Blessing of the pure hearted.

Posts: 67 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Cleric
Ok, so i was in a party with some people today and got into a bit of a spat with another cleric. I noticed she was using Blessing of the pure hearted and told her it wasnt a good heal. And i should spam pure on the tank, not IH.

She said that it indeed was and i was a noob, pulling the "im higher level i know better" routine. First of, let me say this, it is dirrected at everyone in every mmo and ever forum ever. High level does not = skills. My first character on rf, was very high level, but built totally wrong.

Im new to perfect world however, so i may be wrong but. Pure hearted is usless right?

I mean

3 sec channel
Only mild healing
Doesn't stack

as apposed to


1 sec channel
Moderate amount of healing
Stacks like...up to at least 10 times as far as i can tell...

So whos right lol
Post edited by KanariaRose - Archosaur on


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  • Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It is not about right or wrong imo, however....

    Blessing is good for getting chi. I kept mine at level 4/5 until I leveled everything out at around level 90.

    Blessing can be good for heals once a "battle" is over, but over all IH + WellSpring is a much more efficient combination. Blessing just has a bad channel/cast time.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Well I don't know you two but of course stacking IH is the first think you should do... but if the boss hits more than you can heal you could always use Blessing to heal all of its life in one heal. Then think another way to heal him until something works. There have been times in which I see someone near death and has like 1/3 life, I want to get all of his hp up in one hit so instead of doing IH (that will just get him killed since it takes 1-2 seconds after you cast for it actually to heal) I cast Blessing or Stream but either are okay with me since I just want to go back to heal tank. There are several healing skills that last 3 seconds or more and because they last too long to cast doesn't mean they are useless, you just need to learn how to use ALL of your healing skills since all of them are good for something. b:bye
  • Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    BoP is good for nonfighting healing, like right after you kill a boss and someone needs more than half their hp healed. It has a long cast time, so it's not so great when you're in the fight, but IH is not necessarily better than it, just depends on the context.
    Reichle lvl7x cleric | Neithin lvl5x barb | Tigressi lvl3x veno | Etheriali lvl3x wiz | Goldeeni lvl2x sin | Lilaq lvl2x BM | Fuegai lvlx archer | Whiteney psychic not created yet >_>

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  • Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    BotP is good heal if you know what are u doing

    like, while boss fight: tank's hp dont go -50% without reason. you shud know when that happens and 'learn' every boss and barbs hp

    beside that, using BofP is mana-wise since over-stacking IH is easiest way to waste mp.

    before u get SoR, u may use BofP as emergency heal on barb -like Jlora wrote before- but again, if u know what ur doing

    that all dont change fact that IH is main heal anyway, but if someone tell that other heals are useless then he pretty much dont know what is talking about.

    there are ppl that say that u may go tru game just with IH (hardcore version) but you can be 100% sure that their toons from squad die more often, unless someone really want to argue that there aren't moments when u nead instant heals in game.


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  • Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Oddly enough, while I lament players who use Blessing of the Purehearted too much, it does in fact have its merits in combat situations. Stream of Rejuvenation is incredible, but has the downside of overwriting your stacked Ironhearts with its own recovery. It's not terrible, but only slightly better than a single normal Ironheart cast, weaker if you have Demon/Sage Ironheart.

    Blessing, on the other hand, doesn't have its own regen so it doesn't nuke your stacked Ironhearts. I do, however, recommend not using it on tanks who are repeatedly taking heavier damage due to its long casting time.
  • Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I've experimented with using Stream + IH combos and never noticed how Stream's HoT overrode IH's HoT but rather they seem to stack. Have you personally tested this out?

    Retired - Radiance
  • Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Oddly enough, while I lament players who use Blessing of the Purehearted too much, it does in fact have its merits in combat situations. Stream of Rejuvenation is incredible, but has the downside of overwriting your stacked Ironhearts with its own recovery. It's not terrible, but only slightly better than a single normal Ironheart cast, weaker if you have Demon/Sage Ironheart.

    Blessing, on the other hand, doesn't have its own regen so it doesn't nuke your stacked Ironhearts. I do, however, recommend not using it on tanks who are repeatedly taking heavier damage due to its long casting time.

