Guys stop charging Zen for this game

Asheera - Raging Tide
Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
edited May 2010 in General Discussion
Until they fix bugs or at least keep their promises.

They said they will fix Lunar and Warsong and nothing yet. They said they will release tideborn skills in april and where are they???

Even if you don't care about tideborn skills well at least you can be assured the fact that they didn't get released also means they won't do anything else before, since that's their priority right now I bet.

What sucks is that the new games they release (Forsaken World etc) are a bit suspicious to me. They don't care about PWI anymore, as long as ppl pay money for it they only fund their resources in the new games.

That saying that you fund and help the developers for a game you enjoy to play isn't true anymore, the money you pay are used to develop the other freakin games I bet >.>

So guys don't pay any more money for PWI and maybe they will start caring about this game instead b:surrender


but seriously April is over and no tb skills, what gives?
First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
Post edited by Asheera - Raging Tide on


  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    That's why you should play like there is no tomorrow.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Saying pw inc doesnt care for PW anymore is wrong with several contents coming this year, but yes bugs have never really been anything, this game have taken serious.. lolz.

    but making a QQ topic, just to start the usual debate doesnt help anwyay, several other threads proven that :p.
    they don't care much for bugs.
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    They don't care for us. Everyone stops charging, they shut down PWI.

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Or they realize without PWI they don't have much income and will start caring about it after b:avoid
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Geijutsuka - Lost City
    Geijutsuka - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i stopped getting zen months before LOL cause of said and unsaid reasons. PWE has gotten to greedy with how they are handling this game. Forsaken world will more than likely replace Perfect World, which is why nothing has been fixed, nor stuff released oh wait we do get Fashion releases LOOOL. BTW wasn't that **** quiz "Supposed" to be fixed??? yet people are still having issues, losing Hyper exp time, scroll time, and whatever else there is to lose due to being kicked/banned for said minutes from the Quiz? PW is slowly withering away. b:byeb:sad
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Or they realize without PWI they don't have much income and will start caring about it after b:avoid
    With all the new games they're releasing? I'm surprised they even remember it.

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • Esnemyl - Dreamweaver
    Esnemyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,079 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    thats a biit pointless for me
    ive never charged zen, im oen of those people who gave their ingame coinage,cant beleiv ehow much ive saved (7m O_O)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
    Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3

    '...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru2
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    What game have you been playing all this time?!

    The PWI I've been playing has always been chock-full-o-bugs, yet I played it enjoyed it. Plus there have always been promised portions of the game that have never materialized, yet I played it and enjoyed it.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    What game have you been playing all this time?!
    i've played a game where forest ruins, frostcovered, lunar worked
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This is what not charging zen does......

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Dang, too big. b:cry

    Lets try this.....


    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • SolomonSmash - Heavens Tear
    SolomonSmash - Heavens Tear Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It's probably true that this game has been put on the back-burner in favor of other releases, but it's fail on PWE's part not to realize that, by alienating the player base of this game, they lose potential "customers" on the newer ones (both the group that is dissatisfied with the PWI situation, and the potentially exponential number that comes through word-of-mouth reviews). Someone must have cheat-sheeted their way through Business 101.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It's probably true that this game has been put on the back-burner in favor of other releases,

    That's what you assume, however the same teams who develop for PWI are most likely different than the group responsible for other projects...

    Right now, PWI is developing and making ready for release another expansion set, including tideborn demon/sage skills and other things.

    We're continuously a month or so behind PW Beijing.

    The name of the company is Perfect World Entertainment, and over here we have Perfect World International. It is their bread-and-butter product.

    If they didn't care, we wouldn't have received all the expansions we have in the short time frame that's happened.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Fiery_Demon - Heavens Tear
    Fiery_Demon - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I've never bought zen in my life, and at this point the game is almost impossible to play for me without paying anything. At where I live, the zen costs so much that I just won't waste my money on something imaginary. For everyone to understand, 1 zen in my country = a nice lunch (a pizza slice or a hamburger for instance, bottle of coke and a big bag of cookies or chips). So yea, not wasting my money on that, especially as I don't get much stuff for 1 gold in game. Not that I was poor or something, I just prefer a good meal over a game. And that's why I'm takin a break soon and leaving to play Forsaken World, maybe it'll be better.

    And about this thread, the topic has been discussed so much already that I don't think the PWI staff cares anymore. Although I support all the people who start these threads, I'm sorry to say that I'm pretty sure you're just wasting your energy on it. People who waste tons of cash on this game won't care, as they don't have a life and nothing else to use their money for. And most people only buy zen when they really need it and can't do without, especially at higher levels.

    I have no idea where this game is going and how long it's gonna last, but I'm pretty sure that if everything continues like that, normal people will just stop playing PW.
  • Yulk - Heavens Tear
    Yulk - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    try to encourage people not to stop charging zen for other games, they are literally pointless to play anyways. Ether saga, BOI, JD and kung fu... PWE have a lot of boring easy games... Sorry, not worth playing them.

    On top of that, we charge zen whenever we want, if you don't want to buy zen, then don't buy it.

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    I have no idea where this game is going and how long it's gonna last, but I'm pretty sure that if everything continues like that, normal people will just stop playing PW.

