baby elysium fowl

cups Posts: 0 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Suggestion Box
this baby pet is huge. he's always following me around very closely taking up a good portion of my screen and every time i try to click something, i end up clicking his wings or something instead of what i really wanted to click. can't we make him harder to click? i'm constantly clicking him when his wings flap over a player's shop on my screen.
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  • Arisaemia - Heavens Tear
    Arisaemia - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Actualy you can hold ALT when clicking to ignore any npc, pets, etc. And hold SHIFT to ignore mobs. :)

    As ignore I mean your pointer.
  • Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary
    Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited October 2008
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Actualy you can hold ALT when clicking to ignore any npc, pets, etc. And hold SHIFT to ignore mobs. :)

    As ignore I mean your pointer.

    Its the other way around I believe.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Arisaemia - Heavens Tear
    Arisaemia - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Probably right, I must've confused them.
  • zenthen
    zenthen Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Those this pet even atatcks?
  • /Gohan - Dreamweaver
    /Gohan - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    No it does not. It's only there to look good. And it can be used as a shield against other players cursors so the can't target you.
  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    No, they are an all-class pet, so they are basically live mascots for any class...

    Oh and... major necro.
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • Siera_carise - Heavens Tear
    Siera_carise - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    is not even attacking any monster I think it has no good use :( but how much do you think I will get if I sell it?
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    is not even attacking any monster I think it has no good use :( but how much do you think I will get if I sell it?
    <_< This poor poor thread, people just won't end it's suffering...

    2nd major necro...Inb4ragemod
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3