Let's be classist! :D
Celestyna - Heavens Tear wrote: »I always heal or RB on that stupid metal immune boss in brimstone i hate him! lol used to be a pain in the back side when me and my bf(veno) soloed brim for drops.. sorry your on your own
Err - you know plume shot will still hurt that guy, right?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks for the sig Ophida0 -
Amaliee - Archosaur wrote: »Also yes the immune boss attacks can be both really funny and really awkward to watch. A lot of times though I think people just attack them because they're used to a set cycle and simply continue it. Macro abuse? Either way it gets annoying but it always makes me giggle and really not too detrimental. Beats running up and smacking them with magic swords! b:chuckle
During a Brimstone run by the time you've gotten to Fats and beaten or bypassed the Acephalid Rangers in front of him, the run (bearing something catastrophic) is pretty much done so before I start DDing, I Frostblade the physical attackers (melee or range) for a laugh to see all those resists pop up.
It's freaked out one or two people!
Generally though I keep an eye out for elemental immunities on mobs or bosses and take action accordingly.
PS - Hate Kun Kun and Staunch Worms. I remember having to run across Silver Pool many times chasing that blasted reindeer..... Thankfully I have Blade Tempest now.... b:sin[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
The '1 macro suits all wizzy'
A wizzy using gush vs water mobs.
But often I see wizzys using say pyrogra on fire mobs. WHY? Usually it's 'cause I use a macro.
You can see this most of the time in frostruns. Wizzys using pyro+gush on the bosses (who are watter)
The 'I just got chill of the deep' Assasin.
I just run into this on my sin alt squading for his BH29 with another sin (and the rest of the squad ofcourse)
The sin was lvl 44, and running with chill of the deep on. I figured, a skil spammer, nothing wrong with that.
Until I began to actually pay attention. His attack cycle was: Ribstrike, normal attacks.
His attacks were visuably much slower than mine.
So I told him, why are you using normal attacks with chill of the deep?
'Because I do so much more dmg with chill on'
But you also attack alot slower, so in effect you will do alot less dmg per second
'No man, I deal so much more dmg with chill on, and I heal myself for so more on bloodpaint'
In the end, he just kept on using chill of the deep with normal attacks (once in a while throwing in a single skil)9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris0 -
Chillum - Dreamweaver wrote: »I Frostblade the physical attackers (melee or range) for a laugh to see all those resists pop up.
It's freaked out one or two people!
Go to admit I have pulled some stunts for laughs also. Yesterday I posted a finger back at my own class (crit-bragging psychics), today I am throwing barbs at Barbs. I call this post
Barbarian Ping Pong
My wife (the Wizard) and I are big fans of the public quest (Rotflesh Trench). Her favorite thing is to get into a mess of mobs and spin Dragons Breath. However, it tees her off when a Barb comes in and slams the mobs out of AE range. She wastes sparks and charms trying to re-establish the desired situation.
One particular time, despite several player's pleas, a Barb continued to slam apart the mobs. He kept complaining that the DDs were racking up their scores by using AEs - so he wanted to "level the playing field".
Anyway, she is furious and is going to leave the quest, when I come up with "wait til next quest when everyone is fighting dogs, buzzards, and slugs and we will play Barbarian Ping Pong". Before she gets too confused, I explain, "it works like this - find the mob the Barb is going after and right before he reaches it, nuke it towards you, then knock it back and stop casting" "I will then nuke it towards me and do the same". "If he switches mobs, the one not casting starts the cycle with the new mob". Anyway, the obnoxious Barb must have lost 10 pounds chasing the mobs around trying to get a hit.Since when did the word "fail" change from a verb to an adjective? A character can "fail" (as a verb) or be a "failed" character (as an adjective), but there is no such thing as a "fail" character.
