yeah i know u r probably tired to hear this question but...

Pew_Pew - Raging Tide
Posts: 1,037 Arc User
whats the best genie for an archer?
plz i need some advice here...
1-which one? (i know it really doesn't matter that much)
2-what skills and why? (whats the best build for those skills)
3-pvp skills and pve skills, any difference?
i do have a high lvl toon in this server to make a genie with decent lucky points, i was thinking that
holy path + heal skill is a must + maybe spark eruption? (if u go for a mag/str build) i think second wind is very good for archers and you just need 3 affinity points for that one.
not a cs but i get coins every week from tw pays anyways (first time trying a ranged toon). so think about an archer that is going to get the 90/99 set with some +3 crappy refines and not vit stones. that's why i think second wind can do the job better than ToP. anyways...
thnx in advanced
plz i need some advice here...
1-which one? (i know it really doesn't matter that much)
2-what skills and why? (whats the best build for those skills)
3-pvp skills and pve skills, any difference?
i do have a high lvl toon in this server to make a genie with decent lucky points, i was thinking that
holy path + heal skill is a must + maybe spark eruption? (if u go for a mag/str build) i think second wind is very good for archers and you just need 3 affinity points for that one.
not a cs but i get coins every week from tw pays anyways (first time trying a ranged toon). so think about an archer that is going to get the 90/99 set with some +3 crappy refines and not vit stones. that's why i think second wind can do the job better than ToP. anyways...
thnx in advanced
Post edited by Pew_Pew - Raging Tide on
Doesn't matter. lol. I have a lvl 70 longevity with crappy lucky points (under 40), but I don't care as long as it can heal (second wind) :P Yeah, I only use my genie to heal, because it saves my butt in emergencies and it doesn't use much stamina. Some people like to get attack skills, debuffs or speed, it depends on you.◄ Alt for posting. | PVE Sage Archer and happy with it.0
Archalt - Sanctuary wrote: »Doesn't matter. lol. I have a lvl 70 longevity with crappy lucky points (under 40), but I don't care as long as it can heal (second wind) :P Yeah, I only use my genie to heal, because it saves my butt in emergencies and it doesn't use much stamina. Some people like to get attack skills, debuffs or speed, it depends on you.
Some people are going to tell you to get Zeal, because only Zeal can "pull" single mobs without alerting the ones next to them. Zeal is good, but if you're in a BH squad, odds are someone will have it. Just get whichever one looks the most appropriate on your character. :P[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]
Other Active Characters:
LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).0 -
yeah i know i can pull with zeal but im not going to use that skill talking about good skills pvp wise1-which one? (i know it really doesn't matter that much)
2-what skills and why? (whats the best build for those skills)
3-pvp skills and pve skills, any difference?
also im not talking about a genie that i can use about this lvls im talking about 80+0 -
1. It really doesn't matter which genie you choose. Having a Zeal genie to lure is useful and convenient at times but it really isn't an archer's job to lure mobs and having that skill on your genie is means one less skill of your choice you can have.
2. Popular archer genie skills and why:
Tree of Protection: Heal yourself. It takes a few seconds so keep in mind that you usually need to click the skill just before you actually need to be healed.
Second Wind: Heal yourself instantly
(On a side note I would recommend ToP over Second Wind for higher level archers. Even with +3 refines and Flawless shards we have enough HP to make ToP worth it.
Holy Path: Get away from people. (Archers don't like people close to them for obvious reasons)
Ranged Blessing/Stunning Blast: Freeze your target so you can get away. This is an extremely useful skill but takes practice to perfect. It only has a 6m range which seems like plenty but Melees can easily reach farther than 6m with a lot of their skills. If you choose to get this skill I would recommend finding a melee friend to let you practice it on them. Practice using it both on the ground and in the air. Also in the air try getting above them and falling past them. Then try stunning them with it as you fall past them. This skill can be hard to use but I would recommend it to any archer who plans to PvP.
