Infamy Tw Income/Spending Spreadsheet for ////III
////III - Harshlands wrote: »i cant keep track of non-factors in infamy, after all there are 170 members. that isn't soemthing that forum indicates, it just requires loggin in and see the title above his head...
oh yeah man. im totally not a factor at all0 -
////III - Harshlands wrote: »i cant keep track of non-factors in infamy, after all there are 170 members. that isn't soemthing that forum indicates, it just requires loggin in and see the title above his head...
There are more than 170 members. God you fail SO HARD.0 -
Bastilla, u rly arnt. or at least not an important enough member of infamy to stand out enough for me to know right off the bat.
To NightRage: i was being generous. If you count actives u can barely scratch 150. To answer your questions: 1. I am a member and I hate Infamy. 2. I already explained. 3. Destroying infamy is plan A with minimal to no success rate. Plan B is to cope with Infamy being strongest but just remove your power to cash out every week. (so more would go toward members)0 -
////III - Harshlands wrote: »Bastilla, u rly arnt. or at least not an important enough member of infamy to stand out enough for me to know right off the bat.
To NightRage: i was being generous. If you count actives u can barely scratch 150. To answer your questions: 1. I am a member and I hate Infamy. 2. I already explained. 3. Destroying infamy is plan A with minimal to no success rate. Plan B is to cope with Infamy being strongest but just remove your power to cash out every week. (so more would go toward members)
Well you better find a plan C then cupcake.
It would seem to me with all your contradictions and half-assed guesses that you're just grasping at straws here.
OK, It's Time for Plan C!0 -
////III - Harshlands wrote: »Bastilla, u rly arnt. or at least not an important enough member of infamy to stand out enough for me to know right off the bat.
To NightRage: i was being generous. If you count actives u can barely scratch 150. To answer your questions: 1. I am a member and I hate Infamy. 2. I already explained. 3. Destroying infamy is plan A with minimal to no success rate. Plan B is to cope with Infamy being strongest but just remove your power to cash out every week. (so more would go toward members)
i agreed with you bro. im not a factor. when was the last time i did ANYTHING worth mentioning (providing the insight/mrmime/cuddlepanda fiasco screenshots and setting the guild to its death aside)0 -
NightRage - Raging Tide wrote: »Well you better find a plan C then cupcake.
So u refuse to stop cashing out every week...ill take that as a admittance.0 -
////III - Harshlands wrote: »So u refuse to stop cashing out every week...ill take that as a admittance.
Sure, whatever you'd like. I steal 50 mil every week. Happy now? Kthnx. Make sure you sign up for TW this week.0 -
Why is everyone trying to get involved in Infamy's financial matters? If you arn't a member, why the hell do you care how much money is (or is not) in the faction bank? I havn't heard two words out of ANY Infamy member about any stolen money, with the exception of "when are we getting TW pay?"
As long as everyone who participates gets their TW pay, then we are all happy. If there happens to be 30 million remaining after we are all payed, and it goes straight to NightRage's gambling addiction, then good for him. We have all accepted our current rate of pay, be it 1m, or 3m, or whatever the lv101 players get.
Consider this to be just like a REAL job. If a business owner hires someone for $7.00 an hour, but was willing to to pay that person $10.00 an hour... why wouldn't he pay out at the lower rate and keep the extra for himself? It is just smart business to pay as little as possible to keep everyone happy. It is the EMPLOYEE'S fault for not requesting a higher salary. Empires are not created by paying everyone equally and having no funding as a backup, this is not a communistic society. We are payed what we asked for, or are determined to deserve. Anyone who doesn't like what they are being payed is free to walk at any time, but no one has... (at least, not on the basis of TW pay), so it only seems to be a problem for the idiots OUTSIDE the faction who are jealous.
So, stay the hell out of our business, quit crying because you think every Infamy member is just greedy and in it for the TW pay, which is OBVIOUSLY a load of **** because there are factions who pay more than Infamy. I do not believe NightRage is stealing funds, and even if he IS stealing em... oh well. We accept him as leader, and he probably deserves to keep all of the excess faction money for working his **** off and keeping everything running so smoothly.
