Psychic lv79 lv100 skill

Korren - Lost City
Korren - Lost City Posts: 339 Arc User
edited March 2014 in Psychic
b:lipcurl dunno if any1 posted be4, just wanna know what u guys think of these skills
tbh, these skills r awsome, lol


Essential Sutra

channeling 0.5sec
cast 0.5sec
cooldown 90sec
requisite chi 0

summon the seawind to accelerate ur flying speed. increase urself or a friendly target's flying speed by 60% for 15seconds

Crystal Light

channeling 1sec
cast 1.5sec
cooldown 15sec
requisite chi 0

lanch a crystalizing ray to attack all targets in a 28meters straight line, deal base dmg +300% weapon dmg + 1905.5 water dmg, reduce their moving speed by 80%


Sandball Clash

channeling 3sec
cast 1sec
cooldown 10sec
requisite chi 0

blow the sand to attack ur target , deal base + 300% weapon + 5475.9 earth dmg, 50% chance seal target for 5sec.

Stone Smasher

atk range 28.5meters
channeling 4sec
cast 1sec
cooldown 60sec
requisite chi 2 sparks

blow up everything on the earth into nothingness, deal base + 400% + 10253.1 earth dmg to enemy and all the targets 8meters around him, decrease their atk speed by 30% for 8sec.
Post edited by Korren - Lost City on


  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    channeling 3sec
    cast 1sec
    cooldown 10sec
    requisite chi 0

    blow the sand to attack ur target , deal base + 300% weapon + 5475.9 earth dmg, 50% chance seal target for 5sec.

    Lol more power full than red tide and earth vector damage but cost no chi & very short cool down. b:laugh (without counting red tide bleed)
    Need longer to channel though.
    crystallizing ray

    channeling 1sec
    cast 1.5sec
    cooldown 15sec
    requisite chi 0

    lanch a crystalizing ray to attack all targets in a 28meters straight line, deal base dmg +300% weapon dmg + 1905.5 water dmg, reduce their moving speed by 80%

    This one also power full >.> another 300% ? not mention short cooldown
    just realize as line aoe it has 28meter range
    earth explode

    channeling 4sec
    cast 1sec
    cooldown 60sec
    requisite chi 2 sparks

    blow up everything on the earth into nothingness, deal base + 400% + 10253.1 earth dmg to enemy and all the targets 8meters around, decrease their atk speed by 30% for 8sec.

    Close to bids & tempest ? <.< Only 8 meter aoe though.

    These skills used with tide spirit (+ 86% weapon damage 6 sec faster channel) is = ??? b:surrender
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ty Korren, we had the gist of the skills but not actual channel, cooldown and such.
    earth explode

    channeling 4sec
    cast 1sec
    cooldown 60sec
    requisite chi 2 sparks

    blow up everything on the earth into nothingness, deal base + 400% + 10253.1 earth dmg to enemy and all the targets 8meters around, decrease their atk speed by 30% for 8sec.
    Totally sub this for Red Tide, Red Tide is near useless now
  • Astrohawke - Lost City
    Astrohawke - Lost City Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    From the looks of it, our 79 and 100 skills are pretty bad.

    15 seconds of 60% flying speed is meh. Could be useful sometimes but doesn't really suit the tideborn race.

    A weaker version of WotP with longer cast and longer cooldown. More range. Replaces knockback with slow. Another aoe slow is useful I guess but this really should have just been a regular skill replacing something like aqua cannon.

    Sandstorm (doubt it's called that since already a wiz skill called that) seems to be the only decent skill. Good damage and seal is great. Another control skill is always welcome.

    Earth explode, another skill that should have been given as regular ultimate replacing red tide. A weaker version of wizard and cleric ultimates at level 100 instead of 59.

    I would have preferred less attacking skills to be honest.
  • Titan_itachi - Raging Tide
    Titan_itachi - Raging Tide Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I think another aoe at level 79 is really good it will give us more respect in gamma and fc b:victory
  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'm just counting the days until someone starts to QQ that these skills will make us OP. I'm gonna launch a preemptive strike on that front though. Here's why these skills won't make us OP, for those who are curious.

