A Psychic's Guide to Staying Alive in Dungeons.

Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 432 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Psychic
Long story short, I'm bored and felt like being helpful, so...here you go. b:victory

Before you Start Running....

Buffs, of course. After the cleric's done his bit, cast Empowered Vigor (the red one) over him to accelerate his healing (don't cast it on the tank). Then use Souls of Silence and Vengeance on yourself - you're going to need all the defense you can get, being squishy. Plus, Vengeance lives up to its name - boss hits you, you hit the boss. You might use Black and White Voodoo if you REALLY want to - as a psy, you don't really want your attacks any stronger (aggro drawing is not fun) or weaker. I usually just use White Voodoo, since it nukes damage considerably, keeping me safe.

Ready to Fight

Mobs outside are one thing. Dungeon mobs are another thing entirely. No matter how overpowered you are, never kill a monster alone, ESPECIALLY the little dwarf midget things with the arrows. You'll be surprised at how fast they're able to rub you out. Wait for the tank to start, then wait for maybe one or two more DDs to follow up. Then start helping - if you're the last person to attack, you might be the last person to get aggro.

DON'T run ahead and try to aggro all the mobs. Clerics prefer their blood pressure to stay down. Of course, you can help the cleric - with your Bubble of Life, of course! You can fight, but you might want to hang out by the cleric and pop a bubble or two to prevent them from getting killed by AOE. Also, Landslide tends to annoy people. It doesn't always work in dungeons like it does outside, but when it does work, it sends your attacker flying fifty feet away, possibly aggroing monsters behind it and making your tanks run after it. So yeah, save it for the bosses. Or for bugging people when they're being jerks. Whichever. b:surrender

I would also save any 'big' skills (Red Tide, that Earth skill that makes a rock guy come down, Landslide, Aqua Blast) for the boss. Aqua Blast might work if somehow you've drawn aggro from too many monsters and need to help the tank a little. Same with the other two. Basically, don't use AOEs on ONE monster. Glacial shards, too - they can hit anything nearby the monster you were aiming for. Remember, three's a crowd.



You should be fine as long as you keep casting. Don't spam attacks or use your combos here; you DO NOT want the boss charging you. Feel free to dump random spells on the boss, too. Remember, at this point a lot of the work is being done by the tank or any other melee classes.

AOE Bosses

We'll use two of our friends here for examples - Farren and Rankar. Rankar's AOE is not nearly as wide-ranged as Farren's, but as a psychic you might be in danger. Keep your buffs on and stay with the cleric to use Bubble of Life if you guys get hit. Don't get a step too close or you could die in seconds. With Farren, you should follow the same plan - stay as far back as you possibly can, and don't use spells that bring you too close to him. Remember, from where he is when you first see him, he can hit you all the way over to the wall. >_< And his AOE hits HARD. Here, you really need to help keep the cleric alive, because if he dies, all hell will break loose.

Other Tips
  • Pulling - if you don't have a Zeal genie, don't even bother. If you do pull, warn your squad ahead of time what you're going to do and pray that they're competent enough to get aggro off you FAST. Otherwise, fried fishy.
  • Bloodsucking mobs are the worst. You already might have low HP, but if you get caught by these, you're going to have only a few seconds before a very bloody demise.
  • Don't bother with Aqua Blast on AOE bosses. You'll never get away in time.
  • YOU DO NOT ALWAYS HAVE TO FIGHT. It's helpful and polite, but you do not HAVE to. You can focus on healing the cleric, if you like.
  • Don't try to play hero. It never works.

Hope that helped.b:bye
Post edited by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver on


  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    you sound pretty scared to be a psychic. i dont agree with alot of this to be honest.

