Funny or Memorable moments in your HL life



  • Pedro - Harshlands
    Pedro - Harshlands Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    My first PK drop in HL =O 2 mijis (lol) for angeRR

    First TW against QQme and Kingdom.

    PK wars in Swamps.

    Crash's in grind partys at Bats.

    When i dropped my friend's XS with g9. (in that time XS and g9's was more expensive than nowadays) b:surrender

    When Harshlands started to be PvE server.

    And more ...
  • X_daehrren_x - Harshlands
    X_daehrren_x - Harshlands Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    when XuLin broke the allience with KD on WC
    everyone went crazy and people started joining KY and KD and there was a big PEE KAY fest at was crazy
    and i got rolled allot of times Q_Q
    then the PEE KAYYY moved too uhh...i cant remember the name...the lava land thingy with 8x mobs(lol)
  • X_daehrren_x - Harshlands
    X_daehrren_x - Harshlands Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    hmn funny moments...

    i guess dropping a +9 tauren then buying it back for 25m would count as 1..
    hm..another one i can remember is in hh my comp kept lagging so when i ressed it looked like as if i was away from the hands when really i was on top b:pleased
    Lastly pvp at west with me,curses, and DSGB vs 15+ evoke and kylin and they kept coming back b:victory

    well thats about all i can think of atm b:thanks

    i think it was 25m and 1k tokens when they were 25k each:p lol
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Drop kicking Ironhearters. <--Notice, Ironheart is gone? .-.
    PKing PKers at the Silver Pool.
    My first HH as a Cleric.
    My first HH as a Psychic.
    Assassinating Assassins from on top of the Secret Passage Tower.
    Stunning BMs.....let's have a taste of your own meds!
    Ganking Blackfoxes...nobody should have more assassins than barbs in a faction.
    Lurking in the water for 5x questers. <-The only time where Fish Form actually does anything.
    KY rises on the map. <-I remember when they only had like...the Harshlands.
    Lurking in the Swamps as a 9x cleric, waiting for questing rednamers who deserve to die.
  • Kiril - Harshlands
    Kiril - Harshlands Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    my first memorable moment in harshlands was the tw between citadel and eod ( was lvl 48 then). as i recall the highest lvl in citadel was juggernaut 80-84 barb, the tw lasted 2 hrs. i gotta grats Escobar, he was pain in the neck during the entire war.
    Registration Date: 12/08/2008
    Quit Date: 06/2010
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Speaking of Citadel....KD vs Citadel TW, with all the citadel members in KD squads LOL.

    adding to the list:

    Belial Fund

    HT openning packs everywhere he went and us seeing the messages in HH, TW, Grinding, or PKing with him, and being all "grats HT.....wait, wtf"

    GV with MD when he had to turn off his monitor and "fake sleep" cause he heard his dad in the hallway.

    Running all of 3-2 for 4th past, without knowing there was a mob count and getting destroyed every boss.

    Me convincing Sean (current KD director at the time) to invite a bunch of alts i made, to make fun of icon, change the guild slogan to read "EveryoneFarmFB19AndSaveTheBloods", and write out Rick Astley's-Never Gunna Give You Up in the titles. Others then joined in with the alts, funniest few were "CoinsBuyMold", "IconSteals", and "SexyIconWDF". Later that night when Icon got online, he flipped ****, earased all titles, changed the slogan, demoted all officers, and peaced out. lol
  • Damodar - Harshlands
    Damodar - Harshlands Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    best pk drop ever was me getting a darknight wings from a archer in the time i was in crimson! An archer and cleric where ganking me in fragrant hills at the time that terr belonged to crimson, so after the 3rth time they kiled me i caled in some friends, the archer dies and he drops is wings wich by random mode come to me...b:chuckle

    those wings where released like 3 days before that and cost 40goldb:victory
  • BelleFemme - Harshlands
    BelleFemme - Harshlands Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I started farming chips in cube at Lv 69 so I could trade in for Calamity Axes (hot **** at the time). I even had to borrow the 2mil fee from Saveless after tireless begging.

    I finally hit Lv 70 and not even 4 hours of getting my XS crafted, I equipped my TT70 and had my XS in my inventory. I saw and attacked Piorek who was red at the time. He killed me, so I came back and killed him. He then came back and killed me, and as I died I saw the pretty little yellow name Calamity Axes of Blood on the ground next to my corpse.

    GG 4 me b:bye

    (And I still had to pay Saveless back.)

    But angeRR was so nice to me and felt so bad that he let me use 50 chips from him and I had to come up with another 2 mil. But at least I ended up getting my XS 2 socket and +5, which was really OP at that time.
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i was pking at west gate once when my target died and resprawned in the 1st room of cube. i was like wdf o_O
    pwi glitches ftw

    This happened to me too, only I got pked at Town of arrivals and lagged horrible then was at Cube entrance b:shocked
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • XuDin - Raging Tide
    XuDin - Raging Tide Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    funniest hl moment was when someone **** blazingazn's account and gave for free all his inventory+coins to me. who ever were you, thanks lol b:victory
  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    When chox didnt manage to kill me while i was afk for 2min on my archer
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • Juggernaut - Harshlands
    Juggernaut - Harshlands Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    my first memorable moment in harshlands was the tw between citadel and eod ( was lvl 48 then). as i recall the highest lvl in citadel was juggernaut 80-84 barb, the tw lasted 2 hrs. i gotta grats Escobar, he was pain in the neck during the entire war.

    I remember that war. Omg looking back we were all so noobish, just running around without any plan. hahaha goooood times.
  • Aliella - Harshlands
    Aliella - Harshlands Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    my most memorable moment was the tactics chats those always made me laugh really hard b:cute aww the good old days
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    lol chox.. what a mage... i remember him trying to crash fish parties of ky.. then 1 of us would go and kill him 1vs 1 with our lowbie gears not refined and sharded with average lolb:chuckle
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Me convincing Sean (current KD director at the time) to invite a bunch of alts i made, to make fun of icon, change the guild slogan to read "EveryoneFarmFB19AndSaveTheBloods", and write out Rick Astley's-Never Gunna Give You Up in the titles. Others then joined in with the alts, funniest few were "CoinsBuyMold", "IconSteals", and "SexyIconWDF". Later that night when Icon got online, he flipped ****, earased all titles, changed the slogan, demoted all officers, and peaced out. lol

    Sounds like something Echo would do...
  • XuDin - Raging Tide
    XuDin - Raging Tide Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    at first i was like, and then i was like... but soon i just you know, oh and .. right it was .. omg cool that some real cash and then i , yeah got that right it was awesomenessness
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    at first i was like, and then i was like... but soon i just you know, oh and .. right it was .. omg cool that some real cash and then i , yeah got that right it was awesomenessness

    oh yeah fb99 seat unwined. XuLin, Bain, Froan_PL, Embustero, Siochain and me. there was more pvp than at west gate for 1 whole day for sure.
    "XuLin has been kicked from the squad"- ganked, drop ironguardsb:victory
    "Bain has been kicked from the squad"- ganked, he perditioned us, only embus, sio and me survived
    "Dark_Fate has been kicked from the squad"- 1 shotted by XuLin kewkew
    "Embustero has been kicked from squad"- 1 shotted by XuLin kewkew
    well it took 1 hr to go to the 1 guardian lmaob:laugh