[Level 3]Kylin Strong Recruiting

Jeffreys - Harshlands
Jeffreys - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Dawnglory (EU)
We are going to recruit All the class level40+, prefer lvl45+

I dont like to list the requirements like other people did, but i think i need to point out some facts in our guildb:cute

1. Prefer to have mic to get on vent and talk to each other
2. Stay Active and talk in guild chat, involve with other members
3. We will help out guild members of course, we will do TW/FB/HH(will farm weapon and armor for members)/Group Grinding
4. Constantly checking and using our guild site:http://kylin.darkbb.com/forum.htm
5. We will give out salary to members who participate in it
6. Dont randomly pk other players unless they are our KOS, and be nice to others
7. So far, I can only think about those

PS. Level isnt the problem, easy to catch up. Its more important how you play your class well~

If you are interesting about joinin, please contact "XuLin" in the game or me of course, pce out buddyb:cute
[Kylin Organizer]Having Fun In The New Serverb:thanks
Post edited by Jeffreys - Harshlands on


  • Jeffreys - Harshlands
    Jeffreys - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Still Recruiting!!!!!!!!!!

    Any class, prefer Mage/Archer

    level25+, prefer lvl30+

    we have bunch of fun in the guild, and im the sponsor of the guild!!!b:chuckle
    [Kylin Organizer]Having Fun In The New Serverb:thanks
  • Elixlir - Harshlands
    Elixlir - Harshlands Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Pm me Elixlir
    for invite to guild b:victory

    (tw nx week)
  • Jeffreys - Harshlands
    Jeffreys - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    we are currently recruiting people who is active.

    We will do FB/TW/HH farm weapon and armor for guild members/give salary/Guild event sponsor by me!!! Prize are really good from item mall or zenb:thanks

    If you are interesting about joining Kylin, please contact me in game or "XuLin" thanks

    PS. lvl30+
    [Kylin Organizer]Having Fun In The New Serverb:thanks
  • Jeffreys - Harshlands
    Jeffreys - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    bump the thread, recruit all the players from other "dying guild"

    hmm, have fun guys

    PS. im gold seller haha, only to guild members thob:chuckle
    [Kylin Organizer]Having Fun In The New Serverb:thanks
  • Isolated - Harshlands
    Isolated - Harshlands Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    grats on ur tw u guys did well b:pleased
  • Revenge - Harshlands
    Revenge - Harshlands Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i would like to join

    just so you know, my computer is broken but will probably get fixed in a few days

    i could use my sister's computer to log on for a bit though

  • Jeffreys - Harshlands
    Jeffreys - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    grats on ur tw u guys did well b:pleased

    thanks a lot
    [Kylin Organizer]Having Fun In The New Serverb:thanks
  • Caledfwlch - Harshlands
    Caledfwlch - Harshlands Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Sounds like a promising guild b:pleased
  • Jeffreys - Harshlands
    Jeffreys - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    recruit more archers/mages/warriors/Barbarians level30+ for anything^^

    its a really fun guild
    [Kylin Organizer]Having Fun In The New Serverb:thanks
  • Jeffreys - Harshlands
    Jeffreys - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    god...i need to bump this every single week?b:sad

    we are still recruiting players level35+
    [Kylin Organizer]Having Fun In The New Serverb:thanks
  • nini09
    nini09 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    a bump before sleep b:chuckle
  • Elixlir - Harshlands
    Elixlir - Harshlands Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    whats a *bump*


  • Sheesha - Harshlands
    Sheesha - Harshlands Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ouch, bumped my elbow against desk.
  • Elixlir - Harshlands
    Elixlir - Harshlands Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    pm me for invite
  • Taishang - Harshlands
    Taishang - Harshlands Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Bumped your head
  • Eragon - Harshlands
    Eragon - Harshlands Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Nice topic necro....
  • tenseiga191
    tenseiga191 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    We are going to recruit All the class level40+, prefer lvl45+

    I dont like to list the requirements like other people did, but i think i need to point out some facts in our guildb:cute

    1. Prefer to have mic to get on vent and talk to each other
    2. Stay Active and talk in guild chat, involve with other members
    3. We will help out guild members of course, we will do TW/FB/HH(will farm weapon and armor for members)/Group Grinding
    4. Constantly checking and using our guild site:http://kylin.darkbb.com/forum.htm
    5. We will give out salary to members who participate in it
    6. Dont randomly pk other players unless they are our KOS, and be nice to others
    7. So far, I can only think about those

    PS. Level isnt the problem, easy to catch up. Its more important how you play your class well~

    If you are interesting about joinin, please contact "XuLin" in the game or me of course, pce out buddyb:cute

    i thought that kylin is level 90+ [85+ for clerics] faction? :lb:puzzled
  • Kaery - Harshlands
    Kaery - Harshlands Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    0_o such an old thread, though. Read dates. It's a good first start to keeping up in the forums. =P
    *feel the kiss of pure pwnage
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    that was 11 months ago
  • Elednor - Harshlands
    Elednor - Harshlands Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Awww i remember when KY was all little and didnt even think to KoS them b:chuckle

