what are the weirdest things plp asked you to do?



  • Kanisha - Lost City
    Kanisha - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    strangest request ever. was in a frost run in the middle of tank gathering the entire room when i get a bunch of pms. (mind you i have auto reply on "In middle of frost pm me later") same pearson asking me to leave my frost run to rez him in a hell.

    after we cleared the room i told my squad to w8 one second so i could talk to this guy.
    told him
    1st im in a frost run im the only cleric here no way i can leave atm to res any1.
    2nd im lvl 86 i cant even get into hell to rez you. duhh
  • XzZephyrzX - Harshlands
    XzZephyrzX - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Some random person asked me to ask a high lvl friend to kill someone who pked some of his gear off of him >.>;
  • Ana///stacia - Dreamweaver
    Ana///stacia - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    the weirdest thing i was asked has got to be when a wizz told my to help him kill some tauroc valorian level 48 not to heal ...i was a cleric at that tyme, should i mention i was level 34...and the wizz 47b:puzzled
  • Ana///stacia - Dreamweaver
    Ana///stacia - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    suicide any one....b:laugh we have a special offer for today...
  • Luckyrose - Harshlands
    Luckyrose - Harshlands Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Some random guy pmed me out of nowhere asking me to go have a coffee with him. and he was dead serious...and no, he did not send it to the wrong person, he intentionally sent it to me. Then later i found out he lives in Germany somewhere o_o
    Thank You Forsaken :)
  • Roxiann - Heavens Tear
    Roxiann - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I got one! "Your not gonna rez me?"

    After causing a party wipe and yelling at me over and over again for his fail. Of course I wont rez you! It was just 3 of us after everyone else left and it was not going very well. I decided to cut my losses and give up, (I had to leave and there was no tank so we had no way of completing it any ways) but told the other person I would still rez him before leaving.

    Note: To anyone who expects a cleric to lose their exp to come back and rez you after giving them a hard time as well as being the cause of their death is out of their mind. You can go back to town just like I did. b:pleased
    Lvl 7x Cleric
    Lvl 3x Veno
    Lvl 3X Archer

    Its just a game ^^
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    "REZ ME"
    >"im a wizard??"
    "REZ ME PLZ!!!!"
    i like potato
  • Annonrae - Sanctuary
    Annonrae - Sanctuary Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I came across a dead body in Burning Lands, flapped down, and got "DON'T RES ME!" as soon as I was within reach.


    The player then asked me to contact a friend of theirs and ask for a res. No, seriously. It wasn't like there was a level 82 cleric ( me at that time ) floating right above them, and I'd TOLD them I have lvl 10 res. When I asked the player why they wanted ME to contact that friend of theirs, instead of just talking to that friend themselves, I got:

    "Well, I died like 5 times in the last 2 hours and my friend ressed me 3 times already and they'll be mad, so tell them I'm a friend of yours."

    I couldn't make heads or tail of that conversation at all. I asked them if maybe that friend of theirs was Sage/Demon ( to try and make sense of why the player didn't want ME to res them ), and got:

    "No, but they have lvl 10 res."

    I gave up at that point and left Mr. Surreality dead where he was, and went about my business.
  • Tainte - Lost City
    Tainte - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    While in bh51 at Wyvern... (this was for Wyvern first bh o=)

    Barb: "BB here!"
    Me: "No. We don't have a second cleric, and we're gonna get squad wiped once he curses"
    Barb: "wow, fail cleric."

    Then, I just *boot*, invite a friend of mine who asked me for the BH earlier on.

    I notice that suddenly, the barb attacked me.

    Me: "o_o"

    *sleep --> double spark --> wield thunder --> one...shot? eh?*

    *checks gear*
    Oh. I see. wow.
  • GuinevirX - Heavens Tear
    GuinevirX - Heavens Tear Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    lure mobs in bh 29 with plume shot (lvl 37 cleric) yup that was a joke i know but it really happened
    Proud Male Venomancer <
    It's a game ...................... Face it b:laughb:laughb:laugh
  • XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver
    XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Haven't gone into depth checking other instances, but in 29 at least there ARE a good number of pulls that can be done with a ranged attack without aggroing multiple mobs. So that's not necessarily an insta-fail...
  • TrueHarmony - Archosaur
    TrueHarmony - Archosaur Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    The weirdest things i get asked is stuff like: Spam ih on the tank ,ok?...or....BB when drummers hp gets close to half...or....dont heal before i attack, you'll pull aggro.

    Gee thanks pals. Some people seem to think that i and most other clerics are just bumbling idiots banging our heads against the keyboard. I know how to play my class..i wouldnt be 69 if i didnt know what ih and bb were -.-

    that and a barb asked for plume shell once...
    Yeah my sig doesn't match my name...i would say im being all clever and trying to confuse people...but im really just too lazy to make a new one
  • Thelas_Carr - Sanctuary
    Thelas_Carr - Sanctuary Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    The weirdest things i get asked is stuff like: Spam ih on the tank ,ok?...or....BB when drummers hp gets close to half...or....dont heal before i attack, you'll pull aggro.