Absolute Domain: Gives a few seconds of invincibility and then a few seconds of being immune to stuns/freezes. An archer0 -
defense is terrible and even more so at higher levels. This skill is great when you are about to be hit by a powerful attack or when you need a few more seconds to live so your charm can tick again.
Extreme Poison: This makes the target take 20% more damage; not only from you but from everyone attacking it. Archers have to kill things fast and this skill helps us do it.
Frenzy: At level 10 it increases attack level by 20 and reduces defense and resistance by 100%. Having an attack level of 20 more means more damage means thing you are attacking dies faster.
(Side Note: I would recommend Extreme Poison over Frenzy it doesn0 -
reduce your defense and anyone else attacking it also receives the benefits. However, Extreme Poison only works on the thing you are targeted. If you are using an AOE skill like barrage then Frenzy would mean all of the things you are attacking are being affected.)
Tangling Mire: It reduces target0 -
physical defense and movement speed and all other enemies in a 15m radius. Since archers do physical damage (excluding a few useful skills) enemies with less physical defense will get hurt more. Also your enemies moving slower can only be a good thing. This skill is great to use with Barrage of Arrows and it has a 20m range. I think this is why most archers who have this skill have this skill.
Wind Shield: Reduces the damage you take and increases your attack speed. No explanation is needed.
Piercing Flames: It hits your target for a small amount of physical damage and immobilizes them for 3 seconds. It has a range of 20m so it0 -
great for keeping things away.
Blood Clot: It makes you immune to bleed effects. A Veno0 -
*Sigh well this is silly every time I post it makes me use less words?0
Guess I've said too much today.0
Well you did make 7 posts in a row for what could have easily fit into one post....
Do agree with most of what you said, though.0 -
It wouldn't let me put it in one post. I kept getting cut off.0
1. It really doesn't matter which genie you choose. Having a Zeal genie to lure is useful and convenient at times but it really isn't an archer's job to lure mobs and having that skill on your genie is means one less skill of your choice you can have.
2. Popular archer genie skills and why:
Tree of Protection: Heal yourself. It takes a few seconds so keep in mind that you usually need to click the skill just before you actually need to be healed.
Second Wind: Heal yourself instantly
(On a side note I would recommend ToP over Second Wind for higher level archers. Even with +3 refines and Flawless shards we have enough HP to make ToP worth it.
Holy Path: Get away from people. (Archers don't like people close to them for obvious reasons)
Ranged Blessing/Stunning Blast: Freeze your target so you can get away. This is an extremely useful skill but takes practice to perfect. It only has a 6m range which seems like plenty but Melees can easily reach farther than 6m with a lot of their skills. If you choose to get this skill I would recommend finding a melee friend to let you practice it on them. Practice using it both on the ground and in the air. Also in the air try getting above them and falling past them. Then try stunning them with it as you fall past them. This skill can be hard to use but I would recommend it to any archer who plans to PvP.
Absolute Domain: Gives a few seconds of invincibility and then a few seconds of being immune to stuns/freezes. An archer defense is terrible and even more so at higher levels. This skill is great when you are about to be hit by a powerful attack or when you need a few more seconds to live so your charm can tick again.
Extreme Poison: This makes the target take 20% more damage; not only from you but from everyone attacking it. Archers have to kill things fast and this skill helps us do it.
Frenzy: At level 10 it increases attack level by 20 and reduces defense and resistance by 100%. Having an attack level of 20 more means more damage means thing you are attacking dies faster.
(Side Note: I would recommend Extreme Poison over Frenzy it doesn reduce your defense and anyone else attacking it also receives the benefits. However, Extreme Poison only works on the thing you are targeted. If you are using an AOE skill like barrage then Frenzy would mean all of the things you are attacking are being affected.)