If "Barb" (not "arian") is short for Barbarian and "Veno" (not "mancer") is short for Venomancer then shouldn't we be calling Assassins something other than "sins"?0 -
Chillum - Dreamweaver wrote: »During a Brimstone run by the time you've gotten to Fats and beaten or bypassed the Acephalid Rangers in front of him, the run (bearing something catastrophic) is pretty much done so before I start DDing, I Frostblade the physical attackers (melee or range) for a laugh to see all those resists pop up.
It's freaked out one or two people!
Generally though I keep an eye out for elemental immunities on mobs or bosses and take action accordingly.
PS - Hate Kun Kun and Staunch Worms. I remember having to run across Silver Pool many times chasing that blasted reindeer..... Thankfully I have Blade Tempest now.... b:sin
Ahahaha! Omg I can picture that so clearly, and I know I would have been one of the ones to freak out and then look silly afterward. b:chuckle
Also, chasing KunKun around with a level 1 bow on my wiz and psy are still high up on the list of things in this game that made me feel ridiculous!0 -
this was what iw as gonna comment on the 3 clerics thing.. i have noticed this in bh squads we tend to take more dd roles the mroe clerics there and forget we are suposed to heal thinking soemone else got it .. I am guilty here
Lol it's especially funny with BBs. Yesterday was doing BH on cleric + had another in squad. At boss with AOE both of us started BB ._.
Rest of squad : "You two should really talk to one another..."
Rofl then we both drop BB just as boss starts AOEing the squad XD. Both BBs in cooldown & no chi. Ooops[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
VlLKASS - Sanctuary wrote: »Lol it's especially funny with BBs. Yesterday was doing BH on cleric + had another in squad. At boss with AOE both of us started BB ._.
Rest of squad : "You two should really talk to one another..."
Rofl then we both drop BB just as boss starts AOEing the squad XD. Both BBs in cooldown & no chi. Ooops
They said talk to eachother, not drop BB lolb:laugh9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris0 -
FatherTed - Dreamweaver wrote: »Err - you know plume shot will still hurt that guy, right?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Celestyna - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yes.. I do know plume shot is physical and you can spam that skill. was more an exageration about the sorry hun your on your own thing.. but i still prefer to redball if i dont have to heal on him and speed everyone else up, just cause he annoys me.. like that metal immunity taunting me .. evil boss b:cry
b:victory You'd be surprised - I've met at least 3 other clerics who honestly didn't know that. We'd get to that boss and they would just stand and watch - had 1 whisper me laughing at me for wasting plume shots b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks for the sig Ophida0 -
FatherTed - Dreamweaver wrote: »b:victory You'd be surprised - I've met at least 3 other clerics who honestly didn't know that. We'd get to that boss and they would just stand and watch - had 1 whisper me laughing at me for wasting plume shots b:chuckle
that's sad... it says it if you read the skill. oh wait.. maybe they cant read b:chuckle
I am often suprised what i have to explain to people.. things I thought were just common sense .. wait nm i said that too b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
PTReese - Raging Tide wrote: »would like to say thank you to the OP of this thread, it is not only educational but entertaining as well.
Fo sho this thread is pretty interesting. I can't tell you how many fail parties I've been in. Even before the flood of new people and before BHes. I've encountered them all. Bad clerics, venos, bad tanking, clueless people, and so on. Of course, some people don't bother to read the forums and just form a build without knowledge of making the build correct, but that's them. If they didn't know in the first place, that's fine. But if they didn't know after their mistake, not so acceptable since most BHes and parties I go to now are either win or fail.
Also another post around page 5 is a good point. It does not matter if you have a herc pet, it matters that venos learn how to play their class decently. To learn how to lure, amp, and give chi to the barb occasionally. It's really not that much to learn how to play a veno, and probably not much for other classes if you just ask in the forums or do some research. When someone tells ya to get amp or whatever, it isn't being mean unless stated. It's really to help the party and some people will give you respect if you are a person that plays your character well.
Hmph, even just yesterday I went to a fail BH69 where a level 76 tank forgot invoke and died the 1st time at polearm and then somehow again at the 2nd time. Then he left and asked if he can just tank pyro boss on his 95 BM. Luckly I found a good party after I left that one.
