New Player To Perfect World, What Class Should I Pick?

unforgivein Posts: 8 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
Well I come from a lot of MMORPG`s and I found this just looking around on one of my sites so I decided to come check it out. This game looks pretty cool, And I was wandering if anyone could help me figure out what class I should be.

When I was looking at the classes I kinda liked the Blademaster, Archer, or Assiassin. Bademaster is kinda like my old tank back on wow. But I always like the Archer and the assiassin.

So are any of theses good at leveling my first toon? Anything I should know about them or anything?

Thanks In Advanced
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  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Welcome to perfect world.

    All of the classes are great. Which is best for you? Depends what you want.

    There's a quick questionnaire floating around somewhere you might try.
  • unforgivein
    unforgivein Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Thank you for the welcome.

    Would you know where I can find this quiz?
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    A couple of minutes with the 'search' button found me this link:

    Which... seems to claim I'm a blademaster without actually asking any questions :)

    But read around on this forum for a bit, you'll find a whole bunch of opinions.

    This game follows a fairly standard Tank/Healer/DamageDealer split, with Venomancers and assassins getting a tiny amount of crowd control ability.
  • unforgivein
    unforgivein Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    lol It said I was a bm aswell. Okay I will. Ill go look at the class forums I guess.

    Edit: Yeah I see that As in Barb And BM are the tanks.

    Archers, Venomancer, Wizard, Psychics, Assassins are the nukers or DPS

    And the Cleric is the only Healer that I see.

    What I learned the hard way when I played World Of ********, That I started as a Warrior Tank which is pretty much a BM or A mix of BM and Barb. And I didn't know how to tank the dungeions or raids. So Im trying to stick close to either a nuke or a healer.
  • unforgivein
    unforgivein Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well I read a little, And I still can't decide out of Archer, Assassin or a Cleric. I think If Im going to be a "tank" I would like to at least go threw levels and get some of the exp before going and failing some groups :D

    Well Alittle about what I like about the classes just to see if it can help in any way..

    -- Archer --
    I like the idea of going and standing back and just blowing things into the sky with arrows and every MMO i have ever played I always had a toon just like an Archer, Because I liked the way people played them.

    -- Assassin --
    I love the way people think of assassins. Like you never know if ones right behind you. Like that. I loved watching things on youtube about this stuff in games and just the way they stalked people in PvP and could dps fairly well.

    -- Cleric --
    I played one **** in my DnD days, I liked being able to heal them, And there kinda like priest back in wow. I like being a healer because without me the party would die eventually.
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It should be noted that you can only fly outdoors (much of the game happens in dungeons) and that monsters WILL reset and practically instantly heal if they realise they cannot reach you.

    Still, the archer is a fine choice for "Pew pew you're dead"

    Assassins haven't really been in the game long enough for people to know exactly what they're good for. But yes, if you plan to PVP they can to the whole "Drop out of stealth, hit you, vanish back into stealth" thing.

    Both archers and sins tend to have a problem with dealing too *much* damage in a party and stealing aggro from the tank.

    Clerics are indeed vital components of most squads. They even have fairly decent attacks.
    On the downside - you'll spend maybe 90% of your time using a single spell (ironheart blessing, a heal-over-time which you can stack multiple copies on and is by far the most efficient single-target heal there is)
    - and the rest of your time resurrecting people :)

    It's all up to you. For what it's worth, I got a cleric to level 12 and got completely and utterly stuck there.
    It gets a lot better after about 20 though.
  • unforgivein
    unforgivein Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I didn't mean hit them from the sky. what I meant was refering to beating the **** out of them lol. Well Im in game. And Im trying out out the Archer right now.
  • AeonieX - Heavens Tear
    AeonieX - Heavens Tear Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    A couple of minutes with the 'search' button found me this link:

    Which... seems to claim I'm a blademaster without actually asking any questions :)

    But read around on this forum for a bit, you'll find a whole bunch of opinions.

