Best Way for a Cleric to Make Money?

KangLin - Lost City
KangLin - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Cleric
Outside of abusing gold for coins, what do you all think is the best way for a cleric to make money?
Post edited by KangLin - Lost City on


  • Dunixi - Lost City
    Dunixi - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'm currently about to buy a shop license to sell DQ items to the lower lvls
    also whenever I see dead players lying about I just revive them, some of them are kind enough to offer you some compensation
    Join F.T.G.B. today for help and PVP orientated faction!
  • PaperCutter - Dreamweaver
    PaperCutter - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Find a rich archer/bm/sin and marry them :3
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Now for

    I do not know your level but there are many ways to make money in this game. One of the easiest ways is to farm herbs and mats and sell. You cannot fail there b:cute
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • yashino
    yashino Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Now for

    I do not know your level but there are many ways to make money in this game. One of the easiest ways is to farm herbs and mats and sell. You cannot fail there b:cute

    b:angry it's called picking flowers.

    already quit pwi, and yet my gears are still superior than 95% of you people.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    yashino wrote: »
    b:angry it's called picking flowers.

    b:angry Carebear!!! b:angry
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • yashino
    yashino Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:angry Carebear!!! b:angry

    b:surrender i cant resist flowers
    Flowers > bloody pvpb:cute

    already quit pwi, and yet my gears are still superior than 95% of you people.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    yashino wrote: »
    b:surrender i cant resist flowers
    Flowers > bloody pvp

    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Reichle - Sanctuary
    Reichle - Sanctuary Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Questing and BHing. People tend to skip questing because it's boring or whatever, but the reward usually includes some money, sometimes almost as much or more than the experience you get.
    Reichle lvl7x cleric | Neithin lvl5x barb | Tigressi lvl3x veno | Etheriali lvl3x wiz | Goldeeni lvl2x sin | Lilaq lvl2x BM | Fuegai lvlx archer | Whiteney psychic not created yet >_>

    Yes, I love PWI that much. Every class is awesome in their own way.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I could use some more suggestions on this as my Cleric is very poor atm other than farm dq items around Sanctuary.I would like to go up to the hashlands but you do have to be carefull of the mobs to get decent mats.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Ewen - Harshlands
    Ewen - Harshlands Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I kinda have a problem with this too.. So far after doing a bit searching and tests in game I found out some ways to make money, tested them and made my conclusions which you are about to hear.

    1) Gathering herbs/mats
    This is simple. You fly around or ride on your mount to gather materials and herbs to sell. You wont loose any money by doing this, but it can be slow, boring and challenging since there are also other mat pickers.

    My +'es:
    + No costs
    + Its easy
    + You can do something else (for example surf in the internet) while doing this.

    My -'es:
    - Boringness
    - Other pickers
    - Slow way to make money?

    2) Farming DQ mats, hays, fruits, fungus and whatever
    Here you simply kill mobs to get coins and items. This is also boring, but mostly you should do this while you're questing (allthough I stopped questing at lvl 70 myself due to lack of time, but restarted doing them a while ago). With the -20% (which is maybe coming live in the next patch) on DQ item prices, pot costs (meditating is prefered) and gear repairs this way of making money can also be pretty slow.

    + Not as boring as mat collecting
    + You also get exp
    + There aren't so many ks'ers

    My -'es:
    - Costs (gear repairs, possibly pots..)
    - Can be rather slow way of making money

    3) Farming TT for the mats
    This is also pretty simple.. You need to gather a squad for TT runs, whichever diffuculty setting fits you the best and try to get mats from the bosses. These runs usually take rather long time (1-3 hours or so) and you don't always get so many mats out from the runs. Sometimes its also hard to find a squad.

    My +'es:
    + You can actually get mats to make your own gear by yourself
    + It can be fun with a good squad
    + You actually need some skills for this :)

    My -'es:
    - You need a squad, which can be hard to find
    - Randomness. Sometimes you don't get so many mats, which is rather annoying.
    - The costs.. Pots, maybe a charm and repairs are needed.
    - Some of the bosses are hard and your change to die is quite big with a not so good squad
    - Finding the time for 1-3 hours run

    4) Reselling
    Buy cheap items and sell them for more expensive price. This is probably the hardest and most random way of making money. Sometimes you succes and make quick coins and sometimes you don't. You also need quite a bit luck to succes in the long run.

    My +'es:
    + Fast money if succesful

    My -'es:
    - You need to know the prices and the market quite well, so you don't try to sell an item for a week to get 100k profit. This makes reselling quite hard.
    - Randomness, you never know what really happens..
    - You need luck, which I personally don't really like..

