white voodoo

Posts: 132 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Psychic
So... I just have to ask... if two psychics with level 10 white voodoo attack each other, do they heal each other?
Post edited by Cholla - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    So... I just have to ask... if two psychics with level 10 white voodoo attack each other, do they heal each other?

    Trying to gather what exactly your trying to say here lol.

    But I'm gonna go with the chicken came 1st! Not the egg.
    Who doesn't love pie!?
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    She mean if a psy with white voodoo (-99 atk lvl) attack a psy with white voodoo (66 defense lvl), would they the damage go negative and heal opponent instead.

    And no, they won't heal each other >.>
  • Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Would probably do 1dmg lol

    Nice braincracker
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    they would do about the same amount of damage. It won't heal it will just do the same as always because it can't cancel out. Would be realer if for ex. two archers fire at the same time, and the arrows come in contact with each other= cancel out. the voodoo isn't an attack as you know its not it debuffs and does damage.
    "In case you can't do the math, as you stand there alone and consider fighting me, you'll be facing an army of over 30,000 hollows!" - Aaroniero Arruruerie, Novena Espada

  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    they would do about the same amount of damage. It won't heal it will just do the same as always because it can't cancel out. Would be realer if for ex. two archers fire at the same time, and the arrows come in contact with each other= cancel out. the voodoo isn't an attack as you know its not it debuffs and does damage.

    wat the...I am confoose b:cry
  • Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Get 2 psys with lvl10 White Voodoo and have them try
  • Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If the psy hits for 3000 dmg (lolexample) it'll hit 30 dmg with white voodoopoo
    99% of 3000 = 30 - 66%Def would equal about 10 dmg.
    Asoteric Runewolf just pwned you b:victory

    (Yet another player who has quit this game :>; See you in Forsaken World)
  • Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wtf Oo , you won t heal anything lol, they just hit 1% of the normal attack
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yes, happen a lot in my fight with other psy in pk, I assure u, it's neither of the 2 possibilities that u mention >.>

    And what contradicting thing are you talking about? nobody have a definite answer, formula and definition for attack and defence lvl. Also, there is a cap for defense lvl tthat prevent player from immune to damage.
  • Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The actual definition for atk and def lvl are as follow :

    For each point in atk lvl above your target def lvl you ll deal 1% more dmg

    For each point in def lvl above your target atk lvl you ll reduce the dmg by 1% more

    But i guess you already knew it
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    it is written like that, but the figure come out is actually different with the assumption.
  • Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    it is written like that, but the figure come out is actually different with the assumption.

    Probably why i almost don t see a difference when i use frenzy then lol
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I was expecting one of two possibilities: either they would do no damage or they woud do negative damage. But I do not believe anyone that claims they will hurt each other -- that totally contradicts everything I know about how attack and defense levels work.

    So now I have to ask: has anyone actually tested this?


    100 damage. With level 10 White voodoo, it's reduced to 1 damage. Then, going through the opposing Psy's White voodoo, it's reduced 66%, so it does .33 damage, which of course would be rounded to 0 or 1 in game.

    What you're suggesting, negative damage, is mathematically impossible. The equation of the two voodoos works like this.

    Damage x Damage amplifier/reducer.

    As in....

    A number times a %; a percent either being 1.22 in Black voodoo's case or .01 in White voodoo's case.

    If I tell you to reduce 10 to a negative number by only multiplying it by a percent, it's literally impossible. You would have to multiply it by a negative %, which in itself is just nonsense. Because both the damage and the percent of damage amplification/reduction are ALWAYS positive, the result will also be a positive number. Positive x Positive = Positive. The only way to get a negative is Negative x Positive. Since no one does negative damage and negative percents are nonsense, you will NEVER get negative damage in Perfect World.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ok, you did not test anything, because you are not posting screenshots nor reporting on your experiments.

    However, in every case that I have run into, the only thing that matters, with attack level and defense level is the difference between the attacker's attack level and the defender's defense level.

    I am not really expecting that you would be healed. I am expecting something, however, which no one has reported (hint: six letter word, starting with "R"). But until someone performs an actual test, I have to allow that the healing thing is possible.

    But apparently no one wants to test this and instead you want to talk about math?
    I was originally gonna find a nicer way to say this, but this nonsense has run on long enough. Time to be blunt.

    No offense, but to even pretend that what you're saying makes sense indicates that you really have no clue how the mechanics of Perfect World works. I'm almost convinced that you're a troll, actually. But I'll give you benefit of the doubt for a little bit longer. Try to pay attention because even though psychics have already been fighting each other for months both with black voodoo, and white voodoo, it really wouldn't matter if we have or not. Because it's not a hard concept if you actually think about what you're saying.

    First of all, damage immunity can NOT be achieved by attack/defense level adjustments. A damage skill will always deal damage, even if you manage to reduce it to 1 damage, it's still damage. The only way to ever be immune to an attack's damage is to activate an immunity skill.

    Secondly, its simple logic that if you can never reach the point of damage immunity, then it's complete nonsense to even pretend that a damage reversal could happen.

    Third, learn the basis of how attack and defense levels work. They don't directly add or subtract 1% damage. They make your base physical or magical damage 1% higher or lower against the target in question. The exact formula isn't certain, but this is the basic idea. This is the reason why Psychics still do WAY more than 1% damage with White Voodoo on, and the reason why Black Voodoo doesn't precisely add 22% damage.

    ...Seriously, your theory is rather laughable to anyone who understands this game at all.
  • Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    However, in every case that I have run into, the only thing that matters, with attack level and defense level is the difference between the attacker's attack level and the defender's defense level.
    Actually that's not "every case" at all as it only seems to apply when attack > defense.

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Screen shot please?

    Telling me that programmers can not program the game however they felt like seems counter productive.

    Are you reading anything we say, or are you just running your mouth? You're definitely a troll. But I'll say this one more time before I give up on this thread.

    The developers DID program it they way they wanted. And they didn't want anything you're talking about to be possible, thus it isn't. Damage immunity and damage reversal can NOT be achieved though attack/defense levels, the PWE staff has even made a comment on this in the past. It can not be done.

    Quite frankly, none of us feel like taking the time to screenshot something that everyone except you already understands. How many Psychic players have already explained to you why your theory is HORRIDLY wrong, but you refuse to listen. I even explained to you how attack/defense levels actually work, but alas. Go ahead and believe what you want, I'm out.

  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    If the psy hits for 3000 dmg (lolexample) it'll hit 30 dmg with white voodoopoo
    99% of 3000 = 30 - 66%Def would equal about 10 dmg.

    ^ this

    the attacker's attack would be "self-debuffed" and then the damage it inflicts will be "debuffed".......same thing happens to both psychics

    And extremly little damage will be done to both b:victory
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    succesful troll is successful :-<
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:sad cant you really do that your self??!! go and test it your self plz b:shocked


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