Hey, what do you do in PWI for fun?

Lesthar - Heavens Tear
Posts: 3,045 Arc User
Hello everyone,
This is my first thread, so do not be too harsh on me. Thanks!
Today's discussion will be far away from game concerns and other QQing, in which endless other threads and people specialize on. I want to ask you, the PWI community, what you do in the game for fun.
That said, I shall narrow the spectrum of my question a little.
Bragging about leveling fast or doing instances more or less successfully, trolling, PKing, looting, QQing, being a pervert on world chat, making more or less ummm... unique builds or talking in faction about this and that, among other things is not what I look for.
Here is what I tend to do, or used to do:
- Exploring the world as a newbie, while avoiding much stronger mobs to reach a village, without any guide (tons of adrenaline when you know nothing about the roadways in the game);
- Using my aerogear to simplify the process mentioned above;
- Finding unusual places to do unusual stuff (no, nothing perverted. Don't look at me this way... For example, summoning my Undine Princess in the ponds of Archosaur or in the swamp);
- Using funny animations (such as screenshotting my frogling spitting green mist like a wrestler, before and during the action) or taking a closeup shot of my pets or a non-aggro mob.
Use those on slideshow or share to others, effect guaranteed;
- Taking epic landscape pictures;
- Looking at the fox form of my venomancer and going 'awww' or seeing my barbarian in true form rolling around, and laughing in the process;
- Going for the art of Manzai (just ask Grand Sage Wikipedia about it if the term says nothing to you) in chat, especially whispering to world chatters in my server. I love to respond in a witty way or on the contrary, acting seemingly dumb, not to attract attention, but simply because I do not resist teasing people just a little bit (no, I am not a troll and not vulgar either, I got a reputation to maintain, you know);
- Jumping on top of roofs and watching the scenery.
...Among other things.
And you, people of PWI, what do you do for fun? And please remember, do not troll, I can see GMs, Mods (and among them an awesome sauce guy patrolling around -Hey, KonariRaiden, how goes?-).
(Thanks for reading!)
This is my first thread, so do not be too harsh on me. Thanks!
Today's discussion will be far away from game concerns and other QQing, in which endless other threads and people specialize on. I want to ask you, the PWI community, what you do in the game for fun.
That said, I shall narrow the spectrum of my question a little.
Bragging about leveling fast or doing instances more or less successfully, trolling, PKing, looting, QQing, being a pervert on world chat, making more or less ummm... unique builds or talking in faction about this and that, among other things is not what I look for.
Here is what I tend to do, or used to do:
- Exploring the world as a newbie, while avoiding much stronger mobs to reach a village, without any guide (tons of adrenaline when you know nothing about the roadways in the game);
- Using my aerogear to simplify the process mentioned above;
- Finding unusual places to do unusual stuff (no, nothing perverted. Don't look at me this way... For example, summoning my Undine Princess in the ponds of Archosaur or in the swamp);
- Using funny animations (such as screenshotting my frogling spitting green mist like a wrestler, before and during the action) or taking a closeup shot of my pets or a non-aggro mob.
Use those on slideshow or share to others, effect guaranteed;
- Taking epic landscape pictures;
- Looking at the fox form of my venomancer and going 'awww' or seeing my barbarian in true form rolling around, and laughing in the process;
- Going for the art of Manzai (just ask Grand Sage Wikipedia about it if the term says nothing to you) in chat, especially whispering to world chatters in my server. I love to respond in a witty way or on the contrary, acting seemingly dumb, not to attract attention, but simply because I do not resist teasing people just a little bit (no, I am not a troll and not vulgar either, I got a reputation to maintain, you know);
- Jumping on top of roofs and watching the scenery.
...Among other things.
And you, people of PWI, what do you do for fun? And please remember, do not troll, I can see GMs, Mods (and among them an awesome sauce guy patrolling around -Hey, KonariRaiden, how goes?-).
(Thanks for reading!)
Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
- When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
- Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
- New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
- When will we get new content? QQ
- Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
- I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
- *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
- When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
- Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
- New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
- When will we get new content? QQ
- Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
- I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
- *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
Post edited by Lesthar - Heavens Tear on
Lesthar - Heavens Tear wrote: »- Exploring the world as a newbie, while avoiding much stronger mobs to reach a village, without any guide (tons of adrenaline when you know nothing about the roadways in the game);
That is my favorite part , and was my favorite part of PW and any other game.
I think the very first time i played, I ran on foot from City of Lost to the very end of the map, and then back to the very top. I think I died seven times, but at level 5 who cares lol.
I also like to just run around, and explore with my pets, kill random mobs while passing through towns I haven't been to. (Or running away from them. >> ..) Makes leveling pets more fun, even though it takes longer.
What I enjoy the most is helping people, and that's my only motivation to continue leveling. But whats sad is how hard it is to find people who want help I guess.
I used to enjoy grinding listening to my favorite songs, and picking one special item I wanted from AH.
Hmm, and when I first started PW on eng/my I was level 30 and determined to catch a Quincunx Kitten, (Tabby Plumdrop)-and I spent 6 hours everyday sitting in that spot, talked to at least 50 people. It was interesting but really disappointing. I never got one until I came here. (It was the last few depressing days of summer, I had no life b:sad )
That's all I can think of. I:0 -
The memory of exploring the world as a newbie is fun
Fighting mobs and bosses in any condition
Racing people in dragon race
Awesome graphics
Goofing off, ETC, ETC, lots of fun things to do ingame b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool
HA > LA > AR... GG
HA + VIT = win b:bye0 -
Thanks Hakiii and Yulk (hey, old pal, how goes?),
Exploring the world with a pet is definitely great, it has a pokemon (I wanted to put the accent, my original comment was partially eaten -QQ-) feel to it... (if you turned pet hunger off first that is!). Who never wanted to do it in reality?
Hakiii, there is a thin line that is really hard to distinguish in game, as some people don't like being helped, because they are either shy, or like to solo for a challenge (I tend to be like that) or simply fear you will take advantage of them. Others will LOVE to get a hand, but they could simply be too dependant on others *cough* working hard is the best way to enjoy the game *cough*. And in another case, some will simply refuse because they don't need it, or out of pride.
Keep trying getting that rare pet, by the way!
But I digress.
Well Yulk, you are right. The amount of freedom in the game is just impressive. Flying, swimming, doing crazy double jumps, bungee jumping (watch out for Sword Tamer lurking below!! Ouch! Too late.), having a pet following you on land or in the air, using a land mount to travel faster... Are one of the few things you can do that some other MMOs do not even have.
And the graphics, I tend to play on lowest settings on my computer (laptop) and I like them still. Maybe because I am an old-school videogames fan? XDMaintenance time. Please choose a line:
- When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
- Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
- New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
- When will we get new content? QQ
- Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
- I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
- *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~0 -
a few things i like to do is go to burning heart on my barb jump on the lava (ooooo shinyb:dirty) & mess around with the physical atk mobs
some times i will go up into the map tht is covered with snow & swim around in the lakes & just look at everything
take some chicks i find ingame to some of my fav loactionb:sinb:avoid
hmm thts all i can think of tht i wnt to sayCollector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle0 -
Hmm...enjoyin' the landscapes...annoy some bosses...tryin' to solo FBs^^
Doin' TT runs with my faction and friends...'cause for some reason we get crazy ideas in there, like...killin' more than 1 boss at the same time (yeah...might be nothin' interestin' for some people, but its fun, especially for some lower lvl people^^)...or dancin' in front of 'em while fightin' (as tank)...just..."Rescue"-style :P
And I just got the idea of pickin' up girls and drop 'em above WBs...haven't tried it yet, but might be fun... b:chuckle0 -
Hakiii - Heavens Tear wrote: »
What I enjoy the most is helping people, and that's my only motivation to continue leveling. But whats sad is how hard it is to find people who want help I guess.