    Empowered vigor goes on the tank, not the healer. The regen effect of a clerics spell is increased when that skill is applied to the tankerthat has empowered vigor.
    As a psychic, i am able to save the whole entire party if they are competent enough to not run away. White vodoo is amazing. ( poor tank died the other day at rankar, after everyone died, guess who was still alive and kicking? me. I kept my distance of course from rankar, but i kept it from auto healing and runing away.. enough time for the cleric to res everyone and rebuff. oh yes, white vodoo is that nice.. yes i am arcane)
    Earth vector, glacial shards, soulburn.. i save lives daily with these skills in squad. Dont use Earth vector or Glacial shards on a single mob? why not.. these skills are control skills, maybe they are aoe, but are usefull always. So if im not in a situation where aoe would endager myself with multiple argoe.. well its a good situation to use it.
    As far as aoe bosses.. skills like soulburn, and the two DoTS are not affected by white vodoo. I use these skills with white vodoo during hard physical aoe bosses.
    with pulling. white vodoo again.. i can pull better than most classes when using white vodoo and a zeal. However, getting in holy path takes alot of vit on your genie to use in combination, but of course there are movement speeds that can be made for free.
    Keeping yourself from not casting immediately on mobs, is smart and i do that.. I suually stand back watch the situation unfold, then start dealing out crowd control skills to keep everything orderly.
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • mulanrouge
    mulanrouge Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    simplified -

    1) stay back
    2) control aggro
    3) white/black voodoo
    4) bubble
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    How about :

    1.)Don't draw aggro.
    2.)Empower tank.
    3.)Bubble if needed.
    4.)Don't draw aggro.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • FapFapFap - Raging Tide
    FapFapFap - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I just try something cool and blame every1 else when it fails. Sounds weird but it works b:victory
  • Onin - Harshlands
    Onin - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Psychics are no longer the most problematic in parties. We are also the lesser played class so, its more likely to die by others fault.

    All that you guys said here will keep you out of trouble, but don't forget we are a DDs after all.
    DoTs are main skills in dungeons(Soulburn with priority). Especially if your squad is weak. I use them as starter when other than barb or fail one is tank. They does bigger dmg, cost a bit mana and chances you'll aggro are minimal.
    I almost don't use WV anymore. Make sure you cast Soul of Retaliation before any mob fight. Keep an eye of the mobs movement, if you aggro melee mob- Psy Will and kill it fast.
    Save AoEs for the groups of mobs after their half hp.
    Don't rush with Bubble of life. If your squad is fighting many mobs and cleric is fail or is missing, you may aggro mobs from healing like they do.
  • Croceus - Heavens Tear
    Croceus - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yeah, a lot of this seems a bit shaky.....

    Landslide is amazing if the psychic uses it right. I use it to help the tank with damage mitigation especially on a boss like Zimo. Someone the other day told me that a barb we had couldn't tank zimo. I straight up called him a liar. He complained that zimo's metal attack would kill the barb to fast. I told him he didn't have to worry about it.

    We get to zimo and sure enough, landslide canceled 90% of his metal attacks with only 1-2 going off because of minor timing or lag issues on my part.

    Also, it does a really good amount of damage, at a fast casting speed. It's a great tool right after a psychic will when you pull aggro to try and drop the mob fast.

    DoTs are amazing for damage without pulling aggro, and should you pull aggro, you have a whole slew of control skills. Try to Glacial Shard for the immobilize, or Vector for the stun. If that fails, and the mob is close, throw up psychic will and Aqua Cannon the mob, this will slow it WAY down. If the mob has a lot of life, switch to white, maybe pop a pot, and pull the skinny **** into the tank.

    Psychic pull Aggro HARD. But we are probably the best class to deal with it as long as you don't lose your head.
  • Samsoul - Lost City
    Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Oh my god! You're meant to cast Empowered Vigor on the CLERIC?

    All this time I'm buffing the darn tank T_T

    EDIT: I just.. actually read the rest of the thread. >.>;; NVM!
    Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

    ...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well, time for me to get my a-hole of the day award for pointing out flaws, discrepancies, or just areas where I feel something needs to be elaborated on.
    Buffs, of course. After the cleric's done his bit, cast Empowered Vigor (the red one) over him to accelerate his healing (don't cast it on the tank).
    Seriously, who started this myth, and who still believes it? Empowered Vigor raises healing effects casted ON the target, not by it. Always, always, always cast it on your tank.
    Then use Souls of Silence and Vengeance on yourself - you're going to need all the defense you can get, being squishy.
    Don't jump to this conclusion right off the bat. If you're doing your job, you wont' get hit much so it won't matter for you. Some tanks actually do like Soul of Vengeance, because the MP drain isn't as high as the myths say it is. Unless the Psychic has godly +12 equips and literally has an over-the-top Soulforce total... but that is another story. Regardless, it's usually a good idea to ask your tank first. If he's one of those people who are too poor/cheap to carry pots, he will probably want to optimize his mp consumption.

