A Message to other classes

iluvprpl Posts: 2 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Cleric
Please stop blaming the clerics for your own stupidity. If you are a DD and grab aggro, don't expect to get healed instantly because the cleric's priority is themselves and then the tank, and then everyone else. If you are a tank, don't blame the cleric if you die from aggroing like 10 mobs at once without letting the rest of the squad know. Honestly, no one can save you from that without dying themselves, so don't blame the cleric for your reckless behavior. Before I get flamed, I know that not all clerics are perfect, but they are not automatic heal factories. They have to look after themselves and 5 others while attacking monsters. Not an easy job, not that I'm complaining. So please be considerate of other players, and look at your own mistakes before you scapegoat the cleric for your death.
Post edited by iluvprpl on


  • Qlngfu - Archosaur
    Qlngfu - Archosaur Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    you must either be a lowbie or very arrogant since anyone above 60 got a decent survival rae against mobs at similar lvl range, how hard is it to throw a silent or chromatic seal or even a tiny thing as wellspring surge and ironheart -.- just tell the dds to lay of sparked skills and the tank to flesh ream moar if you cant comprehend healing more than 1 guy

    o yea first flame post :D i own
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    you must either be a lowbie or very arrogant since anyone above 60 got a decent survival rae against mobs at similar lvl range, how hard is it to throw a silent or chromatic seal or even a tiny thing as wellspring surge and ironheart -.- just tell the dds to lay of sparked skills and the tank to flesh ream moar if you cant comprehend healing more than 1 guy

    o yea first flame post :D i own
    did you know flesh ream hits only 1 target and has cooldown? go practise what you preach and learn what happens.b:bye

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    We hear an get enough from other classes.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Qlngfu - Archosaur
    Qlngfu - Archosaur Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    did you know flesh ream hits only 1 target and has cooldown? go practise what you preach and learn what happens.b:bye

    yes i played a barb for quite some time, they got 2 aoe aggro skills (alpha male and roar) and 3 other aoe skills in tiger, put them on skill bar and the chances of hitting atleast 1 of them when facerolling is decent/good,
  • Qlngfu - Archosaur
    Qlngfu - Archosaur Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i think imma let this die by saying: cool story brob:faint
  • RhythmStorm - Heavens Tear
    RhythmStorm - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I, surprisingly, totally agree with you. I'm usually not the one to QQ, but I'm getting sick of getting blamed for all the deaths.
    I'm usually quite nice, but if people blame me for all their mistakes, demand buffs/heals/revives and generally don't respect me simply because I'm like, their personal medic/slave, I stop healing in the middle of killing a boss, refuse to buff or revive squad members [Unless it's just one person. Then I buff/heal everyone else but them. ^^] or simply leave the squad. Yeah, my bitchy behavior has earned me quite a few kicks from squads, but I don't take that **** from anyone.

  • iluvprpl
    iluvprpl Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I, surprisingly, totally agree with you. I'm usually not the one to QQ, but I'm getting sick of getting blamed for all the deaths.
    I'm usually quite nice, but if people blame me for all their mistakes, demand buffs/heals/revives and generally don't respect me simply because I'm like, their personal medic/slave, I stop healing in the middle of killing a boss, refuse to buff or revive squad members [Unless it's just one person. Then I buff/heal everyone else but them. ^^] or simply leave the squad. Yeah, my bitchy behavior has earned me quite a few kicks from squads, but I don't take that **** from anyone.

    Ha ha, you're really funny. I'm one of those clerics that takes things to heart, and really does try to keep EVERYONE healed (this may be a tragic flaw but eh *shrugs*). When you're a cleric it's like you're never right. You try to heal everyone, and the tank starts complaining. You try to DD a little, everyone complains. You try to focus on the tank, DDs start whining. I'm just tired of the whole squad having little to no respect for the person who keeps them alive (or at least tries to...in most cases).
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Many people are like that and like to blame clerics because they just don't want to blame themselves. However, there are clerics that are miserably failing at their duty of what they're supposed to do in a squad. I'm not saying all of them but some of them do. Today, I was doing BH39 with a cleric that didn't buff, doesn't know how to only heal one target and only did squad heal. Being a cleric is not an easy job, I know. And I don't like it when they are treated unfairly in the squad if someone pulled aggro without telling the squad but I have had clerics that run FBs and BHs without a single death. And I've seen clerics that suck.
  • Lemuria - Harshlands
    Lemuria - Harshlands Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Being blamed for people dying is par for the course of any healing class of any game. Sorry to say, but if that sort of thing bothers you a lot you're probably better off rolling an archer or a wizard.

