need help with a decision

Posts: 31 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Assassin
hey guys ive recently made a blademaster who is lvl 17 and an assassin who is lvl 12. im trying to decide which one to make my main and i think i like the assassin a little better but i am concerned that the BM makes money quicker cuz he has AoE skills. does the assassin make money pretty quick or slowly? does he have any AoE moves? could you please tell me which one should be my main and then why?

Thank You b:victory
Post edited by Calvco - Raging Tide on


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  • Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    1st: assassin is better than BM.
    2nd: BM's aoes sux and burn 50% of ur mana each combo.
    3rd: BMs spend all the money that they get on their skills.
    4th: Assassins make money faster than BMs just using spark. (we dont need aoes)
    5th: If u want to have a alt just to make money, have a veno^^ (money machineb:thanks)
    6th: Assassins have 2 aoes, and they r better then BM's aoes.
    7th: Chose assassin to be ur main, cause we have: stealth, superfast atk speed, 2 great stuns, stealth, awesome debuffs, a lot of chanelingcut skills, a jump-stun, a jump-without stun, stealth, a lot of skills that give a us a spark (or two:X) and we have the most powerfull dps in the game..... thats all :D

    stealthed word :X
    HEY APPLE...
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ok thx : )
  • Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    1st: assassin is better than BM.
    Not necessarily.
    2nd: BM's aoes sux and burn 50% of ur mana each combo.
    They also can AoE grind more mobs faster and better than Assassins.
    3rd: BMs spend all the money that they get on their skills.
    We have 35 skills total, they have 42. However, they only need 1 weapon set of skills, so subtract 15 from that. They win.
    4th: Assassins make money faster than BMs just using spark. (we dont need aoes)
    Sparked at your level, you kill in about 5-10 seconds per mob. They kill 7-15 mobs per AoE combo. They win.
    5th: If u want to have a alt just to make money, have a veno^^ (money machineb:thanks)
    6th: Assassins have 2 aoes, and they r better then BM's aoes.
    2 AoEs, 1 can only be used once every 30 seconds. The other every 8. They can AoE nonstop. They win.
    7th: Chose assassin to be ur main, cause we have: stealth, superfast atk speed, 2 great stuns, stealth, awesome debuffs, a lot of chanelingcut skills, a jump-stun, a jump-without stun, stealth, a lot of skills that give a us a spark (or two:X) and we have the most powerfull dps in the game..... thats all :D
    Our normal attack speed is 1.25. Fist attack speed is 1.46. They have 3 stuns, awesome buffs, "channelcut skills as well as channel slow skills, two jump skills as well, and they have heavy armor to negate our better DPS.

    stealthed word :X

    Next time, try looking at both sides of the argument. As well, they have four different weapons they can use with skills, can stunlock very easily, have two bleed skills which stack, have a skill which increases their attack speed for fists, have a skill to grant all critical hits on all attacks for the next 5 seocnds, and in general have more HP with equivalent gears.

    OP:go Assassin anyways.
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Assassins are one of the costliest classes to play. I wouldn't play one as your first character, especially if you're not confident in ways to make coin.

    That said, they're well worth it.
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    BM can aoe stunb:dirty i think us sins should've got that instead of our hp pot 79 skillb:surrender
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    1st: assassin is better than BM.
    2nd: BM's aoes sux and burn 50% of ur mana each combo.
    3rd: BMs spend all the money that they get on their skills.
    4th: Assassins make money faster than BMs just using spark. (we dont need aoes)
    5th: If u want to have a alt just to make money, have a veno^^ (money machineb:thanks)
    6th: Assassins have 2 aoes, and they r better then BM's aoes.
    7th: Chose assassin to be ur main, cause we have: stealth, superfast atk speed, 2 great stuns, stealth, awesome debuffs, a lot of chanelingcut skills, a jump-stun, a jump-without stun, stealth, a lot of skills that give a us a spark (or two:X) and we have the most powerfull dps in the game..... thats all :D

    stealthed word :X

    Sorry, but I'm gonna have to let out all of my anger.

