Time for a build poll!

Samsoul - Lost City
Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
edited November 2012 in Psychic
Hey guys, the psychic population is increasing and increasing. I just wanted to know what builds we're all using!

Here's my list of.. possible builds.

1) Pure Arcane (9 mag, 1 str)
2) Pure Vit/Arcane (2 vit, 7 mag, 1 str)
3) Capped Vit/Arcane (Cap vit at 50 or so)
4) Light Armor (1 str, 1 dex, 3 mag)
5) Other, please specify (Heavy armor, melee etc.)

I started out as an.. almost vit build (1 vit, 1 str, 8 mag). I admit that little tiny bit of extra hp, let me have a bit more freedom than I do now, after restatting to pure arcane at lvl 70. My current vit is 3, my str enough for armor and wep, and rest is slap bang into mag.

Please post your builds, as I'm not overly happy with mine at the moment.

P.s. sorry if there's one out there. I couldn't find one on the first few pages.
Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

Post edited by Samsoul - Lost City on


  • Glowfish - Lost City
    Glowfish - Lost City Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i kinda like my capped vit build, but whenever i think about the extra damage i'm missing out on i have second thoughts b:chuckle

    thinking about it: extra damage = less shots required to kill something = less mana = cheaper...right?
  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    For PvP or for PvE
    Pure magic is the build for me.

    Hey, it rhymed.

    Anyways, I've been pure since my psychic's creation (1 STR, 9 MAG), and I have no intention of switching. The potential damage loss from adding vit isn't worth the small hp benefit imo. For some classes it's helpful. But Psychic is a class designed for spell DPS. So I'd like to keep that aspect optimized personally.

    That being said, not everyone has the skill and patience to learn how to survive pure. No, that wasn't an attempt at insulting anyone, it was just a bluntly realistic statement. Having less HP ultimately means you will have to know how to handle yourself better than others will (especially in PvP). If you can't keep up, you pretty much will die. But I enjoy this fact. It keeps me on my toes. And I do believe pure is the most effective in PvP if played correctly. As for PvE... well. We can make a drinking game. If my monster dies before it hits me, take a drink. How long before you get hammered?
  • Glowfish - Lost City
    Glowfish - Lost City Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    so what lvl is your psy ryukage?
  • Miraqua - Lost City
    Miraqua - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I went with the pure arcane build, and I like the damage I'm doing,

    but what I don't like is getting oneshotted so often b:chuckle
  • Glowfish - Lost City
    Glowfish - Lost City Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I went with the pure arcane build, and I like the damage I'm doing,

    but what I don't like is getting oneshotted so often b:chuckle

    ^ this is why i'm sticking with my capped vit build for a while. too many rpkers sneaking up on you @ Lost City b:chuckle
  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    thing is if someone sneaks up on you, you can see it....unless it's a sin ofc...if you have holy path just holy path away and nuke the hell outa em. it's worked for me so far lol and also if you worry about being one-shot....just cast psychic will then earth vector and you've got em b:chuckle
  • Glowfish - Lost City
    Glowfish - Lost City Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yeh, if you're paying attention you won't get caught by "death from above". however, i don't always look at the minimap when i'm also typing to my team and trying to kill a boss :P and no point trying to fight back against a 101. If you can survive the first hit, then yeh, Psychic Will is the first port of call.
  • FapFapFap - Raging Tide
    FapFapFap - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Pure mag since I have enough HP for PvP without added vit now D:
  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well i agree with not being able to look at the mini-map 24/7....but it's also possible to check for green dots here n' there. and you're not always killing bosses im sure.....unless you're just lvl'ing to be 10(x) without really workin on your gear or skills :P seriously, just because they're lvl 101 doesnt mean they're pro...i've been snuck up on by fail 101 bm's and barbs and barely killed them b:chuckle you're not always going to be 8x, unless you're **** to not want better gear, so now they might kill you, but once you lvl and get better gear they wont be a problem
  • Glowfish - Lost City
    Glowfish - Lost City Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yeh, my gear is not too bad actually :P and i was referring to one instance that i'd explained in another thread...got my threads crossed nevermind.

    anyways. nice to meet ya :p
  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    lol i see. well if you have good gear....then i dont see any problem with being pure magic unless you dont know how to use the right skills at the right time b:chuckle

    and nice ta meet ya too b:bye
  • Miraqua - Lost City
    Miraqua - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    thing is if someone sneaks up on you, you can see it....unless it's a sin ofc...if you have holy path just holy path away and nuke the hell outa em. it's worked for me so far lol and also if you worry about being one-shot....just cast psychic will then earth vector and you've got em b:chuckle