And last week, I had a terrible FF party. Barb's first time, but I guess kitty needed practice anyways and what a good time to practice at my party. Over 20 deaths in that party(I only died once) and it took over 3 hours but we made it through. (Somehow I was able to get a level 85 gold xbow and the party allowed me to keep it. Reward for fail parties?)Frostflower-Quit0 -
FrostFlower - Heavens Tear wrote: »Also another post around page 5 is a good point. It does not matter if you have a herc pet, it matters that venos learn how to play their class decently. To learn how to lure, amp, and give chi to the barb occasionally. It's really not that much to learn how to play a veno, and probably not much for other classes if you just ask in the forums or do some research. When someone tells ya to get amp or whatever, it isn't being mean unless stated. It's really to help the party and some people will give you respect if you are a person that plays your character well.
I agree a herc isn't needed at all and yeah if you play your class well you are likely to get friend requests and asked again to come along to TT/BH/FB/FF and such things. What about passing sparks to us clerics aswell, i appreciate a good veno who passes me a spark when i drop BB, not many do but those who do are extra cool b:chuckle.FrostFlower - Heavens Tear wrote: »And last week, I had a terrible FF party. Barb's first time, but I guess kitty needed practice anyways and what a good time to practice at my party. Over 20 deaths in that party(I only died once) and it took over 3 hours but we made it through. (Somehow I was able to get a level 85 gold xbow and the party allowed me to keep it. Reward for fail parties?)
Congratulations on bow b:victory.Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.
Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)0 -
Isala - Sanctuary wrote: »Actually, Mages SHOULD give Venos Frostblade, since some Venos use Fox. Personally, on nasty physical AoE bosses, I prefer to be under the boss at all times, using my Fox attacks, which are physical, so that I can Leech my HP back, and Amp, without having to switch back to caster, and make myself more vulnerable. And as fast as I generate Chi with my high attack speed, I can triple Spark a hell of a lot. Combine Spark + Attack Speed on a ? boss, and I'm doing about as much DPS as while casting. I don't really need to use Ironwood, either, especially as most barbs I party with use Devour in addition to Flesh Ream to keep aggro. And as maxed Devour is a 50% decrease to Physical damage versus even Sage Ironwood's 40%, it's more beneficial to the party for me to stay in Fox, and my attacks gain more power after I've been Frostbladed.
In your case, that's nice, but Venos don't get an attack speed boost from hell spark. If you're a heavy veno with your sage/demon skills, then yes, you're likely to do more damage, but if you're arcane, you're best off to stay away from phys aoe even in foxform. Yes, I bet you just love parking right under coredash.Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear wrote: »You return damage on Feng and his aoe cant be avoided b:victory.
There is nothing wrong with bramble, if a cleric gets agro then they have dealt more damage than the tank or healed before a mob was attacked. None of these relate to bramble funnily enough, strange that. The whole point of bramble is to return damage no matter how small that damage is it will all add up. It generates little to no agro and if a strong mob gets to the cleric then the squad is fail, someone should get to it before it gets close.
In any event, a cleric shouldn't be brambled without their permission. Archers too for that matter... in all honesty I hear them complain about being brambled more often then clerics do, but I don't care about that, if they steal aggro I don't really care if they keep it or not. lolI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
The Imaginary E-penor
Just the other day I was in a party to kill Silver Frost. In the middle of the fight, a 75 BM says "woot, 42k crit." I'm sitting there thinking "'tf?" cause I'm a 71 Psy. I ALWAYS hit high damage, and my highest crit is 29k; that was with a double spark and one of my stronger spells, though not the strongest one. Even if it was my strongest (which would require items, since my strongest requires two sparks itself), I could only imagine myself just barely touching 40k.