    This game follows a fairly standard Tank/Healer/DamageDealer split, with Venomancers and assassins getting a tiny amount of crowd control ability.
    If you take the 'result' part out of the URL you'll get the quiz says i'm a Cleric which makes sense as i usually play a healer in MMO's.
    AeonieX - Hybrid Vit Veno 6x
    HarmieX - Pure Mag Psychic 6x
    KyraneiX - Axe/Fist BM 4x
    KyranthoX - Axe Barb 2x
    KyyranthoX - Hybrid Cleric 2x
    AskariX - Pure Dex Assassin 2x
    KyraneiiX - Pure Dex Archer 0x
    AeoniiX - Pure Mag Wizard 0x
  • AeonieX - Heavens Tear
    AeonieX - Heavens Tear Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I suggest browsing Class Discussion part of forums and just trying out all the classes. I usually play Healer or Tank, but to this point Veno has been my lvling a Psy. Both DD'ers but slowly lvling both Barb and Cleric.
    AeonieX - Hybrid Vit Veno 6x
    HarmieX - Pure Mag Psychic 6x
    KyraneiX - Axe/Fist BM 4x
    KyranthoX - Axe Barb 2x
    KyyranthoX - Hybrid Cleric 2x
    AskariX - Pure Dex Assassin 2x
    KyraneiiX - Pure Dex Archer 0x
    AeoniiX - Pure Mag Wizard 0x
  • Dosinn - Dreamweaver
    Dosinn - Dreamweaver Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Actually, the main tanking class in PWI is the barbarian. BMs (blademasters) are more melee DD/secondary tanks/crowd control, due to the wide variety of skills BMs possess. Assassins are a btch to level up till the low 30s, when you start getting your really good skills. Of the 4-5 pre lvl 30 skills, only Puncture Wound and Slipstream Strike are worth keeping. Archers are pretty much pure ranged DD and crowd control. Venos are your pet class, and while they can tank a lot of stuff, its still better to have a barb do so, unless you wanna drop $200 to buy yourself a Herc (THE best tank pet a veno can get, bar none). Clerics are your healer class, but they do have some pretty nice atk skills as well. Wizards and Psychics are your standard magic casting classes, with Psys casting faster, but having fewer and somewhat weaker spells, and Wizards having more dmging spells, but taking longer to cast them.

    The best advice i can give you is to just pick a class, and start playing. If you have detailed questions, check out the class discusion section of the forum, or check out the PW Wiki, which has a link on the main PWI webpage.
  • unforgivein
    unforgivein Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Thanks for hte imput. I played alittle I I like the meele classes better I always had.. lol So im leaning towards Assassin, BM or Barb
  • Pchan - Dreamweaver
    Pchan - Dreamweaver Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    hello unforgivein,

    I came from wow as well, now, PW isn't' wow, so there were a lot of differences when I started PW. Here are the differences that I learned about between PW and wow:

    1: you can only spec into 1 build. Unlike wow where you can change specs anytime with a click of a button now they have the dual spec thing. On PW, respeccing means you gotta pay using millions of in game coins or recharging zen to obtain reset notes from the cash shop.

    2: Clerics healing aren't like Priests on wow. (I missed penance :(...a lot!) There are no skills (Like Penance) where you can use it to heal your allies or blast your enemies with it! You will notice a big change in healing because it feels you're not even healing enough. (sadly it doesn't say how much you're healing, like in wow they show green text about the amount you're doing). Might I also like to mention before picking this class, clerics are very expensive class to play, meaning you have to do extra work. One of them is farming herbs to make MP food, or you can always be lazy like me and buy charms (which costs gold, real money). b:chuckle

    3: socketing your armor and refining it costs quite a lot.

    4. There is no such thing as Attack Power and Spell Power bonuses here

    5: PvP here is not balanced. You have people who have gear/weaponry straight from the cash shop (meaning l33t gear) and you have people who doesn't have that luxury to obtain expensive gear items. Not to mention, you can also lose your gear if someone decides to kill you off guard.

    6: You lose exp (yes I mean exp, the points that ding you!) upon deaths.

    7: spirit points aren't like spirit points on wow. These are points you need to use to level your spells/skills.

    These were the only major changes for me when I had to switch between games. There are minor changes, but I guess I'll let you find that out when you start playing. Good luck and happy gaming!
  • Archalt - Sanctuary
    Archalt - Sanctuary Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I recommend Archer! They are challenging at lower lvls (need some potions and/or life powders to stay alive) that's why some people don't choose them (I never bought potions though the ones I found were enough!). But after mid lvls, you will feel the great change in damage, thanks to your high crit % and damage increaser skills. Most archer skills are effective at lvl1 (like knocback), so you won't use much mana either (winged shell recovers mana and you'll find enough potions as drops). Mid/high lvl archers don't have HP problems either, you'll basically kill most mobs before they could reach / attack you. You can read the stickied archer guide for more info / stats / skills. Good luck! b:victory
    ◄ Alt for posting. | PVE Sage Archer and happy with it.