What's Really over powered
MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear wrote: »Forgive them, they never learn. And new people just keep coming.
I am also hope GM forgive those people who think GM can do everything.
Because GMs are the only company representatives that are somewhat accessible for users. As employees of whoever runs the game, they also have --- probably indirectly, by going through channels in their company, but they still do --- the phone number of whatever company makes the game.
Of course, on the official level, F2P companies just discard everything with the usual "we are just paying for the license, but we can't do anything" ****. So asking GMs to do anything will indeed accomplish nothing, but for entirely different reasons. The company they work for just don't want to.
[ Other than that, as a game company you cannot possibly make all the changes players ask for. The above is still the usual excuse for not fixing bugs and imbalances, though --- "we won't do anything, you can't reach the developers, so get lost" ]Slow progress, game is getting way too grindy :-( Quests I still hope to be able to do some day: FB39, General Feng0 -
Bigger BS I didn't read for very long time.b:chuckleb:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Troll or not, I'm not even going to bother reading the whole post but if this is in reply to "Tideborn" post then sins are overpowered. Whats not to be over powered? Hide & attack like cowards and then run tail between your legs??0
I'm kinda sick of hearing people say "this is overpowered" and "that is overpowered", in my opinion all classes have their good sides and their bad sides, I'm not listing them all here but if you really think of it you'll find that the "overpowered" classes have few minuses too. If you find that your class is too weak or squishy, you probably haven't found a way to or can't make them powerful like the others, if you don't like that then mayhaps try another class? Stop whining (that just shows you're weak) and improve your combat skills, if you're smart enough you'll find a way to beat those "overpowered" noobs.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
GMs, please smite this thread before I do something violent. First off, Wizzes are -definitely- not overpowered... we cant even find a way to balance out our defenses enough to keep ourselves from getting one-shot from any class. Hell, with the right skills against the wrong build, A WIZ could one-shot a wiz. Congrats on your fail of a troll post.(☞゚ヮ゚)☞
☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Pew Pew Pew!
Quotes of Awesomeness:
"that word, "solo". i don't think it means what you think it means." - LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
StratosFear - Lost City wrote: »Wow. you guys would lock my thread for me thinking mages and clerics are OP?
Thats messed up. you never lock anyone elses thread that complains about op classes...
Those classes are completely unbalanced and you know it.
And barbs need more HP, right?
And sins need more stun kills to kill everyone?0 -
the most OP thing in this game is...
wait for it...
kunkun b:surrender0 -
failpost is failthanks to forsaken for this awesome sig b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Kaneharo - Dreamweaver wrote: »GMs, please smite this thread before I do something violent. First off, Wizzes are -definitely- not overpowered... we cant even find a way to balance out our defenses enough to keep ourselves from getting one-shot from any class. Hell, with the right skills against the wrong build, A WIZ could one-shot a wiz. Congrats on your fail of a troll post.
xDDD how is it fail troll thread if it makes you want to get violent.0 -
Successful troll is immeasurably successful.
Seriously, I think he needs an award or something.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
9x Demon Cleric0 -
StratosFear - Lost City wrote: »So i did my research and i believe that the most OP classes in this game are the mages and clerics. While the classes that arent OP are Sins and Venos.
Clerics can heal. tch. They shouldnt allow a cleric to heal at all in pvp.
Mages attacks are wayyyyy too strong, and their defense is unbelievable! I hit mages all the time and it barely scratches them. then they one shot me! NOT FAIR!
I can never interrupt them in battle either! whats with that??
Assassins are wayyy to squishy. And their attacks arent strong enough, They should make Assassins moves stronger and give them more magic defense. An assasin can't beat ANY class 1v1. I mean sure i could go invisible as a sin, but they will still beat me no matter what i do!
Veno's are wayyyy too weak. they can't beat anyone either. In battles people just ignore their pets and attack the squishy veno. It seems that buying a phoenix doesn't help at all!
whats with these classes? The GM's should fix all these problems and nerf the mages and clerics completely.
I believe that since these classes are new, they didn't get much work in making it strong enough.
Thats why they took so long on sage and demon skills ya know.
They need to be stronger
In conclusion Any class thats not a cleric or mage is completely weak and they beat all.