    I think this is pretty much all I know about making money in pw.. Of course charging zen is one possibility, but I myself have chosen not to do so. If someone knows other ways which are effective, please let me know too. b:cute

    Oh.. Also try to save on everything that you can. Don't buy things which aren't necessary. Also if you really want to make money and only money, forget about using hyper exp in FC, doing BHs after 80 and PKing, since you can get your gear shattered when you need to repair your gear by using mirages or even loose pieces of your gear if you're unlucky.

    Hopefully this wasn't tl;dr post.. b:chuckle
    Sig made by me. Seems that the forums change the quality of the picture a bit. b:sad
  • Bollocks - Raging Tide
    Bollocks - Raging Tide Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I started out with herb and mats farming. Allot of people stick with only herbs or only mats, cause of the lack of inventory space. But every coal mine, sandstone min, etc, you fly over is money.

    Made Jade Powders and Soothing Orbs (mana apo) from herbs. Sold the mats and the herbs I didn't need. When I had a fair amount of those pots, I started using those for TT runs. This way every piece of TT mat I picked was pure profit, cause I didn't spend a single coin on mana pots.

    Then anni packs came...again, I snapped. Charged Zhen, bought packs, got nice goodies. Sold the tokens.. Bought a bunch of tokens at a low price, selling them now at a higher price b:surrender
    "Bollocks - a guy that will always point out to some1s nonsense and generally indicate contempt for a certain task, subject or opinion. A balancing force and more often then not, a voice of reason around thees parts. There is also paradox in that being his cleric name, as he likes to put it "useless char", while he is one of the best clerics on the server in PvP and PvE imo."
  • Magicgabe - Lost City
    Magicgabe - Lost City Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    There are too many people trying to make money off mats and too few farming spots. Nobody grinds anymore. AOE grinding is probably your best option for money.Gather 15 or so poison mobs and hit them with tempest and lots of razor feathers. You're armor will hardly be dented at all as poison mobs don't seem to damage armor as much. You'll never need a charm or pots to reduce costs more. And your kill rate becomes fast and so does your money inflow.
    and this isn't a story.

    All people are idiodic but some are more idiotic than others.
  • Euphy - Dreamweaver
    Euphy - Dreamweaver Posts: 495 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This: tox-tanking. As described above. I didn't really start till level 85... but I made a lot of coin and even reputation doing so. Some cleric doesn't seem to be aware of the fact that they can tank 10-15 of any magical opponent...

    ... negative effects: if you're getting hit with outright damage and not a Damage-over-Time debuff you'll have to repair your armor.
  • Qlngfu - Archosaur
    Qlngfu - Archosaur Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    basicly.. i did my TB quests wich gave me a nice 2 mill, i used that to buy tokens at 10k. sold the last a few weeks ago for 20k..

    ended up with 4 mill wich i used to buy hypers with at the sale (350k each) sold the last a few days ago for 430k (4.73mill)

    besides that i mostly live in TT, but its hard to find buyers so i end up underpricing my stuff :/

    so yea.. got like 12mill coins and 20% of my TT90 gear ready.

    so i think the best ways to make money is too look at the gold market and buy CS items for cheap and resell for profit when sales end. and another way is to farm expensive TT mats. a friend recommended me to try find a good fist/axe bm or archer and farm 2-3 solo for forshura drops, its like 1 drop on average for a 30min run and they easily sell for 900k on my server (planing to sell for 800k and see it get ripped out of AHb:dirty)
  • Katinkova - Dreamweaver
    Katinkova - Dreamweaver Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Having just rolled my Cleric[lvl14], i'm suprised that i have well over 50k in my bag, all simply from collecting every last mob drop since lvl1.

    I can't belive how many newb players i see just leaving their coin drops, it may be 5 Coin, but it's 5 more than you had before.

    Any mat's i get, that i know i don't need, or know i can easilly get later on in the game i sell.

    if only Money Managment IRL was as easy...
    Katinkova - Cleric - Dreamweaver - SenSei

    At the end of the day, it's just a game :)
  • lordtian1
    lordtian1 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    how do you have 50k gold? I just made char yesterday and am currently level 14 as well. If I didn't spend any money on upgrading skills, I think I'd still only have 30k coin. Did you like sell all the 800gold materials you found or something? Cuz im collecting them hoping to upgrade my bank...
  • Reichle - Sanctuary
    Reichle - Sanctuary Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Having just rolled my Cleric[lvl14], i'm suprised that i have well over 50k in my bag, all simply from collecting every last mob drop since lvl1.

