Gamma as a BM

Posts: 56 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Blademaster
I recently hit 71 on my BM and I was wondering when I should try out Gamma.
I have never done gamma before so I am expecting quite a few failed runs but at what level could I do it easily? I understand that a BM role is hard but with no experience I cant learn >.<. I read guides over and over gain, also had some visual aids (Video). I am a fist/axe BM. If anyone has some tips, please drop a line or two ;p
Post edited by HarukaDaiski - Raging Tide on


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  • Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Depends on HP

    Okay You use Axe that's first step
    Next MAX out Roar (Gamma Full run will pay for this fast if not already maxed)
    Keep Aoe Highest can afford

    Higher HP most likely you will succeed this basically most important you said Fist/Axe so i assume low HP try to get have at least 4k unbuffed that should be okay but more the better (At your level never go uncharmed)

    At your level probably not very easy to get a Full run Squad so best advice find some Exped Strong Squad and do Double BM squad this is my Fav Squad and what i did at your level.

    Double BM Squad consist
    1 Barb(More HP the better)
    1Cleric(not matter on cleric as long can BB and tank 1st boss)
    2 BMs of course(Strong BM for BM job and you act as Veno)
    1-2 Archer(Archers are the BEST DD to get)
    Or Wiz(the DB can come in handy but not as good 2 BOA)

    Best thing about these Squad 2 BM or course meaning 2x Stun 2x HF 2x The Aoes With Exped Barb with good HP and Exped BM(not Veno BM) These succeed 90% the time only lil mistake make fail

    (Upside Veno BM not need charm)

    One last tip or info however ya look at it

    When like level 83-85 with HP Up to what should be not need be charmed yes it helps but don't need one crab meat all ya need or athro pots like orb of vibrant light.

    Also For BMs after repairs and uncharmed Full run we make 400k coin (USE FOR SKILLS trust me there)

    If follow that you be gamma every day and you will OWN.

    I bid you good luck and hope this helped although turned from short answer into long explanation sorry about that.
    101 Blademaster(Pro/Fail 4.0 BM with 11k base HP+G16(+10))
    100 Seeker(The Vortex Beast)
    86 Assassin(Solo king)
    76 Archer(Squishy Nuker)
    72 Cleric(Horrible healer)
    67 Barb(Buff baby)
    61 Wizard(King Aoe)
    37 Mystic(Fun project)
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Thank you so much!!
    Your reply really helped me, for the next few levels I think i will pour everything into Vit and restat if necessary in further levels.
    My marrows, roar, aura and two of my aoes are maxed. HF is maxed for my level.
    I hope to do at least a half run but it is really hard to find a run in this server.
    hehe, once again thank you for your reply.
  • Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    No Problem Good luck

    Ya i did same pored Vit massively i now got 127 Base Vit and 169 with HP gear ROFL im resting into Str now like 25 of it i like being a Tank build.

    Wowza your skills better then me... Level 7 HF(1 more level and i able have level 10 HF) level 2 sweep level 3 fissure and level 10 cleave

    Don't marrow on pulls till Exped enough know what they do cause put wrong marrow on and get hit more not less.

    1 Last thing if you didn't already know can use crab meat at level 75 but there are athro that lower level not as good but better then pots.
    101 Blademaster(Pro/Fail 4.0 BM with 11k base HP+G16(+10))
    100 Seeker(The Vortex Beast)
    86 Assassin(Solo king)
    76 Archer(Squishy Nuker)
    72 Cleric(Horrible healer)
    67 Barb(Buff baby)
    61 Wizard(King Aoe)
    37 Mystic(Fun project)
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Should I be using Calas or should I get TT70 axe (Vit One).
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    To add to what's been posted, I would always have a charm if you are the only BM because a lot of things can go wrong in 3 hours between 6 people. If Cleric or DD's d/c then you'll need to hold off more than normal. If you spam Roar like you should, you'll be taking a farily good amount of aggro so keep your eye on your HP bars as well as the squad HP bars (AoE on the eye as guides say so you don't have to working about targeting so you can focus on HP bars). I've always had about half the aggro in gamma on my BM even with a good Barb.

    Make apocs for your runs. Tranquilizing orbs helps a lot in double waves or just in unexpected situations where you have to use Alpha Male. If the squad's taking too much aggro and there are too many mobs around, you'll have to use Alpha but that can end up killing you. So what you can do is use Alpha then pop a traq orb. You don't have to do it everytime you Alpha, but just depends on how much mobs are around. You'll get the hand of it after a few levels. Elemental defense orbs are also good to have. Since each wave has its own element, using a elemental orb will decrease the damage you take by a lot.

    I would also use marrows. The first stage will be all physical mobs so you can safely use physical marrow there. When you get to later stages, 4 or above, keep your magic marrow on. The def aura will give you constant massive pdef and using magic marrow hardly takes away from it while it greatly boosts your mdef.

