May I Shoot Myself in the Foot Real Quick?

Kaery - Harshlands
Kaery - Harshlands Posts: 63 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Dawnglory (EU)
Yes, I am a new gamer to PW, but I have played MMORPGs for a good decade or so. Yes I am only in my level 30s, but I've only been playing a little over a week (and I have full time school and work). Yes I am about to shoot myself in the foot here on the forums, and probably be PKed by 50 to 100 people in game for this... so here I go...

I have been keeping up on the super recent forum threads. Yes, even the 20-something-page ones. I have to admit they are quite entertaining, and also quite sad. I am quite intrigued with the whole server being split into 3 very large, good-in-their-own-way guilds and the story behind all of them, including the story behind the previous large guilds who have taken hold of land on the map. But I have a question, and, yes, it may be completely stupid in your opinion, but I'd still like to know people's opinions, along with one bit of flame piece to add at the end.

1. What, exactly, in your opinion, makes a great guild?

Considering the large amounts of flamage I've read on here, no one has yet explained fully what they consider to be a good guild. There are rules and guidelines on your own guild sites stating what your guild is about, yet when it comes to these forums and what I hear in game, non of them are fully taken seriously. So what makes a good guild? And what makes the other guilds bad? You fight and fight but never seem to state EXACTLY what is wrong or what your flaming about, and most of the time it ends up in a bickering contest as to which person is more intelligent than the other.

So, please, I ask this kindly and completely out of curiosity, what do you consider to be a good guild, and how do you think your guild fits what you see as "good"? And I also wish to know what 1 (YES 1 AND ONLY 1) fault you find with another guild of your choice. No HUGE paragraph stating multiple faults, no flaming individuals, and please, no bickering over intelligence or lack of knowledge. I want to see people's true opinions and what THEY perceive as the truth.

And 2. (Here is my bit of flaming) Can you PLEASE, dear whatever god or lack thereof, that you believe in, NOT constantly write in horrible, misspelled, mis-written sentences. There is NO reason at all to insult each other on intelligence when I myself have seen in these forums the misspellings and horrible sentence structures. AND I even had one person insult another person on their intelligence, and they couldn't even spell the word "intelligent" correctly!!! SERIOUSLY PEOPLE! It's not that hard, and if it is, then don't use that word!!!

But yea. Done flaming. Please use correct spelling and sentences in your replies. It'd be nice to be able to take someone seriously without them completely disproving their own point by using horrific grammar, spelling, etc. It's embarrassing.

*This is where I hide and hope no one decides to PK me constantly for asking this one opinionated question on the forums."

*feel the kiss of pure pwnage
Post edited by Kaery - Harshlands on


  • Stayne - Harshlands
    Stayne - Harshlands Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yes, I am a new gamer to PW, but I have played MMORPGs for a good decade or so. Yes I am only in my level 30s, but I've only been playing a little over a week (and I have full time school and work). Yes I am about to shoot myself in the foot here on the forums, and probably be PKed by 50 to 100 people in game for this... so here I go...

    I have been keeping up on the super recent forum threads. Yes, even the 20-something-page ones. I have to admit they are quite entertaining, and also quite sad. I am quite intrigued with the whole server being split into 3 very large, good-in-their-own-way guilds and the story behind all of them, including the story behind the previous large guilds who have taken hold of land on the map. But I have a question, and, yes, it may be completely stupid in your opinion, but I'd still like to know people's opinions, along with one bit of flame piece to add at the end.

    1. What, exactly, in your opinion, makes a great guild?

    Considering the large amounts of flamage I've read on here, no one has yet explained fully what they consider to be a good guild. There are rules and guidelines on your own guild sites stating what your guild is about, yet when it comes to these forums and what I hear in game, non of them are fully taken seriously. So what makes a good guild? And what makes the other guilds bad? You fight and fight but never seem to state EXACTLY what is wrong or what your flaming about, and most of the time it ends up in a bickering contest as to which person is more intelligent than the other.

    So, please, I ask this kindly and completely out of curiosity, what do you consider to be a good guild, and how do you think your guild fits what you see as "good"? And I also wish to know what 1 (YES 1 AND ONLY 1) fault you find with another guild of your choice. No HUGE paragraph stating multiple faults, no flaming individuals, and please, no bickering over intelligence or lack of knowledge. I want to see people's true opinions and what THEY perceive as the truth.