    Au Contraire:

    9x Demon Cleric
  • Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Everybody loves graphs :D

    BotP (black) vs. IH (red) vs. SoR (blue) - HP Per Second

    BotP (black) vs. IH (red) vs. SoR (blue) - HP Per MP

    (Note, all values are at level 10)
    (Also, x-axis is base magic attack and y-axis is HP, in case that's not obvious)

    9x Demon Cleric
  • Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ok, so i was in a party with some people today and got into a bit of a spat with another cleric. I noticed she was using Blessing of the pure hearted and told her it wasnt a good heal. And i should spam pure on the tank, not IH.

    She said that it indeed was and i was a noob, pulling the "im higher level i know better" routine. First of, let me say this, it is dirrected at everyone in every mmo and ever forum ever. High level does not = skills. My first character on rf, was very high level, but built totally wrong.

    Im new to perfect world however, so i may be wrong but. Pure hearted is usless right?

    I mean

    3 sec channel
    Only mild healing
    Doesn't stack

    as apposed to


    1 sec channel
    Moderate amount of healing
    Stacks like...up to at least 10 times as far as i can tell...

    So whos right lol

    Everyone else has addressed the point of the post.... basically as always it depends on the situation but my preference is IH + Stream... haven't even maxed purehearted yet (use it for chi only).

    One thing though, high level cleric friends of mine were doing some tests re normal IH vs Demon IH and mana regen components.... in the process of these tests they discovered IH actually only stacks 3 times before it begins overwriting itself.
    The other Shay's --> Shaylis 66 Wiz ~ Shaylista 46 Veno ~ Shaylari 31 Psy
  • Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I've got mine at level 4. Decent chi-builder I suppose. : /
    We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less. - Diogenes

    It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them. - Pierre Beaumarchais

    You cannot reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into. - Unknown
  • Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I've got mine at level 4. Decent chi-builder I suppose. : /

    I don't use Blessing of the pure hearted because of the channeling time. I like my wellspring surge for quick boosts to hp.

  • Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I don't use Blessing of the pure hearted because of the channeling time. I like my wellspring surge for quick boosts to hp.

    Yeah, the channeling is kind of stupid, but my Wellspring is at level 10, so it just seems to me that 100 mana cost (for BotP) is better than 162 (Wellspring). xD

    But I only use BotP (solely) when I'm in town. Otherwise I have a macro set up for Wellspring and BotP.

    We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less. - Diogenes

    It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them. - Pierre Beaumarchais

    You cannot reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into. - Unknown
  • Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    What char. were you playing at the time?
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    my cleric's blessing of the purehearted is at lv1, and i use it to make chi after entering an fb cave or signing in. at only 10 mp cost to make a good amount of chi, its quite the effective chi filler, and fills chi faster over time than wellspring surge.

    besides.. if you need to quick heal something, and its too late for iornheart to save their bacon, then the 3-4 seconds from start of channel to time of effect of BOTPH isnt going to save their bacon either, and you just need to throw a quick wellspring surge their way to get their HP up NOW, and mby addon a IH to finish the job then get back to tending the tank.

    but yea, my BOTPH is lv1, and i'll only lvl it if i plan to get sage/demon version, or if someone definitively proves it is quite a superior bang for the buck heal (least MP per HP healed), then i may lvl it to heal someone post combat but more likely mine'll just stay lv1 for a cheap chi filler
    i'm pro all classes, and against none in particular..
    but the age old QQ about venos is just that. OLD.
    QQ'd about a nix lately? check out this thread n tell me who's "OP" lol..
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  • Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i just wonder why so many ppz totally miss how to use BotP.. ppl who use it write about it all the time and then u can see another post like 'i dont use it cuz of channel..'' b:surrender

    indeed, bofp isnt bacon saver - u have WS for it

    you use it only on barb mixing with IH, because it s cheaper than WS or SoR and leaves u more space do to other things than using jsut ih alone.

    and most important - it s not end game skill, it shines as emergency heal before u get high level SoR (on 60-65lvl) while u can max BotP on 45lvl = 15-20 levels before

    so yeah, if ur 100lvl already ur allowed to forget about it and sleep calmly, tho i ll use it cuz im comfy :P



    GAME IS DEAD wiki-article:
  • Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Everyone loves graphs!



    Note 1: Black = BotP, Red = IH, Blue = Wellspring, and Green = SoR
    Note 2: The x-axis is magic attack, the y-axis is HP
    Note 3: If you want to factor in channeling for the HPS graph, change the 0 (the one in the (100-0)/100 bit) to whatever your channeling amount may be

    EDIT: These are at lvl 10 btw

    9x Demon Cleric


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