    I don't react fast enough when the pker is an archer ... so *oneshotted* b:chuckle
  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    can still get outa sz quick enough to hunt em and kill em if they sneak up on you b:laugh i mean you can get snuck up on once, but after you know someone's out there and can kill them when you know lol they may lul when they sneak you but they wont when you know they're there and kill em easily b:laugh really the only classes you can mindlessly quest on without worrying too much about being 1 shot by others are barbs, bm's, and archers....if you're afraid of being 1 shot by another player i suggest not choosing a psy :P ever heard of revenge? lol
  • Miraqua - Lost City
    Miraqua - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    can still get outa sz quick enough to hunt em and kill em if they sneak up on you b:laugh i mean you can get snuck up on once, but after you know someone's out there and can kill them when you know lol they may lul when they sneak you but they wont when you know they're there and kill em easily b:laugh really the only classes you can mindlessly quest on without worrying too much about being 1 shot by others are barbs, bm's, and archers....if you're afraid of being 1 shot by another player i suggest not choosing a psy :P ever heard of revenge? lol

    lol too late b:chuckle

    I never know where they are once I release corpse, and too lazy to search for them -- esp. since I don't know what level they are ._."
  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well i like to get my revenge :P even if they are a higher lvl, and i usually get my revenge b:angry if you look at their weapon you can usually tell what lvl they are ._. also if you look at the damage recieved and class it's easy to tell. no it's never too late to find out where they're going :P just lookit their direction and your general location and you can catch up to em easily....assuming you have fast wings or a fast mount :P
  • Miraqua - Lost City
    Miraqua - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    thats true, but if they can oneshot me like that and I'm unsure if I can do the same to them... I don't really want revenge b:surrender .... or at least until I'm a higher level b:avoid
  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well everyone can one-shot me if im mindin my own business b:cry they usually cant when im after them and have retaliation on... i mean if they do like 5k on you when they ganked you, you probably shouldnt follow them b:shocked but if they do damage near your hp then i dont see a problem with following them lol
  • Samalia - Sanctuary
    Samalia - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well im not a high lv psychic yet but im just about lv 70, and i do some massive amounts of damage on some people who really werent expecting it.

    ive 1 shotted equal lv bms with landslide, i 2 hitted a lv 84 cleric in tt80 mage robes, and ive downed light armor users so quick its not even funny, and i have never taken more than 2 hits to kill a barbarian

    sometimes if theyre good/decent they might get lucky and pull of a win but meh more often than not i win duels. open pvp is a complete different matter though because there is charms and whatnot but basically if we sneek up on someone theyre going to die, if we get snuck up on, we will die.. i see no problem with that

    i ditched my 40 psychic in harshlands because of annoying "pkers" in their lv 70+ who camp low lv areas cough zulu but anyway psychic is probably most op class in single combat in my opinion, atleast from what im experiencing now.

    against clerics, pretty simple: they will probably either spark/plume shot/sleep... try and spark it off, if you didnt well ur gonna take some damage and maybe go to sleep, but you should have retaliation on so it should block the sleep though it sometimes fails ive noticed. if theyre stupid they will try something fancy like weild thunder or tempest, and it wouldnt do much but why risk it so ur first skill used againsta robe user should be landslide, i use it in almost every duel and it 1 shots clerics mages archers bms and whatever else people put in there, barbarians will survive it but no joke it usually takes off 60-70% of their hp, and then just spirit blast and it will be over. and always have extreme poison ready and to be used before a nuke skill aka non spirit blast/aqua impact. always cast it right as you start channeling ur nuke.

    but what it really ends up being is you just gotta try some weird stuff, dont just stand there taking punishment.

    if a barbarian is good they will be in whatever thing that resists alot of damage for 20 seconds, what i do is i soul of retaliation and slow them, while in maxed white voodoo the entire time. hopefully you can get some distance or they will stun themselves by your soul of retaliation, if you got some distance switch to black voodoo, earth vector, slow again, back to black voodoo freeze them with ice, distance yourself, spark if you can extreme poison, landslide/sandstorm blast, if they arent dead dot them and go back to white voodoo, freeze/stun/reflectstun and rinse and repeat

    there is always a way to win, you just need to practice
    alot of times youll mess up or retaliation wont take effect or the timing will be wrong or whatever and you might end up getting 1 shotted... so? it happens move on.. i 1 shot alot more than i get 1 shotted so thats all i care about

