QQ Head hunter where are you my easy exp giving friend?

Genghis_Khan - Harshlands
Genghis_Khan - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
edited April 2010 in General Discussion
QQ QQ I remember when i used to grind.. Hope they dont change it back to grinding because that sucked. Head hunter where are you? i need to hand in my Fushma quest so i can level up to 68 b:laugh stuck at 99.7% and now am forced to kill people on our factions KOS list. Doing a little bounty hunting of my own BE aware noobs!

but ya I am QQing about this.. thank god i play on a PK server.. i wonder what the PvE noobs are doing? killing mobs all day for fun...seems boring. Atleast i can have fun by one shotting noobs and killing clerics in squads that are tanking Spritual cult bosses b:laugh..

to summarize: QQ bring the head hunter back asap doing quests suck (ie no one wants to do 20 20 20 wraithgate with me) which is another point for me to QQ about; but i will save the QQing for later.
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