It's very intimidating...

Deinn - Heavens Tear
Deinn - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Barbarian
...being a Barb. I don't think I'm cut out for it.

I made a Barb for the purpose of providing a willing tank for FB/BH/whatever else because people scream for them all the time. I thought Well hey, I've always wanted to try a Barb, so I'll make one and attempt to be a dependable and respectable one!

I don't know what I was thinking.

After tanking two mere FB29s, I lost my desire to tank because I'm afraid I'll fail and cause a party wipe. I don't know how you pro Barbs do it. Kudos to you!

Is this something most, if not all, of you great tanks out there felt in the beginning? Or am I just being a worry wart?

I suppose what I'm getting at is: I don't know whether to abandon the character or keep trying...
Post edited by Deinn - Heavens Tear on


  • OMarvelous - Sanctuary
    OMarvelous - Sanctuary Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    If you give a damn, you're gonna worry about squad wipes, but if your squad behaves and you do your part even semi decently...things should be fine.

    It's true some people are just not cut out for barbs, maybe a diff class is in order for you..but I would stick with it for a while longer and if you really dont like it...quit. :)

    I've caused a squad wipe once, in Rebirth Gamma, was my first time, didnt feel great about it but you move on!
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    being concerned about squad wipes is a good thing..

    ive been in instances with barbs who just couldn't give a damn and ran off collecting more mobs than they could handle, and expecting the rest of the squad to catch up and save them..

    i have also been in squads with barbs who look out for the squishies, pull the number of mobs they can handle, manage the agro etc..

    guess which ones get asked on the most TTs etc

    everyone has to start somewhere Deinn so keep at it. it's all about being confident in your class and your skills. keep running the FB29s until you are happy that you can manage the agro with various squad make ups (overzealous DDs, folks running ahead of u and getting agro etc)

    it is also good rep and xp, then just move up to FB39s etc when you are ready. and don't worry about wipes - they happen to the best squads at the worst times.
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • Cirax - Dreamweaver
    Cirax - Dreamweaver Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Practice, practice, practice! Nothing like gaining experience doing all those bh29's. That will help you tank confidently for the instances ahead.
    Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

    ~Albert Einstien
  • Deinn - Heavens Tear
    Deinn - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Such friendly and encouraging responses!

    When it comes to such games I'm used to taking the role of a DDer, keeping my distance and helping to, well, DD! It's why I love my Archer so~. I'm just not used to taking center stage and having everyone's lives being in my hands (or paws :P ). I am glad that I'm not a person who doesn't give a darn because man, are those people annoying!

    I guess I'll keep working at it slowly and getting better with my skills, those being one of my weaknesses. I'm used to pew pewing with the occasional debuff when necessary, not having to keep aggro. xP

    I really don't want to end up hating playing a Barb (they're fluffy!).

    Thanks! You guys have really cleared up some anxiety. (:
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Practice, practice, practice! Nothing like gaining experience doing all those bh29's. That will help you tank confidently for the instances ahead.

    That's what I thought when I rolled an alt, because I hadn't played any class other than healer...then every BH29 had some higher level friend of the party member helping, and more BH39s too. Don't get real experience until BH51 it seems.
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Korsov - Heavens Tear
    Korsov - Heavens Tear Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Well, the fact that you're concerned about a squad wipe is probably a better indicator that you ARE cut out to be a barb, not the other way around. Most people have caused at least 1 squad wipe or gotten someone in the squad killed accidentally, and it definitely doesn't feel good, but you move on and forget about it. As long as you learn how/when to use your skills and know your limits, you'll be fine. b:victory
  • Cybetron - Harshlands
    Cybetron - Harshlands Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Don't worry we've all been at that curve when we get scared that we might cause a squad wipe. You are in the early stages of the game, so it's only natural to feel that. Once you realize your "style" of playing a barb then you can easily get more confidence b:pleased

    As for the bh29 instance, the boss in there is a magical one, so he surely does more damage than any other boss your level... Being intimidated by that instance alone is understandable. So trust me, you will love being a barb once you catch up with your playing style b:victory
  • Sirsmokealot - Raging Tide
    Sirsmokealot - Raging Tide Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    When I first started playing my barb I was a little nervous when I first started tanking stuff but that nervousness turned in to an obsession to see exactly what I could handle going out alot on my own in to instances and bosses and testing my limits to see what I can handle often dying but learning at the same time.