I used to enjoy grinding <SNIP>
I like to help my friends out and make new friends while I'm doing it. I've given up on random squads-as I know how I run each instance and most randoms have no teamwork/communication. So I'll help teach instances to faction mates, and learn from them as well.
I used to love double clicking an exp scroll and grinding on phys mobs for an hour or more. Not so much anymore that BHs give more exp, and RL has changed a bit making my time a bit more valuable.
For fun now, I'll squad with my friends, turn on vent and we'll make each other laugh.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
lvl10XAssassin0 -
I like hanging around with my friends. (like wolfssohn who posted up here
Doing fb's and TT's. gathering mobs in fb39 so our cleric can oneshot them all with tempest b:laugh
Actually I can enjoy everything in this game as long as I'm with my wonderfull friends[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvychar for the awesome sig
waterfal - lvl 90 demon ferrari veno
Hazumi_chan - lvl 9x sage seeker0 -
well, i like to explore and hang out with my freinds
probably the mspot fun guy is my uber fit BFF Shadowfish(yeha, i got a crush but hes got a gf already b:surrender),
sometimes we just chill and not even bother with mobs or questsb:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3
'...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru20 -
Thanks for all the feedback,
To anwynd: Yup, the lava and the snow are fun in every MMO. Instantly dying by landing on the lava would be realistic, but it would kill all the fun... I believe that games are great to see what is over human limits (that said, it's an unreachable dream).
To Wolfssohn: Dancing is good, dropping people on top of bosses is not :P
And yes, befriending and keeping friends is a neat thing to do in PW. So don't forget, play to have fun first, and keeping relationships out of the game (like MSN or facebook or such) is even better.Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
- When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
- Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
- New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
- When will we get new content? QQ
- Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
- I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
- *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~0 -
I have this weird obsession... I climb on buildings. b:chuckle I jump and climb on everything! I really like climbing in Archo! Yeah, you can tell I'm a real Tomb Raider fan. b:laugh◄ Alt for posting. | PVE Sage Archer and happy with it.0
Finally a thread that isn't full of complaints and QQing! In all honesty I'm getting sick of all the complaint threads that seem to litter the forums nowadays. ((Not that I'm saying PWI is completely perfect by any means, I just get kind of annoyed seeing threads that seem to only complain about everything.))
So what do I do in PW for fun? Well here's my list.
1. Go FCing with friends whenever we decide to get a group together
2. Grind while listening to anime on youtube or having a movie playing in the background
3. Have random conversations in Faction Chat
4. Make random quotes in Faction chat
5. Swim around in my mermaid form with my Tideborn
6. Take screenshots/pictures
and that's just a few things I enjoy doing. There's probably a lot more then that, but this were just the main ones I could think of.0 -
I mainly hang around in lower lvl areas and help the low lvls out. My favorite hang outs right now are SP and outside the Untamed fb19 areas. I'll probably venture out to other areas some day as well, but it's tough to choose just one place.
I also like to solo fb dungeons (right now I'm seeing if I can make it through fb39 solo).[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Be nice to people0 -
Things I do for fun or when bored:
- Go run up to a world boss and see how much I can dmg it for before I die XD
- Finding new places for when my guild does events (done a hide n' seek thing before....never got found so I won <.<)
- PK Parties
- Ganking Parties (Usually on mobs or other things)
- Helping with any fb19, fb29, fb51, or fb59 (Yes. I HATE fb39.)
- Doing BH (<---only if dead bored and super close to lvl)
- WQ (<---afk holiday xD)
Um....That is usually about it. But you can sometimes find me AFK on my urim, just flying around at 79 up and lookin down on the ground and going "Little insects can't fly.....DIVE BOMB!!!" and go and kill them <.<0 -
Lairian - Sanctuary wrote: »I mainly hang around in lower lvl areas and help the low lvls out. My favorite hang outs right now are SP and outside the Untamed fb19 areas. I'll probably venture out to other areas some day as well, but it's tough to choose just one place.