    The lv100 skills?

    "Sandstorm"? (That name is definitely wrong because Wizards already have a spell by this name, but meh) - This seems to have the potential to be a staple skill for us later, but the long channel will make it rather situational in a Psychic's hands, unless Tide Spirit is on. That being said, if you look at the damage numbers, its similar to a Wizard's Lv10 Sandstorm, except that ours has a longer channel and has a higher static add in exchange; and it swaps the 50% accuracy debuff for a 50% chance to seal. Yes yes, Seal is far superior to reducing accuracy, but considering that ours requires Lv100 and the highest Celestial cultivation, while the Wizard version just requires Lv39 cultivation to get it and Lv75 to max it... I'd call that a fair trade.

    "Earth Explode" - Congrats to us for finally having a super-damage ultimate spell that we have to wait until 100 to get, and is STILL weaker than lv10 BIDS, let alone Sage/Demon version. Lv100 and weaker versus Lv86 and stronger, you do the math. Yeah yeah, we have Black Voodoo, but that alone doesn't make a 400% weapon modifier equal to a 500% one when you actually consider how strong lv100 weapons are. Gotta remember, attack levels do not directly equal % damage, they modify the base magical strength of the user, not the total damage. Also note, that spell's channel time is equal to BIDS channel time, so yes, even in a psychic's hands it DESERVES to have some power behind it. And for the purpose of speed casting, Sutra > Tide Spirit because Sutra is instant cast, while Tide Spirit is rather flashy and easy to see coming for a person who isn't face-rolling the keyboard. Again, sounds fair to me... I'm not even gonna mention that ludicrously awesome m.atk buff that Wizards can get at lv100, btw.

    -Don't get me wrong, I'm not QQing. The Wizard ultimate SHOULD be stronger, this I have no arguments against. I'm just saying, if you don't complain about BIDS, don't bother complaining about Earth Explode either, since most of the Psychic's you meet probably aren't gonna make it to Lv100 for this skill to even be a factor... And that's before we actually consider the fact that it is indeed still weaker than Lv59 (maxed at 86) Wizard ultimates.

    The Lv79 skills?

    "Crystallizing Ray" - I actually kinda like this skill, and have been looking forward to it ever since we first heard about it a month ago or so. It's the first skill with higher than a 200% weapon modifier that Psychic's can get access to. And it's a straight-line aoe, which can be useful in the right circumstances. (Mainly, mob grinding). But still, there's nothing broken or OP about it. The cooldown time is rather long (not terribly long, but much longer than any of our main spells), so the spell is far from repeatable which is already a bit of a balancer. For PvP purposes, slowdown is practically non-factor, because you can Holy Path right through it.

    "Summon Seawind" - If you want to claim this skill as broken... go ahead, but you'll just look stupid. Don't get me wrong, an aerial speed buff is useful, but its far from game-breaking. It might be useful for chasing a person, at least until they drop to the ground and Holy Path. Otherwise, it seems to be more like a getaway skill, or possibly just a "need to fly to my squad sooner" skill. The long 90 second cooldown prevents it from being too much of an issue really though.

    All in all, we're not gonna change all that much from the Lv79 skills, and who ISN'T super powerful by 100? We certainly won't be the strongest, nor the weakest, but still far from OP by relative comparisons.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    blow up everything on the earth into nothingness

    This is awesome.

    I hope the description really says that.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Awww, what, no 89 skills? D:>
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Awww, what, no 89 skills? D:>

    what the fruit is a 89 skill?

    o right um...
    psychic level 100 skills be OP.
    they actually DO SOMETHING! b:shocked
    sandstorm = same total cast time (4 seconds) as wizzy sandstorm but does moar damage.
    and heck with hyper exp and the dailies, it be eaaasy to level. just saying.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Crystallizing Ray and Sandstorm do seem overpowered...
    I <3 AGOREY
  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I get the feeling I'm being troll'd, but I'm bored atm so what the hell, I'll bite.
    what the fruit is a 89 skill?

    o right um...
    psychic level 100 skills be OP.
    they actually DO SOMETHING! b:shocked
    sandstorm = same total cast time (4 seconds) as wizzy sandstorm but does moar damage.
    and heck with hyper exp and the dailies, it be eaaasy to level. just saying.