Shortly after, a 78 veno says she once hit an 89k crit. She said she was fighting Drake (BH59 boss) and used ALL her debuffs to get it that high. Again, I'm thinking BS, because that's three times my highest crit, and to my knowledge Psy damage outdoes veno damage. After she tells that story, the BM exclaims "alright, another 41k!"
The barb just laughed, either cause he knew it was BS or cause he was thinking "god damn it, why did I go barb??"IAGOREY
0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »The Imaginary E-penor
Just the other day I was in a party to kill Silver Frost. In the middle of the fight, a 75 BM says "woot, 42k crit." I'm sitting there thinking "'tf?" cause I'm a 71 Psy. I ALWAYS hit high damage, and my highest crit is 29k; that was with a double spark and one of my stronger spells, though not the strongest one. Even if it was my strongest (which would require items, since my strongest requires two sparks itself), I could only imagine myself just barely touching 40k.
Shortly after, a 78 veno says she once hit an 89k crit. She said she was fighting Drake (BH59 boss) and used ALL her debuffs to get it that high. Again, I'm thinking BS, because that's three times my highest crit, and to my knowledge Psy damage outdoes veno damage. After she tells that story, the BM exclaims "alright, another 41k!"
The barb just laughed, either cause he knew it was BS or cause he was thinking "god damn it, why did I go barb??"
If the boss had a lot of debuffs on him, it's not that impossible. There's a bm (HF) + a veno (amp, armour break) + a bunch of genie skills to add.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
VlLKASS - Sanctuary wrote: »If the boss had a lot of debuffs on him, it's not that impossible. There's a bm (HF) + a veno (amp, armour break) + a bunch of genie skills to add.
Well if we're talking Silver Frost, that had nothing on it when the BM yelled 42k, from what I remember. Very sure their two debuffs were never used at the same time, either, cause I wanted to see my regular hit with both of them but never got the chance.
The other thing that made me call BS was that the veno said "all my debuffs." Well from what I remember, a veno can only cast one curse at a time, and only one amplifies damage. I also find it odd that they'd sit there talking about these great crits and, if her genie really did have debuffs to amplify damage, she never used it.
There's possible, then there's highly flippin' unlikely.IAGOREY
0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »The Imaginary E-penor
Just the other day I was in a party to kill Silver Frost. In the middle of the fight, a 75 BM says "woot, 42k crit." I'm sitting there thinking "'tf?" cause I'm a 71 Psy. I ALWAYS hit high damage, and my highest crit is 29k; that was with a double spark and one of my stronger spells, though not the strongest one. Even if it was my strongest (which would require items, since my strongest requires two sparks itself), I could only imagine myself just barely touching 40k.
Shortly after, a 78 veno says she once hit an 89k crit. She said she was fighting Drake (BH59 boss) and used ALL her debuffs to get it that high. Again, I'm thinking BS, because that's three times my highest crit, and to my knowledge Psy damage outdoes veno damage. After she tells that story, the BM exclaims "alright, another 41k!"
The barb just laughed, either cause he knew it was BS or cause he was thinking "god damn it, why did I go barb??"
Eh, I had a number of 100k crits on bosses when I just hit 90 and got my 90 gold zerk axes... I've done 40k crits with my claws.... lolI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Well if we're talking Silver Frost, that had nothing on it when the BM yelled 42k, from what I remember. Very sure their two debuffs were never used at the same time, either, cause I wanted to see my regular hit with both of them but never got the chance.
The other thing that made me call BS was that the veno said "all my debuffs." Well from what I remember, a veno can only cast one curse at a time, and only one amplifies damage. I also find it odd that they'd sit there talking about these great crits and, if her genie really did have debuffs to amplify damage, she never used it.
There's possible, then there's highly flippin' unlikely.
With the veno, it's pretty much impossible. Amp is 20% extra damage and a genie skill might add another 20%. Ironwood is physical defense so makes no difference. Lets just say, for arguments sake we add a maxed HF and of course the veno crit...and she double sparked. You'd be talking a veno who hits roughly 20k average damage with that skill, no crits or debuffs.