    I have noticed most barbs have a different playing style I have not explored the later parts of the games where I believe its going to become much harder but when ever entering a new instance or special run (TT etc..) I let the party know it is my first run and I take on any advice they have to offer once I have done it once and know its possible then I look at how I can make it any safer.

    I have died quite a lot as my class getting over mobbed either through my own mistakes or other impatient classes mass luring catching the mobs then going to die a sad and lonely death in a corner somewhere away from everyone else.

    I love being a barb though and can not wait to do the higher level stuff I can't explain the feeling you get when you have run an instance and no one has died you have played your hardest keeping everyone safe and someone at the end thanks you for your help and effort but its a nice one :)
    02/07/2011 - Lost paitence with PWI sold all my gear bought packs and wasted my coin till it was gone... goodbye PWI b:bye
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i'm presuming you have found this already.. but for any other worried barbs just starting out, I found this particular guide useful for getting my head around some of the issues.. the tanking section is pretty good
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • Sinalee - Dreamweaver
    Sinalee - Dreamweaver Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I had and still have the same worries every time i tank. im lvl 59 now with umm a bit low gear (40 armor) but my faction mates still insist on dragging me aroudn for jewel and krimson just to take a few mean bosses, and it every time turned out that if the cleric know what he/she is doing its good. Killed both with an equal lvl cleric who knows his stuff =).

    Try put in ur mind that its the team work of the whole squad that determines if u can kill a boss or not without death. Especially the teamwork between tank and cleric. if someone higher lvl than u out dmg u on boss and take agro its his fault for not controling the dmg. If u don't take agro of all mobs that attack u and cleric heal u, its partly boths fault. cler shouldn't heal u before u got agro, but maybe u should get that agro faster its all a combo of the members in squad =). Try trust urself and the others ^^
  • Danikovich - Heavens Tear
    Danikovich - Heavens Tear Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Have been playing for a year now, or more dunno ha-ha.

    Anyway, I don't remember too well if I was nervous at first. Try to follow a logic if you are feeling nervous.

    1. Go ahead of your squad. You flesh reamed a mob? Okay he's yours. Go for the next one, probably a magic one, use Alacrity and Flesh Ream this one too, if there are more repeat. If there are too many Roar.

    2. Nobody knows your character better than you. If your squad wants you to go inside a room with 50 magic mobs tell them No. You might not be able to handle that, YET. If they insist on it try your best but they can't blame you because you didn't agree with it.

    3. Take control of your squad progress. How? No idea. Either It's natural or you'll have to find out how.

    If something goes wrong, try again and again and again and again. Take your time, but be sure to tell yourself you will come back to try again sometime tomorrow.
    Like they say in my country:
    When you are too smart, smartness eats you up.
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Definitely read and learn every aspect of your aggro skills. Keep Flesh Ream maxed, and play around with setting, building, and resetting an aggro in some of the easier instances you might do. Always attack or aggro in some way any mob attacking you, this is the big one newer barbs usually make as a mistake for party wipe. If you don't aggro them, they attack the cleric. If someone else is luring, anticipate the movement of the boss, and get where they will cross you while chasing the lurer.

    When ya get better, there are more tactics you can start building if you have a good squad. AoE luring to speed up instance or trophy mode, form swapping, and other things to keep it interesting.

    A good thing might be trying to get in a group and see what other barbarian's do as a do/don't do reference. Like standing in one spot when the lurer is moving off to the side while catching, is something that got me in the habit of swapping to sword to MSS catch if need be. Always fun working with a barb who does have their role down though, nothing like quick spiking a boss during the barb's CD with every debuff imagineable and spark fisting, for the barb to then reset aggro after Invoking and go back to tanking. Advanced play like that is the only real lure doing party instances left at high level.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • XylolyX - Heavens Tear
    XylolyX - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I have to agree with the posters above me...if you're worried about causing a party wipe, you're well on the road to becoming a good barb. Always think about the party and especially the cleric before you think about yourself, and you will be one of the most sought after barbs for parties.

    Your job above all else is to get hit. And keep the mobs/bosses hitting you.