    I know you were being sarcastic, but I'll say this anyway.

    If it were really so super easy, I'd see three digits under your avatar too, Mr. Hamsta. IJS. b:surrender

    @Longknife, please do inform me what makes a straight-line aoe with a long cooldown and a crappy debuff OP? Really, let's face it. Slowdown is great for PvE but that is it. The debuff is useful only for mob grinding. In PvP, its non-factor because its pathetically easy to get around being slowed unless your opponent has never heard of a genie.

    Frankly, it's never been hard to be at least decent at PvE because monsters don't have a sense of strategy. You'll have to forgive me if I don't consider PvE oriented stuff to be that impressive, especially when its far from spammable. I do like the skill, but its far from OP. Now, if it had a 3 second cooldown, or even a 6 second cooldown then I might agree with you. But 15 seconds? Not a game-breaking element. Not when the rest of our zero-chi aoes cooldown in 8 seconds or less, and thus will get more consistent usage than Ray can. Besides, look at other classes at 79. Can you honestly say you'd be more afraid of Crystallizing Ray than of a Wizard's Undine Strike? I didn't think so. And what? Need me to compare it to another offensive damage skill? Blademaster's Smack. Much better in PvP than Ray is, IJS.

    As for Sandstorm, it's a Lv100 skill - Lv100 skills deserve to be powerful, always. But aside from that, it has a 3 second channel lol. When you PvP on a Psychic enough, you come to realize that the longer the channel on the skill, the less likely you are to use it in a tight spot, the exception being if Tide Spirit is on. (I use Red Tide so rarely, it's a shame, and that only takes 1.8 seconds to channel...) But even then, I'd sooner be afraid of a Wizard's Sutra. Sutra is instant cast, so once they go for it its hard to intercept. Tide Spirit on the other hand is almost as flashy as a spark eruption, minus the few seconds of immunity. This means you can rather easily be punished for trying it at bad times.

    So... OP? Nah. Not if your opponent doesn't face-roll their keyboard.

    Edit: More food for thought on Psychic Sandstorm. The damage is far from OP since it's not THAT much stronger than the Wizard spell, which happens to cooldown 4 seconds sooner. The seal effect is far from OP because, well, think about it. I can seal you with a 50% chance with a skill that takes me 3 seconds to channel. A wizard can seal you with 100% chance with a skill that takes him 0.5 seconds to channel. Which scares you more? Seriously.
  • Glowfish - Lost City
    Glowfish - Lost City Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    summon seawind

    channeling 0.5sec
    cast 0.5sec
    cooldown 90sec
    requisite chi 0

    summon the seawind to accelerate ur flying speed. increase urself or a friendly target's flying speed by 60% for 15seconds

    I might actually start doing WQ again when I get this skill. b:victory

    At least clicking the button every 1.5 mins is something to do other than annoy people in chat.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ryukage wrote: »
    I get the feeling I'm being troll'd, but I'm bored atm so what the hell, I'll bite.

    I know you were being sarcastic, but I'll say this anyway.

    If it were really so super easy, I'd see three digits under your avatar too, Mr. Hamsta. IJS. b:surrender nah instead you get this instead. (yes me hit the current level cap in that game...twice + geared up in a bit of heroic gears...and me finished Bioshock 1 & 2, prototype, portal 1 & 2, mass effect 1 & 2, played a bit of SC2 beta and also played BoI for a bit in it's closed beta for teh lulz (it's all good, me just listing mainly FPS, nothing that could compete with PWI since it be a different genre.) But be easy to get to got to 90 without really doing anything after getting me sagemon cultivation.

    @Longknife, please do inform me what makes a straight-line aoe with a long cooldown and a crappy debuff OP? Really, let's face it. Slowdown is great for PvE but that is it. The debuff is useful only for mob grinding. In PvP, its non-factor because its pathetically easy to get around being slowed unless your opponent has never heard of a genie.

