[Heaven's Tear] Anarchy Recruiting. No rules. Just guidelines.

Limeball - Heavens Tear
Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Guild Banter
[I know this is the third thread I've made here but I tried to delete the other two previous
ones for being outdated with info. I would have kept the other recruiting thread but I can't even change the damn title, and there's no damn delete option.]


Who is Anarchy?

Anarchy isn't your typical carebear guild. We recruit people
who have the same ideals as us. The basic motto here is, Be who you are without
consequence. Meaning you can conduct yourself in whatever manner in the community
and we won't get butthurt about it and kick you out. You're only answerable to yourself
and the GMs if they have a problem with it.

We like our Anarchists to experience total freedom in our guild, free from stupid rules tying them down telling them how to act and they have to live up to somene else's good reputation. The guild itself is also owned by the members, not by the officers.

Where we go as a guild is decided by the Anarchists, the officers are merely the ones who make it happen. The only sort of rule we do have, we preffer the word "guideline" is common sense. We might give other players some greif, but we do it as a guild. Therefore we have a sense of loyalty and respect towards our fellow Anarchists. Here in Anarchy, we're not allergic to cuss words. We're mature meaning that we're not 5 year olds who need their guild chat censored.

Anarchy and PvP

Ok cool, so what's up with PvP?

In Anarchy, we have people who enjoy both PvE and PvP.
On the PvP side of things, we like to keep it real. Real meaning that we enjoy
our PvP how it's meant to be. Anything goes. Any person, any level of any situation
is free game, except our fellow Anarchists. We kill together, greif together.

If they drop loot, it's yours. You're under no obligation to give it back. If they QQ,
well it's their fault for being PvP mode and expecting to not get killed.

Ranks in Anarchy

Since Anarchy's new, are ranks up for grabs?

Yes and no. Temporary Executor positions are available
to anyone who wants them for recruiting purposes. Real Ranks will be up for
grabs later on when we've gotten to know each other a little better so when people
apply for them we make a well educated decision on who will make a good officer.

Anarchy and joining

Sweet, so what level do I have do be to join?

Any. All levels are welcome, so long as they're active
enough. We're not too buttight about alts joining us so long as you're actually
joining us because you play your alt and you're here 'cause you like Anarchy.
Not just because you want a guild name over your head.

People's activity are monitered when they first join, deadbeats (people who hardly
sign on ever again) are kicked out asap so don't bother joining if you're one. We're
just starting out we're only a couple days old so we're just building up. We're striving
to make our guild as active as possible however so inactives are combed and kicked out.

So long as you agree and identify with Anarchy's motto, you're welcome here. You don't
have to be a hardcore PvP hatebear or anything to join. PvE and PvPers alike have joined.
We're not tight on timezones or your English speaking ability so long you can understand
us and we understand you.

Give us a trial run. Well in fact, everyone you joins gets a trial run no matter how long
they stay. You're not obligated to owe us any loyalty if you don't like us. You can leave,
no dramaz. We won't kill you for it. I like to think guildhoppers are guildhoppers because
they're unable to find a guild called home.

You can hit me up here or ingame to join. Check out our site (still in progress) here:

Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
Post edited by Limeball - Heavens Tear on


  • a1smoke
    a1smoke Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Sounds interesting. My name is Sam, im a pretty experienced gamer, but new to this game. I learn quickly and am quite active on games that hold my attention (this one does btw). Given some time to get the hang of things, I am certain I could make myself more than useful for the guild. Im not sure where to go or say from here so if it sounds good let me know.
  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Sure, got an in-game name at all?
    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
  • Jaric - Raging Tide
    Jaric - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Well, I am still experimenting with the different characters of the game at this point. Have a Barbarian that I am on right now named Jaric.

    I also just found out that I can not take my Characters onto different servers. So I gotta ask, is the guild server specific? Need to know so I can create a new one, which isn't a big deal at this point.
  • Marlamis - Heavens Tear
    Marlamis - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I just went ahead and made a character for Heavens Tear, the one you are on I am assuming. A wizard called Marlamis, feel free.
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Looks more like an Enrage-wannabe o.o *blinks again*
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I was ex-Enrage on my old main. I missed the freedom Enrage had when I came back from quitting but I wasn't into TW anymore. I decided to make my own guild with the similar ideas.

    However, if you want to call Anarchy an Enrage wannabe, then that makes every other carebear guild a Tao wannabe. My point is, we might be similar in that we have no rules, but we're two different factions. Enrage hardly even does half the **** they used to, most members just join for the map ownage.
    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    All we want is to eat your brainz.
    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
  • Marlamis - Heavens Tear
    Marlamis - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    All we want is to eat your brainz.

    wtf? b:shocked
  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Lol. Some zombie pardoy vid on youtube.
    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
  • AznAngell - Heavens Tear
    AznAngell - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I had been looking for a guild for some times now and your guild sounds really interesting b:laugh.
    But until the skool's over, I could only play for an hour or two each day and if that won't be considered inactive, I'd like to join. And wen the summer vacation started, I'd be able to play longer. (Skool ends next Friday)
    Edit: Im lvl49 atm. My avatar is on crackb:surrender
  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Lol, active is considered signing on at least once a week and letting us know you're alive. Dosen't exactly matter how long you play per day. I'll be in game after maintenance is over if you're still interested in joining.
    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
  • AznAngell - Heavens Tear
    AznAngell - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Ohhh then that's awsm!
    I'll try to contact you ingame wen I log today :D
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Pro bump

    because your worth it :P
  • AznAngell - Heavens Tear
    AznAngell - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Pro bump

    because your worth it :P

    Just wanna say u got a cool looking sig b:cute
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    thank you ^^
  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Sorry guys. My PC broke down 2 weeks back. Had to wait till my next pay day to go and rescue it. Anyway i'm back and still recruiting and ect. I still don't even have any officers in here yet.

    Dunno if you've already found a guild AznAngell but anyway, places open for everyone.
    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.