I also like to solo fb dungeons (right now I'm seeing if I can make it through fb39 solo).
I wish you MASSIVE luck in solo'ing fb39. I've only ever seen a veno w/ herc solo it ^^''0 -
Standing afk at south archo.0
I used to get dunk and TW.
Captain Morgan is my TW captain b:byeBladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
wowprogress.com/guild/us/kil-jaeden/Criminal+Scum0 -
Whenever me bored Fuzzy answers shouts for help from the lower lvl's.
Some people would argue it does them no good to have someone come an clear their bh run in 100th of the time it would usually take, but it is alot of fun for me and usually Fuzzy ends up answering tons of questions about this or that for the lower lvl people as well.
Might not help em to have their instance cleared out single handedly, but me try pay it forward in helping em understand what me can by being patient and answering anything they ask.
It truly is fun to help others learn a little bit here and there by passing on what knowledge me can.
b:thanks[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
- Semi-afk on wq while doing something else which also involves reading forums/watching youtube/chit-chatting on skype ;
- Semi-afk in fc while reading forums/watching youtube/chit-chatting on skype ;
- Semi-afk in rebirth ( gamma till I outlvled it b:cry as a bm , delta & gamma when I did it as a wiz ) while reading forums/watching youtube/chit-chatting on skype ;
- Semi-afk in TTs while reading forums/watching youtube/chit-chatting on skype ;
- Click on the next sub mat farm while reading forums/watching youtube/chit-chatting on skype ;
- Pk & read forums/watch youtube/chit-chat on skype till I fly back to the fight after I die b:surrender ;
- Cube & read forums/watch youtube/chit-chat on skype when I'm in boss rooms/chest farming ones/bored ones ;
- Quest if there's nothing else to do and ofc when I auto-attack I...read forums/watch youtube/chit-chat on skype ;
- Aoe grind sometimes and yes I meditate so I can....read forums/watch youtube/chit-chat on skype , also when I auto-attack a few mobs to get chi back b:victory ;
- Do fbs and while running a long distance w/o any mobs I .... ( take a guess :P ) ;
That would be all for now b:avoid .
It's all about LoL,yo.0 -
My main hobby has always been exploring every corner of the map and trying to get all teleport locations, as well as randomly checking the spawning areas of rare pets. One of my ''brightest'' ideas was when I was 24 and wanted to get to City of Thousand Streams, couldn't find the entrance, and let a monster outside it aggro and kill me so that I would spawn inside. 6 levels later I got Sky Manta and solved most of my wandering problems[sigpic][/sigpic]0
Reading my faction chat tends to be pretty damn funny in itself.
AoE grinding real low lvl mobs.
And trolling the forums when I'm flying to wherever I'm going.[SIGPIC]http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=5843465009&dateline=1276709082[/SIGPIC]
~Made by the amazing Forsakenx~
"Hogwarts is full of Communists?!"--Lingie
"No. I'm actually the reincarnation of a God. Retired. Hi."
"My life is one whole WTF moment."0 -
but to answer the title question, what i do for fun is TW and public quest-retired-
now playing megaten and...Forsaken World0 -
Typical "Fun" day of the average PWI player...
-1st BH
-2nd BH
-Inform nub faction "NO I can't help on quests cuz I'm in a BH"
-3rd BH
-Inform online friends "NO I can't chat/pk cuz i'm doing dailies"
-Inform RL friends "NO I can't go out today, have to finish FCC run...nub"
-Collapse from exhaustion
-Wake up next day...rinse and repeat0 -
- When i was completly new i took myself the time to play with the day and night in game, so when it became dark i would climb up in a tree with my fox and lay down to sleep. (the night hours got long so i started very early when sun was rising xD)
- Exploring new combos with my friends, and learning to time em well.
- Duo grind/kill whatever with another veno i have known since 36 ^^, we don't need to talk when doing that, if a mob pop up behind me and my pet is busy, then her pet will surly come running and the other way around =3.
