Best PVP class & Why ( V o t e )

Posts: 128 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Arigora Colosseum
Yes, I understand no one class is best for pvp.
It all depends on your player style and if you know how to use skills.

I want to know what you think personaly and why.

Thank You
Please Also Vote.

Archer | Assassin | Barbarian | Blademaster | Cleric | Psychic | Venomancer | Wizard
Post edited by _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City on


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  • Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Really? Did you really need to make another one of these threads?

  • Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    read the bazilion of other threads asking the same in the next 1-999pagesb:shocked
  • Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited May 2010
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You forgot to add the Cashshopper class >.> (btw... they are the best pking class)

  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You forgot to add the Cashshopper class >.> (btw... they are the best pking class)


    Developer to blast you out of existence.
    Followed closely by GM class who can also do that but on a smaller scale.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    where's Visa/Matercard?
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Great, another one.............

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    out of the balanced, non OP classes, prett even. sins can take out any la/aa provided they get the first hit (read, are invisible) cs **** all, or, if you're squishy, may get killed by sins, when they celespark and 1shot you out of stealth.
  • Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Archer and Sin are tied.

    Looks like money is a big factor.b:shockedb:cry
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    RPK = sins can 3 spark faceroll anyone in LA or AA under +6 average refine from stealth

    and then god mode away

    for mass pvp all classes are pretty balanced
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:avoid errm from what ive heard sins own everything now especialy the oracle noobs that csed there way to 90+ and are all decked from what ive seen on the forums they can 3 spark stealth mode and drop a barb with 25k hp in tiger form with charm in a matter of seconds but still this is only heresay ive not known any ppl that this has happend to personally and the few ive encounterd in tw werent stealthed and i normaly 1-2 shot them all
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:avoid errm from what ive heard sins own everything now especialy the oracle noobs that csed there way to 90+ and are all decked from what ive seen on the forums they can 3 spark stealth mode and drop a barb with 25k hp in tiger form with charm in a matter of seconds but still this is only heresay ive not known any ppl that this has happend to personally and the few ive encounterd in tw werent stealthed and i normaly 1-2 shot them all

    not many sins can drop a 20k hp barb or even a 8k+hp bm factoring in geni and charm

    the ones that can have more $ in this game than i do in my car apartment and tuition combined
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    One thing I wonder, we know AoE will knock 'sins out of stealth. Would DoT skills do the same? If so, AD followed by Draw Bloode followed by my middle finger :)
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    not many sins can drop a 20k hp barb or even a 8k+hp bm factoring in geni and charm

    the ones that can have more $ in this game than i do in my car apartment and tuition combined

    You must have a toy car, live in a dump, and have financial aid then.
  • Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    not many sins can drop a 20k hp barb or even a 8k+hp bm factoring in geni and charm

    the ones that can have more $ in this game than i do in my car apartment and tuition combined

    If a fist BM can drop a barb in a few sec im sure a sin can do the same - under the right circumstances, that would be the barb is a total failure nub and just stands there and thinks he can tank demon spark.

    I would love to see endgame sin versus endgame demon barb going 1v1 tho. I think the sin would get shiet on however.

    Barb just debuffs him and 1 shoots him with onslaught crit and laughs at being the most OP class in the game <.<
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    If a fist BM can drop a barb in a few sec im sure a sin can do the same - under the right circumstances, that would be the barb is a total failure nub and just stands there and thinks he can tank demon spark.

    I would love to see endgame sin versus endgame demon barb going 1v1 tho. I think the sin would get shiet on however.

    Barb just debuffs him and 1 shoots him with onslaught crit and laughs at being the most OP class in the game <.<

    I kill 20k+ hp barbs in 3 seconds out of invis.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    any class with +12 will win.


    already quit pwi, and yet my gears are still superior than 95% of you people.
  • Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    A sin or BM with 5.0 atk speed can kill a 20k+ Hp barb, but a barb that has as much money as the BM or sin will have a lot more than 20k hp. With as much money spent as a 5.0 BM/Sin a barb could have 30k+ hp with +10 ornaments or, better yet, just do a WolfyGore build and get 5.0 himself.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Im gonna say wizard but they're pretty evenly matched with archer but their damage is so deadly that they can one shot almost anyone easily and from what im hearing assassins own archers so yea wizard would probably be best overall.
  • Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    its Archer even Perfect World siad it the perfect world Vid's "Archer is the main class for pvp" b:cute enough siad.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Lifes like a movie , Just make sure your the lead role in yours b:cute
  • Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    Inactive on HT

    Rerolled on HL
  • Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    yashino wrote: »
    any class with +12 will win.

    Oh really? These kind of posts always make me laugh. While they are true about pay-to-win, how about if BOTH classes have +12? Which one wins then? That's the question. b:cute
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010

  • Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Visa/Mastercard>>>>>All classes

    Other than that its pretty obvious sins are the best RPK, they can build 3 sparks by just scracthing their ****. Seriously take a look at their move list it screams out give me free demon sparks, talk about OP
  • Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    A bm with Ajay's skill and swordman's money.
  • Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    What about Dragoonz money?
  • Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    how about swordman DrAgOOnZ and chezedude's money all combined?

    also comes with +12 2 drakeflame nirvana axes with andvanced berserk
    +12 2 drakeflame purge pole
    +12 2 drakeflame G13 nirvana pole (with zerk)
    and just for the hell of it, +12 2 drakeflame nirvana bow.
  • Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Sins are winning 0.()
    was archers and sins on top
    then barbs
    now Sins XD
    loveing it
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    1v1 : Demon barb / veno / sin / fist bm / mage
    Group pvp : Demon barb

    but honestly, everyone underestimates demon barbs..
    a demon barb with HH90 gold+ 10 and demon onslaught full vit build would probably do anyone in a 1v1.

    And while talking about cashshopping, cashshopped clerics mostly wont die in 1v1 if played correctly, only demon barb would be able to 1 shot with demon perdi.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    already quit pwi, and yet my gears are still superior than 95% of you people.
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