is there anything fun to do anymore

Jenovadeath - Lost City
Posts: 217 Arc User
b:sad ok well this is my second char ive gotten to 90+ and it seems like all there is to do anymore is dailies dailies dailies over and over and over. What else is left to do in the game yea theres COA boring instance killing mobs over and over for a few hours for a crappy ring that i cant use for my class. PvP yea killing ppl can b fun every now and again but been there done that.Frost hmmm more like a charm **** doll using daily now that costs 5-8 bucks to make it worth the full run.Lunar why farm it its easier to cash shop it. T.W. realy the only thing i log on for anymore other than mq daily with my girlb:cry so whats left to do i havent even seen a snake island dungeon race announcement in months the other crappy weekly event is infested with pkrs so its just more charm **** b:shutup btw for barb each tick is easily 5-8k anyone else take urs down by half unless ur some outragiously cash shopped over powerd char with insane refines and 95+ so realy what else is left to do on the game any more thats still fun and a challenge and worth working for cause thats what this game has become is more like work than anything i havent been on alot cause of this reason and that pretty much all the fun aspects of the game have been removed and are no longer fun to dob:surrender
Post edited by Jenovadeath - Lost City on
100% agree.0
Problem I always found is there's plenty to do, but no one willing to do it. I used to be one of those players who even enjoyed instance runs purely for the fun of it and the social experience. Nothing else at all like running a FCC or TT or FB with a good humored friendly group, cracking jokes and chatting and going casually at a relaxed pace. Or killing a WB with your entire faction, always great fun and brings the faction closer together as a team. Or trying something entirely new just for the fun of it.
But no. Ask 99% of players in the game if they feel like doing anything for fun, and you get the usual "no time, doing dailies" or "hate that instance, gonna go do dailies", or "nah that'd just be charm **** and no profit", or the most frequent reply "........*silence*...."
Most players are so obsessed with levels that having fun or enjoying the game simply isn't an option if it slows their leveling or profit. Most of them achieve their goals and quit several weeks later from sheer boredom. It wouldn't really matter if their was anything fun to do... no one would do it.
Or else they'd suck the fun out of it. Look at frost. Extremely fun instance with a bit of thought required that could be run by any 7x or higher squad. Lots of people went in for fun at the start. Now it's a 9x only fast-exp-run, with only set squad builds allowed, that requires a charm, set of hyper stones and must be rushed as quickly as possible.0 -
_DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary wrote: »Or else they'd suck the fun out of it. Look at frost. Extremely fun instance with a bit of thought required that could be run by any 7x or higher squad. Lots of people went in for fun at the start. Now it's a 9x only fast-exp-run, with only set squad builds allowed, that requires a charm, set of hyper stones and must be rushed as quickly as possible.
And I don't blame players for this, I blame PWE.
You have to remember that the nerfing of drops in things like Frost has made a lot of players shy away from running it for "fun" because now it's only an EXP instance. If Frost were to start dropping again and give me the ability to farm FC stuff, you can bet I'd run it far more often than I do right now with faction and friends, so we can avoid any BS share order.
Also, on this note, things like share order are other reasons people stay away from doing farmable instances for "fun." Because it's not fun if you use more money than you gain, which most DDs end up having to deal with in random TT squads. Random squads used to be relatively fun before the oracles and hypers, even better before BH, and I was more willing to run in random TT squads then than I ever am now.
So, while you can complain that there's not a lot of fun things to do any more (which I would agree with) you have to remember it's not solely because people are lazy, or because they feel it will kill their charm. Some of the reasons people shy away from running certain instances for fun were brought on by the company. Nerfing Frost drops and making Lunar expensive are just two examples of this. Some things are also generated by the entire player base, for instance, share order.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
<- is weird and finds BH to be entertaining due to the fact i enjoy instances and dungeon crawling. the only thing that puts me off is the cost/time consumption. i wish theyd make BH only one boss per day again... that really was the highlight of my day, waking up and seeing what boss i get to hunt down today...
now its justa mindlesss spider round up till i can afford cs/wines for the day, combined with a huge run all over 79 for these random **** boss orders.
advice to fledgling archers:
Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.0 -
Reminds me of something i heard today ,
Mages get drops in TT, Since when?
ALso i got ninjad
agree with above poster as to the fact, I love BH but not doing it three a day, personally though I just do them when i find a decent team now, if i dont get them all done fine, i save them, if i do get them done horay
but ya its not as much fun now that it takes up a good half your night sometimes,Where have all the mages gone. Long time casting.
Who altered my siggy im
kinda scared b:shocked0 -
What can we do ....... everyday ..without that becoming an harrassement more than going to work ?