    I do usually keep SoSI (soul of silence) for myself however, mainly cause tanks hardly ever seem to care about it. Which is fine with me; any buff they don't want, I will gladly keep.
    I usually just use White Voodoo, since it nukes damage considerably, keeping me safe.
    I don't endorse the usage of White Voodoo to make aggro control a lazier process. People need to learn how to fight with AND without it. Space your shots, it keeps aggro in control and keeps DPS higher. Swap to White Voodoo as a means for survival, not as a "I can spam all I want" process.

    Mobs outside are one thing. Dungeon mobs are another thing entirely. No matter how overpowered you are, never kill a monster alone, ESPECIALLY the little dwarf midget things with the arrows.
    Never say never. I'd say know where you stand though. (Not you specifically, I'm saying "you" in general). Some players just aren't good survivalists, some however are. In earlier BH's its not too terrible a task. It does get harder as levels go on, but yeah. Gotta know where you stand as a solo player before trying.

    This is when you should use White Voodoo in conjunction with your DoT spells if you need to kill something alone. However, even with WV it does sometimes still take some skill on the player's part to not drop trying this. I will say cleric buffs make this a lot easier though.

    Of course, I'm making that statement assuming you're doing BH. If it's your FB or your Weapon Token, it's okay to let the higher levels in your party do most of the work and focus on keeping yourself alive with very cautious DDing.
    DON'T run ahead and try to aggro all the mobs. Clerics prefer their blood pressure to stay down.
    Honestly, I think if anyone is ignorant enough to really need to be told this, they probably don't even know these forums exist. b:chuckle
    Of course, you can help the cleric - with your Bubble of Life, of course! You can fight, but you might want to hang out by the cleric and pop a bubble or two to prevent them from getting killed by AOE.
    ...Even though that was worded kinda strange, I'll give you benefit of the doubt. I'll assume you mean support the cleric as a side-job, not as a full-time one. We aren't equipped with nearly enough supportive skills to be full-time support to anyone. We're still a DDing class, first and foremost.

    You should be fine as long as you keep casting. Don't spam attacks or use your combos here; you DO NOT want the boss charging you.
    Unless it's a magic boss and you're the one tanking. Something I did very very often in BH59 squads. Raging Drake Brute especially, cause he is so easy for a Psychic to tank if he's not stupid about it... or hell, any ranged person can tank him. As long as the cleric remembers to Purify the burn DoT. The closest you'd want to be is just close enough to use Aqua Cannon if you have it leveled (Cause its a freaking awesome skill damage-wise at higher levels). If you don't have Aqua Cannon maxed, feel free to fight from farther away. Get too close and you'll be eating Drake's physical attacks, and those hurt.

    We'll use two of our friends here for examples - Farren and Rankar. Rankar's AOE is not nearly as wide-ranged as Farren's, but as a psychic you might be in danger. Keep your buffs on and stay with the cleric to use Bubble of Life if you guys get hit. Don't get a step too close or you could die in seconds. With Farren, you should follow the same plan - stay as far back as you possibly can, and don't use spells that bring you too close to him. Remember, from where he is when you first see him, he can hit you all the way over to the wall. >_< And his AOE hits HARD. Here, you really need to help keep the cleric alive, because if he dies, all hell will break loose.
    Here I do have to agree. Farren is a pain in the ****. No shame in switching to White Voodoo to help mitigate the damage from his AoE. For Rankar (And Wyvern for that matter), yeah the key is to stay back and mind your aggro. No argument there.

    Bloodsucking mobs are the worst. You already might have low HP, but if you get caught by these, you're going to have only a few seconds before a very bloody demise.
    Well... back when I did BH51, the bloodsuck mobs in there never gave me any problems. But, that may be because I very very quickly understood the importance of White Voodoo + DoT spells around then. WV was maxed as soon as I could, and I started casually leveling my DoTs soon after. Because of the bonus to defense levels, combined with the steady DoT ticking the mob's HP... Those bloodsuck mobs didn't cause me a lot of trouble. They couldn't do enough damage to regen their HP too fast, and my overall damage output on them was pretty fair. I didn't even need a cleric for them (pot usage), though one was greatly helpful. (Again, only attempt this in a BH squad and only if you know you can handle it.)

