Is it worth it to roll a toon on archosaur?

Posts: 379 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Etherblade (West)
title explains it all really....
Post edited by Bastilla - Raging Tide on


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  • Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Absolutely not.
  • Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    lol but ambi think about it, we can oracle to 106 and the 2 of us could own the map on an empty server
  • Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    if you already thought Arch sucks why post this thread

    RT for the win
  • Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited June 2010
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    RT for the win

    got it b:chuckle
    ty pwe, you made me throw away 3 years pw-exp b:sadb:surrender
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2010
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    HAi bastilla O.O

    wuld love you to roll On then i can pk you all over again ^_^

    ambition LMAO wuld love you to roll ur fail mage on this server too.... you only look good now cause all the good ones quit^_^

    hows okra and his Flawsless evasion sharded sin ^_^

    rofl please do roll over here

    Good Day

  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2010


    Thats What My saying and Guild dont say it in vain-.- GUY
  • Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I wouldnt bother, RT is pretty dead and this server=epicly dead

  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    HAi bastilla O.O

    wuld love you to roll On then i can pk you all over again ^_^

    ambition LMAO wuld love you to roll ur fail mage on this server too.... you only look good now cause all the good ones quit^_^

    hows okra and his Flawsless evasion sharded sin ^_^

    rofl please do roll over here

    Good Day


    Funny thing, u are atmm the easyer nix veno to kill in arch, all u know is to send ur pet on pk and wait for that bleed to kill us...

    Sometimes u can sometimes u get one shot.....

    Dont call the others fail i really really wanted to see u re roll another char without OP pets
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Oh tivas How i have missed You^^

    the apple of my eye, where have you been.

    the fact is bastilla and old guild friend My dear sir, and coming from you with his plus 10 w eapon, a BT shuld hit me for alot harder than 4.8k but we shall not go on to discuss you.

    but i do miss your Blue writing on my screen going on about, I couldnt see you.
    nix op rawwr rawar rawr..

    im not saying i am op just mearly taking this **** out a friend yet you my dear sir take everything to heart.

    take a toke on the zooot

    But cool story breh^^

    P.s aint you on hoilday why the *** are you on pwi and us Have you got multipule PersonalitysO.O

    and sure log HL and RT will show you My bm and My cleric and soon to be Archer on Arch

    Miss You tiva hurry back soonb:cute

    Jus For you

    Oh basitalla i miss your cute sin ****. ^_^
  • Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I would say no...going from pvp servers to a pve. I am overall
    dissappointed but neck deep into the server so Il be stuck here for a bit.

    main guilds:

    Impulse - Laid back and nice overall. If you want a guild with lots of rules..then not for you.
    Popular pkers here and currently rebuilding massive amounts of strength in players. Move here to create a revolution.

    Narla - Rules and more rules. Mainly for the mature, I feel the average age of players is high in here. If your a more mature player and not shy, this is for you. Making friends here is not easy..been trying for 2 months.

    Fatalis - You know those groups of people that never really belong anywhere and beleive they will save the server from the evil? Yea this is our servers group. Want to be a rebel and feel good about it..this is your place.

    The other guilds I dont know about. Mind you I have been in Narla and Impulse but NOT Fatalis. But its easy to figure them out anyways.

    PvP here - lets just say I can list all the pvpers in one line of text. b:surrender

    Other then that...barbs wear pdef accesories...arcane hp shards....all archers went sage...and everyone has safety locks even when they don't pk. Lovely lovely server indeed.

    Think I got it all...I miss my HL archer b:cry
    (anonymous) "If pwi brings out rank sale again, I will def increase my spending limit." Marketing, learn it, master it, and after that stop complaining about it.
  • Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Kanade, I'm fail? Lol, have you ever seen me before? Absolutely not. b:chuckle

    Edit: Who are the good ones that quit? Lol, Pixels? Good one.
  • Posts: 1,037 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Maestro and Luke was good too not saying who was better u were like 80 when i was 90 so i didnt play with u mutch
  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ambition isnt you not being seen the point of your irrelevancy aka fail. or did infamy change that and give you confidence when all the other mages peaced out

    maestro pixels and luke good mages lol, arent you missing tribulationz better known as interia from that list. is his rank 8 near done?
  • Posts: 1,037 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i didnt mention pixels, and u werent bad either, still remember doing a couple of gammas with ur wizzie over here :D

    dunno i had being playing with this archer for a few months now havent check his gear, ShadowX is good too
  • Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Oh tivas How i have missed You^^

    the apple of my eye, where have you been.

    the fact is bastilla and old guild friend My dear sir, and coming from you with his plus 10 w eapon, a BT shuld hit me for alot harder than 4.8k but we shall not go on to discuss you.

    but i do miss your Blue writing on my screen going on about, I couldnt see you.
    nix op rawwr rawar rawr..

    im not saying i am op just mearly taking this **** out a friend yet you my dear sir take everything to heart.

    take a toke on the zooot

    But cool story breh^^

    P.s aint you on hoilday why the *** are you on pwi and us Have you got multipule PersonalitysO.O

    and sure log HL and RT will show you My bm and My cleric and soon to be Archer on Arch

    Miss You tiva hurry back soonb:cute

    Jus For you

    Oh basitalla i miss your cute sin ****. ^_^

    kanade <3
    i do wish you would play on RT from time to time.
    i miss your sarcasm. and your wicked funny stories.
    OH BTW MrMime/FailPanda is considering playing RT again
  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Oh tivas How i have missed You^^

    the apple of my eye, where have you been.