    Frankly, it's never been hard to be at least decent at PvE because monsters don't have a sense of strategy. You'll have to forgive me if I don't consider PvE oriented stuff to be that impressive, especially when its far from spammable. I do like the skill, but its far from OP. Now, if it had a 3 second cooldown, or even a 6 second cooldown then I might agree with you. But 15 seconds? Not a game-breaking element. Not when the rest of our zero-chi aoes cooldown in 8 seconds or less, and thus will get more consistent usage than Ray can. Besides, look at other classes at 79. Can you honestly say you'd be more afraid of Crystallizing Ray than of a Wizard's Undine Strike? I didn't think so. And what? Need me to compare it to another offensive damage skill? Blademaster's Smack. Much better in PvP than Ray is, IJS.

    As for Sandstorm, it's a Lv100 skill - Lv100 skills deserve to be powerful, always. why can't wizzies have a powerful skill? :< all it does is apparently mediocre damage and burn a small bit of chi & mana...also has a 1 spark requirement and takes 3 second channel + 1 second cast along with a...10 minute cooldown.But aside from that, it has a 3 second channel lol. When you PvP on a Psychic enough, you come to realize that the longer the channel on the skill, the less likely you are to use it in a tight spot, the exception being if Tide Spirit is on. (I use Red Tide so rarely, it's a shame, and that only takes 1.8 seconds to channel...) But even then, I'd sooner be afraid of a Wizard's Sutra. Sutra is instant cast, so once they go for it its hard to intercept. Tide Spirit on the other hand is almost as flashy as a spark eruption, minus the few seconds of immunity. This means you can rather easily be punished for trying it at bad times.

    So... OP? Nah. Not if your opponent doesn't face-roll their keyboard.

    Edit: More food for thought on Psychic Sandstorm. The damage is far from OP since it's not THAT much stronger than the Wizard spell, which happens to cooldown 4 seconds sooner. The seal effect is far from OP because, well, think about it. I can seal you with a 50% chance with a skill that takes me 3 seconds to channel. A wizard can seal you with 100% chance with a skill that takes him 0.5 seconds to channel. Which scares you more? Seriously.

    also cooldowns mean nothing (unless it be as ridiculously long as 10 minute's for elemental invocation...) just chain and cycle skills.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear
    Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    earth explode

    channeling 4sec
    cast 1sec
    cooldown 60sec
    requisite chi 2 sparks

    blow up everything on the earth into nothingness, deal base + 400% + 10253.1 earth dmg to enemy and all the targets 8meters around, decrease their atk speed by 30% for 8sec.

    from the appearance of the preview video this is an off base aoe, so won't quite replace Red Tide... now I'm disappointed. Oh well...
    Lypiphera 101 Cleric
    Incompetance 100 Blademaster
    MetalPenguin 101 Seeker

  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    also cooldowns mean nothing (unless it be as ridiculously long as 10 minute's for elemental invocation...) just chain and cycle skills.

    ....Psychics pay with cooldowns more than ANY class in the game. Ours last from 90-seconds to 10 minutes. Now hush.
  • Sakuba - Harshlands
    Sakuba - Harshlands Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Compared to Sin skills ours..suck~
    Their skill even cancels channel-__-''
    Well...i like the earth aoe and the 79 dmg skill..the flight one...MOST SENSELESS **** I EVER SAW AS 79 SKILL!
    thats useless like hell!
    not gonna spent money on that-.-
    And everything you gave me...vanished without a trace.

    Royal Duelists.

    Sakuba...merged together in the shadows with SilentPain, a dark rose was born.
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It's funny how people say 'earth explode is the new red tide' and than forget that it's a lvl 100 skil that costs 20 chrono pages to make
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • gorloc
    gorloc Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i see the skills in my skill tree, but i cant buy the skills from any of the NPC's... i have the right cultivation aswell. is there a certain Psychic trainer that i have to go to or something?
  • Korren - Lost City
    Korren - Lost City Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    gorloc wrote: »
    i see the skills in my skill tree, but i cant buy the skills from any of the NPC's... i have the right cultivation aswell. is there a certain Psychic trainer that i have to go to or something?

    u need to craft the skill books from the forge in 1k city or old heaven tear(20 pages + ink) first.

    the inks u can buy from the vendor in old heaven tear, if u cant enter the map, ask a high lvl friend buy em for u.

    then keep the skill book in inventory and talk to any psy skill trainer NPC.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ....Psychics pay with cooldowns more than ANY class in the game. Ours last from 90-seconds to 10 minutes. Now hush.