    But one thing that does bother me is clerics who refuse to heal anyone besides the tank. Some really don't like the idea of switching targets to keep softer targets healed up when they get hit by skills. Newsflash! These targets generally have lower HP totals so one wellspring or IH is usually all it takes to get them back to speed, a total of 3 seconds of your time. Try it next time you're in a squad and you might just save more lives!

    Still, there will always be idiots in any squad. Tanks who charge off into massive crowds without having IH pre-stacked, Wizards who think its hilarious to open an assault with a sparked Black Ice Dragon, Venos who forget to desummon their pets when they pull and bring the whole army to you. That sort of thing. For those, I lack sympathy when they ultimately die.

    Mind you, its also extremely satisfying to be able to keep a squad alive and healed even through the dumbest mistakes a player can make. It's swings and roundabouts, as with everything.
  • iluvprpl
    iluvprpl Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Being blamed for people dying is par for the course of any healing class of any game. Sorry to say, but if that sort of thing bothers you a lot you're probably better off rolling an archer or a wizard.

    But one thing that does bother me is clerics who refuse to heal anyone besides the tank. Some really don't like the idea of switching targets to keep softer targets healed up when they get hit by skills. Newsflash! These targets generally have lower HP totals so one wellspring or IH is usually all it takes to get them back to speed, a total of 3 seconds of your time. Try it next time you're in a squad and you might just save more lives!

    Still, there will always be idiots in any squad. Tanks who charge off into massive crowds without having IH pre-stacked, Wizards who think its hilarious to open an assault with a sparked Black Ice Dragon, Venos who forget to desummon their pets when they pull and bring the whole army to you. That sort of thing. For those, I lack sympathy when they ultimately die.

    Mind you, its also extremely satisfying to be able to keep a squad alive and healed even through the dumbest mistakes a player can make. It's swings and roundabouts, as with everything.

    Pffft, I agree with everything you said, BUT because DDs are squishy, they sometimes get one or two-shotted when they grab aggro, and this happens while the cleric is casting a heal, fast or otherwise (so 3 seconds may actually end up being a bit too long of an estimate for how fast a DD can die from grabbing aggro). And you can't really refuse the importance of the tank, because if the tank dies, others tend to die soon after, good cleric or not. If the boss is really hard, everyone should stay on their game, which means supporting the tank and not grabbing aggro.
    It is satisfying to keep the entire squad alive, and this is what I try to do, but people shouldn't hold it against the cleric when they die for being too reckless.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The higher the level the more people "understand."

    If you cannot take it then roll a different class.

    Besides, in some cases there is just nothing you can do about it. b:surrender
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • OMarvelous - Sanctuary
    OMarvelous - Sanctuary Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Every class receives alot of **** from every class. Just roll with the punches, friends list people who are good squad mates and build up a network of good people.
  • iluvprpl
    iluvprpl Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Every class receives alot of **** from every class. Just roll with the punches, friends list people who are good squad mates and build up a network of good people.

    Yep, having good friends is always helpful. b:laugh
  • Mendolin - Sanctuary
    Mendolin - Sanctuary Posts: 1,092 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If you cannot take it then roll a different class.
    Every class receives alot of **** from every class. Just roll with the punches, friends list people who are good squad mates and build up a network of good people.

    im beginning to hate Cleric QQ posts....
  • MistaBwanden - Sanctuary
    MistaBwanden - Sanctuary Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If people complain, I let that person die.
    I'm an ****.
  • Flickerfae - Sanctuary
    Flickerfae - Sanctuary Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited April 2010


    im beginning to hate Cleric QQ posts....


    When I get unjustly blamed for a wipe, a death, a charm tick, or whatever, I make no bones about it. I painstakingly explain to the QQer exactly what they did wrong--in agonizing detail--and why my course of action was the most reasonable. I've PMed people for ten minutes straight with a play-by-play of certain encounters.

    Even if they don't agree, they rarely complain in my presence again. b:chuckle

    -Ignoring my main for alts since early '09
  • Reichle - Sanctuary
    Reichle - Sanctuary Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    When I get unjustly blamed for a wipe, a death, a charm tick, or whatever, I make no bones about it. I painstakingly explain to the QQer exactly what they did wrong--in agonizing detail--and why my course of action was the most reasonable. I've PMed people for ten minutes straight with a play-by-play of certain encounters.

    Even if they don't agree, they rarely complain in my presence again. b:chuckle

    lmao, that's a good approach
    Reichle lvl7x cleric | Neithin lvl5x barb | Tigressi lvl3x veno | Etheriali lvl3x wiz | Goldeeni lvl2x sin | Lilaq lvl2x BM | Fuegai lvlx archer | Whiteney psychic not created yet >_>

    Yes, I love PWI that much. Every class is awesome in their own way.