    I can't belive how many newb players i see just leaving their coin drops, it may be 5 Coin, but it's 5 more than you had before.

    Any mat's i get, that i know i don't need, or know i can easilly get later on in the game i sell.

    if only Money Managment IRL was as easy...

    That's the best way to go. When questing, PICK UP ALL DROPS U CAN HOLD. Then when you go back to town, sell them. By the time my characters get to 19, they have almost 150k.
    And lmao at the RL money management X3
    Reichle lvl7x cleric | Neithin lvl5x barb | Tigressi lvl3x veno | Etheriali lvl3x wiz | Goldeeni lvl2x sin | Lilaq lvl2x BM | Fuegai lvlx archer | Whiteney psychic not created yet >_>

    Yes, I love PWI that much. Every class is awesome in their own way.
  • Raviste - Heavens Tear
    Raviste - Heavens Tear Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    When you get to high 9x, find a good perma squad for TT3-2/3-3 and do saved runs over and over again. Make sure they're money runs. Profits are extremely good with a decent squad and a little bit of luck (even better if you're doing this during 2x events).

    Nirvana yields pretty nice profits too. b:cute

    Retired - Radiance
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    All the things people have said are helpful, but just know that you'll always be in demand for instance runs and usually get a quite decent pick of materials.

    If you can convince a veno with herc to take you a long, 2 or 3 man the runs [veno, archer, cleric works nicely cuz you get the sharpened tooth arrow debuff on bosses and you are there to emergency/AOE heal]. You will all get lots of money from drops.

    Solo everything you can for quests, sell all mat drops that you do not need. Rough furs/leathers and any glues sell particularly well.

    Do not use charms.

    Even if you don't merchant beyond selling your drops, you should always have enough money to afford what you need. If you want luxury, start merching.
  • Katinkova - Dreamweaver
    Katinkova - Dreamweaver Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    lordtian1 wrote: »
    Did you like sell all the 800gold materials you found or something? Cuz im collecting them hoping to upgrade my bank...

    Yup, because i know i can get them easily enough later on (say lvl 20) I dnt need to expand my bank just yet, all i keep in there is Human stones, Blood Stones, etc...
    Katinkova - Cleric - Dreamweaver - SenSei

    At the end of the day, it's just a game :)
  • Tojop - Dreamweaver
    Tojop - Dreamweaver Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Lots of good advice in this thread. I personally would emphasize learning how to aoe grind poison mobs. I started on the level 72 orchid petalis, and it was kind of rough going. But the time you get to the level 85 malicious cadevils, though, you should have better gear and a better sense of what you're doing.

    The first few times I tried it, I died and got frustrated. I stuck with it, and am now able to gather up 40-50 of the 96 Lethal Araneid Something Somethings and use hyper stones on them. Good times b:victory
  • ManeK - Harshlands
    ManeK - Harshlands Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Great advice throughout this thread! nice ideas people
    Level 100 Blademaster - Diverse (Harshlands)
    Level 97 Cleric - ManeK (Harshlands)
    Level 91 Wizard - lnnocent (Harshlands)
    Level 86 Archer - AimLow (Harshlands)

    May The Force Not Be With You!! b:victoryb:laugh
  • Assburger - Harshlands
    Assburger - Harshlands Posts: 785 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Find a rich archer/bm/sin and marry them :3

    Harshland's everlasting cleric L.uckyrose and damn proud of it

    Should be back very very soon...two weeks from now at most b:bye
    ~Pst...imma girl barb ;-P
  • ManeK - Harshlands
    ManeK - Harshlands Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    haha back in the day i married a wiz, he opened an anni pack and got some crazy gear! he sold it then split the money with me! :)
    Level 100 Blademaster - Diverse (Harshlands)
    Level 97 Cleric - ManeK (Harshlands)
    Level 91 Wizard - lnnocent (Harshlands)
    Level 86 Archer - AimLow (Harshlands)

    May The Force Not Be With You!! b:victoryb:laugh
  • Candie - Raging Tide
    Candie - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Charge people for rez
  • enercell
    enercell Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I usually do quests for a while and after 2 or 3 quests i have 50k - 100k and i try not buy skills often...Right now i only have 24 coins b:cry
  • WannaBM - Archosaur
    WannaBM - Archosaur Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sell your body for 1m per hour to a zhen seeker.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Fissile - Archosaur
    Fissile - Archosaur Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    necro like whoa
  • Shardik - Lost City
    Shardik - Lost City Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    This necro has gone far off the deep end by like a nautical mile.

    I...i totally lost the idea there.