    90 seconds...voodoo....which if you be cycling voodoo you be doing something wrong in the first place?
    10 minutes.....souls?....which happen to LAST for 10 minutes as well....
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    enuf is enuf -sigh-
    anyway, the lvl79 skill Crystal Light is a bit unclear. There is a certain % to cause slow by 80%, it's not 100%, most likely 50% as I experience it. Maybe I just imagine things though =/
  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Edit: Nevermind. Gonna pack up before more trolls show up.
  • Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear
    Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    from the appearance of the preview video this is an off base aoe, so won't quite replace Red Tide... now I'm disappointed. Oh well...

    Thank God I was wrong, it's a targeted AOE... and beautiful... Best looking skill in the game other than water dragon.
    Lypiphera 101 Cleric
    Incompetance 100 Blademaster
    MetalPenguin 101 Seeker

  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    A weaker version of WotP with longer cast and longer cooldown.
    What the hell seriously? 300% vs 100% weapon damage is weaker to you?

    Range is 28.5 meters while phoenix is up close from 10 meters, and the 80% slowdown is the same as glacial snare, kinda immobilizes your opponents, except this one is a freaking AOE and even faster to cast.
    Earth explode, another skill that should have been given as regular ultimate replacing red tide. A weaker version of wizard and cleric ultimates at level 100 instead of 59.
    LMAO the lvl1 Mountain's Seize is much weaker. Yeah news for you, you max it at lvl86 only... if you count sage version that's lvl99.
    ryukage wrote: »
    "Sandstorm"? (That name is definitely wrong because Wizards already have a spell by this name, but meh) - This seems to have the potential to be a staple skill for us later, but the long channel will make it rather situational in a Psychic's hands, unless Tide Spirit is on. That being said, if you look at the damage numbers, its similar to a Wizard's Lv10 Sandstorm, except that ours has a longer channel and has a higher static add in exchange; and it swaps the 50% accuracy debuff for a 50% chance to seal. Yes yes, Seal is far superior to reducing accuracy, but considering that ours requires Lv100 and the highest Celestial cultivation, while the Wizard version just requires Lv39 cultivation to get it and Lv75 to max it... I'd call that a fair trade.
    Compare with sage sandstorm which you get at what level exactly? b:bye
    ryukage wrote: »
    "Earth Explode" - Congrats to us for finally having a super-damage ultimate spell that we have to wait until 100 to get, and is STILL weaker than lv10 BIDS, let alone Sage/Demon version. Lv100 and weaker versus Lv86 and stronger, you do the math.
    I think you forgot to take the debuff into account.

    Plus, it is OP. Period. Because psychics should not have strong nukes like that. I would like a fast ultimate also even if it was a bit weaker than Red Tide/Earth Vector. Until then it's OP plain and simple.
    ryukage wrote: »
    Gotta remember, attack levels do not directly equal % damage, they modify the base magical strength of the user, not the total damage.
    What the hell did you pull this off?

    Attack levels increase total damage.
    ryukage wrote: »
    I'm not even gonna mention that ludicrously awesome m.atk buff that Wizards can get at lv100, btw.
    You're funny, most wizards consider it meh for a good reason and you think it's awesome. b:cute
  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Borsuc, no offense, but watching you QQ on these forums is getting old. You don't know a freaking thing about Psychics so stop pretending. If you haven't bothered to play the class to a good level, you don't understand the class enough to call anything it has OP. It's not easy being a Psychic at endgame, contrary to popular belief. I know you think you've seen it all at only Lv74, but its time for you to calm down and let the big boys talk. Better yet, let me explain a few things to you. Past Lv79, I'd still right now today say Wizard is the better overall class. Prior to that point, yes Psychic's do rule it.
    What the hell seriously? 300% vs 100% weapon damage is weaker to you?