    Use calas. They give you higher max HP (BB and healing aura more than make up the HP lost form zerk) and hit double damage on all mobs if you zerk. Once you become good at holding your share of the aggro, I would try to bring a Sin into Gamma, since you'll be unkillable with Bloodpaint. Sins weren't out in my BM's Gamma days else it would've been crazy fun.
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    At 71 you most likely won't be able to complete it, but it's possible if you're well equipped and you have a good squad. Your role as a BM is to help manage aggro, stun and to amp.

    You want calamities. Don't skimp on weapon shards/refines. Make sure HF and Roar, as well as your aoe's are max'd for your appropriate level.

    GV Genie: Alpha Male (aggro + reflect skill), Absolute Domain (immunity), Earthquake (knockback).

    Attendance defense blessings. Since the instance blessings are removed, bringing in one or two of these for the later waves might help you a bit.

    Most of the good apoc pots are lvl 75 req. Stone Turtle Orbs come in handy as well as 6 sec immunity pots.

    Always pay attention to the health of the mage, archer and cleric. Your job is to keep them alive in case any one of them steals too much aggro.

    Good luck.

    Admittedly, I haven't done many gammas. I've done delta to death and am pretty much the go-to guy in our faction for doing culti runs for parties that are not likely to make it.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Should I be using Calas or should I get TT70 axe (Vit One).

    Okeano right on that healing aura and a BB makes it up easy BUT i would not use them untill like 3rd boss maybe 4th just to be safe.

    Yes spam roar would do that but if he did what said and did Double BM squads the other BM will get aggro if needed until he is strong enough.

    Michel Alpha male part is right when he starts doing BM job but earthquake a no no need them closer so all get hit not far back even though would help if aggro on on archers or cleric and absolute domain sucks in and out gamma iv tried it.
    101 Blademaster(Pro/Fail 4.0 BM with 11k base HP+G16(+10))
    100 Seeker(The Vortex Beast)
    86 Assassin(Solo king)
    76 Archer(Squishy Nuker)
    72 Cleric(Horrible healer)
    67 Barb(Buff baby)
    61 Wizard(King Aoe)
    37 Mystic(Fun project)
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Michel Alpha male part is right when he starts doing BM job but earthquake a no no need them closer so all get hit not far back even though would help if aggro on on archers or cleric and absolute domain sucks in and out gamma iv tried it.

    Earthquake is a good situational skill to have. It doesn't require much energy and can be used when AD is on cooldown when the mage or archer takes too much aggro and isn't paying close attention. I'd rather knockback and stun to let cooldown on charms rather than risk having a squishy port to 1k.

    Earthquake is also good as an initial aggro skill... it knocks back, but it also does minor damage. I play barb/lurer in barbless delta quite often... sometimes I have to play both barb and bm at the same time. I use it to suppliment Alpha Male to help lure ranged into zhen much like a barb would use roar, however it is not really a threat generating skill, but it does work.

    EDIT: And yeah, I probably shouldn't have suggested it to someone who has never done rebirth, but just like the skill Smack, it can be handy when used in the right situation and just wrong when misued. I really hate when archers or barbs use their knockback skills, but being the BM and having to pay attention to everyone's health, Earthquake has a use. Just don't spam it, it's an emergency button at best.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Earthquake is a good situational skill to have. It doesn't require much energy and can be used when AD is on cooldown when the mage or archer takes too much aggro and isn't paying close attention. I'd rather knockback and stun to let cooldown on charms rather than risk having a squishy port to 1k.

    Earthquake is also good as an initial aggro skill... it knocks back, but it also does minor damage. I play barb/lurer in barbless delta quite often... sometimes I have to play both barb and bm at the same time. I use it to suppliment Alpha Male to help lure ranged into zhen much like a barb would use roar, however it is not really a threat generating skill, but it does work.

    EDIT: And yeah, I probably shouldn't have suggested it to someone who has never done rebirth, but just like the skill Smack, it can be handy when used in the right situation and just wrong when misued. I really hate when archers or barbs use their knockback skills, but being the BM and having to pay attention to everyone's health, Earthquake has a use. Just don't spam it, it's an emergency button at best.

    Ya true there it has its uses i can think of a few but in gamma ehh so so

    But AD i have tried in gamma it really not worth it it might be in Delta dunno 1 more level and i will know maybe

    Now upside AD Non gamma it can give the BB a few extra sec to heal in a tight situation but the effect of AD is very short
    101 Blademaster(Pro/Fail 4.0 BM with 11k base HP+G16(+10))
    100 Seeker(The Vortex Beast)
    86 Assassin(Solo king)
    76 Archer(Squishy Nuker)
    72 Cleric(Horrible healer)
    67 Barb(Buff baby)
    61 Wizard(King Aoe)
    37 Mystic(Fun project)


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