    Since you're in that position, it's up to you to inform your party members what to expect from you. "I'll go in and aggro this guy..." or "If someone lures I can catch." And when things go haywire, which they always do, you have to be the calm one-taking control as best you can of the situation, keeping yourself alive with pots, genie skills and normal skills as necessary so that order can be restored.

    Take note of the DDs that act like imbeciles, the clerics that prefer to DD and aggro every mob within 30 meters, and just don't squad with them again. Don't get rattled by the situation, and keep an active eye on what you are tanking as well as what other mobs could be aggroed.
  • Qingzi - Harshlands
    Qingzi - Harshlands Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    (If we assume you still are 4x)

    You're still at the start of a career I hope you're going to continue, since there's nothing wrong in worrying about others when you're taking a beating. I do every new instance I enter. But as I learn what possible threats the new instance have, the anxiety eventually starts to wear off. There and then is where, IMO, I shine the brightest.

    An example, a BH59 (long time ago) we walked to Qianji, and at the pond somewhere halfway, we aggroed, believe it or not, 13(!) mobs at the same time. We managed to kill them and only I died. Dying isn't anything to be worried about, everyone does.

    If I'm allowed to continue your thread-title with my own continuation, I think "It's very intimidating...
    ...that other people thinks they know how you play."

    At some point in the game, you will meet people like this, I'm sure most of us have, and they will tell you that you do everything wrong bla bla bla.
    I know this may seem off-topic, but it isn't, they are people you should let die. Don't even bother saving them, because even if you do, they won't stop complaining "about how you could have done", and "you fail" and everything. Tell the cleric not to res them. Because it will only get worse if you let them keep going with you.

    And you, if you think too much about what CAN happen, it WILL happen, so don't think you're gonna cause a wipe, think you're gonna prevent one from even happening.

    P.S. I'm pretty sure all barbs at 80+ have witnessed or caused a wipe.

    /End rant\
  • Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide
    Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Gotta agree with everyone else who has posted. We all been there, we all done that. We have all been a little nervous, we have all died and me pretty sure no barb gets to 10x without tasting a party wipe.

    The only other thing Fuzzy can suggest is to get together with a party of friends or faction mates and spend some time outside of the instances. Yes, you can learn from bh etc if you are motivated (lets face it, some people never learn from anything and are just along for the ride) but if you want to learn agro control get out there on the map and zen some mobs. See how many you can gather up and bring back to the party. Stretching your legs outside an instance with a few good friends will also help you understand how to control agro so that when someone does pull a few too many on your next bh you will be far more comfortable.

    Fuzzy has been doing this for ages with a few friends and me even continue to do so now. Except now me bring half the faction along for a zen party and try to gather up 30-40 100+ mobs in places like Buried Bones. Its excellent practice, its alot of fun, it will boost your confidence and it will also have the added advantage of getting you ready along the way so that when you do get a chance to try things like rebirth, after the first wave you will leave your party having no doubt they brought along the right barb.

  • Deinn - Heavens Tear
    Deinn - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i'm presuming you have found this already.. but for any other worried barbs just starting out, I found this particular guide useful for getting my head around some of the issues.. the tanking section is pretty good.
    Yes, I had come across that guide and even bookmarked it a long while back. It's about time I read through it again! Thanks! (:

    1. Go ahead of your squad. You flesh reamed a mob? Okay he's yours. Go for the next one, probably a magic one, use Alacrity and Flesh Ream this one too, if there are more repeat. If there are too many Roar.
    This is something that became a major concern of mine. I feel like if I miss even one mob out of a group it means I failed at being a good Barb. When there are multiple mobs everything seems to magically speed up and I panic a little. This I must work on more.

    If I'm allowed to continue your thread-title with my own continuation, I think "It's very intimidating...
    ...that other people thinks they know how you play."

    At some point in the game, you will meet people like this, I'm sure most of us have, and they will tell you that you do everything wrong bla bla bla.
    I know this may seem off-topic, but it isn't, they are people you should let die. Don't even bother saving them, because even if you do, they won't stop complaining "about how you could have done", and "you fail" and everything. Tell the cleric not to res them. Because it will only get worse if you let them keep going with you.

    And you, if you think too much about what CAN happen, it WILL happen, so don't think you're gonna cause a wipe, think you're gonna prevent one from even happening.

    P.S. I'm pretty sure all barbs at 80+ have witnessed or caused a wipe.

    /End rant\
    Haha, I know what you mean. Seeing or hearing about one person telling another how to play they're class, in a rude and disrespectful way anyway, is incredibly irritating. I don't think I'll mind letting those people suffer a little, if not a lot. Unless they're absolutely needed and no one else can replace them. (The horror!! b:shocked)

    The only other thing Fuzzy can suggest is to get together with a party of friends or faction mates and spend some time outside of the instances. Yes, you can learn from bh etc if you are motivated (lets face it, some people never learn from anything and are just along for the ride) but if you want to learn agro control get out there on the map and zen some mobs. See how many you can gather up and bring back to the party. Stretching your legs outside an instance with a few good friends will also help you understand how to control agro so that when someone does pull a few too many on your next bh you will be far more comfortable.
    That sounds like an excellent idea! Although it's difficult for me considering I have only one real good friend and that my Barb here is currently Factionless (which I'm okay with for the moment. I'm very picky with Factions. :P) But the idea does sound very appealing and much less stressful. Sounds like quite a lot of fun, actually! b:pleased

    I can't thank you guys enough for all of your input and sharing your experiences! It's very helpful! (:
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    but you move on!

    this, people for the most part be understanding as long as you be willing to learn and has fun.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • MrKoolaid - Lost City
    MrKoolaid - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Lol. Ur thinken too hard bro. Barbs arnt that hard u just need to know what ur doing. Do what i do and just read a guide :)

    Heres a guide that gave me everything i needed to know.
  • Cybetron - Harshlands
    Cybetron - Harshlands Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Heheh just remembered one of my experiences so sharing it with you:

    Back when I was 60s or 70s (don't remember the level), there was a quest for this boss named Mantavip Scout (don't know what its called now). I had tanked alot of my own bosses well and being the highest lvl barb of my faction I was asked to tank this beast for my guildmates and myself.. Mind you, the server was new then and not many knew what this boss could do. So I had two clerics healing me because I heard from a higher level friend that the boss hurts alot. I go in and get 3 shotted by it and the two dragons of depths that spawn around it. b:cry
    An unblemished record of never dying while tanking got destroyed that moment b:surrender and me and my squad had a good laugh about it. I am sure that the same happened to others too. At that point I realized that some bosses hurt real bad and some bosses are better tanked by magic classes.

    Once you realize that everyone else in your squad is at a learning curve with you, it makes the whole deal a lot more fun and encouraging. Just my two cents b:victory
  • OMarvelous - Sanctuary
    OMarvelous - Sanctuary Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I think he's called Nightspike Bloodguard now or something like that. Anyhow...when it came time for me to do that quest, I authpath'd to the area...and then when I saw him. I was like....."Yeah...something tells me I'm not going to be able to do this."
    SO I asked for help from a bunch of 8xs and they just laughed, then I WC'd about it and some 9x magical folk came to my aid.

    Big **** though eh?

    Thanks for sharing Cybe!
  • Danikovich - Heavens Tear
    Danikovich - Heavens Tear Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Heheh just remembered one of my experiences so sharing it with you:

    Back when I was 60s or 70s (don't remember the level), there was a quest for this boss named Mantavip Scout (don't know what its called now). I had tanked alot of my own bosses well and being the highest lvl barb of my faction I was asked to tank this beast for my guildmates and myself.. Mind you, the server was new then and not many knew what this boss could do. So I had two clerics healing me because I heard from a higher level friend that the boss hurts alot. I go in and get 3 shotted by it and the two dragons of depths that spawn around it. b:cry
    An unblemished record of never dying while tanking got destroyed that moment b:surrender and me and my squad had a good laugh about it. I am sure that the same happened to others too. At that point I realized that some bosses hurt real bad and some bosses are better tanked by magic classes.

    Once you realize that everyone else in your squad is at a learning curve with you, it makes the whole deal a lot more fun and encouraging. Just my two cents b:victory

    **** magical classes, I solo'd Mantavip, you can too. Just lure the Dragons away from Mantavip, when he's alone go there and Sunder away till he dies.
    Like they say in my country:
    When you are too smart, smartness eats you up.