    Range is 28.5 meters while phoenix is up close from 10 meters, and the 80% slowdown is the same as glacial snare, kinda immobilizes your opponents, except this one is a freaking AOE and even faster to cast.
    Whoever called it weaker than WotP was a failure, but your retort failed too.

    Wanna know the last time a speed debuff actually caused me or anyone I PvP with any problems? It was sometime in 2008 before I quit for a period of time (unrelated reasons of course). Why so long ago? Everyone I know keeps some kind of speed skill on-hand, be it BM's Cloud Sprint and Will of the Bohisatva; the Assassin version of those skills; or even just a simple Holy Path, which anyone can get easily. If you can't get around being slowed, shame on you.

    As for the AoE aspect, I have to lol. It's a straight-line skill, LITERALLY. No cone-effect, just a perfectly straight line. The targets have to be lined up rather carefully. (I spent all day practicing with it yesterday. The length may be good, but the width of the line is terrible.) So I'll bluntly say, if you have opponents who stand lined up so perfectly for you, then they deserve to die and they don't deserve to be revived in town. They should uninstall PW and not come back.

    Compare with sage sandstorm which you get at what level exactly? b:bye
    Sage Sandstorm is STRONGER than our Lv100 Sandball Clash, so wtf is your complaint again? Sandstorm is only weaker for lv10 and under, which is why I said Lv75 versus Lv100. If you really wanna go celestial with it, then its Lv92 FOR A STRONGER ATTACK than a Lv100. What was that remark about Sage Sandstorm supposed to prove...?

    As for the seal effect, yes it's nice. But taking 3 seconds to channel it? How useful would FoW be to you if it took lets say 2 seconds to channel? Exactly. Furthermore Sandball Clash doesn't cause an interrupt, so there's no guarantee that even if it procs that it'll save you. So basically, it's a DD skill with a chance to seal as a bonus. The seal isn't gonna be the strong point of this skill. See above for why the damage still isn't OP.

    Gonna make a second post for the rest of my rant. Forgive the inevitable double-post.
  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Plus, it is OP. Period. Because psychics should not have strong nukes like that. I would like a fast ultimate also even if it was a bit weaker than Red Tide/Earth Vector. Until then it's OP plain and simple.

    Who the hell are you to say what we shouldn't have? Try playing a Psychic endgame, or kindly go back to your own forum. You understand nothing about how we fight. You don't even understand our concept, aside from the absolute basics, and the random knowledge we have to school you with every time you run in here crying.

    I don't expect a Wizard player to understand how much harder it is for a Psychic to get through the charm of a GEARED person, but I'll try to make it clear. DPS has its limits. The reason why a BM or Sin can DPS you into oblivion is because they can attack so many times in a single second, that even with solid gear you have two options only: stop them, or die. Psychics aren't getting 5 spells per second, we get 1 spell per 2-ish seconds at best (slight pause between skill spams), not much different than yourselves.

    Why do I bring this up? Because people's magic defense doesn't suck at endgame. If you can't occasionally drop a heavy nuke on a person, it's really freaking hard to kill them if they have solid gear + charm. Yeah we can get a lucky crit, but so can you. Just like how the clock ticks on you when you're trying to out-DD their charm, it's doing the same to us. I've seen Psychics have to resort to Holy Pathing into a person's face and Aqua Cannon them (praying the other person doesn't Holy Path away), just to get that chance at a nuke in TW. It's difficult, buddy. Don't even get me started on Red Fail--- I mean Red Tide. It's not a very good nuke; the only way it will accomplish anything worth 2 sparks is if the bleed procs, and your soulforce is good. Even then, we're stuck praying the other person doesn't have a Cauterize ready. And thanks to Nix-crazy Venos, Cauterize and Blood Clot are rather common genie skills for PvPers nowadays.