With the BM, it'd take a zerk, crit, spark, HF, genie skill and defence debuff to hit that much. Lv75 axe damage is pretty poor, I used to very rarely hit 30k crits at that level.Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »Eh, I had a number of 100k crits on bosses when I just hit 90 and got my 90 gold zerk axes... I've done 40k crits with my claws.... lol
90 is different. I've done 100k crits too, but when you're talking TT90+ weapons, triple sparks and most squads being high levels with maxed out debuffs they frequently use, it's a lot different.
The game is set up so there isn't a vast difference in attack no matter your build, to prevent OP classes or builds. Even if I screwed up my build, add little str, don't max weapon mastery enough and have an average weapon with average refines....with the same debuffs a maxed out cash shopper would hit around 50% more at the very most.0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »Eh, I had a number of 100k crits on bosses when I just hit 90 and got my 90 gold zerk axes... I've done 40k crits with my claws.... lol
Well I do think there's a fair difference between a level 90+ and a level 75. What were you hitting at 75?
I also find it just so convenient that the veno told her 89k story and then, omg, another 41k crit! I love how I've hit 29k once, but it's raining 40k's on this BM.
But meh, part of it was situational, of course. The two just sounded so fake and I never saw 40k's suddenly disappearing off Silver in big chunks.IAGOREY
0 -
Celestyna - Heavens Tear wrote: »that's sad... it says it if you read the skill. oh wait.. maybe they cant read b:chuckle
I am often suprised what i have to explain to people.. things I thought were just common sense .. wait nm i said that too b:surrender
Razor feathers, if I recall, is also phys damage. Either way, I completely agree. On a boss like that... **** attacking. Just buff the party's DPS and have a sandwich.0 -
Isala - Sanctuary wrote: »Razor feathers, if I recall, is also phys damage. Either way, I completely agree. On a boss like that... **** attacking. Just buff the party's DPS and have a sandwich.
Razor Feathers is physical damage indeed and don't forget the coffee and a smoke aswell b:chuckle.Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.
Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Well I do think there's a fair difference between a level 90+ and a level 75. What were you hitting at 75?
Somewhere around 45-55ish against one of the 51 bosses if I remember correctly... fully amped, debuffed dragoned crits of course. I tried looking through my screenies, but 7x was what, 8 months ago for me... too many to look through. >.<I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
The metal wizard and tanky BM
So I just did a BH eden earlier. Squad composed of a wiz 99 (me), 89 bm, 97 wiz, 92 cleric, and a 91 sin
Before run, veno asked who was gonna be tank. So i said me b/c she had no herc.
We started the run, and I noticed the cleric just standing there doing nothing for a few sec whenever we started to kill a mob. I figured she wanted to see who would take damage. No problem, just being cautious. Then she repeatedly waited a few sec before fight, gave the BM an IH, started attacking, and gave me an IH when i was about 1-2 shots away from death (I was main tank). Obviously, IH took a few sec to kick in, so I had to use crab meat on every mob to keep my squishy **** alive. I didn't say anything. It was random squad, so was kinda expected.
We kept clearing and I guess the BM had enough of me tanking. He tried to ninja past a penguin, rushed to the next 2 mobs (another penguin and rhinodrake). Well, his ninja failed, the last penguin started to aggro him. So I aggroed it, tanked it with pots, and watched the BM health jumped up and down like crazy with the cleric healing him. I thought to myself, maybe he learned a lesson now, otherwise I'll just leave his **** to die next time.
We came to the T-section where the summon bot was. Veno started pulling the 1 mob on the left and the sin just rushed in attacking the rest. At the same time, the BM decided to ninja again, failed, and had 3 penguins following him ahead of us. I saw that and decided to to leave him be, better to kill the mobs where everyone was at. Again, tanking mob with my pots. Cleric was healing the sin, and well, he died. BM also died. I killed the 2 mobs that were on the sin.
