Elements of Faith, THE ONLY GOOD VERSION

CeliaZ - Sanctuary
Posts: 901 Arc User
Very sorry for everything! This is the only one you should look in. The others can me removed! Sorry again!!!

Link to larger image: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/2803/cimg0379.jpg
Bosses + mobs statistics
The entire map of air floats high in the air, you cant see the ground. It are narrow paths that lead to platforms. The weather is beautiful, blue sky and sun.
Boss: Level: ?
HP: 1.000.000
Buffs: Increased magic defense buff
Debuffs: Increased channeling debuff
Metal defense debuff
Attacks: Longe range strong metal DoT AoE
Will hit melee + magic.
Drops: 50k exp + relative spirit each (if the squad has 6 persons.)
100 - 400k coins total.
2 - 6 darkness stamps 9 rep, non trade, random distribution.
0 - 8 mirages.
Mobs: Level: 90 - 93.
HP: 60 - 80k
Debuffs: AoE freeze
Attack: AoE metal attack
Guard: Level: 90
HP: 300k
High physical attack, no aoe.
The fire map is located at a volcano. The downside of the map are roads right above the surface of the lava. The upside is the foot of the volcano, where you run on earth instead of floating platforms. The bosses are located at platforms again. The sky is black, there is no sun.
Boss: Level: ?
HP: 2.000.000
Debuffs: Spawns minions that deal no damage but AoE debuff your fire defense to almost 0. This makes the bosses AoE deadly. Minions are level ? and have 50k hp, they wil debuff everyone after 10-15 seconds. They will spawn random, sometimes very fast after the previous one. Minions will only debuff their own squad.
Attack: High physical melee attack
Long range AoE fire attack
Drops: 75k exp + relative spirit each (if the squad has 6 persons.)
200 - 500k coins total.
4 - 8 darkness stamps 10 rep, non trade, random distribution.
2 - 10 mirages.
Mobs: Level: 94 - 96.
HP: 100 - 140k
Debuffs: Decreases fire defense
Attack: Physical + fire attacks.
Guard: Level: 94
HP: 500k
Melee + high AoE fire DoT
The map of water is located in a beautiful valley, with streams, trees, blossom and sun. Some parts of the valley are all water, and you have to swim to go further.
Boss: Level: ?
HP: 3.000.000
Debuffs: AoE 5 seconds seal
Long range AoE chi drain (1 spark gone in 1 minute)
Random mana drain (10k gone in 10 seconds)
Attacks: Melee
Long range AoE water attack
Drops: 100k exp + relative spirit each (if the squad has 6 persons.)
300 - 600k coins total.
6 - 10 darkness stamps 11 rep, non trade, random distribution.
4 - 12 mirages.
Mobs: Level: 97 - 99.
HP: 160 - 200k
Debuffs: AoE seal 3 seconds
AoE purge
Attack: Melee + magic
Guard: Level: 97
HP: 750k
Very high physical attack, runs through mobs that purge you.
The map of earth is located on a high mountain, and you need to climb to the very peak of the mountain where the bosses are. This is a very narrow cliff, and you need to be careful not falling off. The sun is shining and the sky is blue, but there is a very strong wind around the mountain.
Boss: Level: ?
HP: 4.000.000
Debuffs: Decreased physical defense debuff
Spawns minions (little bugs) that run very fast and can
kill you in one hit. Their attack has a 4 seconds channeling and is close so you can escape from it. Will hit pets too. Only attacks their own squad. They die after 10 seconds.
Attacks: Random agro with physical + magical attacks.
Drops: 125k exp + relative spirit each (if the squad has 6 persons.)
400 - 700k coins total.
8 - 12 darkness stamps 12 rep, non trade, random distribution.
6 - 14 mirages.
Mobs: Level: 100 - 103.
HP: 200 - 300k
Debuffs: Stun + AoE stun.
Attack: Melee + earth attacks
Long range AoE earth DoT that stacks.
Guard: Level: 100
HP: 1.000.000k
Phy + magic defense buff.
Final boss
The final boss is located on an island. It is night time, its raining and a thunderstorm hangs over the island. One side of the island is grassland and the other side is rock, in a shape that concludes the story of the elements. After you leave the starting island to the main island via the bridge, you cannot go back.