    LOL, biased much? If you're gonna hate on BMs than please, don't give out false information and don't make it sound like assassins are the new and improved BM and now BM sucks for anything because APPARENTLY Assassins>Blademasters. Even a newb(newb, not noob, theres a difference) like myself can tell that you are VERY misinformed if you think BMs AoEs suck, and if you think BMs spend all their money on their skills than WOW. Not many BMs decide to go 4Pathed fyi. What's next? Barbs are the healers, clerics are the tanks? So please if you can't give out accurate info, than b:shutup and don't give us sins a worse name than we already have. I was really hoping that I wouldn't have had to say all that, but your attitude for BMs is really pissing me off. And I also wanna make a few things I found very disturbing clear...
    1. BMs also have a fast atk speed(ever heard of fists/claws?).
    2. BMs also have a BUNCH of great stuns.
    3. BMs AoEs DO NOT SUCK.
    4. Not all BMs decide to go 4Pathed(which means they don't use all their money on skills).
    5. Saying a Assassin is better than a Blademaster makes me think of a few things...

    a. You've never played a BM before.
    b. You've played one before but you're a fail on it.
    c. You like pissing BMs off.
    D. You didn't think about all the situations you're in to even compare.
    E. You find BMs boring.
    F. You want me to continue on with this.
    G. You hate the sight of a "Prince in Shining Armor" running around.
    H. Okay enough of this, I'm gonna wrap things up. b:sweat

    And to the OP, I'm quite new to the game, so I don't know much about which one makes more money, but I do know that BMs are fairly cheap(if you don't take all 4 weapon paths that is), and I'm not so sure about sins but according to my friend and NightReaper here, sins make a decent amount as well. Pick the class you find that is more fun, don't take costs in to your hands as these 2 classes can make a good amount of money(or so they say...).

    Pick a BM if you: like a variety of weapons, big flashy skills, a fire dragon that dances around you(HF?), glacier, martial arts, swords/blades, alot of AoEs, versatlity, many different ways you can build a char into(tank,dd, or w/e), nice APS and DPS/DPH(depending on what weapon path you chose), and most of all, balance.

    Pick a Sin if you: like to assassinate people, go invisible, love accuracy/evasion/crits, like fish, eat fish, you actually are a fish irl, like flashy but small skills, negative effects, vampire-like skills, nice APS and DPS/DPH. Also, don't be tempted to quit a sin when you reach your 20s.

    They are both good, just choose the 1 you like more. BTW if you're gonna ask this type of question in the assassin/blademaster section, you better be prepared for all the biased answers b:laugh

    Edit: Oops! Assassins might not be as cheap as my friend and NightReaper(although I wouldn't be said it would be!
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    thx guys i think im goin with assassin but its funny i thought this would make it easier to choose. turns out it made it harder! lol that's what you get when people all have different opinions i guess
  • Posts: 180
    edited June 2010
    BMs are higher up in the dd/support hierarchy than assassins, so they will technically get better drops in TT. So in turn more money/easier farming.
  • Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    volst wrote: »
    BMs are higher up in the dd/support hierarchy than assassins, so they will technically get better drops in TT. So in turn more money/easier farming.

    Uh, don't know how exactly you guys do it on whatever server you are on, but for Dreamweaver (about 4 months ago) it was still Tank-Healer-DD by level for the split on mats, and it is the same for Archosaur. So unless the Blademaster is a higher level or the tank, I don't see how he will be getting mat pick before the Assassin.
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I have a sin (Level 76 as you can see), and a Bm (Level 75).
    Levelling for BM is much easier than sin, for one, we have gamma at level 71 and aoe grinding. With this double exp going on, ive gained huge exp.

    Sin could go to gamma but would find a hard time finding a squad because of all the narrow minded people. Sins run PQ which is nice way to level from 60-80.

    Both classes has their ups and down like it should be. There is no superior class its all about who plays the character ^.^
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    BM is fun to play. I miss the AoE's and stuns. In instances, I always feel MUCH more in control when I'm on BM instead of Sin. The two classes are played with completely different styles and have different roles in squad.

    Sin could go to gamma but would find a hard time finding a squad because of all the narrow minded people.

    I would've LOVED a Sin with me when my BM was farming Gamma last summer. I don't see how BMs are not begging Sins to go to Gamma lol. BP makes BM a god in Gamma. I would be sure to take Sins to Gamma once I level up my BM on this server.
  • Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I would've LOVED a Sin with me when my BM was farming Gamma last summer. I don't see how BMs are not begging Sins to go to Gamma lol. BP makes BM a god in Gamma. I would be sure to take Sins to Gamma once I level up my BM on this server.

    same here ... the sin buff for a bm is like a charm lol or even better ... do 1 aoe and have full hp lol + subseastrike combined with dragons = mobs dieing fast as hell

    well but some people still think that sins aren't made for squads ...


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