    And 2. (Here is my bit of flaming) Can you PLEASE, dear whatever god or lack thereof, that you believe in, NOT constantly write in horrible, misspelled, mis-written sentences. There is NO reason at all to insult each other on intelligence when I myself have seen in these forums the misspellings and horrible sentence structures. AND I even had one person insult another person on their intelligence, and they couldn't even spell the word "intelligent" correctly!!! SERIOUSLY PEOPLE! It's not that hard, and if it is, then don't use that word!!!

    But yea. Done flaming. Please use correct spelling and sentences in your replies. It'd be nice to be able to take someone seriously without them completely disproving their own point by using horrific grammar, spelling, etc. It's embarrassing.

    *This is where I hide and hope no one decides to PK me constantly for asking this one opinionated question on the forums."


    1)A good faction is a faction that you have fun being in.

    2)Grammar policing is a futile effort; not only because people do not care (I don't for example), but also because a lot of grammar rules are unnecessary when making a point on the forums.
  • Paimage - Harshlands
    Paimage - Harshlands Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yes, I am a new gamer to PW, but I have played MMORPGs for a good decade or so. Yes I am only in my level 30s, but I've only been playing a little over a week (and I have full time school and work). Yes I am about to shoot myself in the foot here on the forums, and probably be PKed by 50 to 100 people in game for this... so here I go...

    I have been keeping up on the super recent forum threads. Yes, even the 20-something-page ones. I have to admit they are quite entertaining, and also quite sad. I am quite intrigued with the whole server being split into 3 very large, good-in-their-own-way guilds and the story behind all of them, including the story behind the previous large guilds who have taken hold of land on the map. But I have a question, and, yes, it may be completely stupid in your opinion, but I'd still like to know people's opinions, along with one bit of flame piece to add at the end.

    1. What, exactly, in your opinion, makes a great guild?

    Considering the large amounts of flamage I've read on here, no one has yet explained fully what they consider to be a good guild. There are rules and guidelines on your own guild sites stating what your guild is about, yet when it comes to these forums and what I hear in game, non of them are fully taken seriously. So what makes a good guild? And what makes the other guilds bad? You fight and fight but never seem to state EXACTLY what is wrong or what your flaming about, and most of the time it ends up in a bickering contest as to which person is more intelligent than the other.

    So, please, I ask this kindly and completely out of curiosity, what do you consider to be a good guild, and how do you think your guild fits what you see as "good"? And I also wish to know what 1 (YES 1 AND ONLY 1) fault you find with another guild of your choice. No HUGE paragraph stating multiple faults, no flaming individuals, and please, no bickering over intelligence or lack of knowledge. I want to see people's true opinions and what THEY perceive as the truth.

    And 2. (Here is my bit of flaming) Can you PLEASE, dear whatever god or lack thereof, that you believe in, NOT constantly write in horrible, misspelled, mis-written sentences. There is NO reason at all to insult each other on intelligence when I myself have seen in these forums the misspellings and horrible sentence structures. AND I even had one person insult another person on their intelligence, and they couldn't even spell the word "intelligent" correctly!!! SERIOUSLY PEOPLE! It's not that hard, and if it is, then don't use that word!!!

    But yea. Done flaming. Please use correct spelling and sentences in your replies. It'd be nice to be able to take someone seriously without them completely disproving their own point by using horrific grammar, spelling, etc. It's embarrassing.

    *This is where I hide and hope no one decides to PK me constantly for asking this one opinionated question on the forums."


    When Im too bored while on the pc I find myself reading forums and jus posting stuff for the sake of it b:laugh But to answer your question, if I were to tell you what a good guild is I would write more then I write for my university reports and thats usually 2 pages so, what I can tell you is that a good guild might be good for some and bad for others.
  • Kaery - Harshlands
    Kaery - Harshlands Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    But I'm curious as to one or two points people find in a guild they think is good. Like, everyone bashes each other and says how crappy they are, but they never really explain why or how, and most of the time it's just to argue instead of explain. >_< I'm looking for a couple points.

    Like, for example: A guild with a certain structure on guild events. How they award those who participate, how they manage to accomplish something, etc.
    *feel the kiss of pure pwnage
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well I'm not you so here goes my foot too... (Actually take that back... I just bought some really cute shoes recently and I love them b:chuckle)

    1.) What, exactly, in your opinion, makes a great guild?
    For me, a great faction isn't just based on "greatness" its also based on a lot of factors. A faction might have the most potential power to succeed or have many high leveled people but that doesn't make it 'great'.