This boss has mobs circling around him. They are level ? and have 50 - 100k HP. They dont attack, but debuff their own squad with:
Slower channeling
Lower attack rate
Mana drain (10k in 10 seconds)
Chi drain (1 spark in 30 seconds)
Decreased attack (physical + magical)
All killed mobs will spawn again at 50% of bosses HP and 10%.
Boss: Level: ?
HP: 5.000.000
Buffs: Increased magic + physical attack buff
Increased magic + physical defense buff
Debuffs: Long range AoE stun.
Attacks: Random agro with physical + magical attacks.
Long range physical AoE
Drops: 150k exp + relative spirit each (if the squad has 6 persons.)
Quest reward for killing this boss: One Sign of Elements for each player to exchange at Elements of Faith NPC in City of Thousand Streams.
Elements of Faith
Elements of Faith is an instance for everyone who is 90+. Two squads are made. The leader of every squad takes the quest from the Elements of Faith NPC in City of Thousand Streams. It will cost 600k per squad.
Both squads will be teleported to the start of the first element, Air.
Elements of Faith exists of five parts, four bigger parts, that of the four elements (Air, Fire, Water and Earth) and a small part, where the final boss will be. At the end of each element are two bosses, one for each squad. The squad that kills his own boss before the other squads boss dies, will win that element, and will be rewarded with experience, spirit, money and reputation. All the debuffs and AoEs of the bosses will only affect/hit their own squad.
To get to that final boss, they both need to run the same path (all maps are mirrored) and kill mobs. They also need to kill a guard, which opens the gate to the boss. After one squad wins an element, the teleport NPC located near the boss will have a quest that will teleport you to the start of the next element. After the fourth boss you will be teleported to the island where the final boss is. Whoever kills the final boss first will be rewarded with the final reward, a Sign of the Elements, which you can trade for items. Each member of the winning squad will receive one sign.
All the mobs that you find on the element maps have a chance (about 15 - 20 %) to drop Crystals. Air mobs will drop Air Crystals, fire mobs will drop Fire Crystals, water mobs will drop Water Crystals and earth mobs will drop Earth Crystals. These crystals can be made into special blessings, right before the last boss, to make that fight easier.
Blessings you can make before the final boss:
Number behind the blessing is the amount of crystals needed from each element. (Example, 4 means you need 4 air, 4 fire, 4 water and 4 earth crystals.)
+ 5 attack level for 5 minutes 2
+ 10 attack level for 5 minutes 3
+ 15 attack level for 5 minutes 4
+ 20 attack level for 5 minutes 5
+ 5 defense level for 5 minutes 1
+ 10 defense level for 5 minutes 2
+ 15 defense level for 5 minutes 3
+ 20 defense level for 5 minutes 4
Recovers 9000 mana over 10 seconds x3 4
Recovers 9000 HP over 10 seconds x3 6
Gives 2 sparks instant x3 10
Immune for damage for 20 seconds x2 8
Immune for debuffs for 30 seconds x2 12
The quest reward from the last boss will be one Sign of Elements for each member of the winning squad. This can be traded at the Elements of Faith NPC located in City of Thousand streams for rewards. It wont disappear when leaving the instance and cannot be traded with other players.
Last number is the amount of signs it costs to make it.
Blessing of fire x2 1
Magic attack + 50 % for 60 minutes.
Blessing of water x2 1
Magic defense + 50 % for 60 minutes.
Blessing of air x2 1
Physical defense + 50 % for 60 minutes.
Blessing of earth x2 1
Physical attack + 50 % for 60 minutes.
Wraith Officer Badge (+25 reputation) x4 1
Mysterious page x10 1
Advanced mystical page x10 1
Perfect shard of choice x1 1
Tome of Faith 50
Interval - 0.05
Channeling - 3%
Critical + 1%
HP + 80
Atk level + 1
Def level + 1
Tome of Elements 100
Interval - 0.10
Channeling - 6%
Critical + 2%
Magic def + 200
Phys def + 200
HP + 150
Atk level + 5
Def level + 5
Elements of Faith is an instance for everyone who is 90+. Two squads are made. The leader of every squad takes the quest from the Elements of Faith NPC in City of Thousand Streams. It will cost 600k per squad.