    Then i came back from quitting and they had half the map b:kiss

    All grown up b:cute
  • Vivre - Harshlands
    Vivre - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Awwww baby Kylin thread. n.n
    What is this 'res' you speak of? b:cute
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Nasty Nasty necro.
    I remember when Kylin was a guild waiting to get **** ****ed by KD crim and QQ
    Too bad it didnt happen.
  • AinaMizuako - Sanctuary
    AinaMizuako - Sanctuary Posts: 1,041 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Whenever I find threads for the big guilds when they were small it makes me squeal.
    oh look, i'm inactive again.

    b> leviciti b:cry
  • Bloop - Harshlands
    Bloop - Harshlands Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I remember watching baby XuLin 1v1ing GodsFear near Oracle 1 and PMing me asking if I was going to help or not. Sadly I couldn't cause we were allies or something like that. :/
    60 / 250.
  • PipSqueak_ - Harshlands
    PipSqueak_ - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Whenever I find threads for the big guilds when they were small it makes me squeal.

    like a baby seal which gets a moderate clubbing?
  • VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver
    VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,099 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    like a baby seal which gets a moderate clubbing?

    This alt has been brought to you by lkurei - Harshlands.
    I'm a guy. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] lol
    'I think most of us f2p players stopped caring about buying gold once the ani packs came in, bent the gold market over a chair and did unspeakable things to it. >_>' Miugre - Heavens Tear
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I remember watching baby XuLin 1v1ing GodsFear near Oracle 1 and PMing me asking if I was going to help or not. Sadly I couldn't cause we were allies or something like that. :/

    was epic not in LS? i remember pking u at wraith event at dreaming cloud once then i forgot i had no more dolls and dropped 20 hp potsb:cry

    btw kylin recruiting
    barb clerics sins wizz mainly 90+
    95+ for others..
    Apply on kylin.darkbb.com or Pm Bloop for fast invite :)
  • MindCrime - Harshlands
    MindCrime - Harshlands Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Baby XuLin was a mean, nasty bad boy back then.

    Now he is a cute, cuddly little carebear and I want to pinch his cheeks!

    (Waits for kick from guild).b:shockedb:kiss
  • Limit - Harshlands
    Limit - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Nasty Nasty necro.
    I remember when Kylin was a guild waiting to get **** ****ed by KD crim and QQ
    Too bad it didnt happen.


    remember this too? b:kiss
  • Stayne - Harshlands
    Stayne - Harshlands Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Nasty Nasty necro.
    I remember when Kylin was a guild waiting to get **** ****ed by KD crim and QQ
    Too bad it didnt happen.


    remember this too? b:kiss

    You should post his full app...

    Nvm I will:
    "General: You can refer to me as either Woneo, or my previous account, Eragon. I have been playing PWI since October 2008. I have had a wonderfull experience so far, and this would make it all the better. ;)
    In game name: Woneo
    Class: Assassin
    Current Level: 74 ;(
    Current HP Buffed and UnBuffed please: 3714 buffed and 4.8k buffed
    Current and previous factions: Karma. That guild just is not going anywhere. Thats it.
    Other active characters on Harshlands: Eragon and 7x :(
    Country: CANADA
    Are you over the age of 18: Yes
    When do you play and how long: all day everyday ;)

    Territory Wars:
    On what days are you generally able to attend TWs: all days.
    Do you have Ventrilo: yes
    Do you have a mic: Nay
    What is your Territory War experience: I played on LC before HL, and I was a member of BL. I came over here, and I quickly joined Emience, and did some tw's there. Then I joined LastStand, did some there... I did 1 in KD. I did a couple in BloodCult, and I did alot in QQme, against Kylin tbh ;)
    Rate yourself from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest: I really wish I could say 10, but its an application for a part of something big, so I'm just gonna say 7 ;)
    How well do you know your class: 9
    How well do you listen to orders and follow them: 9
    How good are you at group PvP: 9

    Write down few lines why would accept you to our faction: I don't have the levels, but I expect to be like LATE 7x by the end of 2x. Mostly I would take myself for my experience, despite my low level I have buckets of PWI knowledge lodged in my brain. I think i can also bring alot of positiveness (is that even a word) to the guild. I rarely ever shutup in faction chat, unless told ofcourse!

    Reference: Sure, Paimage... Oh hell I don't have a guild list. I know pretty sure everyone from waaay back when the server was oh so young.
    I know you probably wont accept me, but one day I will get into Kylin, whether now or a couple weeks from now. I just like the way the guild has been built since they snagged their first land. I just would like you to even consider this application, that would be great :D. Thanks all who have stuck with my endless post untill now. You are brave souls. I'm off to go lvl now ;). Cya on the flip."