- You can chose not to do your BHs
- You can chose not to do the stones
- you can shy away from the pick up group doing FF
- you re not paying for the TT so you wont get anything at the end..
so... there is nothing to do but:
- The race (wich still exists, but isnt announced) can be fun but only lasts 5 minutes
- searching........;
- still searching..; bit nothing comes to mind ...
most people run like crazy to hit 100 (Daylies, Hyper and so on ... ) and what do they get on 100 ? more farming of the same instances over and over again
- PvP on this game ???? dont make me laugh .. go try that game that is 9 years old and does realm vs ll learn what pvp is.
- Running dungeons/instances... to gain next to nothing , try that 5 YO game that became f2p ... there are 150% more dungeons to do in there, and more fun/tactics doing them
Will PWE find a way to give interests to the game... and not only Credit cards rippings?I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.
Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.0 -
Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »And I don't blame players for this, I blame PWE.
Can't disagree with that.
Before BH's and changes to FCC and MQ you used to find players willing to do all sorts of things. You'd spend an hour or 2 on dailies and have the rest of your gaming day free for whatever you felt like, TT, grind, help faction members, try a new instance, w/e. And things were a lot cheaper to buy back then, so there was a lot less pressure on maintaining profit. Being 8x was considered "high level" and TT90 was endgame with refines being a bonus.
The game itself has developed into being far less fun and more about forcing you to keep playing by repeatedly setting higher and higher goals and more of them. The competitive player nowadays needs to hit 10x, buy charms, hypers, refine to +5 minimum, at least acquire TT99 or event gear by endgame and run dailies every minute of their gaming time. It's a lot more stressed and a lot less relaxed than it once was.0 -
_DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary wrote: »Can't disagree with that.
Before BH's and changes to FCC and MQ you used to find players willing to do all sorts of things. You'd spend an hour or 2 on dailies and have the rest of your gaming day free for whatever you felt like, TT, grind, help faction members, try a new instance, w/e. And things were a lot cheaper to buy back then, so there was a lot less pressure on maintaining profit. Being 8x was considered "high level" and TT90 was endgame with refines being a bonus.
The game itself has developed into being far less fun and more about forcing you to keep playing by repeatedly setting higher and higher goals and more of them. The competitive player nowadays needs to hit 10x, buy charms, hypers, refine to +5 minimum, at least acquire TT99 or event gear by endgame and run dailies every minute of their gaming time. It's a lot more stressed and a lot less relaxed than it once was.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
advice to fledgling archers:
Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.0 -
Reivi - Sanctuary wrote: »Will PWE find a way to give interests to the game... and not only Credit cards rippings?
I honestly doubt it. I'm playing Alts for my amusement. I've found learning the various classes, and how to play them, more fun than playing my main and getting the usual BS in instances. I've stopped doing my BHes, WQ, and CS. If I'm online on my Main, I'm usually alone in one of 5 places. Heaven/Hell, Both FB89s (unwined) or TT1-2.
If I'm feeling really patient, I attempt an FCC, but I'm really, really, really, really, really, getting annoyed with the idiots I get with random squads... BMs that would be best friends with Leeroy Jenkins, Barbs that can't survive pulls, Clerics that go AFK on bosses with Random aggro and AoEs... DDs that fire before the clusters actually reach the Cleric, who doesn't have enough Sparks for BB, despite the fact that I fire every spark I get at them... I may not be perfect, but when I'm just a Veno, and I end up having to hold the whole damn party up... I kinda get pissed. I did NOT get Alpha Male to use it every time the damn thing cools down...
But I'm ranting... I guess the point I'm trying to make, is that there will always be parts of this game that suck, and there will be parts of this game that are actually fun. It's all about finding what you enjoy... And avoiding what you don't.0 -
WaffleChan - Sanctuary wrote: »PLS BRING BACK 1 BH PER DAY
Agree. rather annoying ppl busy all the time for bh. i enjoy the exp form it yes, but preferred 1 or none. i do the 3 atm always, cos kinda everyone does, must keep up.I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender
102 - Archer - Heartz0 -
I do bhs when I feel like it, or when I want to level fast. Otherwise I just let them collect in my quest log.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks0 -
Jenovadeath - Lost City wrote: »b:sad ok well this is my second char ive gotten to 90+
erms, level your 3rd slowly?
Ilike mucking around and helping freinds, heck, there was a time where i was level 20 for a month!b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3
'...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru20 -
OP wrote:is there anything fun to do anymore
Not like there used to be. As has been said, Frost was nerfed... Lunar was nerfed... TT has been done so much it's beyond boring. Nirvana has been run to death. Done all the FB/BH instances to death... I'm at 12.5k rep from doing so many FBs, to give you an idea on how much I've done them... CoA is alright, can farm 10-12 old book pages per event if I choose not to help faction, so it can make some decent coin for me... DT isn't worth it anymore... rare pet skills hardly sell, bikinis are worthless these days. Frost... was fun the first few times, now it's boring and lame. BH... bleh. PvP can be fun when it's not who can gank the others with the biggest zerg.