Both squads will be teleported to the start of the first element, Air.
Elements of Faith exists of five parts, four bigger parts, that of the four elements (Air, Fire, Water and Earth) and a small part, where the final boss will be. At the end of each element are two bosses, one for each squad. The squad that kills his own boss before the other squads boss dies, will win that element, and will be rewarded with experience, spirit, money and reputation. All the debuffs and AoEs of the bosses will only affect/hit their own squad.
To get to that final boss, they both need to run the same path (all maps are mirrored) and kill mobs. They also need to kill a guard, which opens the gate to the boss. After one squad wins an element, the teleport NPC located near the boss will have a quest that will teleport you to the start of the next element. After the fourth boss you will be teleported to the island where the final boss is. Whoever kills the final boss first will be rewarded with the final reward, a Sign of the Elements, which you can trade for items. Each member of the winning squad will receive one sign.
All the mobs that you find on the element maps have a chance (about 15 - 20 %) to drop Crystals. Air mobs will drop Air Crystals, fire mobs will drop Fire Crystals, water mobs will drop Water Crystals and earth mobs will drop Earth Crystals. These crystals can be made into special blessings, right before the last boss, to make that fight easier.
Blessings you can make before the final boss:
Number behind the blessing is the amount of crystals needed from each element. (Example, 4 means you need 4 air, 4 fire, 4 water and 4 earth crystals.)
+ 5 attack level for 5 minutes 2
+ 10 attack level for 5 minutes 3
+ 15 attack level for 5 minutes 4
+ 20 attack level for 5 minutes 5
+ 5 defense level for 5 minutes 1
+ 10 defense level for 5 minutes 2
+ 15 defense level for 5 minutes 3
+ 20 defense level for 5 minutes 4
Recovers 9000 mana over 10 seconds x3 4
Recovers 9000 HP over 10 seconds x3 6
Gives 2 sparks instant x3 10
Immune for damage for 20 seconds x2 8
Immune for debuffs for 30 seconds x2 12
The quest reward from the last boss will be one Sign of Elements for each member of the winning squad. This can be traded at the Elements of Faith NPC located in City of Thousand streams for rewards. It wont disappear when leaving the instance and cannot be traded with other players.
Last number is the amount of signs it costs to make it.
Blessing of fire x2 1
Magic attack + 50 % for 60 minutes.
Blessing of water x2 1
Magic defense + 50 % for 60 minutes.
Blessing of air x2 1
Physical defense + 50 % for 60 minutes.
Blessing of earth x2 1
Physical attack + 50 % for 60 minutes.
Wraith Officer Badge (+25 reputation) x4 1
Mysterious page x10 1
Advanced mystical page x10 1
Perfect shard of choice x1 1
Tome of Faith 50
Interval - 0.05
Channeling - 3%
Critical + 1%
HP + 80
Atk level + 1
Def level + 1
Tome of Elements 100
Interval - 0.10
Channeling - 6%
Critical + 2%
Magic def + 200
Phys def + 200
HP + 150
Atk level + 5
Def level + 5

Link to larger image: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/2803/cimg0379.jpg
Bosses + mobs statistics
The entire map of air floats high in the air, you cant see the ground. It are narrow paths that lead to platforms. The weather is beautiful, blue sky and sun.
Boss: Level: ?
HP: 1.000.000
Buffs: Increased magic defense buff
Debuffs: Increased channeling debuff
Metal defense debuff
Attacks: Longe range strong metal DoT AoE
Will hit melee + magic.
Drops: 50k exp + relative spirit each (if the squad has 6 persons.)
100 - 400k coins total.
2 - 6 darkness stamps 9 rep, non trade, random distribution.
0 - 8 mirages.
Mobs: Level: 90 - 93.
HP: 60 - 80k
Debuffs: AoE freeze
Attack: AoE metal attack
Guard: Level: 90
HP: 300k
High physical attack, no aoe.
