level 89 Skills WHERE THE hell

zelts Posts: 24 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Psychic
Ok im officially pissed. Would anybody care to share HOW in the world would a Sage Psy get her lvl 89 skills? .. It's been weeks and im yet to see even 1 ONE of the damn skills for sale in a cat or in AH .. Now how the hell is everyone else getting these skills ?? HOW
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  • Ivy_ - Dreamweaver
    Ivy_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    For the initial skills, farm fb99's and hope that you get lucky (I haven't seen a sage psychic book drop yet; only a demon spirit blast).

    For the other 89 skills, get tokens, get book pages, ???, profit.

    Good luck on the second part though--I did this several times and got mostly 99 books. But it's okay. b:victory

    Better known as Destini, also known as _Yvi.

    ty Nowitsawn. :D

    I dunno if I'm coming or going some days...b:shocked
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    and since most psy go sage I guess that there are not many sage books on sale XD
    on the other hand I saw demon bubble of life for 3mil
  • Ivy_ - Dreamweaver
    Ivy_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    and since most psy go sage I guess that there are not many sage books on sale XD
    on the other hand I saw demon bubble of life for 3mil

    Strangely, I've seen more sage books on sale than demon books. They're not in ah though.

    Better known as Destini, also known as _Yvi.

    ty Nowitsawn. :D

    I dunno if I'm coming or going some days...b:shocked
  • Szol - Harshlands
    Szol - Harshlands Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    pretty simple explanation ... as everyone and their moms went sage psy and is using tokens to get skills --- there is a high amount of double or triple skills u get and thus sell em in ah

    only first few days was ah full of demon , cause of the demon/sage skillbook bug b:laughb:laugh
  • vbarbie
    vbarbie Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Farm FB99 ?? you mean FB 89 NO?
  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    they apparently not dropping in fb89. from what i heard..and from personal experience but i only farmed it twice since they were implemented and lord knows with skill book drop rates in there that isnt close to enough farming. And the 99 bosses drop 89 books along with the 89 bosses for the other classes
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • PequetteV - Lost City
    PequetteV - Lost City Posts: 1,202 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i sent ticket about 89 skill which should be aqua impact, spirit blast and tideborn form and they told me it not dropping and they will update game soon to make it drop

    all other book should be obtainable with old book page and page of fate no idea if they also drop in 99

    u get old book page via running gv86+, running lotery cube, getting waroul tag in coa event
    u get page fate via running cube after lv 90, running cube loterry , getting warsoul tag in coa event
    genesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
    starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender

    go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI

  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited June 2010
    I've seen a sage aqua impact in DW recently in a catshop for 7m.
  • Ivy_ - Dreamweaver
    Ivy_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Yeah, someone tried to sell it to me and I wanted to scream every time I saw it advertised in wc.

    I ended up getting it for 3.5 mil (a bit overpriced, but definitely not 7 mil). They need to up the drop rates for fb99 for at least these books.

    Better known as Destini, also known as _Yvi.

    ty Nowitsawn. :D

    I dunno if I'm coming or going some days...b:shocked