Getting rid of BH completely would make people quest and grind again, and there'd be more PvP because of it...
There aren't really any more long-term goals that are realistically achievable that you can't just cash shop.
The game is geared towards the lazy, greedy and exp-addicted. There is no real end-game content except for TW.
I find myself playing less and less each day. I find myself posting and readig the forum more. Kinda sad if yo u ask me.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »Getting rid of BH completely would make people quest and grind again, and there'd be more PvP because of it...
Would be cool, but since people have gotten used to 3 BHs, most would quit. And it wouldn't really help the hardcore players either, since they are already high level. So while grinding would get popular again, the player base would be much slower. 1 BH a day should do, and then we would still have most players playing.100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
How about putting all the exp together into one bh? So instead of the one bh exp, we get the combined exp of all three bhs in one bh.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks0 -
Blah at end-game, PWi is just a social networking device. Still nice to login and chat.
But for in-game features, I dont know, FC runs are sickening, TT is horribly overdone.
I just merch and run Nirvana.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower
-Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
-Certified Barbarian Master-
-You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
-Master of Coffee-0 -
Pretty much agree with what others have said.
Sadly PWI's main goal is $ > fun.
The things that are supposed to be "fun" have been that badly nerfed because if they didnt people wouldnt buy packs ... its beyond a joke.
Nirvana is/was fun for the first few runs, but the drops are that nerfed after 70+ runs(for one piece of gear) it turns into a job.
Instead of the game being fun and rewarding its turned into no fun ( and with nerfs ) no reward.0 -
there are quite some events ppl could do if pwe would actually finally finish them. most of those events are ingame (not working) for a year+. if i remember correct there was said they would implant them in a couple months. guess in pwe ways a couple months is a year. if they would stop for once trying to make new stuff to make more money and started fixing/upgrading the old things/bugs im sure that would help alot already.
and i agree that there should be just 1 bh a day. these days nearly all area's are quite empty. 1 april was my favo many ppl QQing about omg no bh, how am i gonna lvl ? how do i get xp ? what is grinding ? what am i gonna do ?
if you think u need to be lvl 100+ to have fun trust me the lower levels are more fun u end up searching most time of the day to a bh squad to spend depending on the bh/squad sorta 0,5 ~ 1 hour+ to get bh #1 done and then hopefully to get bh #2 done with the same squad in a other instance (except rebirth bh). at 100 you have 2 bh's and getting a squad is 75% of the time a royal pain in the ****. the remaining time of the day u can spend on trying to improve ur gears/skills or mayby helping someone. (getting a squad for ur gears is usually also a pain in the ****)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Jenovadeath - Lost City wrote: »b:sad Frost hmmm more like a charm **** doll :surrender
Dude, seriously? y would u ever need a charm for FC? at least when i played my barb n now its lvl 100, i nvr used a charm n still got full run...just use apo man...n COA.....u can also exchange the orbs for warsoul tags which then u can use em to get pages of fate from Jolly Old Jones...which then u can exchange for ur skill books...ur missing out on cool stuff man...Lol_U_Mad : I m 14 years old.
_jaffa_: you have to be over 15 to play this
_jaffa_: lol u ****** im gonna sue you for *****
b:victory0 -
Knownase - Heavens Tear wrote: »Blah at end-game, PWi is just a social networking device. Still nice to login and chat.
I just merch and run Nirvana.
Pretty much agree, cept i've done over 130 Nirvana runs, and it's become horribly overdone as well. Merchanting is a larger part of the game now... to see how much money I can farm without spending more money...I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
This thread makes me sad. Makes me wonder what I've been working toward all this time.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand that fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with bodies and heartbeats.0 -
if u have some good friends and factionmates to do your dailies and FC ect ect with, that makes it fun-retired-
now playing megaten and...Forsaken World0 -
is anybody in this thread being forced to play? if its not fun anymore, stop playing. simple.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Alliptica - Raging Tide wrote: »if u have some good friends and factionmates to do your dailies and FC ect ect with, that makes it fun
Sometime yes, but more often than not the game has changed from "Perfect World" to " Can't World".
" Hey lets do something for fun "
" Can't Im in BH "
" Can't Im in FF on Hypers "
" Can't Im Doing MQ "
Etc Etc Etc0 -
SashaGray - Heavens Tear wrote: »is anybody in this thread being forced to play? if its not fun anymore, stop playing. simple.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks0 -
SashaGray - Heavens Tear wrote: »is anybody in this thread being forced to play? if its not fun anymore, stop playing. simple.