The fire map is located at a volcano. The downside of the map are roads right above the surface of the lava. The upside is the foot of the volcano, where you run on earth instead of floating platforms. The bosses are located at platforms again. The sky is black, there is no sun.
Boss: Level: ?
HP: 2.000.000
Debuffs: Spawns minions that deal no damage but AoE debuff your fire defense to almost 0. This makes the bosses AoE deadly. Minions are level ? and have 50k hp, they wil debuff everyone after 10-15 seconds. They will spawn random, sometimes very fast after the previous one. Minions will only debuff their own squad.
Attack: High physical melee attack
Long range AoE fire attack
Drops: 75k exp + relative spirit each (if the squad has 6 persons.)
200 - 500k coins total.
4 - 8 darkness stamps 10 rep, non trade, random distribution.
2 - 10 mirages.
Mobs: Level: 94 - 96.
HP: 100 - 140k
Debuffs: Decreases fire defense
Attack: Physical + fire attacks.
Guard: Level: 94
HP: 500k
Melee + high AoE fire DoT
The map of water is located in a beautiful valley, with streams, trees, blossom and sun. Some parts of the valley are all water, and you have to swim to go further.
Boss: Level: ?
HP: 3.000.000
Debuffs: AoE 5 seconds seal
Long range AoE chi drain (1 spark gone in 1 minute)
Random mana drain (10k gone in 10 seconds)
Attacks: Melee
Long range AoE water attack
Drops: 100k exp + relative spirit each (if the squad has 6 persons.)
300 - 600k coins total.
6 - 10 darkness stamps 11 rep, non trade, random distribution.
4 - 12 mirages.
Mobs: Level: 97 - 99.
HP: 160 - 200k
Debuffs: AoE seal 3 seconds
AoE purge
Attack: Melee + magic
Guard: Level: 97
HP: 750k
Very high physical attack, runs through mobs that purge you.
The map of earth is located on a high mountain, and you need to climb to the very peak of the mountain where the bosses are. This is a very narrow cliff, and you need to be careful not falling off. The sun is shining and the sky is blue, but there is a very strong wind around the mountain.
Boss: Level: ?
HP: 4.000.000
Debuffs: Decreased physical defense debuff
Spawns minions (little bugs) that run very fast and can
kill you in one hit. Their attack has a 4 seconds channeling and is close so you can escape from it. Will hit pets too. Only attacks their own squad. They die after 10 seconds.
Attacks: Random agro with physical + magical attacks.
Drops: 125k exp + relative spirit each (if the squad has 6 persons.)
400 - 700k coins total.
8 - 12 darkness stamps 12 rep, non trade, random distribution.
6 - 14 mirages.
Mobs: Level: 100 - 103.
HP: 200 - 300k
Debuffs: Stun + AoE stun.
Attack: Melee + earth attacks
Long range AoE earth DoT that stacks.
Guard: Level: 100
HP: 1.000.000k
Phy + magic defense buff.
Final boss
The final boss is located on an island. It is night time, its raining and a thunderstorm hangs over the island. One side of the island is grassland and the other side is rock, in a shape that concludes the story of the elements. After you leave the starting island to the main island via the bridge, you cannot go back.
This boss has mobs circling around him. They are level ? and have 50 - 100k HP. They dont attack, but debuff their own squad with:
Slower channeling
Lower attack rate
Mana drain (10k in 10 seconds)
Chi drain (1 spark in 30 seconds)
Decreased attack (physical + magical)
All killed mobs will spawn again at 50% of bosses HP and 10%.
Boss: Level: ?
HP: 5.000.000
Buffs: Increased magic + physical attack buff
Increased magic + physical defense buff
Debuffs: Long range AoE stun.
Attacks: Random agro with physical + magical attacks.
Long range physical AoE
Drops: 150k exp + relative spirit each (if the squad has 6 persons.)
Quest reward for killing this boss: One Sign of Elements for each player to exchange at Elements of Faith NPC in City of Thousand Streams.
Post edited by CeliaZ - Sanctuary on
That's so not getting implemented into the game, grats on being unbelievably unrealistic.
Not to mention the dozens of threads xDRisingson - 7x Psychic
Indalecio - 3x Cleric0 -
Geez guys, she obviously put a lot of thought into this idea so give her a break for making mistakes.