    the fact is bastilla and old guild friend My dear sir, and coming from you with his plus 10 w eapon, a BT shuld hit me for alot harder than 4.8k but we shall not go on to discuss you.

    but i do miss your Blue writing on my screen going on about, I couldnt see you.
    nix op rawwr rawar rawr..

    im not saying i am op just mearly taking this **** out a friend yet you my dear sir take everything to heart.

    take a toke on the zooot

    But cool story breh^^

    P.s aint you on hoilday why the *** are you on pwi and us Have you got multipule PersonalitysO.O

    and sure log HL and RT will show you My bm and My cleric and soon to be Archer on Arch

    Miss You tiva hurry back soonb:cute

    Jus For you

    Oh basitalla i miss your cute sin ****. ^_^

    Nice to be missed b:dirty.....

    I take it serious cause when i suceed all u heard is bla bla bla ur 10 plus wep bla bla bla look at ur gears, really hate that....

    I think im gonna start pking with my stash lvl 50 wep b:chuckle

    And about the drama well i like to peck a fight this server need pkers to stay alive, its a shame that 95 per cent of the already low population is pure pve.....

    Oh and martiin i can be ur friend... b:victory
  • Posts: 1,037 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    And about the drama well i like to peck a fight this server need pkers to stay alive, its a shame that 95 per cent of the already low population is pure pve.....

    then stay/go back to a pvp server where the real heavy cs's are, and anyone can pk u even with ur "zomgawesome" gear...cuz they has skills :3 ijs

    youaintgotnopancakemix nuff said
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    youaintgotnopancakemix nuff said

    Yeah well yo-- wait... what? o_O
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Yeah well yo-- wait... what? o_O
  • Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Is it worth it to roll on Arch? :

    Do you like:

    An empty server?
    No entertainment besides PvE?
    Minimal PvP?
    Very few CS'ers?
    High gold price?
    Stale TW?

    If you answered yes to most of these questions, Arch is for you!

    Currently playing : |||| Waiting for:
    Allods |||||| G.W.2
    Bloodline Champions
  • Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    ambition isnt you not being seen the point of your irrelevancy aka fail. or did infamy change that and give you confidence when all the other mages peaced out

    maestro pixels and luke good mages lol, arent you missing tribulationz better known as interia from that list. is his rank 8 near done?

    You mean I didn't oracle up to the high levels while she was still playing? Yeah, I guess that's fail. Interia quit a while ago.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    PROSKI!!!!! i miss you
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I don't know why anyone says the server is empty,
    Arch (city) was full as far as I could see.

    I also don't know why anyone asks whether to roll or not.
    Start a Cleric and use those starter wings to check the server out.

    Took me all of ten minutes to see that it's at least as busy as
    Sanctuary was two years ago when I started playing.
    Having a high post count doesn't make you anything in the game.
    Unless you're attempting to kiss up to a GM and you KNOW what that makes you
    . :D
  • Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited July 2010


    Also requesting mod lock and lower depth'd.
  • Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited July 2010


    Also requesting mod lock and lower depth'd.

    ^^ What he said.
    bm lvl 96 rairen-HT- retired

    barb lvl 73 Gaara_Chuko-HT-Adiuvo

    barb lvl 62 Criminal-RT- lolwut
  • Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    i play this server.. hard to get bh squads if u do then ur lucky..
    PQ is usually empty..
    Arch is empty.. (only a lil full during the event)

    if u do consider rolling on arch...

    oracle to 80+ and get geared up for some decent TWs
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    i play this server.. hard to get bh squads if u do then ur lucky..
    PQ is usually empty..
    Arch is empty.. (only a lil full during the event)

    if u do consider rolling on arch...

    oracle to 80+ and get geared up for some decent TWs

    ehhh i like to quest though, i did enough oracles on bastilla (lvl 80-85, then fc)
  • Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    If you go to a the new server (Arch and Raging Tide)

    You need to do the following:

    Put an new morage on your house.
    Take that cash and spend 10,000 of it on this game.
    Use that 10k gold to buy hundreds of packs (around 3000 of them)
    Sell anything non-token
    Any token you take and turn into Mysterious Chip boxes
    Take the mysterious chip boxes to the Mysterious merchant in 1k streams.
    Ask him to open all the boxes (He does them in intervals of either 50 or 100)
    Take all the chips and convert them to warsoul fragments
    Then take all the fragments and convert them to warsoul statues
    Then take 1 of each statue and make them into the mold (weapon of your choice, mold isn't a required step if your a sin or psy)
    Take the mold and 99 of each left over statue and click the "Pwr" tab
    click the weapon the mold makes
    click "Confirm"
    Say hello to your new lvl 80 weapon!

    Other then that you need to spend the left over 7k on hypers and any tokens you have left over on oracles. Take all the oracles and get up to lvl 85, then take the hypers and use them to get x12 hyper exp on timer. Find FCC (Frost Covered City), and use the x12 all the way through. This will ensure maxium exp gain. This will rocket you up to lvl 99 in about 2 weeks, 3 at max.

    After you hit 99 just finish out the lvl with oracles/hypers. Once at lvl 100 do niravan until you get a recast of all the weapons you want.

    Congratz, you have no offically wasted $10,000 and about 3 months of your time.


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