Cleric "Etiquette"

Elenwhe - Raging Tide
Posts: 20 Arc User
Hello there! I started PWE last Thursday and have encountered a few situations in-game that left me with question regarding proper Cleric "etiquette"... if such exists.
1) Passing a dead player.
I've been Reviving any dead players I see, just to give them the option of coming back. (From my understanding, the person has to click "revive" for them to come back to life- it's not automatic, so if the went AFK after a death they won't just come back and die again.)
... That's nice, right?
2) Healing outside a Squad.
If I see a player loosing HP fast, I heal him/her and often buff him/her as well.
I assume this is just the nice thing to do...
Mainly, my question regards #3...
3) Being stuck with an AFK player.
I was invited to a Squad with a Tank who immediately went AFK without a word. He* climbed onto a rock, mediated, and didn't respond to my attempts to ask him what he needed help with/how many of a certain monster he needed killed.
After 15 minutes of sticking around, healing and killing the monsters near him to make sure he didn't die on "my watch," I left the squad; I didn't want someone I didn't know leeching my EXP.
I stuck around for another 15-20 minutes, keeping on eye on his HP (healing when necessary) and keeping the monsters away.
I then had to go do the dishes, so made my character fly in the air where no monsters could get to her (as opposed to merely meditating on a rock in an area with ranged monsters) and left.
By the time I finished the dishes, he had died. I revived him.
... If I encounter a situation like this again, should I assume that they didn't go AFK and merely lost their connection, giving them the benefit of the doubt, and stick around? ... even if they meditated in a "likely-not-to-be-killed-here" spot beforehand? ... Should I stick around and help out a fellow player?
*I used the pronoun "he" because the character was male, though I am aware that female players have barbs too.
Any other tips/hints would be useful!~
Thanks. ^.^
1) Passing a dead player.
I've been Reviving any dead players I see, just to give them the option of coming back. (From my understanding, the person has to click "revive" for them to come back to life- it's not automatic, so if the went AFK after a death they won't just come back and die again.)
... That's nice, right?
2) Healing outside a Squad.
If I see a player loosing HP fast, I heal him/her and often buff him/her as well.
I assume this is just the nice thing to do...
Mainly, my question regards #3...
3) Being stuck with an AFK player.
I was invited to a Squad with a Tank who immediately went AFK without a word. He* climbed onto a rock, mediated, and didn't respond to my attempts to ask him what he needed help with/how many of a certain monster he needed killed.
After 15 minutes of sticking around, healing and killing the monsters near him to make sure he didn't die on "my watch," I left the squad; I didn't want someone I didn't know leeching my EXP.
I stuck around for another 15-20 minutes, keeping on eye on his HP (healing when necessary) and keeping the monsters away.
I then had to go do the dishes, so made my character fly in the air where no monsters could get to her (as opposed to merely meditating on a rock in an area with ranged monsters) and left.
By the time I finished the dishes, he had died. I revived him.
... If I encounter a situation like this again, should I assume that they didn't go AFK and merely lost their connection, giving them the benefit of the doubt, and stick around? ... even if they meditated in a "likely-not-to-be-killed-here" spot beforehand? ... Should I stick around and help out a fellow player?
*I used the pronoun "he" because the character was male, though I am aware that female players have barbs too.
Any other tips/hints would be useful!~
Thanks. ^.^
Post edited by Elenwhe - Raging Tide on
1.) yes- they can rez whenever they get back to the computer
2.) im sure you will come across people that are pissed if you buff them cuz of the mana regen apoc items - try and pay attention to see if they have the blue symbol that appears like in your buff celestial guardian seal or you can simply just ask them if they want buffs
3.) you should have just left them for dead xD im sure you will get AFK players a lot in this game- hoping that people will just do the work for them, but you dont need to do it.
my only advice for being a cleric regarding these situations is... you will need to grow or get some thick skinyou will get blamed a lot for things when reality is it might not be your fault. try and use it as motivation to learn to counter certain situations that will come up and push the limits of your cleric
good luck b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
1) Reviving...up to you.
2) I don't believe in random buffing. Especially since Guardian Seal can override any regen pots someone could be using.
3) AFK situations...depends. Your call tbh, but not your job to keep alive if afk'd in odd spot.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!
"Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous0 -
Thank you both! ^.^
Oh, I didn't know about that. o.o I shall make sure to check/ask before buffing randomly!0 -
rezing, healing and buffing outside squad is a nice thing too do but you should be carefull.
youre lvl 20 what means your revive isnt high leveld yet, most players will apreciate it anyways, but some are just weird....
with buffing you should watch out a little too.
if the player you want too buff already has a mp or hp reg on him dont use celestrial guardians seal it will overwrite the orb they used. when it comes too buffing a random veno you might rather not use spirits gift since the extra dmg they do with it often causes them too pull aggro off of their pet more often.
nothing big but some ppl get pissed and you might end up beeing yelled at for trying too do something nice.
and beeing stuck with a afk player...
i leave squad after about 5 mins when they say they are going afk, if they dont and just leave im out as soon as i notice.
you can usually tell if someone is having a dc or went afk. if he goes too sit and medi you can be sure he isnt having a dc. most players dont just go afk in the middle of the battlefield though.
if youre close too a afk player anyways, sure its nice too keep him alive, but you really dont need too stick around and wait. youre cleric and in squads you have a high respnsobility for the lifes of your squad members but that doesnt generally make you too everyones slave. sure if you want too - stick around and keep him alive but there really is no need, nobody can blame you if you dont (even though some might try -.-)0 -
_Neve_ - Heavens Tear wrote: »rezing, healing and buffing outside squad is a nice thing too do but you should be carefull.
youre lvl 20 what means your revive isnt high leveld yet, most players will apreciate it anyways, but some are just weird....
Actually it's been proven by a cleric on the forums that the highest level revive is the one that counts, regardless of the order. So if a level 20 cleric casts level 1 revive, if someone else had cast level 10 already it doesn't overwrite, and if no one's cast anything...better than nothing.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
"We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
"You live for forums. Like seriously."0 -
3) How you handled the situation was above and beyond the call of duty IMO. From what I've seen, people don't lose connection while meditating. AFK in a major way, yes, but not disconnect. I've seen someone take over 30min to get booted from game when connection lost, so you could be waiting a while if you decide to stick around out of the goodness of your heart.
However, I can understand emergency AFK situations where I'm not able to tell others I will be back soon or never. I've had plenty of those myself >,< When I'm in a quest group with someone that went afk without a word for a period of time I usually finish my quest and kill a few extra mobs for the afk person. I then say something in squad chat and leave.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
1 and 2 have already been covered. I use mp regen powders a lot myself, so I know the pain of having them overwrite. Just be careful when using Celestial Guardian's Seal. That can not be stressed enough, and spread the word if you see other clerics using it without checking. That said, on my alts, random buffs can really make my day by making grinding faster and easier. So don't be afraid to throw out a Vanguard Spirit and Magic Shell, at least. They'll make more people happy than mad.
3 is not necessarily a cleric-only bit of etiquette, although our heals do give us super-babysitting powers. Generally, if you go afk, it's at least a good idea to give your squadmates a warning, just so they know what's going on. The barb settled down somewhere, so it's a good sign that he went afk instead of disconnecting. 5 minutes of afk without explanation is fine, 10 is stretching it... more than that, and you have every right to leave, especially since he didn't communicate to you beforehand. He was the one with bad etiquette, not you.
Another bit of higher-level etiquette that may come in handy in squad is if there's more than one cleric: asking who heals. I've heard the lower level cleric generally heals, to free the higher for dding, but it's not a pattern I've seen in my own squads. Instead, I always ask who wants to handle healing the tank, jsut so that multiple clerics don't end up wasting mp on healing the same tank when one could be DDing.
It's polite to "top people off" between fights. If you're moving to the next group of mobs, and one of the DDers is down to 80% hp, pop out a low heal.
Can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Generally, if it seems like a nice thing to do, go ahead and do it. More people will appreciate it than be upset. And that's what makes being a cleric worth it. b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
-Ignoring my main for alts since early '090 -
u will get thick skin for afkers fast
u will be surprised how many ppl dont respect others time at all
just from few days ago in middle of too long already and tiring tt:
barb: brb bio!
we: ok..
(after 20 mintues)
barb: back, i was in shop for beer too
and worse are just fail squads when doing something like FC or TT takes very long and domino effect start to work.
i dun get that but fail ppl knowing that run is bad, instead to try to speed it up so 'nightmare' ends sooner, they go afkly even more and are more careless making run super long and epically tiring :P (everyone had to go tru one of those 4 hour TT or FC once i bet..)BUILD EFFICIENCY CALCULATOR:
GAME IS DEAD wiki-article: -
I just had a barb do that to me a few days ago...I quested for a bit and then said in squad chat if you aren't going to help I'll leave the squad. Wait a few minutes, and since he didn't respond I left squad.
Random buffing is generally appreciated by the majority of the people. Watch out for the HP/MP regen, just as everyone else said, because it is annoying to have just started a powder and have it gotten canceled out.
But I personally love being random buffed.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0 -
I don't res and buff even if they PM in flight let go back to town like I do in BHs.This is unless it is another cleric.I let them think I am on WQ.Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.0
Elenwhe - Raging Tide wrote: »Hello there! I started PWE last Thursday and have encountered a few situations in-game that left me with question regarding proper Cleric "etiquette"... if such exists.