- With 2 things just above this one, we combo those, doing differend stuff like luring and killing in fb51 with one veno healing 2 pets and one veno going full DD ^^.
- I love just chatting with ppl and joke around have a great lot of fun out of that.
- Running randomly around the map, with our maps turned off (with the above mentioned veno)
- When i was new i had alot of fun in running from lost to ether to plume without my map and only the sun/moon which makes your shadow always point north. (noticed the always south placed sun/moon, during my time of sleepign with my veno ). (on my first run i died near to archo, not thinking about turning on map again (since this was not the planed ruth i had looked on) i was lost for 2h till a helpful soul showed me the gate =D)
- Taking the "risk" and trying out bosses in a new way, even if ppl tell us we need a higher lvl with us, if we die ppl just laugh it off and try again. (so far no complet fail ^^)
- Find a nice place with my hubby and maybe a few others to just chat and i guess role play a bit ^^, been long though should do that again =/. (last time two of the girls stole his clothes while swimming in a lake -_-,)0 -
I'm very glad to know I'm not to only one that likes to do stuff in the game other than obbsesive leveling\grinding\farming\PKing.
I LOVE taking pictures, I can just find a nice little spot on a wall or in some tall grass and play with the graphics setting making it softer and at some backgroud detail with the distance controls. After that I tend to put the really good screenshots through photoshop and get even more creative. I've also done this with Movie Maker and put together screenshots and clip from the game into a birthday dedication video.
Another thing I like to do is go to a different server just to play with the character customization. I did this once to see what a demonic version of my veno would look like lol.
I have tons of fun just jumping around on buildings and climbing on things. Like the human fb19 cave was the most fun to climb on, even though sometimes I thought I was really stuck.
Sometimes I like tracking my friend down in the game with the friends list info. Flying around the area looking for that yellow dot then dropping down right next to them b:pleased I especially like it when I come back from being afk for awhile and see him standing next to me b:cute
Fashion is another thing that has nothing to do with leveling, but I still love. I think the main reason why I like it is because in game I can wear anything and everything I can't in the real world, an MMO like this can be your second life.0 -
My wifey has a tendency to afk while I am holding her.. I fly us to weird places and take advantage to my heart's content, until she's back... *slap* b:dirty0
f....uun? whats that? google told me;
activities that are enjoyable or amusing; "I do it for the fun of it"; "he is fun to have around"
which if thats what it means, then theres no fun on pwi[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Resistance is futile!
♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT0 -
Fun!??? BUHAHAHAHA!!! MuHAHAHAHA!! HARHARHARHARHAR!!! what fun.....-.-0
I got stuck in Sandsong Village for a long while on my cleric before. Back when they had the 1% chance of dropping stuff, I dropped my white wings and I was stuck there until my friend helped me out.
I was lv. 10.
But yes, exploring is a lot fun. I ask my barb friend to bring me to Eden and explore for no reason.
The huggy hares are cute. b:chuckle
Plus taking screenshots and such as well as staying in Plume and watch the E-Drama. b:chuckle
Asides from that, I've been saving up for a herc and just got it before the maintenance.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I go against everything that I'm supposed to for fun! Such as
I am in Regicide, I go PK mode, and anyone on Sanctuary knows what's said about Regi PK....So...I break the mold, do the unexpected! I ress heal and buff everyone in PK. b:cute Cause I'm a lovable cleric and I have these really cute pigtails!
But, I can't seem too nice! so unequip my weapon and punch random peopleMy misses are sexy!
and if that doesn't seem mean enough I have been known to go off on people for ress killing. and Occasionally frying their butts with a bit of lightning b:surrender
And that, my dear people of PWI, is what I do for fun b:chuckleI don't like people. The sooner you can accept that, the sooner we can all go on with our insignificant lives.0 -
press e go down to the thread list of options and click dance till you die from legs cramps then click fall LOL0
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