Cleric PK Genie?

SmilingCooki - Sanctuary
SmilingCooki - Sanctuary Posts: 152 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Cleric
The title says it all, what's some good skills to have on a cleric's genie for PK (PvP, same dif)
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  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This is what I use on my main PK genie, your mileage may vary:

    Holy Path (imo a must, no matter your build or playstyle)
    Extreme Poison
    Bramble Rage
    Cloud Eruption (also a must)
    Seal <---- I don't care for this much but I can't get the affins for AD b:cry

    Other options:

    Absolute Domain
    Badge of Courage
    Thunderstorm <--- not great imo, but again, may be good for you
    Second Wind/ToP
    Relentless Courage
    Lightning Chaser <--- imo, not too great after the big genie patch but some still like it
    I hear Frenzy is good too, but I've never tried it

    Hope that helps at all :3

    EDIT: My list is by no means exhaustive, there are PLENTY more good skills. I just haven't had the time or patience to systematically test them out.
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  • Magicgabe - Lost City
    Magicgabe - Lost City Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'd recommend Rainbow blessing. The actual put on rate for increased mag attack is fairly high and the extra crit is noticeable especially if use AOEs. It is also good cause you can cast it on others.

    The affinity also works well if you have badge of courage and holy path.
    and this isn't a story.

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  • Mendolin - Sanctuary
    Mendolin - Sanctuary Posts: 1,092 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:shocked frenzy is only good if you have an IG or Sutra to pop when you use it or else you are 1-shot material.

    but ya i have....
    Absolute Domain
    Extreme Poison
    Bramble Rage
    Tree of Protection/ Second Wind is good too
    Holy Path

    >< omg i cant remember the other skill.... ill have to check and edit my post later
  • DoomKaiser - Harshlands
    DoomKaiser - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Idk there are a lot of skill i want my genie to have so i have to rank them in order of importance. My list is as follow:

    1.Holy path
    if u dont understand y this is first stop playing a cleric

    2. Badge of courage
    (Close runner up with holy path, never underestimate the amount of stun on the game)

    3.Extreme poison.
    Very veristile skill for pve/pvp helps with that last push on people and gets that damage scale up there.

    at the max lv frenzy gives u 20 attack lvs. that is more then enough to drive any point across. when combined with extreme posion ur tempest will look might fierce

    5. Rainbow blessing.
    yeah this is a fun skill that u can use on ur self or a team mate. who doesn't like a 10% crit bonus. it does come with +1 more buff but lets face it. Bms really could care less if they get -channeling or mag attack. it can really be hit or miss and the whole skill is based of luck so its low on my list.

    this is a great skill for those 1v1 battles where u know whats going to happen before ur enemy goes in for the kill. i liked this skill because it often threw barbs and bms off to the point where the sometimes had to stop and scratch their head. if u are experienced enough to know when the stun lock is about to happen, preventing it for 3 secs can do a great deal of counter strat. Since we are on the the best sleepers in the game, its really hard to not at least mention. I had to drop this low on the list because of the fact it doesn't last that long and in gank situations its really not that usefull.

    I have been told of a few skills that drop phy damage down. i am in the middle of investigating these as of now. If they fit my Vit/Dex build i wont ever mention it again and keep the power to myself.b:surrender
    Your doubt is our powerb:thanks
  • Bollocks - Raging Tide
    Bollocks - Raging Tide Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    at the max lv frenzy gives u 20 attack lvs. that is more then enough to drive any point across. when combined with extreme posion ur tempest will look might fierce
    Doesnt Frenzy increases your P. Attack? Doesnt that make it uselles if combined with Tempest? It only is any good with Plume Shot, as that is our only P Attack skill.
    "Bollocks - a guy that will always point out to some1s nonsense and generally indicate contempt for a certain task, subject or opinion. A balancing force and more often then not, a voice of reason around thees parts. There is also paradox in that being his cleric name, as he likes to put it "useless char", while he is one of the best clerics on the server in PvP and PvE imo."
  • Veto - Lost City
    Veto - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Doesnt Frenzy increases your P. Attack? Doesnt that make it uselles if combined with Tempest? It only is any good with Plume Shot, as that is our only P Attack skill.

    1. Where did you get your info that it is only P. Attack?
    2. Razor Feathers = Physical attack as well b:surrender
  • DoomKaiser - Harshlands
    DoomKaiser - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I know what he is talking about if u look it up on ur genie it says raises physical attack. Once u learn the skill it changes its text to say Increase ur attack lv which is all attacks.Good eyeb:victory
    Your doubt is our powerb:thanks
  • Paramedic - Dreamweaver
    Paramedic - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    p. shot and razors dont depend on p.attack btw b:faint


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  • Oscars_SOUL - Lost City
    Oscars_SOUL - Lost City Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wow nice i might get this i do love fortify cos i knew many a bm and barb who always start using stuns and stun looking so fortify is awesome in duels b:chuckle

    also frenzy i want it now cos my main cleric aint pure build and dosent always 1 shoot things but who knew how it will do with 20 more p.attack %

    and yeah in the description it says affect only p.attack not base attack

    awesome ty guys
  • DoomKaiser - Harshlands
    DoomKaiser - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    when u learn it and have it on ur genie it says something completely different. Just like demon Stream of Rejuvenation
    Your doubt is our powerb:thanks
  • MeatbunXD - Dreamweaver
    MeatbunXD - Dreamweaver Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    current skills on my all-around genie used for pve and pvp:

    Holy Path :
    useful for kiting and creating distance between you and your attacker :3
    Absolute Domain: I find myself using this more for pve
    Extreme Poison: decreases your opponent's defenses
    Tangling Mire : great for a strength based genie. I stack TM on top of extreme poison and Dimensional seal (physical debuff skill). It really amps up your plumeshot and razor feather attacks.
    Fortify : I actually don't use fortify as much, since my genie doesn't have a ton of dex. Fortify's effect is about 4 seconds which I don't feel is enough time to avoid stuns in the middle of a fight. I can see it being practical for avoiding the first stun, but after that I rely on vacuity powder (duration is 20 seconds and makes the user immune to all movement debuffs). I'm planning to remove fortify and replace it with something else. b:surrender

    Skills I've removed from my genie:
    Tree of Protection: I haven't been using it, since I'm satisfied with hp food, hp charms, and cleric heals. It's useful when you can't heal yourself, but I've heard that Second Wind tends to be better. :3
    Relentless courage: it was nice for cutting down on rezzing time and speeding up heals, but I didn't use it that often.

    Skills I'm interested in:
    Cloud Eruption- I just need to figure out how to set up my genie's affinities for this.
    Frenzy- I'm a little discouraged to get this skill since it also makes the user more vulnerable due to the defense reduction, but the increase in attack level sounds awesome. :o
  • Salpix - Harshlands
    Salpix - Harshlands Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yeah the skills i'm really fond of are:

    Holy's Path: I agree, this helps you kite to avoid taking direct melee damage from those bms and barbs as you know.

    Extreme Poison: It's always fun to see after you've been kiting that your opponent may have 1/4 of their health taken away, it's just great to use this skill and use a tempest to see the rest of their hp go bye-bye. b:bye

    Fortify: Sometimes you can't escape using Holy's path, maybe because of genie's cooldown or whatever. Something that can slow you down is stuns. Have this and you won't have to worry about being directly assaulted/beaten up because of a stun. b:dirty

    Frenzy: If you got good enough distance from your target, frenzy will give your opponent living hell no doubt about it.

  • _Krue_ - Heavens Tear
    _Krue_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    A really good combo is sleep, debuff, EP, frenzy, tempest, and look at the big numbers that follow.
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