    It's already started. It started when the Anny packs first came out. It was a trickle then, a few people leaving a bit at a time, but the trickle is slowly turning into a downpour. Sale after sale after sale, or in recent developments, sale WITH sale WITH sale, while not keeping the game in a functional manner, has really bent the playerbase over and screwed them. There are some people who can't even play due to glitches, who keep getting booted, or rubberbanded to the point where they can't even move, yet we're supposed to keep spending money on this game. This game has become one of pay to win, even worse than any other game I've seen, and we've been lied time and time again. I remember a direct quote from a GM saying there would never be EXP in the Cash Shop when a player joked about paying for levels... This was shortly before Oracles appeared in the cash shop. *facepalm* Anyone remember when they pulled the Genie resets after the gigantic nerf? They promised they'd try to get them back for us. Anyone ever see them? I know I haven't. I haven't seen any bug fixes, I haven't seen any real effort to improve this game, or to actually make any fun events. I mean, honestly... Facebook, and "Make your own fashion events?", which we both know were cheated on to obtain a win... A lot of the "created" fashion was ripped from other sources, and (some) were only taken care of when the playerbase cried foul. Where the hell are the in-game events? We got, what... 2, recently? Run the cube, and the generic "Get the **** kicked out of you by lag and monsters".

    It's getting really freaking old playing a low level alt to relax, and seeing the people you party with on your alt eventually on your main, without a damn clue what they're doing, because they bought their levels, not to mention the uber and refined gear they have... I'm tired of having gold prices shoot up because of those god damned packs, and then they actually put sales people would enjoy, but we can't actually afford them in game due to extreme prices caused because of the packs. Not to mention, they've nerfed their own sales... Like the battle pets? Sale used to be 30 effing silver, not 40. That's not a sale. That's a "Hai gais! We rly care about joo! See? Wes be makin' tis sail 4 u." Meanwhile laughing at people that swarm to get the pet because it's *cough* such a great deal *cough* Our holiday events are no longer events... The snowmen we enjoyed were a glitch in the coding... The only "Event" they planned was a "BUY OUR NEW ****!"

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of playing Payment World. I've been a gamer for too long not to know the difference between a good game, and a **** game. I've been known to go overboard and spend a ton of cash on something randomly, just because I enjoy it. Hell, I've charged 150,000 Zen in this game because I thought it was worth it. I'm disappointed in myself now. Spending $1500 on a game that turned out to be nothing but ****... I got sucked into the "buy it now" aspect of this game... Granted... I've spent a hell of a lot more on other games... Hell, my Gameboy collection alone is probably worth more than that... But the fact remains. I should never have spent so much money on such a worthless piece of ****. So I've stopped. I've pretty much quit playing at this point. I just troll the forums now to see what they've done to shaft my friends who still do try to play, maybe log in every now and again to see people I enjoy talking to. But actually playing this fail game? I'm done with it. My fiancee convinced me to join her in her MMO, which is a P2P. At least there, I don't have to worry about people buying their levels. b:pleased And they actually have events.
  • EverDoom - Harshlands
    EverDoom - Harshlands Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    lol isala i tip my hat to you. that was one of the best rants i ever heard plus most of it was true. pw is slowly dipping but imo its fixable if pw stops farting out packs every week and fix just a few bugs.
  • ZoanoAce - Lost City
    ZoanoAce - Lost City Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I've never bought zen in my life, and at this point the game is almost impossible to play for me without paying anything. At where I live, the zen costs so much that I just won't waste my money on something imaginary. For everyone to understand, 1 zen in my country = a nice lunch (a pizza slice or a hamburger for instance, bottle of coke and a big bag of cookies or chips). So yea, not wasting my money on that, especially as I don't get much stuff for 1 gold in game. Not that I was poor or something, I just prefer a good meal over a game.
    Highlighted parts are my situation as well, but I don't ever regret not buying CS items as I enjoy the game itself just the sameb:victory That's why I am still one of the few who loves this game, 'cause I haven't chained my soul to it to 'get my money's worth', like many who've charged 10s of thousands of dollars just to be more miserableb:laugh
    ●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.

    End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool
  • oyamajio
    oyamajio Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Why do I hear non-stop QQs about this and that almost everyday? Why do you damn freaking kids/adults or whatsoever your ages are care so much if you only play the game for FUN? You do realise that this game and the other games and everything in the games are designed by human right? There are flaws everywhere and anywhere. People start to cry, shout and blame the company for this and that when they start to develop serious gaming issues. Remember when you've decided to step into this game and other games, you've already decided to step into somebody's house! That somebody deserves the rights to do whatever they want and whatever deem necessary for their company and their interests. The games are his/her properties, NOT YOURS. That somebody is offering you the game to play for free and you're demanding so much because you're charging Zen at YOUR own will?

    Don't play a game as if it's your damn freaking life. The result of it is only a magnetic storage somewhere on earth. Don't let it affect your damn social/family relationship, your damn school/work. There are these idiots who rob their parents or use their freaking lunch money to just pay for their gaming addiction. In serious cases they rob strangers and when got caught they go to jail.

    Now am I surprised if this post got deleted? NO, I'm not. I know I'm making somebody look bad while I'm in his/her house. LOL....LOL
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited May 2010
    So does using the free zen offers help or hurt the cause?