Me: stop running around aggroing things when you can't tank
Sin: I won't even bother trying to explain to you (Well, too much of a mutant to talk to us normal folks, eh. Dunno how I held back the urge to kick him out of squad).
Cleric rezed everyone and we kept going. Just around the corner of the place, me, sin, veno, and the other wiz started to clear mobs. After 2 mobs, I looked into squad screen and saw both the BM and cleric were dead behind us. There were only 2 penguins left at that place near the left wall. Honestly, I still have no idea how they died.
Cleric: what's wrong with you guys?
Veno: you attacked
(I still had no idea what happened, lol)
So, the rest of us just kept clearing mobs (too bad I don't have revive on my wiz). The BM towned and came back, cleric just left squad (well, bye bye). We cleared to Phlebo. I started tanking with the other wiz healing me. Got Phlebo down to 5%, lagged, and died. I told the squad my fault, i lagged and couldn't use crabmeat. I towned, Phlebo went after BM and sin and killed them all. At this point, i guess the BM had enough death. he left squad.
I came back with an alt cleric lvl 70 and killed Phlebo. Near the end, I was thinking of kicking the sin and said "I won't even bother trying to explain to you" (Revenge is best served cold, bishb:laugh). But I figured that was enough for one day.
Result: me-1 death, cleric-1 death, sin-2 (could have been 0 if he went into stealth). bm-2 or 3 (i lost count lol), wiz-0, veno-0
Lesson: TBs are too mutated to communicate with normal ppl. Wiz and veno power FTW?b:thanks0 -
heh i love all of you that think charm QQ is pointless lol , glad many more see charms same way i do ^.^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
*sigh* I started as one of the few fists bms. I was ridiculed left and right now ur laughed at if you're not a fist bm. b:surrender0 -
King_Asmodei - Lost City wrote: »heh i love all of you that think charm QQ is pointless lol , glad many more see charms same way i do ^.^Negimagi - Heavens Tear wrote: »The metal wizard and tanky BM
So I just did a BH eden earlier. Squad composed of a wiz 99 (me), 89 bm, 97 wiz, 92 cleric, and a 91 sin
Before run, veno asked who was gonna be tank. So i said me b/c she had no herc.
We started the run, and I noticed the cleric just standing there doing nothing for a few sec whenever we started to kill a mob. I figured she wanted to see who would take damage. No problem, just being cautious. Then she repeatedly waited a few sec before fight, gave the BM an IH, started attacking, and gave me an IH when i was about 1-2 shots away from death (I was main tank). Obviously, IH took a few sec to kick in, so I had to use crab meat on every mob to keep my squishy **** alive. I didn't say anything. It was random squad, so was kinda expected.
We kept clearing and I guess the BM had enough of me tanking. He tried to ninja past a penguin, rushed to the next 2 mobs (another penguin and rhinodrake). Well, his ninja failed, the last penguin started to aggro him. So I aggroed it, tanked it with pots, and watched the BM health jumped up and down like crazy with the cleric healing him. I thought to myself, maybe he learned a lesson now, otherwise I'll just leave his **** to die next time.
We came to the T-section where the summon bot was. Veno started pulling the 1 mob on the left and the sin just rushed in attacking the rest. At the same time, the BM decided to ninja again, failed, and had 3 penguins following him ahead of us. I saw that and decided to to leave him be, better to kill the mobs where everyone was at. Again, tanking mob with my pots. Cleric was healing the sin, and well, he died. BM also died. I killed the 2 mobs that were on the sin.
Me: stop running around aggroing things when you can't tank
Sin: I won't even bother trying to explain to you (Well, too much of a mutant to talk to us normal folks, eh. Dunno how I held back the urge to kick him out of squad).
Cleric rezed everyone and we kept going. Just around the corner of the place, me, sin, veno, and the other wiz started to clear mobs. After 2 mobs, I looked into squad screen and saw both the BM and cleric were dead behind us. There were only 2 penguins left at that place near the left wall. Honestly, I still have no idea how they died.
