Server's nothing but a dead carebear

Dimiter - Lost City
Posts: 150 Arc User
I spent a few months doing stuff different from PW and MMOs and now when I'm back I'm a bit disappointed. I expected Lost City to be rocking with people who kill other people who kill still other people and so on. What I saw is almost no fights, +10 weapons and armour for the higher levels and the majority of people just grinding, killing BH bosses and fooling around Archosaur trying to sell Perfect Stones for less than the guy right next to them.
Guilds are pretty lame, there's a few bigger ones that don't even fight in TWs like cough-Essence-cough and you've practically no choice if you wanna join a faction. People 60+ and some 70+ can't find a decent guild which offers fun PvP encounters. WC is kinda dead, there's only people who want help with BH 90+ and a handful who are selling **** for ludicrous amounts of cash due to the hyperinflation of gold prices that the PWE staff managed to introduce with their event items (and that was their goal from the start so it's a job well done for them). The few guilds that recruit at all are too afraid to offer PK-ing. When I asked what they can offer apart from the traditional "FB/HH/TW/BH", one guy replied: "We sometimes play hide'n'seek in Archosaur! There's prizes!". WTF? Is this really the Lost City in which I used to play? The server where every day I'd laugh my **** off while listening to all the **** talk from Pandora, Deity, Flamez, etc.? The server where I could get my **** kicked profesionally by CQ and a couple of other carebear guilds whenever I led a team of Ethereal PK-ing everyone around Swiftwind and Sumor?
And where the **** is RQ? I mean the real RQ which made this server feel so much alive and would never have let this server sink in the pit of carebearness. I hope it revives somehow cause otherwise there's a serious chance we'll get bored to death.
By the way, next time someone offers me a hide'n'seek event in a guild, I'll politely ask them to host a tea party at Silverpool. Then the differences between PvP and PvE servers may be completely reconciled.
Guilds are pretty lame, there's a few bigger ones that don't even fight in TWs like cough-Essence-cough and you've practically no choice if you wanna join a faction. People 60+ and some 70+ can't find a decent guild which offers fun PvP encounters. WC is kinda dead, there's only people who want help with BH 90+ and a handful who are selling **** for ludicrous amounts of cash due to the hyperinflation of gold prices that the PWE staff managed to introduce with their event items (and that was their goal from the start so it's a job well done for them). The few guilds that recruit at all are too afraid to offer PK-ing. When I asked what they can offer apart from the traditional "FB/HH/TW/BH", one guy replied: "We sometimes play hide'n'seek in Archosaur! There's prizes!". WTF? Is this really the Lost City in which I used to play? The server where every day I'd laugh my **** off while listening to all the **** talk from Pandora, Deity, Flamez, etc.? The server where I could get my **** kicked profesionally by CQ and a couple of other carebear guilds whenever I led a team of Ethereal PK-ing everyone around Swiftwind and Sumor?
And where the **** is RQ? I mean the real RQ which made this server feel so much alive and would never have let this server sink in the pit of carebearness. I hope it revives somehow cause otherwise there's a serious chance we'll get bored to death.
By the way, next time someone offers me a hide'n'seek event in a guild, I'll politely ask them to host a tea party at Silverpool. Then the differences between PvP and PvE servers may be completely reconciled.
Post edited by Dimiter - Lost City on
I laughed b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!
"Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous0 -
I see we have a european player in the house!
Well, to your benefit i'll tell you this.
I don't think the guilds in this server are "that" dead.
There are still some decent RPK guilds.
Just those people keep asking what the guilds do for them, and they do nothing for the guild.
Ask what you did for the guild before you ask what the guild can help you.
: )
^ and that is coming from me..0 -
taking advice from calvin is like taking a check from a crack head.