    "But wait, you OPed Psychic! You have Diminished Vigor!"
    So, I can diminish ONE person's charm per 90 seconds that I'm in combat, assuming that I didn't make the much more likely choice of Empowering my own squishy behind, or my Barb, since the skills share their cooldown. Again, no. It's useful when you're trying to team up on a pesky cata-pulling Barb in TW, but otherwise I don't see myself using Diminished Vigor for much. But for the sake of argument, let's say I do diminish the first guy, and lets say PWE took away our endgame nukes. Wtf am I supposed to do to the next guy who charges me? We may have high magic DPS, but what we have is far from godly, and we have to do all this with a negative defense level modifier. Yes, we can switch to White Voodoo in tough spots, but that makes us even less likely to out-DD someone's charm. Our DoTs may be the best DoTs in the game, but they're still DoTs. And DoTs are slow.

    So we're finally getting a whole 3 skills that can do some decent nuking, without us having to be standing within 8 meters of the target for a change. And the Wizard, who has a ton of DPH-powered skills, is so jealous it's driving him crazy. Your class even has a spammable way to remove 60% of your target's ERes, making you even more likely to accomplish your goal. And still you're QQing about what you think we shouldn't have.

    And seriously, explain to me the logic in saying that a Psychic shouldn't have heavy nukes, when Clerics have Wield Thunder and Tempest. So, in your opinion, the class designed to heal is more deserving of good nukes than a class designed for the sole purpose of doing damage? That's freaking hilarious. Especially since we have to wait A LOT longer to get ours. I actually love having a high level cleric (former main) for people who make that half-hearted argument. If the healer can nuke, so can the DD. Get over it.
    What the hell did you pull this off?

    Attack levels increase total damage.
    *Sigh* No it doesn't. Attack and defense levels modify the base attack. Have any of you scrubs ever wondered why a Psychic with -99 attack levels still deals around 1/3rd or 1/4th of his skill damage? By your logic, I should never do more than 1% damage with max White Voodoo on, and yet I do what, 20 times that? That's the reason why the defense gain is so much smaller than the attack loss. Because the attack levels do NOT affect the total. Never did, never will. This is also the reason people kept asking if Frenzy was bugged, because it doesn't seem to make you exactly 20% stronger.

    Don't give me any **** about the in-game description. It's just item #1335562 on the list of inaccurate things PW tells you. As for what people say...

    The statement about it affecting total damage is a myth. The test that person did a few weeks back to "demystify" it was with normal attacks only, not with skills. Normal attacks only have one factor aside from the target's defense: your base attack. No effing duh that a normal attack's total damage seems to be affected when the base IS the total for it.

    Ugh. Long rant. I need food now.
  • FateMakerr - Heavens Tear
    FateMakerr - Heavens Tear Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Why do wiz's always feel obligated to QQ on psychic forums? As an ex-wiz......... yeah, you iz giving us a bad nameb:sad
    Thank God I was wrong, it's a targeted AOE... and beautiful... Best looking skill in the game other than water dragon.

    I haz to see it!!b:cry
    Semi Retired Psychic of Radiance faction//Entering full retirement upon the release of ĠuildẂars2 or an otherwise drastic change in PWI management.
    "Exploiting a glitch is a violation of the ToS under User Conduct:
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players"-frankieraye ............guess he changed his mind.
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    it's shown on the trailer vid, rewatch it D:
  • FateMakerr - Heavens Tear
    FateMakerr - Heavens Tear Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    but... but.... I wanna see IRL!!.. er.. well... In PW I mean D;
    Semi Retired Psychic of Radiance faction//Entering full retirement upon the release of ĠuildẂars2 or an otherwise drastic change in PWI management.
    "Exploiting a glitch is a violation of the ToS under User Conduct:
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players"-frankieraye ............guess he changed his mind.
  • Korren - Lost City
    Korren - Lost City Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    but... but.... I wanna see IRL!!.. er.. well... In PW I mean D;

    b:laugh here it is
  • FateMakerr - Heavens Tear
    FateMakerr - Heavens Tear Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Epic Post is Definitely Epicb:thanks
    Semi Retired Psychic of Radiance faction//Entering full retirement upon the release of ĠuildẂars2 or an otherwise drastic change in PWI management.
    "Exploiting a glitch is a violation of the ToS under User Conduct:
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players"-frankieraye ............guess he changed his mind.
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