So shut up, drop the dumb subject that you will NEVER win, and get involved in your own faction's problems instead of trying to start **** with everyone else.0 -
I want ppl like you in my faction Mikako. NightRage you are truly blessed to have members like that. If that's how you feel then I'll drop this case.0
////III - Harshlands wrote: »I want ppl like you in my faction Mikako. NightRage you are truly blessed to have members like that. If that's how you feel then I'll drop this case.
you mean infamu right? since you are already a member and all?0 -
////III - Harshlands wrote: »I want ppl like you in my faction Mikako. NightRage you are truly blessed to have members like that. If that's how you feel then I'll drop this case.
Lv3s are in factions? lolHL
random alt sounds really angry about tw pay.
So with all this rage against Infamu Im assuming QQme and Leviathan are paying their members 2m+ per week and not need be raged at?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Gotta love the cash shop idiots.0 -
Esuna - Raging Tide wrote: »
So with all this rage against Infamu Im assuming QQme and Leviathan are paying their members 2m+ per week and not need be raged at?
Join Fuzzy... 50mil + skill books + all-class pets + event gear + 5 free levels each week. TW pay is so huge there enough to go around for everyone. b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide wrote: »Join Fuzzy... 50mil + skill books + all-class pets + event gear + 5 free levels each week. TW pay is so huge there enough to go around for everyone. b:chuckle
b:shocked Where do I sign up[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Gotta love the cash shop idiots.0 -
Esuna - Raging Tide wrote: »b:shocked Where do I sign up
What? Infamu doesn't pay better than that? b:shocked Nightrage must be looting your bank 10 times a day![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide wrote: »What? Infamu doesn't pay better than that? b:shocked Nightrage must be looting your bank 10 times a day!
must be with ///III's logic0 -
Why not keep faction finances on the faction forum.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Man - Raging Tide wrote: »Why not keep faction finances on the faction forum.
We do... in the Officer Announcements section, no one cares enough about it to look. And all it really says is:
After a long break, here is where we're at.
Guild Balance:
~XX35 Tokens (XX,XX0,000)
~XX,000,000 coins
(I X'ed out the first few numbers because.. after all.. it is faction business), and even if it was perfectly updated and layed out in an amazingly organized faction, none of us can actually prove that is whats there. So it really doesn't matter what we have.0 -
LOLOLOL why u feeding the troll0
After reading wat ////III wrote, I realized something.
HOLY **** ! You have no friends and will die alone, internet tough guy
-You are a shi.t.ty **** noone likes, although a few people may claim to so that you don't feel bad, because you have no friend.
-YOU Fail because your evil will be your undoing.
-You incited hatred, cast doubt in Infamy members while leechin off our fame, pride, and...
-You are a moron and probably a cun.t, and yet, you still beg for more money.
-You are an accident who has no purpose in life. There is no reason for you to exist and you should become an hero.
-You get trolled into online political debates in which you call your opponents "idiot" and "moron" so repetitively that it loses all meaning, then claim to be in law school or business school or med school or whichever prestigious university you believe would give your opinion credibility, when in fact you've been living with your mom since you dropped out of high school 9 years ago.
-YOU get butthurt when someone PWNS your effing ****, or richer than you. DMN you must hate the whole server if they are the same level as you.
-You wear t-shirts with cynical, sarcastic slogans that deride humanity to give a false pretense that it's you who hates the world and not the other way around.
-YOU think that YOU don't take the internet seriously but YOU do, and apparently so.