Cool idea btw, sounds challenging and fun. I like having two squads competing. Would be better if the entry fee were removed imo.0 -
How many threads you created 20+????
Maybe this is a nice idea and you put much work in it but as mentioned before wrong part of the forum and creating 20+ threads that are more less the same also doesnt help to take you seriusly.
b:angryTo find yourself, think for yourself : Socrates 469 BC
UBCS : Raging Tide
Faction Level: 3
Leader: _Kahn_
Director: _Maylea_
Marshal: dRaxXstar
Executor: BlackEffect, Lylinn, _Lenneth_, Kreuz, white_devil_, Foxian
Site: ubcs.mmoguildsites.com or ubcs.tk
We are still looking for you: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=85262520 -
I didn't even think this was a suggestion till I read the posts. That was so damn good, I thought it was actually a real instance. If this gets implemented I will actually try to get to 90 just for thatb:victory. This is a epic win honey b:chuckle0
4x Rep badges: 85k each
1x Perfect Shard: 1.7m
Maybe a bit too unbalanced rewards. And the better tome is just too OP with that -int. Maybe it should be -0.05 too.
Overall I think the dungeon is great. 600k cost per players might be a bit too much, but you can get it back when you finish the dungeon since the rewards are so good. You have put a lot of work on this.100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011.
pwcalc.com/e7016929e7b204ae "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
Nice idea
I'd love to do it, and to win you've got to have a good squad too, or else you won't get anything.
But you should've put it in the suggestion forum8x Cleric (Sanctuary)
6x Veno (Sanctuary)
5x Assasin (Harshlands)
3x Archer (Sanctuary)0 -
Kupuntu - Sanctuary wrote: »600k cost per players might be a bit too much,
it was 600k per squad.
I like this idea props on all the work.
and everyone else give her a break i mean holy **** most of the responses were flames. yes she multiposted and coulda just editted the original and she put it in the wrong section. the mods will take care of that.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I don't see why the OP didn't just edit their first post instead of making new ones over and over again.I call it how I see it.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks Santacruz!0 -
First and foremost, I think that's a piece of impressive work you have there. I don't know how feasible or fair it is, but it sure looks nice
Just a suggestion:
I think the elements should correspond with the ones PW has. We got Earth, Wood, Fire, Water, and Metal. We don't have the Air element. So for consistency with the lore and whatnot, I think if you changed it to these, it would be better.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Good idea, but easily exploitable. Just pay the other squad to do nothing or make two squads from the same faction and you can easily win each time, maybe alternate if it is same faction squad.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Thank you all very much for being so positive for me. I don't know what happened, but to get the code back I just hit back on my browser and everytime it created a new topic.
I did put alot of work in it, but that exploit theory of you is scary. I should have thought of that. Also the rewards are kinda examples. But indeed, they don't match very well.
Thanks again all![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
that dungeon could be pretty good. would bring more fun to the game.I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender
102 - Archer - Heartz0 -
CeliaZ - Sanctuary wrote: »Thank you all very much for being so positive for me. I don't know what happened, but to get the code back I just hit back on my browser and everytime it created a new topic.
I did put alot of work in it, but that exploit theory of you is scary. I should have thought of that. Also the rewards are kinda examples. But indeed, they don't match very well.
Thanks again all!
Maybe the squads could be matched randomly, and a penalty added if you do less than 1/2 of the other squad's contribution to the quest?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
"We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
"You live for forums. Like seriously."0 -
Some of your instance maps remind me of reproductive organs they show you in Health class0
Thats pretty impressive, I gotta say. I agree, that it is exploitable, as well as the rewards a bit too heavy. With the right amount of fiddling around, it could work.