    atleast 50% of my duels end in me 1 shotting someone, another 10% of them end slowly and techinically through white voodoo skill timing and all kinds of fun stuff as a win or a loss. 20% of the time i get downed real quick from timing/activation failures and the other 20% of the time it ends quick in 2 shots from either side ending in a win or a loss

    and also i donno if this is a glitch or not but soul of retaliation almost never works against assassin stuns, and my 59 purify doesnt work on other players, ive tried to save tanks/clerics from poison/physical damage so many times and it just doesnt work. the skill must be worded wrong

    so in conclusion = psychic is op up to 7x, and im sticking to it
  • Glowfish - Lost City
    Glowfish - Lost City Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well everyone can one-shot me if im mindin my own business b:cry

    ^ this

    that's what i meant :p

    i survive atm with the extra vit, hp charm, decent gear and garnet shards. but i'm almost sold on the pure mag thing. see how many drinks i have during server maint and maybe i'll be feeling spontaneous enough b:laugh
  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yea same for me...except with clerics i like to use earth vector first, then use the immune sleep genie skill, psy will. then the rest is strong nukes.

    for barbs...i cant really kill a charmed barb yet.....waiting on getting better gear to do that b:cry but if they do use that bless skill you can always holy path away, then use glacial shards to stun, then earth vector for another stun, then when it wears off start killin em.

    and no those aren't glitches, retaliation only works when you get damaged...meaning the sin stun wont get deflected, for that i like to use a debuff pot b:laugh; and psy will is self cast only lol
  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ^ this

    that's what i meant :p

    i survive atm with the extra vit, hp charm, decent gear and garnet shards. but i'm almost sold on the pure mag thing. see how many drinks i have during server maint and maybe i'll be feeling spontaneous enough b:laugh

    yea, except when you know they're there they're gonna die every time they try after....assuming you actually CAN kill them b:laugh as soon as i know someone is there i always check my mini-map to see if any1 is approaching lol and if there is i cast retaliation and look around if the name is white or blood red.....usually if it's white i mind my own business lol it doesnt matter if you get one-shot while you're trying to lvl up or w/e you're doing since you're not expecting it...it only really matters if you can get revenge without them being able to kill you at all b:victory which is what usually ends up happening
  • Samsoul - Lost City
    Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well I'll be honest, I love the damage I do, but after certain quests (like the stupid towers outside wraithgate) I really hate being pure, lol.

    I've tried every possible build on PWI calculators with attainable gear and with impossible endgame supergears, they all suck QQ

    So I'm sticking with pure for now, I like it for normal every day stuff, and being a great DD.

    Oh and for the others, I did a damage test on a lvl 98 archer with +6 refined gear. Earth vector and the 2 fast casters and the duel was ended.

    So that leads me to the conclusion that, psychic will, when maxed, will be long enough to 3shot any archer.

    Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

    ...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    as long as you have at least 1.8k health and good attack power you can kill them lol before i has any citrines i had less than that and could kill them....all you need to do is retaliation then cast only SB and AI
    thing is when you want to kill other players it's going to be very easy...even if they try to come back at you...unless it's a sin....those i have problems with b:cry
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i started my psych the night they came out, and i had no real notion of how i should build her. so i kind of spread her points around, and now she is more fun than my cleric! she isnt as high, only in her 30s, but shes never gotten killed by mobs, and most of the time can take them down in 2-3 hits. so its been interesting to play her...i dont know what her build is called, but its a fun and so far pretty solid one.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Samsoul - Lost City
    Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Keep telling me your builds people, looks like the majority is pure so far. xD
    Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

    ...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

  • Exegesis - Heavens Tear
    Exegesis - Heavens Tear Posts: 721 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Pure mag cause I got decent gear and im pro................did I mention I was pro???

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] OH really? What a surprise.
  • Samsoul - Lost City
    Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    orly, are you pro?

    YOU BETTER BE b:chuckle
    Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

    ...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

  • Aexster - Dreamweaver
    Aexster - Dreamweaver Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I choose the second option, but I'm not sure if that's what it's called.
    Every other level, I level up str, but on every level, I level up 1 Vit, and 1 mag.
  • Samsoul - Lost City
    Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    O.o so you do 1 str, 2 vit, 2 mag? wheres the rest go?

    Or am i deeply misunderstanding you here?

    (Theres also an 'others' option if yours doesn't fit into any of the above.)
    Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

    ...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

  • Nyghtmiyre - Raging Tide
    Nyghtmiyre - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I personal go with the pure mage build.
    btw your missing a build: 8 mag, 1 vit, 1 str
This discussion has been closed.