The point of this thread flew right over your head, didn't it? Look, there it goes now...
The general point was, there's not enough variety in this game at high levels and no fun events or new content. You've learnt all your skills, you've done all the FBs, you've ran every other instance under the sun, and I hate to point out... if you do that enougn, any game would get boring.
The fact people are here complaining at the lack of content for the higher levels and not just rage quitting actually acts as a testament to how fun people have found this game.
They would like it to remain that fun, because this is a game they enjoy.
Try posting next time when you grasped the idea of the thread, yeah?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
WTB original style PWI server.
No Packs
No Hyper
No New FF
No New Lunar
No made-easier TT
No high level dragon orb sales
No mq
No Oracle sales
No Jolly Jones Event (oracles again)
Back to Leveling to 100 takes a minimum of 6 months if you're a freak!
Please do that PWI and make it a pk server. Most of the people leaving the pk servers it's because of the above unbalancing the game.Main:
Lypiphera 101 Cleric
Incompetance 100 Blademaster
MetalPenguin 101 Seeker
b:dirtySolara_Craft/Disarmonia_Xb:dirty0 -
No, unfortunatly, there is not.
This game has lost its challenge when packs / easy lvling came, I even tried starting over again (like the 5th time now) and I still find it boring. If you ppl blame me, it means you dont even know what PWI looked like a year ago or so. It was the best MMO I have ever played, now ppl dont even care about gears, yesterday I passed by a lvl6x wearing 3x gears unrefined / unsharded , not to mention farming.
So basicly this game nowadays is like: Start over -> Quest till you hit 35 or eat Scarlet fruits -> Oracle II -> Tideborn quests / keep oracling -> If you are lucky, you might get a GV squad If not, oracles ftw -> Ok awesome I oracl'ed till 85 -> FC -> FC -> FC -> Ok finally im lvl 95 now I can use my OP gear that it came on my packs ^^ -> If youre on a PvE server, then I would say TW -> In case youre on a pvp server, PK -> Man Im bored. -> Man Im bored. -> Man Im bored. -> *Uses tele* Ok everyone it was so nice playing with you all, but I am quitting, and no I am not giving away any stuff see ya. -> Logs -> *Quits*.
Welcome to the new generation of Perfect World International, but who cares? We, ppl who were the first ones to play this game, are the only ones complaining, So why would they give a ****? New comers have no idea about what happened on this game, but still I will never, EVER forget these days, It was so, so, so, so facking fun to play . .0 -
WaffleChan - Sanctuary wrote: »<- is weird and finds BH to be entertaining due to the fact i enjoy instances and dungeon crawling. the only thing that puts me off is the cost/time consumption. i wish theyd make BH only one boss per day again... that really was the highlight of my day, waking up and seeing what boss i get to hunt down today...
now its justa mindlesss spider round up till i can afford cs/wines for the day, combined with a huge run all over 79 for these random **** boss orders.
Agreed, but you know, most of ppl think they have done this to get more exp, but these ppl are wrong. They have done it cause they know how boring is to run 3 BH's, so why not press "O" to buy mats to make wines?
Yes this is business, but I wouldnt call this business, this is just ruining the game.
But like I mentioned above, who am I to complain? A player who start playing in 2008, after the day it launched? Well **** you, were in 2010 now and newcomers have no idea about what happened 2 years ago most likely.0 -
Welcome to the new generation of Perfect World International, but who cares? We, ppl who were the first ones to play this game, are the only ones complaining, So why would they give a ****? New comers have no idea about what happened on this game, but still I will never, EVER forget these days, It was so, so, so, so facking fun to play . .
QFT. So much damned truth... I remember when I first started playing. I remember the fun, the glory, the sheer AWESOME of this game. I remember when the coolest Veno mount in the air was an Israfel, and I was still flying around on my dopey manta. I remember the days in which a green weapon was something to be respected... I remember wondering if I could ever reach that level of epic, when all I was waving around was a purple weapon I'd put so much effort into making. I remember being afraid of bosses, who could eat me faster than I could scream, and gathering a bunch of friends who also needed such a beast, and beating the ever living **** out of it, and we rejoiced! We filled our faction chat with cries of victory!
Now... Horrible monstrosities fill the air... Glitched beyond belief. You see more green in the hands of players than the green of the forests themselves... A player with a simple purple weapon is mocked, and bosses are merely a sidenote in Faction Chat, if even a mention... Gone are the days of glory and victory, instead of battle cries, the air is filled with the sound of the clinking coin, and the greedy hawking their overpriced wares... There is no honor to be found here. Our way of life is dead.0
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