Blademasters, barbs and archers just can't beat any mage class except veno because they are too weak.
If tideborns are not made stronger i will have no choice but to quit this game and play a different one that has balanced classes. I'm sick of OP clerics and mages
Well... Im gonna reply to the veno part from MY aspect of venos.
yes about 80-90% of venos are squishy. Squishy to physical attacks that is. I havent really pvped so much, but i duel alot. Archers are really no prob for me. I can 2 shot them, and Im a HA/AA build veno. Barbs are my favorite to fight, Then Bms, Then Sins. Bms can stun lock, but Sins can sleep, stunlock, seal, etc. And even though they dont hit me for that much, if im not careful, they can sleep, seal, and stun me long enough to kill me.
I also dont really use a pet in duels. I dont have a nix yet. and I definetly dont use my herc in duels. I usually just pull out my ninetail firefox and use the lvl 4 howl debuff at the beginning which reduces the targets magic def by 32%>.<0 -
StratosFear - Lost City wrote: »So i did my research and i believe that the most OP classes in this game are the mages and clerics. While the classes that arent OP are Sins and Venos.
Clerics can heal. tch. They shouldnt allow a cleric to heal at all in pvp.
Mages attacks are wayyyyy too strong, and their defense is unbelievable! I hit mages all the time and it barely scratches them. then they one shot me! NOT FAIR!
I can never interrupt them in battle either! whats with that??
Assassins are wayyy to squishy. And their attacks arent strong enough, They should make Assassins moves stronger and give them more magic defense. An assasin can't beat ANY class 1v1. I mean sure i could go invisible as a sin, but they will still beat me no matter what i do!
Veno's are wayyyy too weak. they can't beat anyone either. In battles people just ignore their pets and attack the squishy veno. It seems that buying a phoenix doesn't help at all!
whats with these classes? The GM's should fix all these problems and nerf the mages and clerics completely.
I believe that since these classes are new, they didn't get much work in making it strong enough.
Thats why they took so long on sage and demon skills ya know.
They need to be stronger
In conclusion Any class thats not a cleric or mage is completely weak and they beat all.
Blademasters, barbs and archers just can't beat any mage class except veno because they are too weak.
If tideborns are not made stronger i will have no choice but to quit this game and play a different one that has balanced classes. I'm sick of OP clerics and mages
The attack power of a sin is actually quite high, plus we have high attack rate. Sure we are squishy but that's why we're invisible with high evasion. You were probably a complete idiot and put strength as your main stat on a sin while testing your little theories.
As for veno's you are also dead wrong. Yesterday I dueled a veno(on a different char of course), went right for the veno not the pet, I got one shot.
Clerics are not OP. And saying they are is wrong in so many ways. Sure they can heal themselves during combat but against a melee's high physical attack and attack rate they would have to heal CONSTANTLY so forget about attacking. On top of that they are the squishiest of all the classes in the game.
Mages are also not OP. Sure they have high magic damage and can exploit elemental weaknesses but against other players it's not all that great. While casting they are completely defensless so an Assassin could just use Shadow Jump and stun/sleep then take them out before they are able to move again.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
TruthIf you see this message, it means there is something Jesus-related and I am trolling it.0 -
PressO - Archosaur wrote: »
"foolness" isn't a word. The word you're looking for would be "foolishness".If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.
Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.0 -
Who cares? That pic is win.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Ewen - Harshlands wrote: »I quess the OP is a failed troll. b:bye0
Olba - Sanctuary wrote: »"foolness" isn't a word. The word you're looking for would be "foolishness".
Lol I didn't really pay attention to the text at the bottom... I was like dam! This deserves a Jesus facepalm b:surrender0 -
that was funny lolol0
clerics are not over powered nor are wizards. If you fought either one of these classes with the best gear possible it wouldn't have mattered if it were any other class because you'd still be dead.0
StratosFear - Lost City wrote: »So i did my research and i believe that the most OP classes in this game are the mages and clerics. While the classes that arent OP are Sins and Venos.
Clerics can heal. tch. They shouldnt allow a cleric to heal at all in pvp.
Mages attacks are wayyyyy too strong, and their defense is unbelievable! I hit mages all the time and it barely scratches them. then they one shot me! NOT FAIR!