    But also like I said earlier, the higher you go, the tougher it gets if you don't quickly adjust to the changes in mob strength.

    Don't bother with Aqua Blast on AOE bosses. You'll never get away in time.
    *Assuming you mean Aqua Cannon* Agreed.

    YOU DO NOT ALWAYS HAVE TO FIGHT. It's helpful and polite, but you do not HAVE to. You can focus on healing the cleric, if you like.
    This depends. Like I said earlier, if its your FB or Weapon Token, it's usually okay to sit back and let the pros handle it, as long as you help when you can. (A heal here or there, Empowered Vigor if there isn't a higher level Psychic in the squad, DDing only from a safe range, etc)

    If you're in a BH though, you deserve to be kicked if you aren't helping the fight. We aren't clerics. White Voodoo and DoT if you need to.
    Don't try to play hero. It never works.
    This depends too. It's an issue of player skill and gear. Personally, I've saved my clerics on numerous occasions by taking a mob off them, and successfully soloing it. In BH's of course. I'd never try it on a Weapon Token quest.

    Some parts of the original post I left out because I felt that commentary on them wasn't needed. Anyways, hopefully I didn't sound too condescending in this post. b:chuckle
  • Samsoul - Lost City
    Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wow Ryukage, you really cleared that up xD

    About soul of silence though.

    Since I do go in dungeons with black voodoo and manage not to pull aggro unless i want to. I don't buff myself with it.
    Instead, because of the number of bad BH's lately, I buff the cleric with it.

    It doesn't consume much MP, i think, and clerics have a lot anyway. But on the off chance it kicks in, I find it gives 'em some time to get away, whilst the others save the clerics butt.

    I don't know though, I could be dumb in doing that :P
    Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

    ...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wow Ryukage, you really cleared that up xD

    About soul of silence though.

    Since I do go in dungeons with black voodoo and manage not to pull aggro unless i want to. I don't buff myself with it.
    Instead, because of the number of bad BH's lately, I buff the cleric with it.

    It doesn't consume much MP, i think, and clerics have a lot anyway. But on the off chance it kicks in, I find it gives 'em some time to get away, whilst the others save the clerics butt.

    I don't know though, I could be dumb in doing that :P
    That's not a bad idea actually. And you're right, it doesn't take a lot of MP because it just takes 100 MP only on a successful silence. (And what's 100 MP to a high level magic user anyway? Not much, right?)

    Personally I've actually become rather attached to my SoSI and feel naked without it. XD But if it was requested of me to give it to someone else, I would.
  • PsychicHarpy - Heavens Tear
    PsychicHarpy - Heavens Tear Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    you sound pretty scared to be a psychic. i dont agree with alot of this to be honest.

    Empowered vigor goes on the tank, not the healer. The regen effect of a clerics spell is increased when that skill is applied to the tankerthat has empowered vigor.
    As a psychic, i am able to save the whole entire party if they are competent enough to not run away. White vodoo is amazing. ( poor tank died the other day at rankar, after everyone died, guess who was still alive and kicking? me. I kept my distance of course from rankar, but i kept it from auto healing and runing away.. enough time for the cleric to res everyone and rebuff. oh yes, white vodoo is that nice.. yes i am arcane)
    Earth vector, glacial shards, soulburn.. i save lives daily with these skills in squad. Dont use Earth vector or Glacial shards on a single mob? why not.. these skills are control skills, maybe they are aoe, but are usefull always. So if im not in a situation where aoe would endager myself with multiple argoe.. well its a good situation to use it.
    As far as aoe bosses.. skills like soulburn, and the two DoTS are not affected by white vodoo. I use these skills with white vodoo during hard physical aoe bosses.
    with pulling. white vodoo again.. i can pull better than most classes when using white vodoo and a zeal. However, getting in holy path takes alot of vit on your genie to use in combination, but of course there are movement speeds that can be made for free.
    Keeping yourself from not casting immediately on mobs, is smart and i do that.. I suually stand back watch the situation unfold, then start dealing out crowd control skills to keep everything orderly.
    She must be scared as hell. I throw on Black Voodoo in all my BH's when there weren't any bossess

    I'm the only Harpy, Who's Psychic and knows all!b:chuckleb:pleased

    Live Life How You wish To Live It.