-YOU are special. Don't let anyone else make you think otherwise...
but lulz seriously, you really are a troll regardless of what you trying to say.
ok, this account will be banned in 3...2....1...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
already said im giving up. why wont u ppl drop it? mikako was a blow in the heart for me. having faction members like her totally destroyed any will i have to further my cause. nightrage is a lucky man. he won, i lost.
and hypnos, im so deeply hurt by what u said =/0 -
Nothing much to do with the thread itself as a whole but I find it a bit funny how Bastilla turned from anti-Infamy to Infamy lover all of a sudden like that. Especially remembering some older post:Bastilla - Raging Tide wrote: »but thats beside the point. nimpo does raise a valid arguement. why do people only QQ about infamy instead of doing something about it? if you hate it so much why join it? they may have the strongest whoracled barbs and such. but if the rest of the server was to work together to stop them that would EASILY happen. infamy cant defend all of their land at once. and i guarantee you once they start losing land all of the huge cash shoppers (read:entire guild) would all disperse into new nimpo, take a chill pill and work on making QQme stronger as a whole, i know fuzzy is doing it in varden, and Okra and myself are doing it in rage. maybe we can prevent a Kylin/Kingdom situation like on HL, or worse yet a Conqueror scenario.
I mean, you weren't even posting much before, and now you defend Infamy like mad. I lold how fast you change your mind b:chuckle (and how you'd see yourself as a hypocrite right now by joining it)First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
Quit.0 -
Asheera - Raging Tide wrote: »I mean, you weren't even posting much before, and now you defend Infamy like mad. I lold how fast you change your mind b:chuckle (and how you'd see yourself as a hypocrite right now by joining it)
Maybe we can this and maybe we can that against Infamy...what? It didn't work? Ok hi Infamy
Well that's a point. It's like Diesel running away crying about having no chance against cash shoppers, but pkin together with GonjaQueen. b:chuckle
This whole thread is so boring, not even fun to troll here...and Hypnos is raging b:shocked[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
FapFapFap - Raging Tide wrote: »Maybe we can this and maybe we can that against Infamy...what? It didn't work? Ok hi Infamy
Isn't this the same with ex-Infamy people that have joined QQme? I'm fairly certain a bunch of them at some point have tried to overthrow you guys in PvP and talked some smack. Very certain actually.
Keeping grudges is pitiful. We're all internet people, if you share the same goal or views at some point, you can always reconcile. I've played a bunch of MMOs where my enemies became allies/friends over time because of certain events/faction relationships.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Gotta love the cash shop idiots.0 -
Asheera - Raging Tide wrote: »Nothing much to do with the thread itself as a whole but I find it a bit funny how Bastilla turned from anti-Infamy to Infamy lover all of a sudden like that. Especially remembering some older post:
I mean, you weren't even posting much before, and now you defend Infamy like mad. I lold how fast you change your mind b:chuckle (and how you'd see yourself as a hypocrite right now by joining it)
I got a chuckle over Okra + Jaood joining Infamy, I have not heard of this "Bastialla" but i guess sometimes people get tired of losing and failing over and over. Wanted to join a faction with good prospects and leadership. Hopefully they can get learned up by watching. But anyways after smack talking soo long they have ended up in the house they verbally abused so much.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
raging? hardly, just random urge to harasss someone over internet *sigh*[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
this angry guy reminds me of rukhmath so much
If it wasn't for the anti-infamy posts, we would probably have never ended up with the "why I left X for Y" posts, so I say bring more.
In fact......[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
The whole Nightrage is stealing guild money thing makes me giggle.
Infamy were among the first to jump on the bandwagon when Aurora leaders were accused of stealing guild monies without any proof; typing about it on forums and in WC.
Stay tuned for another episode of As the Server Turns.b:chuckle0 -
MindCrime - Harshlands wrote: »The whole Nightrage is stealing guild money thing makes me giggle.
Infamy were among the first to not care when Aurora leaders were accused of stealing guild monies without any proof; because they always were nonfactors..
Stay tuned for another episode of As the Server Turns.b:chuckle
10char0 -
NightRage - Raging Tide wrote: »Fixed.
For not caring you sure WC'd about it a lot. But then we all know how you love your drama.b:kiss0
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