    Gee thanks pals. Some people seem to think that i and most other clerics are just bumbling idiots banging our heads against the keyboard. I know how to play my class..i wouldnt be 69 if i didnt know what ih and bb were -.-

    that and a barb asked for plume shell once...
    Well I can understand these "suggestions" of what to do and when since there are so many characters of all classes, not just clerics, that have leveled at insane rates with Oracles/Hypers/Triple-BH that they have not yet learned how to play their class and are, in fact, bumbling idiots. The polite thing is to say "Have you done this boss before?" and if you say yes, then they should shut it. If they say no, then they can tell you what they have seen work in the way of past tactics experience.

    Oh and the Cleric's 79 Skill Wings of Protection probably does look like a Plume Shell to an uneducated barb if he got that buff once before from a cleric and was never told what it was called--forgive those who have never played a cleric if they get a skill name wrong; I certainly don't know all the skill names of all the other classes.

    On topic, I guess I haven't gotten any of these weird requests, but it doesn't surprise me that such weird requests are made, especially among the generation that has leveled up so much faster than the previous generation of players.
  • Feito - Dreamweaver
    Feito - Dreamweaver Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    An archer asked me to tank that pair of level 19 (or 21) bosses because she apparently couldn't took a hit. I was like, "Um, you do know I'm a Cleric, right?" Oddly enough, it took a fair amount of convincing to get her to DD while I healed.

    Also, don't know if this counts but I had an Assassin tell me that I needed to heal more after I told him off for being squishy and dying 3 or 4 times in BH39.
    InStyle is the greatest faction on Dreamweaver! b:victory
    Feito is...
    [x] Still a LA Cleric
    [x] in possession of a BURNING TIGER SPIRIT b:angry
    [x] Sipping some F--KING tea
    [ ] Totally KICKASS
    [ ] Extremely wealthy
    I've got some ways to go!
  • Clandore - Lost City
    Clandore - Lost City Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Random requests on cleric to solo Jewel, Kong, Manta and the like. Because I can heal myself, and you're too lazy to get a tank, right?
  • Naiyaki - Sanctuary
    Naiyaki - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I've been asked to do a lot of things: help with bhs, fbs, TTs, save fail squads, buff, res... some randoms squads were funny in their own way, honestly. However there's ONE thing that deserves the prize for "Wierdest Request I've Ever Accepted."

    A facmate (another cleric) asked me to heal him while he killed some water boss south of Dreamweaver Port. As per the quest, no squad was permitted so he had to kill it himself and I just had to sit back and ironheart him.

    My jaw dropped when I got to the boss.

    It was lvl [?] and had over 2 million hp.

    Good joy. b:shocked

    Oh, that guy. he's solo-able actually, even for cleric's. Kinda easy, actually (at least when I did it >.>)
  • Naiyaki - Sanctuary
    Naiyaki - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    A lvl 8x barb asked me to use BB right next to polearm.

    This was like my 2nd time killing that boss so I said "k, you know what you doing".

    Veno pulled Polearm; Barb uses flesh ream; I start BB; Barb scream "evry1 get into BB"; Polearm lauches his AOE; Me, wizzie and veno get 1-shotted from AoE; barb, sin and archer dies a few seconds later... b:surrender

    Lol, for the future: BB in bh/fb69 is pretty much useless... Use IH spam on tank and squad heal when AOE shoots. Barb should be trying to cancel those as much as possible anyway. Besides, your BB will be canceled eventually, even if you don't die (trust me, seen this many times -.-;)
  • BarbLord - Raging Tide
    BarbLord - Raging Tide Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    when i stil played my barb on HT i have been asked to tank mantavip several timesb:surrender

    also got asked to DD more on my sin because i nerfed my damage because the barb refused to use tiger form
  • Lynore - Sanctuary
    Lynore - Sanctuary Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    A guy around lvl 20 Assassin with Arcane robe (What the?) Asked me if i could give him my Username and password so he can Grind for some money using my Characterb:shocked Most epic thing would be if i actually agree to it xD
  • Luckyrose - Harshlands
    Luckyrose - Harshlands Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Some Barb: Hello

    Me: um hi?

    That same barb: can you tell me where to get a wand?

    Me: at the blacksmith.

    Barb:; cool, cuz i wanna be a wizard

    ~Later i saw him running around with a wand. and instead of being a wizard he realized he had to hit things to get his way :-/
    Thank You Forsaken :)
  • Grego - Raging Tide
    Grego - Raging Tide Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I was in my fifties helping a new fac mate for his FB19. When we got to the boss the other guy said to me: -I'll tank, can U heal me?
    I said: -Sure, I will... But first let me kill that boss for U, Okay? ... ? ... !!! lol

    Another one:
    She send a friend request to me. Oh! That may be an alt char of one of my friends. I accept,
    then she said: ''bla bla bla'' ...would u marry me? ''bla bla bla''.
    she seemed desperate.
    I said: ''bla bla bla'', Why do u want that?
    She: I need money.
    Me: Why are u so in haste for a money?
    She: need it to buy my new fashions.
    Me: ... Gl, bye! b:bye
  • kaoko
    kaoko Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Not too long ago I was help out a friend run his BH39. We had a full squad an ended up with 2 clerics (me and this other guy).

    This other cleric pretty much spent most of his time telling me how I was doing this or that wrong and where I needed to improve upon myself, mind you he's telling me what do to but doing nothing to help.

    When sqaud gets to farren, this kid gets right up close to tank an other dds to fight. I tell him to backup and he ignores me.About this time farren attacks, he takes one hit then comes running back to me screaming "YOUR A CLERIC! HEAL ME! HEAL ME!" . . . .and what are you? fired rice?