    I love PWI, Teh Forums, and Konari b:thanks

    Is currently working on Wizzy (imo better than my Psy)b:surrender name: SaphiraGione
  • Doujin - Sanctuary
    Doujin - Sanctuary Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    She must be scared as hell. I throw on Black Voodoo in all my BH's when there weren't any bossess

    lol, same, I'm always in Black Voodoo x) I just go to white voodoo when the tank dies on boss, I tank while the cleric rez him...

    Soul of retaliation + psychic will + glacial shard to stun is enough to do all the run with max DD and 0 death (+ bubble if the cleric/tank are kinda useless, happen often unfortunately).

    If I wasn't DDing in a squad, I would be so useless and will soon get bored of my psychic >.>
  • CyanideX - Lost City
    CyanideX - Lost City Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I read the first section and stopped because it needs updating lol,

    When the new classes came out they both had a problem/bug with stealing aggro, its fixed now though, all you have to do is wait till the tank has enough aggro, just monitor how you fight.
  • Samalia - Sanctuary
    Samalia - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    well im not a high lv psychic yet but im lv 46 on my psychic and id say my survival skills are on par

    i take aggro a fair bit even from tankers up to 20 lvs above me, and no thats not an exageration, ive been with some **** tankers i assure you

    but there are ways to survive.. you just need to utilize ur tools properly, if something comes charging at you turn on white voodoo first off.. then pop some apothecary stuff the ones that increase physical def or magic def whichever is useful in that situation.. or maybe some movement speed orbs those are good too and just wait for people to get their aggression back

    yeah youll die if you just go in loosely using ur offence skills and just running as soon as ur in trouble which by the way only idiots do

    i solod an fb 19 in my mid 30s and i solod krixxix at the lv the quest was assigned.. (without charms in both cases) its not that hard you just need to have backup plans and keep ur cool, only time ive ever died from taking aggression were in times where my squad really just sucked balls. during a fight with gouf aerox chief, i was the lowest lv in my squad, barb lv 65 tanking, a cleric lv 59 healing and 2 lv 51 dders, a mage and an archer. i took aggro at i believe it was lv 44 or 45.. and even then i would have survived by simply popping a defencive apothecary or speed buff pot and moving around for a bit, but no i used my knockback skill which didnt work on him. it was just such an unexpected aggression pull that i really was taken well off guard, and its happened other times too. but usually its a more expected thing

    the reason we pull aggro easier than say a mage is because their basic dd spells are the same power as ours, but we have black voodoo making it quite a bit more damage in the same amount of time

    my personal favorite is the lv 3 req lv 45 potion that nullifies damage for 8 seconds, use ur heal, pop the pot, and heal with regular hp pots. you literally cant die and your hp will be full by the time its over, and the movement freeze is actually a good thing in the case of a boss because it stops you from running around making it harder for meleers to gain aggression

    and fyi, i rarely have soul of anything on, just cant be bothered with my soulforce as low as it is, but as i level it will become more and more effective
  • Kwon - Raging Tide
    Kwon - Raging Tide Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    i take aggro a fair bit even from tankers up to 20 lvs above me, and no thats not an exageration, ive been with some **** tankers i assure you

    try not to hit as fast as u can. our channeling time is pretty low so if u hit the keys continuosly it's obvious u will eventually take aggro, especially with bv and ocasionally a spark. u just need to time your hits acording to the lvl of the tank.
  • XxKarleyxx - Lost City
    XxKarleyxx - Lost City Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm still quite new to this game but I have been keeping up with running BHs every day. Ive done mostly FB51 so that will be what I'm referring too. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but in most of them (when we don't have a "on to it" tank) I end up pulling the boss. I space my casts and I wait for tank to have agro (and it feels like I'm waiting for forever b:sad). I was using BV. So I started using WV so there would be a less chance of me pulling.

    But yesterday, I somehow pulled agro and the tank was 9x. I don't know if that makes a difference though. On the next attempt, I get told not to attack at all so I don't pull agro again (which I get told often to do anyway). It sucks because I like doing my part as DD, not standing around looking pretty and maybe throwing up bubble now and again.