Tangling Mire: It reduces target physical defense and movement speed and all other enemies in a 15m radius. Since archers do physical damage (excluding a few useful skills) enemies with less physical defense will get hurt more. Also your enemies moving slower can only be a good thing. This skill is great to use with Barrage of Arrows and it has a 20m range. I think this is why most archers who have this skill have this skill.
Wind Shield: Reduces the damage you take and increases your attack speed. No explanation is needed.
Piercing Flames: It hits your target for a small amount of physical damage and immobilizes them for 3 seconds. It has a range of 20m so it great for keeping things away.
Blood Clot: It makes you immune to bleed effects. A Veno
Weird. Seems fine to me. Did you try editing your post to get the extra in?0 -
Didn't try that. Let's see.0
Nope, didn't work :,(0
Are you copying and pasting from a place that uses punctuation? Certain punctuation will cut off every part of a post that comes after it, or signature message (hence my current sig). Remove any unneeded pucntuation, and start a new line if needed. See if that makes it work.Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura
Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx
:NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.0 -
lets keep talking about genies :P0
What my entire post was:
1. It really doesn't matter which genie you choose. Having a Zeal genie to lure is useful and convenient at times but it really isn't an archer's job to lure mobs and having that skill on your genie means one less skill of your choice you can have.
2. Popular archer genie skills and why:
Tree of Protection: Heal yourself. It takes a few seconds so keep in mind that you usually need to click the skill just before you actually need to be healed.
Second Wind: Heal yourself instantly.
(On a side note I would recommend ToP over Second Wind for higher level archers. Even with +3 refines and Flawless shards we have enough HP to make ToP worth it.)
Holy Path: Get away from people. (Archers don't like people close to them for obvious reasons)
Ranged Blessing/Stunning Blast: Freeze your target so you can get away. Thi9s is an extrememly useful skill but takes practice to perfect. It only has a 6m range which seems like plenty but Melees can easily reach farther than 6m with a lot of their skills. If you choose to get this skill I would recommend finding a melee friend to let you practice it on them. Practice using it both on the ground and in the air. Also in the air try getting above them and falling past them. Then try stunning them as you fall past them. This skill can be hard to use but I would recommend it to any archer who plans to PvP.
Absolute Domain: Gives a few seconds of invincibility and then a few seconds of being immune to stuns/freezes. An archer's defense is terrible and even more so at higher levels. This skill is great when you are about to be hit by a powerful attack or when you need a few more seconds to live so your charm can tick again.
Extreme Poison: This makes the target take 20% more damage; not only from you but from everyone attacking it. Archers have to kill things fast and this skill helps us do it.
Frenzy: At level 10 it increases attack level by 20 and reduces defense and resistance by 100%. Having an attack level of 20 means more damage means thing you are attacking dies faster.
(Side Note: I would recommend Extreme Poison over Frenzy. It doesn't reduce your defense and anyone else attacking it also receives the benefits. However, Extreme Poison only works on the thing you are targeted. If you are using an AOE skill like barrage then Frenzy would mean all of the things you are attacking are being affected.)
Tangling Mire: It reduces target's physical defense and movement speed and all other enemies in a 15m radius. Since archers do physical damage (excluding a few useful skills) enemies with less physical defense will get hurt more. Also your enemies moving slower can only be a good thing. THis skill is great to use with Barrage of Arrows and it has a 20m range. I think this is why most archers wo have this skill have this skill.
Wind Shield: Reduces the damage you take and increases your attack speed. No explanation needed.
Piercing Flames: It hits your target for a small amount of physical damage and immobilizes them for 3 seconds. It has a range of 20m so it's great for keeping things away.
Blood Clot: It makes you immune to bleed effects. A Veno's Blazing Phoenix huts and much of the damage is from the bleed effect.
Expel: This skill silences your target and makes them immune to physical damage. If I'm not mistaken archers use this to make assassins cry. Use it on them and they can't go invisible or use any other skills. Since they are immune to physical damage use your metal attacks.