Cleric: what's wrong with you guys?
Veno: you attacked
(I still had no idea what happened, lol)
So, the rest of us just kept clearing mobs (too bad I don't have revive on my wiz). The BM towned and came back, cleric just left squad (well, bye bye). We cleared to Phlebo. I started tanking with the other wiz healing me. Got Phlebo down to 5%, lagged, and died. I told the squad my fault, i lagged and couldn't use crabmeat. I towned, Phlebo went after BM and sin and killed them all. At this point, i guess the BM had enough death. he left squad.
I came back with an alt cleric lvl 70 and killed Phlebo. Near the end, I was thinking of kicking the sin and said "I won't even bother trying to explain to you" (Revenge is best served cold, bishb:laugh). But I figured that was enough for one day.
Result: me-1 death, cleric-1 death, sin-2 (could have been 0 if he went into stealth). bm-2 or 3 (i lost count lol), wiz-0, veno-0
Lesson: TBs are too mutated to communicate with normal ppl. Wiz and veno power FTW?b:thanks
You made my day but dont put me and him in same basket, I tanked phlebo and half seat of torment when our squad, veno, tank and cleric wiped b:cry
Yesh, I tank like a pro b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »
Logic fail. Your job is to keep my HP charm from ticking as it's my job to keep your HP charm from ticking or you from dying. It's kind of a trade-off.
A cleric complaining about their MP charm ticking is just stupid. Of course it's going to tick, you bought it for the luxury of not having to pot as much or so you can afk macro heal.
Trying to equate your MP charm ticking to a tank's HP charm ticking is futile.
No, your wrong
My job is to keep the tank from dying, not to prevent the tanks HP charm from ticking.
A HP charm is use to keep someone form dying if they take to many hits. Like if for some reason a person playing as a cleric computer starts lagging badly a was not able to heal the HP charm the tank is using will keep the tank alive long enough for the cleric to recover from the lag and start healing again.
Like what you just said Charms are used for luxury that's why they are in the boutique, they are not a *requirement* people need to have. Like if your doing a RB you don't need a charm, people just say you need a charm is because they just want to do quickly. Its possible to do a RB without a charm but it will take much longer.
I just trying to say that its not a *requirement* for me to prevent a tanks charm from ticking, a HP charm is just a luxury used to make a tank's job easier and that's the same for clerics and their MP charms.
✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰
★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★
✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰0 -
Hm all this charm talk reminded me in some of the situations I encountered before.
Ready squad invites a barb.
Cleric: "Barb you're charmed?"
Kitty: "b:shocked No. What for? This is a simple tt/rb/fcc/etc run. I have done it many times before uncharmed. This is no problem."
Cleric: "WTF WHO INVITED AN UNCHARMED BARB? I don't feel like wasting my time to fail."
Kitty: "b:shocked But we got a cleric, we should be perfectly fine. You can't keep me alive?"
Cleric: "Me? WTH?! Do you actually expect me to heal or smth?! That's what a charm is for! To keep you alive! I'm not going with this uncharmed goon.Why should I risk it?"
Squad member: "Pff this will be a waste of time. He can't even afford a charm. I'm outa here. Let's try again when we get a decent* barb" *leaves*
I heard a lot of QQs from barbs of getting taken of squads for being uncharmed. Or the "LF a CHARMED barb for [ENTER INSTANCE HERE]" WCs.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
rofl, the only reason my guy (at his current lvl) gets into high lvl squads is because i say "lvl 69 CHARMED BM LFS", man people love those who are charmed xD0
LifeHunting - Heavens Tear wrote: »rofl, the only reason my guy (at his current lvl) gets into high lvl squads is because i say "lvl 69 CHARMED BM LFS", man people love those who are charmed xD
So THAT'S why I can never find a squad for BH... b:cry
*Goes back to duoing BH39 uncharmed with a second BM...or would if comp would cooperate*0 -
<----swore of BH39.....
Last one i did....lost a charm to it >.<0
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