Question 'bout 1-2?

RhythmStorm - Heavens Tear
RhythmStorm - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
So, me and a friend decided to do a 1-2 for TT70 armor mats. It was my first 1-2, I might add. We WCed, got a lvl 83 barb and a lvl 83 BM. I'm a lvl 69 cleric, and my friend was a lvl 71 Archer. We had two other archers, one lvl 74, and the other lvl 86 [or something]. The lvl 86 joined after we got past the first boss, because we couldn't find a second cleric [I didn't think I'd be good enough; and I was right]. So anyway, we got past the mobs and Chintien fine; I did pretty good, though it took us a while to kill Chintien, which is why the BM got us another archer. I died once as we were on our way to Lord of Percussion, because the barb aggroed two mobs at once, and didn't get the second one. For quite a while. And his HP was at like, 40% when I started healing and died. x.x; Anyway, I came back. We got to Lord of Percussion with no adventures, the BM says that I'll have to start BBing when he's at 50%. So they attacked, I'm spamming IH, though the barb is taking more damage than he did on Chintein [obviously]. I wasn't charmed and didn't have many pots/powders in my inventory, though I could make it. Anyway, when Lord of Percussion is at 50% BM tells me to BB, so I run forward [so my Aura reaches the archers and BM/tank] and start channeling. It's going well, boss has like, 150k HP left. Also, I wasn't watching the barb's HP, really. 'Cause there wouldn't be much I could do if he started losing health fast, anyway. So yeah, next thing I know the BM screams "RUN" and the barb is dead [He later announced that the BB didn't reach him, though the uncharmed BM who was next to him lived and had full HP.] So I'm still blasting BB, since it'd work better than me trying to spam heal everyone who gets aggro. Two archers run off right away, and they're out of BB range. So they die. Then the boss comes after me, and I die. So anyway, everyone's dead but the lvl 86 archer. And I had to leave at that point, so we didn't get far.

[Wall of text b:shutup]

So, my question is: What did we do wrong? Like, what should the lvls/classes be for a 1-2 run to go good? Or was it just my fault for being a fail cleric? e.o


Post edited by RhythmStorm - Heavens Tear on


  • FitHitDShan - Sanctuary
    FitHitDShan - Sanctuary Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This should have worked fine if the barb was in the bubble and hitting some of his cancels. I guess it is possible he was not in it, but suspect the real problem was he wasn't doing enough to keep himself alive. To be sure in the future, just focus on setting up the bubble close to the barb. Usually archers and any other ranged DDs have to move to get themselves in the bubble. Only other pointer I can offer you (really your archer friend) is that it is possible to delay the drum boss's AOE by using sharptooth just before he gets to 50%.
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  • LifeHunting - Heavens Tear
    LifeHunting - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well since it's your first 1-2 run, your fine. It's not really your fault since, you had never done that run before.

    My advice in there is just go with friends/guildies. That way you can watch and learn how to do the many different things needed for the TT runs.

    Most clerics need the following for TT runs:

    High Amount of MP Pots or MP Charm
    BB, RB, Etc skills maxed out for their lvl
    Knowing of when to cast certain spells (like when you spam heal, or stack heal. When to hit the RB, or do a BB instead...etc)

    If you happen to run with me on a TT at some point, i'll be able to explain things better to you. :)

    Also, one tip i'll give for you being a new cleric to TT, stick with your guildies/friends when you start them, that way you don't have to worry about a **** storm happening if somebody dies during the run.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Seems to me that it was just an overall lack of awareness.

    In situations like that: barb should have made sure he/she was in BB range and as the cleric you should be watching health and asking as well if they are in BB range getting heals. It is not like you can move BB b:surrender

    Overall, sounds like a typical first few HH's.

    I do agree with the above though, it is much easier learning with friends then randoms b:victory
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  • RhythmStorm - Heavens Tear
    RhythmStorm - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Thanks for answering. ^^

    Yeah, me and a couple of guildies decided we'd do quite a few TT 1-2's this weekend, without bothering to try and find random people. During that last run, I /was/ kind of nervous, because, you know, if I messed up it'd be my fault and stuff. :P But anyway, for the next few runs our tank is gonna be a Herc, so I won't be put under as much pressure. b:pleased
    Knowing of when to cast certain spells (like when you spam heal, or stack heal. When to hit the RB, or do a BB instead...etc)

    Lol, well, I don't have much experience with TT [Helped my friends with 1-1 a couple of times; that's it] so I wouldn't know. x3 But I hope I'll get better as the time passes. o.O

  • ilnoob
    ilnoob Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Thanks for answering. ^^

    Yeah, me and a couple of guildies decided we'd do quite a few TT 1-2's this weekend, without bothering to try and find random people. During that last run, I /was/ kind of nervous, because, you know, if I messed up it'd be my fault and stuff. :P But anyway, for the next few runs our tank is gonna be a Herc, so I won't be put under as much pressure. b:pleased

    Lol, well, I don't have much experience with TT [Helped my friends with 1-1 a couple of times; that's it] so I wouldn't know. x3 But I hope I'll get better as the time passes. o.O

    get a lvl 85+ herc, so it's safer run a full 1-2 :P
    also for u, cuz if u're too near to soulbanisher and with less than 4k hp buffed, u'll die.
  • RhythmStorm - Heavens Tear
    RhythmStorm - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ilnoob wrote: »
    get a lvl 85+ herc, so it's safer run a full 1-2 :P
    also for u, cuz if u're too near to soulbanisher and with less than 4k hp buffed, u'll die.

    Yeah, our venomancer is lvl 87 with 87 Herc. xD And thanks for the tip. My HP is obviously nowhere near that [it's barely over 1.8k unbuffed].

  • LifeHunting - Heavens Tear
    LifeHunting - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Thanks for answering. ^^

    Yeah, me and a couple of guildies decided we'd do quite a few TT 1-2's this weekend, without bothering to try and find random people. During that last run, I /was/ kind of nervous, because, you know, if I messed up it'd be my fault and stuff. :P But anyway, for the next few runs our tank is gonna be a Herc, so I won't be put under as much pressure. b:pleased

    Lol, well, I don't have much experience with TT [Helped my friends with 1-1 a couple of times; that's it] so I wouldn't know. x3 But I hope I'll get better as the time passes. o.O

    Everyone gets better the more they do TT....

    Though i wished that applied to me, i got tossed into a 3-1 for my first TT....Learned things in there that stuck and other **** I had to say "ok...not-important, you shut up!" <.<