3. As far as PvP or PvE skills goes that's really up to you and your style of playing. There will always be skills that are best for PvP like Blood Clot (when is and archer ever worried about bleeding in PvE?) and some that are good for PvE or both. I have one genie specifically for PvP with ToP, Holy Path, Extreme Poison, and Absolute Domain. Then I have another less powerful genie that I use for PvE (mostly for Frost Covered City and Rebirth Delta) with ToP, Absolute Domain, Tangling Mire, and Frenzy. By the time you are a high enough level for it to matter you should be able to make your own decision on this. I hope this helps you get off on the right foot.
It seems the Copy/Paste thing was why it was being cut off.0 -
Meanpie - Lost City wrote: »*Sigh well this is silly every time I post it makes me use less words?
ROFL this was funny.
I don't pvp but I'll contribute anyway. Using a 63/80 (86LVL) Zeal.
I use second wind for restoring hp, prefer much better than Tree of Protection due to it having a lagged healing effect. Archers are pretty squishy,acidently pulling agro 2-3 fro ma boss & you might be dead, that's why I prefer Second wind either to prevent my charm from ticking or when it already ticked to restore hp instanteniously & maybe the charm cooldown is over so I can take more blows.
Holy path b:chuckle To run away lol or move around dungeons faster. If I time holy path+elven alacrity +charger orb right I'm really very fast when doing running quests in rbs.
I got Earthflame because if there is no veno I end up pulling most of the time.
Cloud Eruption really helps when I need chi or to set up barage quickly.
I also use Wind shield for increased atk rate, though it overrites my evasion buff ._. I got it just for fun since I mess with fists alot. I like it a lot more than Relentless Courage (also increases atk rate & movement speed + doesn't overite eva buff); however courage has a very long cooldown & eats a lot of energy, while I can cast Shield over & over a few times. After I get demon spark I'll probly replace this skill, unless the spark+shield stack
Lol out of room for more skills but I'd like to get extreme poison & absolute domain if I could.
Question: Who can you use EXPEL on? Does it work on yourself? Squad mates? Ppl out of squad?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I recommend stating a genie with high MAG & VIT genie. This is well suited for PVE and TW / Group PVP. If you do mostly 1v1 PK you want a high VIT genie for several skills or a high STR / DEX genie if you want to use genie nukes.
I think these are the standard skills everyone recommends.
Good in PVE & PVP:
Tree of Protection / Second Wind - Healing
Extreme Poison - 20% more damage
Holy Path - 15m/s movement
Cloud Eruption / Chi Siphon - chi
Tangling Mire - aoe phys defense bebuff, great with barrage
Frenzy - +20 attack level and stacks with poison, great for barrage, the debuff isnt bad if you are usually buffed
Mostly just good for PVP:
Absolute Domain - resist damage spikes / avoid debuffs
Expel - can be cast on others in pk to seal them, can be cast on yourself after you open barrage (barrage stays up)
Bramble Rage - AOE elemental attack
Badge of Courage - break stun
Stunning Blast - could be useful in PK for kiting
Occult Ice - useful if you have claws[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
Socket Calculator - -
ty all for the info b:thanks
idk if bramble rage is a dex skill and its good and everything but im not going to do pvp in the ground tbh0 -
Bramble rage is a dex based skill, but what makes bramble rage so good is that it is an AoE Magic damage skill that interrupts channeling. In a high-end TW war, this can go very far in taking out several enemy barrages.
Keep in mind that genies crit the same rate that you do, so if you use this you've a good chance of having the skill crit. Same thing goes for weapon proc. If you get a CV bow, you can get lucky and bebuff one or two people while using it.5.0 "Pure" 8jun Sage Clawrcher of Dreamweaver0 -
Pew_Pew - Raging Tide wrote: »whats the best genie for an archer?