Don't do it, you'll **** yourself over.0 -
b:cute only lowlvl guilds have carebears becos they want their guild to grow n pawn the map.
high lvl guilds don have carebears becos its already solid enough n ppl r less likely to leave kuz they didnt get help. for high lvl guilds, carebears will only appear if u give them merits. lowbie guilds will help u farm hh mats unconditionally, highbie guilds wont, they don care bout u.0 -
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Carebear stare <Insert Heartshape beam here>tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
Tatuaje - Lost City wrote: »5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Carebear stare <Insert Heartshape beam here>
b:infuriatedi am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss0 -
gotta admit i kinda miss the old people are obsessed with making their weps +12 and ****...Oh well0
cool stroy bro0
Hayateremix - Lost City wrote: »gotta admit i kinda miss the old people are obsessed with making their weps +12 and ****...Oh well
That's exactly what I meant. Hope it's not too late for the server to change in the right direction...0 -
I get what you're saying, we need the RPKers back, but to be perfectly honest it isn't even worth it
I go pking for one day and all I get is
"oh you f******g w***e" "go f---- die" "I hope you get cancer" "I hope you get aids"
and then whisper spammed for hours for abuse and swearing and apparantly my nonexistant daughter is sucking everyone off in PWI now sure, I can whisper block EVERYONE of these guys spamming me and fill up my blacklist, and then (this has happened many times) the person I pked (ONCE) will make a new character to continue to QQrage at me
So, for one to five kills I get up to an hour of pure abuse (EVEN from high levels, I killed a 99+ once and got so harrased by him and his other characters i had to actually send a harrasment ticket)
So yes, PVP is fun, but is it worth the whisper spam of harrasment?
it's not
so therefore I don't RPK, or PK much in general. Because it's not worth it. You players JOIN a PVP server, then cry when you get killed. I get killed a lot too, and every now and then a good "oh f**** you" is ok, because it's acceptable to get peeved off, but the amount of immature players QQing for hours and hours when they get killed once is just not worth it to play
Although it can be funny- but sometimes can be downright rude and exauhsting to try and filter through all the F yous and GDIAFs to ask my friend about that little CareBear HH run i must do =30 -
b:bye0 -
Mania - Lost City wrote: »I get what you're saying, we need the RPKers back, but to be perfectly honest it isn't even worth it
I go pking for one day and all I get is
"oh you f******g w***e" "go f---- die" "I hope you get cancer" "I hope you get aids"
and then whisper spammed for hours for abuse and swearing and apparantly my nonexistant daughter is sucking everyone off in PWI now sure, I can whisper block EVERYONE of these guys spamming me and fill up my blacklist, and then (this has happened many times) the person I pked (ONCE) will make a new character to continue to QQrage at me
So, for one to five kills I get up to an hour of pure abuse (EVEN from high levels, I killed a 99+ once and got so harrased by him and his other characters i had to actually send a harrasment ticket)
So yes, PVP is fun, but is it worth the whisper spam of harrasment?
it's not
so therefore I don't RPK, or PK much in general. Because it's not worth it. You players JOIN a PVP server, then cry when you get killed. I get killed a lot too, and every now and then a good "oh f**** you" is ok, because it's acceptable to get peeved off, but the amount of immature players QQing for hours and hours when they get killed once is just not worth it to play
Although it can be funny- but sometimes can be downright rude and exauhsting to try and filter through all the F yous and GDIAFs to ask my friend about that little CareBear HH run i must do =3
That "spam of harrasment" is what keeps me pking in the first place. I love knowing that I can upset someone so much by killing them in a video game, that they need to complain about it for any amount of time.0 -
Lovecraft - Lost City wrote: »That "spam of harrasment" is what keeps me pking in the first place. I love knowing that I can upset someone so much by killing them in a video game, that they need to complain about it for any amount of time.
Gets boring after a while :x just gets to be annoying0 -
If someone's getting to you, kill them. Repeat as necessary.0
Lovecraft - Lost City wrote: »If someone's getting to you, kill them. Repeat as necessary.
