups?

4. Armor-wise, during the later levels, robes or light armor? Im going pure for either class. Always want to look good while in combat.

5. Which of the two classes are more rarely use?

6. What class do you suggest I use?

Thanks for letting me take some of your time. b:thanks
Post edited by Laharl - Dreamweaver on


  • EbilBecca - Heavens Tear
    EbilBecca - Heavens Tear Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I suggest psychic since they're easy to play early on and robes would be best for the armor(don't really see the point in playing an LA psy...probably would want to ask someone who has one about that).

    It's really up to you...depends on whether you like melee or magic classes better.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]~sig by Satalia

    The search function is a very useful tool, if you don't know how to use it then you're an idiot.b:chuckleb:cute

    GAME UNINSTALLED b:victoryb:bye
  • Bridigan - Sanctuary
    Bridigan - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    An arcane Psychic can be a great choice for tanking magic-damage bosses, not to mention that you have that handy healing skill (which is AoE, so you can take care of yourself, and friends).

    However, I am told that Assassins eventually surpass Psychics in damage, so if you're looking for high damage, that might be better come endgame.
    Director and Webmistress of Faction Tramonto
  • Clione - Harshlands
    Clione - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ok, answering your questions in order.

    1.Both are somewhat capable of handling themselves, but don't expect to be soloing like a veno, barb, bm, or maybe cleric.
    Sin: Almost dead? Stealth and heal. (At least that's what I've seen them do
    Psy: Almost dead? White Voodoo or Psy Will then Emp Vigor, then Bubble of Life

    2.Better End-Game? I can't tell you that because I dunno. Sorry :(

    3.Uh, through personal experiences, I found that they're both a little disliked in general :(.
    If you want to play a "wanted" class, I suggest you play a barb or cleric.

    4.Recommended (Robe) You can roll LA if you want but it'll just gimp you (If your a psy)
    Sins usually wear LA don't they?

    5.Sins are more used than Psys.

    6.It depends on what you want. If you want speedy leveling through lvls 1-60, roll psy
    If you want people to flinch anytime they see you, roll sin.
    If you want flexibility, roll psy.
    If you want crits, roll sin.
    Either way both classes are very unique, and have a lot of tricks up there sleeves :).

    If it were up to me, I'd say you go psy, but it's your choice. ^^

    oh, and I have rolled LA psy before... don't do it.

    Hehe, don't mess with psycho fishys :)
  • /Gohan - Dreamweaver
    /Gohan - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Just go Assassin cuz endgame you'll join the ranks of people who make everyone QQ b:sin
  • Laharl - Dreamweaver
    Laharl - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Thank you all, especially you, Clione.

    I have made my decision. b:victory
  • KyyranthoX - Heavens Tear
    KyyranthoX - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Asschic (asskick) is my suggestion.
    Play both and see which you prefer.
  • Bridigan - Sanctuary
    Bridigan - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Asschic (asskick) is my suggestion.
    Play both and see which you prefer.

    The problem was that he HAS played both, and still had trouble deciding.
    Director and Webmistress of Faction Tramonto
  • KyyranthoX - Heavens Tear
    KyyranthoX - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    The problem was that he HAS played both, and still had trouble deciding.

    Just went by title, so many "what class should i pick omg help plz?!" threads by new players.
  • sangodoc
    sangodoc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Meh. I say PLAY BOTH!

    If you enjoy them both, why not play them both? I have three different characters, a veno, a cleric, and a psychic, and I enjoy playing them all for different reasons.

    Don't worry about best, just have fun! That's the point, right? b:victory
    Visit the PWI wiki for the useful information. Stay at the PWI wiki for the pie. ;-)
  • Riverwell - Archosaur
    Riverwell - Archosaur Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I know you said you made your decision but, I just thought I give a detail of imput.
    (besides me being the play both if you like both types)

    Personally, if I had a choice, 99% of the time I would rather have a psy in my group than a sin. (Both as a healer and as a DD.) For 2 reasons:
    -Because psy's have an aoe heal that can be useful if timed right
    -Because I've ran into a lot, A LOT, more sins that will steal aggro. And not just steal aggro, but knowingly say 'blah blah blah, watch out I steal aggro' and then they DON'T watch their aggro at all. (And then the majority of the time they get pissed that they died if they died, or pissed that the barb/bm couldn't hold aggro.)
    Previous Enemy Executor
    Current SentineI Member
    "I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide
  • Rainlia - Lost City
    Rainlia - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ima be completely Honest Assassins= people Q.Q and cry about how your stealth is too long or your OP or all that crud but all in all its a awsome and fun class to play not to mention a full dex build is gunna pull off some major Dmg thats something to consider

    Psychic= completely beastly when it comes to overall dd being in a group with a psy makes me cry because i cant kill the mob before they do -.- trust me its a powerhouse but either way their both great choices but id go with psy :P

    Rainlia- Lvl 51 Blademaster- Active/Main
    Rayneds-Cleric - Lvl 23 - Somewhat Active
    Rainlias- Archer Lvl 22- Active
    DarkGoddesz-Assassin Lvl 24- active
  • Laharl - Dreamweaver
    Laharl - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Man, thanks for the extra feedback guys.

    Even after I made my decision, I kept on thinking of the other class. I just love both their style so much.

    Earlier, I chose the assassin. I couldn't resist the damage output, speed, and the fighting style they have. Took me hours to create my look and I just thought I had everything perfectly prepared for end-game but I just kept thinking about my Psychic. Haha!

    Came back to this semi-old thread of mine and heard the new feedback for Psychics.
    Dude! I didn't know they had some sort of heal! Totally psyched me out. Didn't see it in action yet but that's pretty awesome. High damage dealers that can heal. Pretty cool even though I'm pretty new to these caster classes. First caster class as a Psychic? Not regretting it at all.

    So, pretty much, I just can't leave my feelings off from one class to the other so I'm going to playing them both. Both excellent classes that will never get me bored. Plus, if I do get bored, I can just switch for a while, right? Yeaaaah man.

    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for taking your time to help me out.
    You're all awesome. I really appreciate it.

    Hope to see you guys in-game sometimes. Laters. b:victory