Best first skill add/changes for Dark Wanderer?

NawtyEskimo - Raging Tide
NawtyEskimo - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Venomancer
I <3 DW intro: In trying a new server (RT), I decided to finally give the ring wraith a real try, actually getting used to how it works. I've gotten into a nice aggressive groove w/ my beetle, and it's balanced defenses letting it take on crowds a Glacial Walker can't. By which I mean easily survive a gang beating without risky amounts of spam healing. Damage gets left all to me. I've tried other moderately fast pets that did good damage, but until this one, none could take some hits. It can, and has outstanding DPS (I'd have taken less, but I ain't complaining!). I have found a new pet to love.

So I'll be getting to Archosaur soon on RT, should have nearly 1 mil coin a few levels after I get there, and...the poor rider just can't hold aggro, and that is going to start being dangerous just west of Arch. If I force it on him (Roar while Pierce is in cooldown), I end up waiting for the timers for Roar and Pierce, instead of killing 1-2 more critters. That's a bit of a problem, but not having done much other than be annoyed at the weaknesses of non-tanks before now, I'm kind of at a loss on what to do.

Bash: good aggro, but much slower than his normal attack, isn't it? Is that a good idea? But, with Bash, I could upgrade skills, as well.

Howl: almost all my coin gone right there, but I'll be adding it eventually, anyway. However, it won't offer much immediate benefit, being rather situational, and it being awhile before I have to really worry about how long the enemies take to kill. It also has a long cooldown. If it's the best option, I'll take it, and use it more for aggro than extra damage for awhile.

Threaten: expensive, and...??? I haven't had this on any pet I've really liked, before. At 750k...yikes. Quick cooldown, though.

Slow: expensive, and reduces DPS, but offers good a defensive measure, and helps with those pesky ranged monsters that run away so much (why make a DD pet tank them?). Quick cooldown, too. I know it's worth it for a slow-attacking melee pet, but I'm just not sure, here. I'm leaning towards no, but I'm open to it.

Bash, and then replace Pierce or Roar with an elemental bash: will get and keep aggro better, especially if new enemies come nearby, but see the above Bash bit, and then that it maybe eats a possibly useful skill, too, and costs an extra 100k to get rid of said skill. I'd hate to do this and then find that Pierce was actually better left alone, or spend an extra 450k to get Roar back (100k unlearn + 150k skill + 200k upgrade)...

Please help me with my indecisiveness, oh great forum dwellers, more used to using DD pets than I!
AKA Della_Brown (w/ a beetle) and SallyJ on HT
Post edited by NawtyEskimo - Raging Tide on


  • Kucrimu - Raging Tide
    Kucrimu - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    dark wanderer and other tb pets can hold aggro if you put bash and 3 other elemental bashes on it do maximize dps. but it will be costly. better not be surprized by sticker shock b:laugh