    What am I doing wrong? b:surrender
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    the barb just....suck IMO, pulling agro vs a barb 40 lvl higher than you is... >.>
  • XxKarleyxx - Lost City
    XxKarleyxx - Lost City Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    the barb just....suck IMO, pulling agro vs a barb 40 lvl higher than you is... >.>

    Maybe. I just get tired of the one being blamed for it lol. "OMGZ y did u pull agro??!!!!"
  • Rangergod - Raging Tide
    Rangergod - Raging Tide Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    you sound pretty scared to be a psychic. i dont agree with alot of this to be honest.

    Empowered vigor goes on the tank, not the healer. The regen effect of a clerics spell is increased when that skill is applied to the tankerthat has empowered vigor.
    As a psychic, i am able to save the whole entire party if they are competent enough to not run away. White vodoo is amazing. ( poor tank died the other day at rankar, after everyone died, guess who was still alive and kicking? me. I kept my distance of course from rankar, but i kept it from auto healing and runing away.. enough time for the cleric to res everyone and rebuff. oh yes, white vodoo is that nice.. yes i am arcane)
    Earth vector, glacial shards, soulburn.. i save lives daily with these skills in squad. Dont use Earth vector or Glacial shards on a single mob? why not.. these skills are control skills, maybe they are aoe, but are usefull always. So if im not in a situation where aoe would endager myself with multiple argoe.. well its a good situation to use it.
    As far as aoe bosses.. skills like soulburn, and the two DoTS are not affected by white vodoo. I use these skills with white vodoo during hard physical aoe bosses.
    with pulling. white vodoo again.. i can pull better than most classes when using white vodoo and a zeal. However, getting in holy path takes alot of vit on your genie to use in combination, but of course there are movement speeds that can be made for free.
    Keeping yourself from not casting immediately on mobs, is smart and i do that.. I suually stand back watch the situation unfold, then start dealing out crowd control skills to keep everything orderly

    Well, time for me to get my a-hole of the day award for pointing out flaws, discrepancies, or just areas where I feel something needs to be elaborated on.
    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    Buffs, of course. After the cleric's done his bit, cast Empowered Vigor (the red one) over him to accelerate his healing (don't cast it on the tank).
    Seriously, who started this myth, and who still believes it? Empowered Vigor raises healing effects casted ON the target, not by it. Always, always, always cast it on your tank.
    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    Then use Souls of Silence and Vengeance on yourself - you're going to need all the defense you can get, being squishy.
    Don't jump to this conclusion right off the bat. If you're doing your job, you wont' get hit much so it won't matter for you. Some tanks actually do like Soul of Vengeance, because the MP drain isn't as high as the myths say it is. Unless the Psychic has godly +12 equips and literally has an over-the-top Soulforce total... but that is another story. Regardless, it's usually a good idea to ask your tank first. If he's one of those people who are too poor/cheap to carry pots, he will probably want to optimize his mp consumption.

    I do usually keep SoSI (soul of silence) for myself however, mainly cause tanks hardly ever seem to care about it. Which is fine with me; any buff they don't want, I will gladly keep.
    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    I usually just use White Voodoo, since it nukes damage considerably, keeping me safe.
    I don't endorse the usage of White Voodoo to make aggro control a lazier process. People need to learn how to fight with AND without it. Space your shots, it keeps aggro in control and keeps DPS higher. Swap to White Voodoo as a means for survival, not as a "I can spam all I want" process.

    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    Mobs outside are one thing. Dungeon mobs are another thing entirely. No matter how overpowered you are, never kill a monster alone, ESPECIALLY the little dwarf midget things with the arrows.
    Never say never. I'd say know where you stand though. (Not you specifically, I'm saying "you" in general). Some players just aren't good survivalists, some however are. In earlier BH's its not too terrible a task. It does get harder as levels go on, but yeah. Gotta know where you stand as a solo player before trying.

    This is when you should use White Voodoo in conjunction with your DoT spells if you need to kill something alone. However, even with WV it does sometimes still take some skill on the player's part to not drop trying this. I will say cleric buffs make this a lot easier though.