1) Passing a dead player.
I've been Reviving any dead players I see, just to give them the option of coming back. (From my understanding, the person has to click "revive" for them to come back to life- it's not automatic, so if the went AFK after a death they won't just come back and die again.)
... That's nice, right?
2) Healing outside a Squad.
If I see a player loosing HP fast, I heal him/her and often buff him/her as well.
I assume this is just the nice thing to do...
Mainly, my question regards #3...
3) Being stuck with an AFK player.
I was invited to a Squad with a Tank who immediately went AFK without a word. He* climbed onto a rock, mediated, and didn't respond to my attempts to ask him what he needed help with/how many of a certain monster he needed killed.
After 15 minutes of sticking around, healing and killing the monsters near him to make sure he didn't die on "my watch," I left the squad; I didn't want someone I didn't know leeching my EXP.
I stuck around for another 15-20 minutes, keeping on eye on his HP (healing when necessary) and keeping the monsters away.
I then had to go do the dishes, so made my character fly in the air where no monsters could get to her (as opposed to merely meditating on a rock in an area with ranged monsters) and left.
By the time I finished the dishes, he had died. I revived him.
... If I encounter a situation like this again, should I assume that they didn't go AFK and merely lost their connection, giving them the benefit of the doubt, and stick around? ... even if they meditated in a "likely-not-to-be-killed-here" spot beforehand? ... Should I stick around and help out a fellow player?
*I used the pronoun "he" because the character was male, though I am aware that female players have barbs too.
Any other tips/hints would be useful!~
Thanks. ^.^
1.) Outside of a squad, revives are totally up to personal preference. You wanna revive them? Go for it. Don't want to? Also fine.
Personally, I don't generally go out of my way to rez someone unless they are a friend or can take the time to type out a message that constitutes more than 'rez' or 'hi'. If someone can't be bothered to speak properly when asking me to spend MY time to peel them off the pavement, then why should I bother with a proper response?
2.) Again, personal preference. Just be prepared for all sorts of reactions both good and bad if you pursue such a course of action. Some people are...somewhat less than grateful when buffed and/or healed. Especially if you overwrite an apoth powder when doing so.
3.) Ditch 'em asap. If they had disconnected, they wouldn't be sitting on a bloody rock meditating. And even if they DID...they were actively AFK for a portion of the time. No reason to waste time and effort keeping leeches like that alive.
That being said, if you do happen upon someone that seems to have D/C'd, it's always appreciated if you find you're still alive when you get back. I've stuck around protecting such folks, and had the same done for me and it's quite nice. b:cute0 -
1.) I see no reason not to res someone I see randomly dead. Lately it's been at stop 13 on WQ, finding stacks of dead bodies laying on the NPC. If someone PMs me and asks politely AND I am in the area, I usually will res them, it's not like it's hard to do :P
2.) I will almost always heal someone I see if I happen to be standing around and they are struggling, no real reason not to. If they thank me, I will check to see if they have buffs and if not, I'll chuck some their way. If the do have buffs, I'll give them everything other than celestial.
3.) As usual, I agree with Nana - go on about your business if they go afk for an extended time without saying anything.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks for the sig Ophida0 -
My answer for all three options: Do what you feel like.
Rezzing and healing is ALWAYS good, but buffing some people dont like because it messed up apothecary items, so ask if you want before you buff. As for the AFK dude, that's your call. You're not required to do it, though it's nice that you stuck around that long. And if he got disconnected, his character would have disappeared.
So essentially, there is no "cleric etiquette".Reichle lvl7x cleric | Neithin lvl5x barb | Tigressi lvl3x veno | Etheriali lvl3x wiz | Goldeeni lvl2x sin | Lilaq lvl2x BM | Fuegai lvlx archer | Whiteney psychic not created yet >_>
Yes, I love PWI that much. Every class is awesome in their own way.0 -
FatherTed - Dreamweaver wrote: »1.) I see no reason not to res someone I see randomly dead. Lately it's been at stop 13 on WQ, finding stacks of dead bodies laying on the NPC. If someone PMs me and asks politely AND I am in the area, I usually will res them, it's not like it's hard to do :P
2.) I will almost always heal someone I see if I happen to be standing around and they are struggling, no real reason not to. If they thank me, I will check to see if they have buffs and if not, I'll chuck some their way. If the do have buffs, I'll give them everything other than celestial.
3.) As usual, I agree with Nana - go on about your business if they go afk for an extended time without saying anything.
Pretty much everything Ted said. However, I have little patience for people that are inconsiderate and waste my time. So as to #3, I'd probably not leave the squad without first leaving some nasty chat messages ^.^Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0
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