The concept is pretty good ^.^ tbh, I would rather see the instances that arent working properly first be fixed b:chuckle
Awesome jobPWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)0 -
Tome of Elements 100
Interval - 0.10
Channeling - 6%
Critical + 2%
Magic def + 200
Phys def + 200
HP + 150
Atk level + 5
Def level + 5
Maybe if it require 19,000 like the OHT boots/helm it would be more reasonable.The chillum is sometimes referred to as a chalice, based on a quote from the Biblical book of Deuteronomy. Thanks and praises are offered to Jah before smoking the chillum.0 -
haters dont hate on this girl,. i actually like this idea, it would be an awsome change to the stuff i usually see
(although i think this does belong in the sugestion forum)
this could be the Element world were genies come from? b:confused[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3
'...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru20 -
So, the squad that doesn't kill the final boss first gets nothing? That seems a little unfair after paying that entry fee and going through pots etc. (a lot of people would want to try this, but not everyone can get a top notch squad). Maybe implement rewards for the second squad too that aren't as good as the first, but still at least make the 600k fee feel worth it.
But I do agree that this looks fun, and it would be great if things like this would be added to make things more interesting after lvl 90. Although if they don't even want to take the time to fix bugs, I highly doubt they would ever take the time to create an entire new instance.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)
Looking for a mature faction on HT? pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=7608420 -
So, this is what, a massive rep + imba fest?
For one, the amount of rep rewards is unrealistic. With all of those stamps, you'd be looking at like 42 rep each time you complete it, if not more. Also, the ease of getting perfect shards, 100 rep and pages make this basically a huge farm fest for imba gear, Rank 8 and all skills.
Oh, and the tomes? The second one is especially imba. There is currently NO tome with -0.1 interval, and for a good reason. With one, you could use ANY fist or claw and still be able to get 5 aps. Or you could get over 1 aps on a bow without much trouble.
Also, you DO realize that 50% attack is equal to +50 Attack Level, something found on Warsouls? That alone is rather ridiculous.If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.
Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.0 -
I reread the whole thing again and I have few ideas.
-remove the -int from the tomes
-remove the option for perfect shards and change it to flawless shards. if every squad members could get 5 perfect shards per completion, the price would go down and WBs wouldn't be worth it anymore.
-tone down the blessings. even 10% boost is enough
That's all I can suggest. Other than the unbalanced rewards the idea is good, although I think it could be like CoA or horse race: everyone starts at the same time. Oh and make 90-99 and 100+ a different instance; otherwise all the big cash-shoppers would ruin the fun if it isn't squad vs. squad.100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011.
pwcalc.com/e7016929e7b204ae "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
Have you considerd that Perfect World uses the Chinese element system? There is no air element in the system PW uses. Your idea would make more sense if you had Wood and Metal instances instead of Air.
Aside from that, there are already several instances in PWI which feature the five elements. FB59 and Warsong, for instance. You've clearly put a lot of thought into this and it sounds like a solid idea, but it would need to use the established element system... and even then, you're not one of the Chinese devs so the chances of them listening to this idea are slim to none.
Sorry, just trying to be the voice of realism here. :-/[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]
Other Active Characters:
LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).0 -
I would run that if it was in game
. I have a few negative views towards the debuffing but nothing a cleric can't fix with purify.b:victory
^ my barbs built, full buff in tiger.b:bye
I'm not going to troll anymore T_T0 -
The floating instance would be great; I think it fits PWI's theme nicely there are already numerous floating objects on some maps.
Idea kind of reminds me of FB59 and warsong...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
While the competition idea is nice in theory, the problem is how it will play out in reality. In the end, the squad with 5 -Interval fist BMs & a cleric will always win. Normal players wont have much of a chance. I personally dont like the idea that the squad that is already better geared, gets the rewards, when its those in need of upgrading that wont get squat.
Also would add about the 5 chinese elements being different then the 4 western elements you used, but thats been covered already.0 -
Um....Read through the whole post and idea....
I can easily say this:
Never Gonna Happen.0 -
Asperitas - Lost City wrote: »So for consistency with the lore and whatnot, I think if you changed it to these, it would be better.
Holy **** this game has lore? b:shockedBladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
wowprogress.com/guild/us/kil-jaeden/Criminal+Scum0 -
great idea
i like how someone said u get a squad together and enter instance then u get put against a random squad...
it would be cool if u also got put into a random squad... so totally random squads working together so no OP groups could dominate...
even if there were no reward i would still do this
vote 1 OP 4 dev XD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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