    If you're interesting in TW or other stuff, join a faction that aims for that. Though at your level right now you probably won't get into one of those so lets move on! But for an everyday faction, join one that feels most like home. Or at least very comfortable with yourself to talk in. The faction should make you feel like your home or have many trustworthy friends, be fairly active or at least always 1-3 other people who always talk so you won't get bored, and the faction chat screen should have chat at least every 1-10 minutes though I prefer less :D

    Pretty much, a great faction for me is a place I feel like I belong in and know I can help out in b:cute

    2.) I did not bother with the question because it was more of a paragraph b:shocked
    Sorry I usually write in proper grammar with the excuses of LOL, rofl, lmao, xD.. or other smiley faces I add in all the time >____< (<-- like that). Uhh I have to say, it just depends on how people write. Though it does hurt my eyes to see really poor writing and grammar.. Not to mention the spelling and stuff..

    We can't stop people from typing the way they do so no way of really saying that. Personally I'm in school still obviously but some people who play PWI are either dropouts or they live in a different country that has a language other than English so yeah... Can't really help it with that.

    :P Hope that helped you b:chuckle
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Paimage - Harshlands
    Paimage - Harshlands Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    But I'm curious as to one or two points people find in a guild they think is good. Like, everyone bashes each other and says how crappy they are, but they never really explain why or how, and most of the time it's just to argue instead of explain. >_< I'm looking for a couple points.

    Like, for example: A guild with a certain structure on guild events. How they award those who participate, how they manage to accomplish something, etc.

    Depends on the guild. Usually sum guilds ask the leaders of squad members in an event(killing a world boss, etc) to take screen shots then upload it on the guild forums/website so they are aware of who was present. Then depending on the guild you can get points for being at an event or get rewards from the event, this points can help you have priority in getting stuff from the guild which is either stuff related to the events you participated in or simply things to help you improve your gear.
    What I stated above is how sum good guilds reward their members but other guilds also use other methods ofc.
  • Dustins_ALT - Harshlands
    Dustins_ALT - Harshlands Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The best guild is being guild less no rules and you don't half to kiss **** to get stuff done.b:chuckle

    Grammar police are annoying, your annoying.b:bye

    ^ my barbs built, full buff in tiger.b:bye

    I'm not going to troll anymore T_T
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The best guild is being guild less no rules and you don't half to kiss **** to get stuff done.b:chuckle

    Grammar police are annoying, your annoying.b:bye

    ^-- Sitting in Pendulum as the only member for this reason.
  • Kaery - Harshlands
    Kaery - Harshlands Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    =/ Sadly I know I gotta move on from the whole grammar thing. I just have never gamed in an MMORPG where everyone on forums don't use high grammar and spelling. =/ I'm sorry. b:surrender
    *feel the kiss of pure pwnage
  • Dustins_ALT - Harshlands
    Dustins_ALT - Harshlands Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ^-- Sitting in Pendulum as the only member for this reason.

    ^needs to lose his virginity.b:chuckle

    ^ my barbs built, full buff in tiger.b:bye

    I'm not going to troll anymore T_T
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ohmai. Someone thinks he's special, huh? Arbitrarily flaming someone for no reason other than he chose to comment, sorry, I see how I'm the childish one in this. Mahbad.
  • Bakura - Harshlands
    Bakura - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ^-- Sitting in Pendulum as the only member for this reason.

    youre saying i dont exist? Q
    PvP delivered straight to your doorstep since 2oo8.
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I thought you were staying on LC. ;p
  • Dustins_ALT - Harshlands
    Dustins_ALT - Harshlands Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ohmai. Someone thinks he's special, huh? Arbitrarily flaming someone for no reason other than he chose to comment, sorry, I see how I'm the childish one in this. Mahbad.

    Ya I am special what of it? I can flame if I want to can't I? ^_^ I like being childish.