Then there is risk of getting banned for PK Harrasment0 -
If someone actually gets mad enough to report you for killing them too much, then you win xD. Honestly though, I've never heard of anyone getting perma-banned for that, so worst case scenario, you can't play for a week or something. Doesn't seem like a big deal, but it could just be me xD0
I had a friend who used to pk and camp people a lot. But when people QQ'd to him, he had an away message that was "why?" and sometime the person that was pming just ended up talking to themselves for an hour and then they would finally realize it or stop.
But if people keep pming you, just filter it out, or have it only appear on the Trade chat or something.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"
Lol what?0 -
Coraline - Lost City wrote: »I had a friend who used to pk and camp people a lot. But when people QQ'd to him, he had an away message that was "why?" and sometime the person that was pming just ended up talking to themselves for an hour and then they would finally realize it or stop.
But if people keep pming you, just filter it out, or have it only appear on the Trade chat or something.
are you talking about who i think you're talking about b:thanksI don't know if anything that I say is standard human nature. or if it matches up perfectly with some pathetic subculture. or that it fits the psychological profile of someone in need of this specific form of something.0 -
b:cute im gonna do the same thing, my auto msg will be set to 'Why?' b:dirty0
pequetteV/PeqPeq <-- carebear #1 b:byeb:chuckleDimiter - Lost City wrote: »What I saw is almost no fights, +10 weapons and armour for the higher levelsDimiter - Lost City wrote: »majority of people just grinding, killing BH bosses
(i like that part since im a carebear) b:thanksDimiter - Lost City wrote: »And where the **** is RQ? I mean the real RQ which made this servergenesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender
go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI
[noparse][/noparse]0 -
hm.. i can call myself one of the server's biggest carebear.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
already quit pwi, and yet my gears are still superior than 95% of you people.0 -
RPK hardcore=RQ?
Then RQ is always here.
Just people don't QQ more, they use the time to get stronger.
b:cryPeople keep asking where is RQ, and they don't even pk.0 -
You know
I remember when CQ disbanded and went on to RPK for a week and everyone cried like a baby :x
now they stopped rpking people are crying that there is no PKwhat's wrong with this world?!
0 -
Pft I don't even need to read this. The server died the moment myself and Xtacy quit the game. GG LC.Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
do your life a favor and quit already,Lost City is dead0
Dimiter - Lost City wrote: »And where the **** is RQ? I mean the real RQ which made this server feel so much alive and would never have let this server sink in the pit of carebearness.
We all started assassins and are invisible in Secret Passage... waiting...Guild History:
Unlimited [retired guild]
Conqueror [retired guild]
BloodLusT [FAIL OF EPIC PROPORTIONZ/retired guild]
RageQuit [retired guild]
Current Guild:
Wouldn't you like to know?
Current Status:
Been jumping rooftops in ADC for the past year and a half<3
Actively PvP'ing foramz style b:cute0 -
Haven't played enough yet to actually PK anyone in PWI.
But QQing is the fuel of griefers. I look forward to the day when someone is bored/lame enough to spam me with whispers because I murderlized their face all over the place on a PvP server even lolz, what did they think would happen?!?!
Now just to get those levels so I can do that.
And I fully expect to get frustrated myself with being murdered. But completely worth it, and it comes with the territory of joining a PvP server. That feeling that your life is constantly in danger is thrilling, and why I like PvP games.0 -
so since alot of ppl felt like this server was dead already
how many here looking forward to try out forsaken world when it goes live?0 -
Cyanea - Lost City wrote: »I think your problem has been that you do not spend enough time standing by Yan the Traitor, trash talking in world chat.
Might as well rectify that injustice.TriggerHappi - Lost City wrote: »so since alot of ppl felt like this server was dead already
how many here looking forward to try out forsaken world when it goes live?
I signed up for beta, will keep an eye on how things develop. So far I like some features such as guild bases, dwarves with guns and that sort of ****. I've to see to what extent the CS will influence gameplay and I've to read about PK-ing in more detail. Hope the game doesn't become as carebear as PW's Lost City, but it may be inevitable.0
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