Overpowered stories :)

brownflamer Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Arigora Colosseum
Since I quit the game....I don't know much about what is going on in PWI

So in this thread you can post (real) Overpowered stories....about pvp(make it sound good,lolz)

here ppl can share...their amazing pvp experiences.... Or some amazing pvp they have seen

NO QQing......I don't want this thread to be locked b:sad
PS......I'm half-joking b:mischievous
Post edited by brownflamer on


  • CornHilario - Heavens Tear
    CornHilario - Heavens Tear Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    no, just no. there are threads like these in which i have told stories in before. but the thing is, people just wanna TELL they never wanna READ b:cry
    One corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them

    MS paint ftw. Disclaimer: my suit is actually gray, not black.

    ♥: The best f♥♥king censor ever. Always remember to show
    love to eachother on the forum even when you are cussing eachother out.
  • brownflamer
    brownflamer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Hellllloooo....anyone here?b:question
    PS......I'm half-joking b:mischievous
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:chuckle well there was this one time in Harshlands...

    This one really stupid noob person was trying to make my two friends who are the cutest couple ever, break up! and did i mention they were married in-game?!?!?!

    So what do we do? We plan out a plot to trap the person :D To make a long story short it became this huge drama of "i can't believe you betrayed me/us!" and stuff like that lmao and we PKed each other since we made up "sides" of who goes to which person. I was with my friend Hershey for this and we killed her husband all over b:laugh

    It was so funny and everybody I knew came xD... Somehow we accidentally got in the middle of a PK war so... we all got PKed xD... But that got resolved since we told those PKers our plan and they helped out b:chuckle
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Infliction - Raging Tide
    Infliction - Raging Tide Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Was playing on my 82 barb on harshlands, super bored...was at OT i think it was. Saw another barb come up, low 90s, only 1 piece of 90 armor, had calamaties, attacked me. Double sparked instantly and 3 shot him through charm...Zerk crits ftw.
  • Jittery - Lost City
    Jittery - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well I know it's bannable to pk inside SP but I was kinda bored and my friends and i went in there anyways. There were some people in there all from the same guild (I think it was Forbidden but I am not 100% positive I remember who it was) and we killed all 4 of them. needless to say they came back and they were hugging SZ. My friends and I were just laughing because there were more of them than us and some of them were our lvl. Anyways, I figured from all the trash talk they were saying from SZ that they had called in back-up. Now my friends and I were able to take them on even though there were 3 of us and 4 of them but there was no way we could take on any more 9x bc by this time there were also like 3-4 7,8x ppl hugging sz to. I still dont understand how us 4 kept like over 10 peple insiade sz but I knew we needed to do something or we'd have to retreat back to SZ, especially before their reinforcements came. So I told my friends to stay there and i ran to the back and dragged Silverfrost to the front. Just as Silverfrost got to the front all the Forbidden peple and their backup guildies and also all the random 7-8x peple came surging out in in an all out frontal attack. Luckily for us they weren't that pvp savy and liike most of them started fighting Silverfrost. So my friends and I were all fighting multiple enemies while Silverfrost was destroying everyone else and needless to say I and one of my other friends survived and everyone else died, either from Silverfrost, me or my friends, or friendly pvp aoes. It was probably one of the most epic victories ever and when I saw Silverfrost destroying all the dumb 7,8 x people that were attacking him I almost died from pk because I was laughing so hard I almost had tears coming out of my eyes. but ya...I never got banned either.....i think all the people there were having too much fun to try to bann us haha.
  • Moog - Lost City
    Moog - Lost City Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm pretty sure it's not bannable to pk inside secret passage. Have a screenshot from a ingame GM saying pking is only banable in cube entrance.

    I think people only got banned from pking at secret passage for Tos 11. Which is a different matter altogether. I believe pking at secret passage isn't bannable if the people you are pking arent questing there.
  • Jittery - Lost City
    Jittery - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm pretty sure it's not bannable to pk inside secret passage. Have a screenshot from a ingame GM saying pking is only banable in cube entrance.

    I think people only got banned from pking at secret passage for Tos 11. Which is a different matter altogether. I believe pking at secret passage isn't bannable if the people you are pking arent questing there.

    ohhhh kk makes more sence then. well, im pretty sure at least one person that was there was trying to quest but meh, we never got into any trouble.
  • CinnaStix - Harshlands
    CinnaStix - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Harshlands... I was standing around with a pker archer... I buff red names so they dnt kill me on my cleric... Well... all of a sudden 4 8x and 9x assassins come from the shadows and attack this archer at the same time... and archer used wings of grace and pawned some with some claws... then... pulled out the bow and 2 shot everybody else lol... except me and this one BM... Believe he had a +10 soul shatterer type of bow... lvl 100 he was.. when he partied me.