There is no "best" genie for any class. It is all personal preference on how you want the genie to be used and what your playing style is.0 -
Rainbowvidel - Sanctuary wrote: »There is no "best" genie for any class. It is all personal preference on how you want the genie to be used and what your playing style is.
yeah i know but they are skills that are like a "must" for each class
TE and BR for bms and barbs are like a must :P0 -
bumped cuz ill need it in a couple days xD0
i use second wind,tree of protection, holy path and my favorite occult ice so funny when kiting in pvp against barb they finally are close and you freeze em when they wanted to stun you use holy path or 79 speed skill aim low or stun again they fcked then0
It honestly depends. I'd focus on putting points into STR. A TON of skills use this and with every point, it gets stronger. Magic builds are also important. Most people are so focused about Lucky Points, that it's kinda sad...and they loose potential with the genie.
(what they don't realize is, once you become demon/sage, the form changes anyway. go figure.)
Second Wind is a must. It can easily save your life in situations you never dreamed of. Tree of Protection and Holy path are common ones, but try to be UNcommon. I use tangling mire for BM's and other Melee classes. (It freezes those poor suckers right in place.) I use Qui Manipulation for Mage classes (they're all like....WTF?!)
It depends on your genie...if you want to buy another genie....and what skills you want...if you just want your genie to look pretty...etc. Broken reccord: there's no "best" genie.0 -
Born_Free - Harshlands wrote: »It honestly depends. I'd focus on putting points into STR. A TON of skills use this and with every point, it gets stronger. Magic builds are also important. Most people are so focused about Lucky Points, that it's kinda sad...and they loose potential with the genie.
(what they don't realize is, once you become demon/sage, the form changes anyway. go figure.)
Second Wind is a must. It can easily save your life in situations you never dreamed of. Tree of Protection and Holy path are common ones, but try to be UNcommon. I use tangling mire for BM's and other Melee classes. (It freezes those poor suckers right in place.) I use Qui Manipulation for Mage classes (they're all like....WTF?!)
It depends on your genie...if you want to buy another genie....and what skills you want...if you just want your genie to look pretty...etc. Broken reccord: there's no "best" genie.
lp is for added stats moron.
also, depending on what you want, you should add either vit or mag
you add str or dex for skills, howevr, i recommend choosing you skills for only ONE of those stats.
think about what you want an how you will get it (if you insist, get extreme poison for killing bms or tangling mire for killing mages) do your math. ie: if you want to combine stunnin blast and holy path, you will need 144 vit, taking into account the second between skills (144 vit will also let you cast absolute domain) i'd recommend second wind if you have less than 5k hp. take into account that second wind needs heaps of str. it caps at about 3k heal on full str, (lvl 100 infliction with every point in str with about 85 lp = 120 str) if you have mo th 5k hp, or you want to combo skills, use ToP. if you want to spam one skill,get full mag, and enough vit to cast it, plus whatever stat benefis that skill0 -
I'm a wizard and I'm getting a Zeal Genie with capped mag vit and str with the following skills: Second Wind(Heal); Holy Path(Speed), Absolute Domain(Oneshot Resist); Cloud Eruption (For Chi); (One of these: Earthflame, Extreme Poison, Frenzy (For Attack))
I Suppose an Archer would like these ones too, except holy path maybe.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Asoteric Runewolf just pwned you b:victory
(Yet another player who has quit this game :>; See you in Forsaken World)0 -
You want a high damage skill such as thunder storm and you want the dex genie and to max out the dex for the best damage, then you want back up skills such as second wind and holy path (holy path to save time moving about and second wind for pve or occasionaly pvp if it suits the situation). if your using you lightning combos on a heavy armor and you add in thunder storm too they go down fast
other usefull pvp skills are the stun and paralysis removers, ones called badge of courage and i forget the other ones name.
i have all of these skills on my archer apart from holy path and it helps alot in pvp. thunder storm tends to hit about as high as lightning strike and obviously its alot faster to cast plus you can do it almost instantly with lightning strike which is good to get past charms on barbs.0
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