    Of course, I'm making that statement assuming you're doing BH. If it's your FB or your Weapon Token, it's okay to let the higher levels in your party do most of the work and focus on keeping yourself alive with very cautious DDing.
    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    DON'T run ahead and try to aggro all the mobs. Clerics prefer their blood pressure to stay down.
    Honestly, I think if anyone is ignorant enough to really need to be told this, they probably don't even know these forums exist.
    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    Of course, you can help the cleric - with your Bubble of Life, of course! You can fight, but you might want to hang out by the cleric and pop a bubble or two to prevent them from getting killed by AOE.
    ...Even though that was worded kinda strange, I'll give you benefit of the doubt. I'll assume you mean support the cleric as a side-job, not as a full-time one. We aren't equipped with nearly enough supportive skills to be full-time support to anyone. We're still a DDing class, first and foremost.

    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    You should be fine as long as you keep casting. Don't spam attacks or use your combos here; you DO NOT want the boss charging you.
    Unless it's a magic boss and you're the one tanking. Something I did very very often in BH59 squads. Raging Drake Brute especially, cause he is so easy for a Psychic to tank if he's not stupid about it... or hell, any ranged person can tank him. As long as the cleric remembers to Purify the burn DoT. The closest you'd want to be is just close enough to use Aqua Cannon if you have it leveled (Cause its a freaking awesome skill damage-wise at higher levels). If you don't have Aqua Cannon maxed, feel free to fight from farther away. Get too close and you'll be eating Drake's physical attacks, and those hurt.

    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    We'll use two of our friends here for examples - Farren and Rankar. Rankar's AOE is not nearly as wide-ranged as Farren's, but as a psychic you might be in danger. Keep your buffs on and stay with the cleric to use Bubble of Life if you guys get hit. Don't get a step too close or you could die in seconds. With Farren, you should follow the same plan - stay as far back as you possibly can, and don't use spells that bring you too close to him. Remember, from where he is when you first see him, he can hit you all the way over to the wall. >_< And his AOE hits HARD. Here, you really need to help keep the cleric alive, because if he dies, all hell will break loose.
    Here I do have to agree. Farren is a pain in the ****. No shame in switching to White Voodoo to help mitigate the damage from his AoE. For Rankar (And Wyvern for that matter), yeah the key is to stay back and mind your aggro. No argument there.

    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    Bloodsucking mobs are the worst. You already might have low HP, but if you get caught by these, you're going to have only a few seconds before a very bloody demise.
    Well... back when I did BH51, the bloodsuck mobs in there never gave me any problems. But, that may be because I very very quickly understood the importance of White Voodoo + DoT spells around then. WV was maxed as soon as I could, and I started casually leveling my DoTs soon after. Because of the bonus to defense levels, combined with the steady DoT ticking the mob's HP... Those bloodsuck mobs didn't cause me a lot of trouble. They couldn't do enough damage to regen their HP too fast, and my overall damage output on them was pretty fair. I didn't even need a cleric for them (pot usage), though one was greatly helpful. (Again, only attempt this in a BH squad and only if you know you can handle it.)

    But also like I said earlier, the higher you go, the tougher it gets if you don't quickly adjust to the changes in mob strength.

    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    Don't bother with Aqua Blast on AOE bosses. You'll never get away in time.
    *Assuming you mean Aqua Cannon* Agreed.

    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    YOU DO NOT ALWAYS HAVE TO FIGHT. It's helpful and polite, but you do not HAVE to. You can focus on healing the cleric, if you like.
    This depends. Like I said earlier, if its your FB or Weapon Token, it's usually okay to sit back and let the pros handle it, as long as you help when you can. (A heal here or there, Empowered Vigor if there isn't a higher level Psychic in the squad, DDing only from a safe range, etc)

    If you're in a BH though, you deserve to be kicked if you aren't helping the fight. We aren't clerics. White Voodoo and DoT if you need to.
    Originally Posted by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    Don't try to play hero. It never works.
    This depends too. It's an issue of player skill and gear. Personally, I've saved my clerics on numerous occasions by taking a mob off them, and successfully soloing it. In BH's of course. I'd never try it on a Weapon Token quest.

    Some parts of the original post I left out because I felt that commentary on them wasn't needed. Anyways, hopefully I didn't sound too condescending in this post.

    TY! everything you said i was going to say. saved me some typing :D
    "In case you can't do the math, as you stand there alone and consider fighting me, you'll be facing an army of over 30,000 hollows!" - Aaroniero Arruruerie, Novena Espada

  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    uwah wall of text
    eye bleed Q.Q
  • FapFapFap - Raging Tide
    FapFapFap - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ololol I don't even get the structure in this wall..no this waterfall of text