    ^ my barbs built, full buff in tiger.b:bye

    I'm not going to troll anymore T_T
  • Bakura - Harshlands
    Bakura - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I thought you were staying on LC. ;p

    the heck would i do there by myself > : might just play some Guild Wurz
    PvP delivered straight to your doorstep since 2oo8.
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    the heck would i do there by myself > : might just play some Guild Wurz

    Pshaw, come back to HL with me, I'll catch up a bit and me you and Ligeia can show these peepz what PvP is.
  • Iffybear - Harshlands
    Iffybear - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Pshaw, come back to HL with me, I'll catch up a bit and me you and Ligeia can show these peepz what PvP is.

    make devoted come back and level lakai with you
  • Soysaucie - Harshlands
    Soysaucie - Harshlands Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Join PNBUTT!!!!!!!!
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You make him come back, he's your man lover. lul
  • Xprestigex - Harshlands
    Xprestigex - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I like a guild that inculdes all of its members in activities it does, like events that go ever week (like the one today) and that helps out its members in hh somehow. Although i don't do much with the guild im in, because of hw, rl, classes, and i like to keep to myself in game. I still like seeing stuff like this happen, even if i don't join in much.

    and my 1 thing about a guild i don't like... not to flame... but i don't like how kd thinks about their own rules, like their sugestions rather then actual rules to follow (the reason why im in the guild i am now)

    lol, i blame my reading dissablity for my horable spelling, and this is just a game, so why do i have to be so uptight about my spelling? im here to relax not write an essay
    Our GMs, which art invisible,
    Hallowed be thy Alma,
    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in godless valley,
    As it is in fb29.
    Give us this day our daily quest.
    And forgive us our banning,
    As we forgive those who ban us.
    And lead us not into random pk,
    But deliver us from Hell
    For yours is the Perfect World, the power and the glory,
    Untill the server crashes
  • Nerothehero - Harshlands
    Nerothehero - Harshlands Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Nice racism, english isnt everyones main languages..b:shutup
  • /Groovy/ - Harshlands
    /Groovy/ - Harshlands Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The best guild is the one which has dedicated members who enjoy playing together.
    Packs World International
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    lol, R34/ Pend used to be, what, 10 people?

    Void, Nurfed, Iffy, Kiwi, Lakai, me, Allure, Epic, Elednor and Ligeia
    Bakura and Asparagus were there too, but were always on that other game there...

    We used to roll KD and Crimson in World PvP, easy. I still maintain that it was because we had strong leadership and flawless communication.

    ^-- Edited for member correctness. HAPPY?
  • Bakura - Harshlands
    Bakura - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    lol, R34/ Pend used to be, what, 8 people?

    Void, Nurfed, Iffy, Kiwi, Lakai, me, Allure and Ligeia
    Bakura was there too, but was always on that other game there...

    We used to roll KD and Crimson in World PvP, easy. I still maintain that it was because we had strong leadership and flawless communication.

    dont forget elednor, asparagus and fiya b:cute
    what can i say, guild wars ♥
    PvP delivered straight to your doorstep since 2oo8.
  • Bloop - Harshlands
    Bloop - Harshlands Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    lol, R34/ Pend used to be, what, 8 people?

    Void, Nurfed, Iffy, Kiwi, Lakai, me, Allure and Ligeia
    Bakura was there too, but was always on that other game there...

    We used to roll KD and Crimson in World PvP, easy. I still maintain that it was because we had strong leadership and flawless communication.

    Oh, okay. I wasn't there, right? >:l
    60 / 250.
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    dont forget elednor, asparagus and fiya b:cute
    what can i say, guild wars ♥

    Fiya doesn't count, she was like lvl 40 at the time.
    Oh, okay. I wasn't there, right? >:l


    That makes like 10, since Asparagus was like you Bah Koo Rah, only on like once a week for an hour or two.
  • Bakura - Harshlands
    Bakura - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Fiya doesn't count, she was like lvl 40 at the time.


    That makes like 10, since Asparagus was like you Bah Koo Rah, only on like once a week for an hour or two.

    11 cos me and asp were both worth half b:cute
    PvP delivered straight to your doorstep since 2oo8.
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited April 2010

  • Aliella - Harshlands
    Aliella - Harshlands Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    1. a good guild is one that you feel most at home with, i swear since my guild died i keep fact hopping hoping to find a good guild. as u play the game kaery you will build a circle of friends and enemies, usually those friends will be in the same fact as you at one point, but anyways you cant set what a good guild is in stone because its different for each person, for me its whether i feel at home and like the people in the guild. not whether i like to pvp or wanna do tw. b:cute just find a guild ur where your at home with and are helpful
  • brownflamer
    brownflamer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The best guild would be the one I happen to be in...cause I'm a really funny guy
    PS......I'm half-joking b:mischievous