I can never interrupt them in battle either! whats with that??
Assassins are wayyy to squishy. And their attacks arent strong enough, They should make Assassins moves stronger and give them more magic defense. An assasin can't beat ANY class 1v1. I mean sure i could go invisible as a sin, but they will still beat me no matter what i do!
Veno's are wayyyy too weak. they can't beat anyone either. In battles people just ignore their pets and attack the squishy veno. It seems that buying a phoenix doesn't help at all!
whats with these classes? The GM's should fix all these problems and nerf the mages and clerics completely.
I believe that since these classes are new, they didn't get much work in making it strong enough.
Thats why they took so long on sage and demon skills ya know.
They need to be stronger
In conclusion Any class thats not a cleric or mage is completely weak and they beat all.
Blademasters, barbs and archers just can't beat any mage class except veno because they are too weak.
If tideborns are not made stronger i will have no choice but to quit this game and play a different one that has balanced classes. I'm sick of OP clerics and mages
o man you made my day b:laugh
u might want to lvl bit higher play bit longer and learn some more about pvp before u can make conclusions. rofl
there actually is a balance tough it is a bit unstable currently with the amount of new gears/new classes/new skills that came out in a short period of time. ppl still need to find the new balance kinda. its not something that happens in a week or a click of a mouse it can take some months. i remember when the first packs came out ppl were screaming also omg ...... so op. only some rich ppl were walking with gold FF/lunar weaps now many ppl walk around with them.
if you dont have patience to let the game find its own balance after alot of new implants you can better quit playing online games.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
you got this backwards.. in 1 v1 sin and veno with a nix can easly kill a cleric and wizzar.. but it takes a skilled wizzard and ep to kill a siin and veno0
Don't PVP and you won't feel weak. =P Class doesn't matter, money makes people overpowered (cashshoppers).I use this character to post in the forum.0
Yes, yes, yes
Venos are weak. Give them attack skills like wizzy has and defences/hp of barb. That might cover their weakness a bit. And for Nix increase Bleed skill to 2000% of damage, not like it is 200% now.
My previous comment wasn't mean seriously....0 -
@OP: How are Venos weak? I finish all mobs in matter of seconds with my Herc... If something is overpowered, it's me + herc... b:chuckle We almost never take damage (pet tanks), but if we do, we have several healing skills and can get genie skills second wind + solid shield = god mode. b:laugh I get no exp for PVP so I do not care about that.0
Claw/fist is overpowered. The end.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Originally posted by LShattered - HeavensTear
Ohhh...I am dumb b:shutup0 -
Damewort - Sanctuary wrote: »Yes, yes, yes
Venos are weak. Give them attack skills like wizzy has and defences/hp of barb. That might cover their weakness a bit. And for Nix increase Bleed skill to 2000% of damage, not like it is 200% now.
My previous comment wasn't mean seriously....
You forgot purify and ironheart for pets, hun b:cute[SIGPIC][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
[ -- Wolves - Alpha | Hurt me, I'll bite back. Hurt my pack, I'll snap your neck. -- ]0 -
StratosFear - Lost City wrote: »If tideborns are not made stronger i will have no choice but to quit this game and play a different one that has balanced classes. I'm sick of OP clerics and mages
Are you by any chance butthurt cuz on your silly oracled tideborn alt you lost a duel?
If so, uninstall.exe
Are you by any chance just butthurt whatsoever?
If so, uninstall.exe
Are you by any chance just a troll who thinks he can be funny?
If so, YouAreSoNot.exe
Dr. Phil says : Please get out in the open air, breath in DEEPLY, don't faint, it's just oxygen and get a l-i-f-e .
On topic: <.< forum **** always.... : Sins can roll any class (in 5 seconds even QQ), and so can fist/claw bms. So unless they nerf both or do whatever, well...meh *stays out of pk*"One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
So.. This made me lol more than the time someone told me that archers are never able to tank. Uhmm... first off... OP for most people means one shot pew yer dead. Also, as someone once said before, there's a sort of balance in the game between the classes. So adding to what someone else said, its skill + moola that makes you OP, not the class b:victory ijs. and oh yes, i AM a fail archer b:cry0
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