PvP Assassin Strategy

Drachid - Sanctuary
Drachid - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Assassin
Hi, i'm Drachid/Lupumid/Glacea from sanctuary.

I'm making this thread to track the PvP tactics i come with as i level, and so you people can tell me how n00b they are. I'll be assesing the skills from where i stand now and EVERYTHING is up for discussion. I really just want to know am i thinking the right things and doing them.

I probably won't finish this before i leave school but here we go.


Twin Strike:
I realised when i first started this skill is probably useless, as with the first skill of all other melee classes. I left it at 1.

Puncture Wound:
I <3 this skill. The bleed damage is like me attacking twice as fast and i like using it on running mobs, so they die while running :D. I keep this maxed

Raving Strike (think thats the name):
Not much damage and i was told by a higher leveled sin not to bother with it, i can see why. I kept it at 1.

Slipstream Strike:
Does great damage, I normally use it after puncture wound, I look forward to leveling this :D

Wolf Emblem:
Increased crit strike damage NOT crit strike rate, not sure about everyone else but I don’t level this

Focused Mind:
I level this just for PvP, makes barbs cry waiting for a hit. I level it occasionally

Shadow Walk:
I love this skill, I use it in every duel because its so much fun. I level it because of the tactics it creates for PvP, also useful in BH51 (rankar seeker)

Deep Sting:
I use this to cancel poison and spells, what some people don’t know is if you deep sting a running mob, it won’t run. Which I enjoy very much as that little bit of damage saved is money saved on pots for me, I kept it at level 1 however because I only use it for sleep(85% is really good imo)

Knife Throw:
Useful for canceling long distance channel, but otherwise I rather the bow I have. I kept at level 1.

I like the speed every now and then, and useful for catching those tricky kiters. I level it.

Shadow Escape:
Great for when getting mobbed :D

I’ll add more as I get experienced with them


Shadow walk > deep sting > focused mind > puncture wound and slipstream until dead
Focused mind is a barbs enemy, because having a level 7X barb, I know accuracy is our biggest problem (along with dps)

Shadow walk > deep sting > puncture wound > slipstream > if not, dead windpush if kiting and continue slipstream and puncture
Puncture offsets there healing very well

Same as cleric

same as barb except much harder as they have more accuracy

this is a work in progress, so more will be added as I level and it will get more complex. I know lower levels are easy but this is just the start
Post edited by Drachid - Sanctuary on


  • Drachid - Sanctuary
    Drachid - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    reserved for future use
  • Drachid - Sanctuary
    Drachid - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    another reserve
  • Drachid - Sanctuary
    Drachid - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    and one last one
  • _Lyra - Lost City
    _Lyra - Lost City Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Shadow walk > deep sting > focused mind > puncture wound and slipstream until dead
    Focused mind is a barbs enemy, because having a level 7X barb, I know accuracy is our biggest problem (along with dps)

    Shadow walk > deep sting > puncture wound > slipstream > if not, dead windpush if kiting and continue slipstream and puncture
    Puncture offsets there healing very well

    In all fairness, you probably wont be able to kill a barb, and definitely not with this combo. Also, why use focused mind in the middle of your attacks? It's a buff you use before the fight.

    And if you're going to use puncture wound, you generally use it BEFORE deep sting. That way they take bleed damage for 5-6 seconds without being able to attack while you proc genie skills/spark
  • Chezedude - Dreamweaver
    Chezedude - Dreamweaver Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    invis -> triple spark -> 200 chi -> stun -> auto attack
    works against 99% of the population.
  • Trawne - Lost City
    Trawne - Lost City Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    invis -> triple spark -> 200 chi -> stun -> auto attack
    works against 99% of the population.

    ^^^THIS RIGHT HERE^^^^^^

    for a more detailed report on this look for my guide: Sin PvP for Dummies found here

    I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington