BM, Archer, Assassin? Solo PVE!

Okaros - Sanctuary
Okaros - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
Hey there. I'd like to know which class would be better for solo PVE.
My BM is lvl21 but eats more potions than my Archer. Does it get any better at later lvls?
My Archer is 32 and he's okay, as long as nothing reach him, but even with pure dex, I miss sometimes and that means the monsters can reach me, and I die fast.
I haven't started my assassin yet, but I heard they are squishy. Is bloodpaint enough to cover the loss of HP? Are they any good at solo PVE?
What else would you recommend for solo PVE? Any class is fine as long as it's not too expensive (I'm new and always broke).
I don't want to be Veno (I'm a guy), or Barbarian (I don't want to be an animal, lol).
Also, is there a potion that isn't HoT (heal over time)? I die all the time because of them, I need instant heal potions... D: Even the apothecary ones are HoT... Why's that? It's lame.
BTW I squad for bosses and stuff but I usually prefer soloing, because I get more exp that way. I mean, I did a quest with a dude and I got like half exp... Meh, no reason to squad for quests.
Post edited by Okaros - Sanctuary on


  • Ax - Harshlands
    Ax - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    BM seems to consume alot of potions consistently focus powders do help though. At level 29 you get sutra which means in PvE you can usually get by with only mp pots. Assassin is he worst of solo PvE, lol if you think the pot consumption is bad on your bm you will be horrified on a sin. Archer by 6x can do solo pve without any mp or hp pots. So if your biggest concern is that, archer might be the way for you to go.
  • Okaros - Sanctuary
    Okaros - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I wouldn't have a problem with pots if they actually worked... They are heal over time and it's a pain in the butt, because for example, poison stacks so poison mobs can kill me fast thanks to no instant heal, lol. I think I'll continue my Archer, I really enjoy that class. Just wanted to make sure before I continue. I'm planning to buy inventory stones and stuff and I can only afford it on one character. :P Thanks for the help!
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I think the most " hardest class on early lv " *tittle* no more owned by Wizard, Cleric, or Archer.
    But by assassin now . . b:shocked

    I am serious. b:surrender
    Playing all class and died the most on assassin. Q.Q (early lv)
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • _Garra_ - Harshlands
    _Garra_ - Harshlands Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I think the most " hardest class on early lv " *tittle* no more owned by Wizard, Cleric, or Archer.
    But by assassin now . . b:shocked

    I am serious. b:surrender
    Playing all class and died the most on assassin. Q.Q (early lv)

    Do you have a sin?? Sin quests dont start getting hard till like lvl 60 ... ur best bet is getting urself some TT armour and weapons.. to stay alive... as for difficulty sins quests are quite easy...
  • _Garra_ - Harshlands
    _Garra_ - Harshlands Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Sins are Melee killers .. they have no magic... high dex is wat you want.. and the occasional str for Armour... and add on to vit ... the most money ull be spending is on mana pots for sins..

    i have quests where i have to kill lvl 70 mobs and i need 70 of them... 50 mana pots will last me the whole quest... but its about 24k but in the long run the drops ull get off the mobs will pay u back what u spend on the mana pots .
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Do you have a sin?? Sin quests dont start getting hard till like lvl 60 ... ur best bet is getting urself some TT armour and weapons.. to stay alive... as for difficulty sins quests are quite easy...

    Didn't i say early lv . . b:chuckle
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Calvco - Raging Tide
    Calvco - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    hey i recently made a BM who is currently lvl 15 and a sin who is lvl 11 and ive been having ahard time deciding which one to make my main cuz they are both so awesome. i have a pure dex sin and my BM is axe/fist build. which one do you think should be my main? which one makes money quicker?
  • Lythianaa - Dreamweaver
    Lythianaa - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,307 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    hey i recently made a BM who is currently lvl 15 and a sin who is lvl 11 and ive been having ahard time deciding which one to make my main cuz they are both so awesome. i have a pure dex sin and my BM is axe/fist build. which one do you think should be my main? which one makes money quicker?

    I personally prefer the BM over the sin. This is because the BM uses HA for one and uses axe for the AoE skills. This leads to the high levels when you AoE grind for money. BMs are great at doing that.
    Thank you so much ForsakenX for the sig b:cute
  • Calvco - Raging Tide
    Calvco - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ok ty, i was also considering not really using my sin having my main my BM and making an archer a my secondary. is this a good idea?
  • Lythianaa - Dreamweaver
    Lythianaa - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,307 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    If you seriously enjoy the gameplay of the BM, keep it as your main. No one is stopping you.
    Thank you so much ForsakenX for the sig b:cute
  • Yindra - Sanctuary
    Yindra - Sanctuary Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ok ty, i was also considering not really using my sin having my main my BM and making an archer a my secondary. is this a good idea?

    Secondary? Perfect World doesn't have secondary classes, so you must be talking about another char of yours. All your chars play completely independent of each other, so whichever one you like most is the best choice for frequent playing (which is probably what you mean by "main").
    Slow progress, game is getting way too grindy :-( Quests I still hope to be able to do some day: FB39, General Feng
  • zatenzuz
    zatenzuz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    For me, I had to try out each class up to level 20 to decide what fit my playing style. Imo, my Psychic kills every mob before they reach her, including the small bosses (solo, of course). A fair healing spell, along with hard-hitting status effect spells do wonders in PVE.
  • RainbowVidel - Sanctuary
    RainbowVidel - Sanctuary Posts: 1,316 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Hey there. I'd like to know which class would be better for solo PVE.

    Why bother being on a MULTIPLAYER game if you just want to play solo?
  • Flickerfae - Sanctuary
    Flickerfae - Sanctuary Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ok ty, i was also considering not really using my sin having my main my BM and making an archer a my secondary. is this a good idea?

    Yeah, this is a rather silly question. No one's going to make you choose between your characters. While my main is pretty undeniably a cleric, I have an alt in every class (except barb), and I divide my time between them. My 'secondary' at any one time might be my wizard, my bm, or my fox veno... it depends what I feel like playing at the time.

    Just play what you want to play, and stop fretting about it. It is your game; it's not our business to say what you should or should not play. b:chuckle

    -Ignoring my main for alts since early '09