General Theory of Perfect World

Yorkin - Dreamweaver
Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
edited May 2010 in General Discussion
NOTE PRIOR TO READING: This is more of a in-game thinking, me as character, not as a player. Opened to suggestions. In brackets are some... RL comments XD. Hope you like it. b:thanks

Being a traveller and obsessed with history of our world, I took upon myself a little theorizing and, possibly, alternative intrepretation of historical events. As basis of this... hypothesis, I will use available information on historical records solely (aka "PWI webpage" XD) and experiences which I have been through my travels (aka "solved quests"). I found my inspiration in fact that elementally oriented creatures, such as Earth-element Torgrin Warriors, leave behind very interesting stuff, such as Element Stones that are said to be "compound of five elements". So, my question was: "How can that be?"

Answer sounds simple, though doesn't explain much. Elements depend on each other when they have to create a living being. For example, Wood element could have a shape to a plant, Earth element is needed for soil, Water element to bring in the minerals from Metal element and Fire which could be considered as sort of internal energy of a plant.

You must consider elements in more general way, then their names are. Fire element is not just campfire or Pyroshell, but also a sunlight and etc., Water isn't just rain, and so on (sounds a bit Aristothelic, I know). I believe that in this dependeces, somehow weakness on each/for each element can be found.

Still it does not explain why is one of elements dominating over others, marking before mentioned weaknesses for particular creature in such way. And why some creatures are non-elemental at all? Why do same species have different element weaknesses/powers? One possibiltiy is that elemental mark comes to creatures when they are possessed by Wraiths.

It is said in historical texts that Pan Gu decomposed his body into five elements and shaped the world by mixing them all around, and from his shadow he created first sentinent beings. It is possible that these beings consumed elements in first place and thus became elementally oriented. (However, this assumption cannot be supported, because it is said that Genies are actually elements themselves, in sort of way.)

Pan Gu cleansed them from face of the world and then gave birth to Humans, Untamed and Elves.

Like it or not, we and Wraiths share, more or less, a common ancestory (when I say "we", I mean players - second denizens of Perfect World). By analogy, if Earth elemented Torgrin Warriors (who use Earth elemented spell, similar to wizard Stone Rain) leave behind Element Stones, Human Wizards manipulate Earth, Fire and Water element spell, Untamed Venomancers Wood, and Elven Clerics Metal spells, then are they all made from all of elements partially, along with Pan Gu's special blessings:

"The Human race was born of Pan Gu's spirit, and demonstrated morality, honor, and an unlimited imagination. The race of the Untamed, born of Pan Gu's body, embodied freedom and peace, and possessed a unique connection with the natural order of the world. And the third race, the Winged Elves, were born of Pan Gu's own blood, and exemplified beauty, grace, and purity."

If so, we are figthing against our ancestral bretheren, which be could quite demoralizing. Lucky for us, there is a slight difference.

"The world now cleansed, Pan Gu set about creating a new world, one filled with beings who were capable of Spiritual Cultivation."

And that's what Wraiths are after for. Our Spiritual Power. They can consume our bodies and even souls (some NPC's mention that our consumed bretheren still have memories of earlier lives), but Spiritual Power... not for now. There have been few attempts of consuming indirectly, such as Quillhog Blades in Dragon Wilderness which use special swords to hold on souls of fallen warriors, or Ladywraith outside The Orchid Temple, or Qingzi (actually, most of creatures from Spiritual Cultivation quests), but all of them were unsuccessful... for now.

A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
Post edited by Yorkin - Dreamweaver on


  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    "The world now cleansed, Pan Gu set about creating a new world, one filled with beings who were capable of Spiritual Cultivation."

    And that's what Wraiths are after for. Our Spiritual Power. They can consume our bodies and even souls (some NPC's mention that our consumed bretheren still have memories of earlier lives), but Spiritual Power... not for now. There have been few attempts of consuming indirectly, such as Quillhog Blades in Dragon Wilderness which use special swords to hold on souls of fallen warriors, or Ladywraith outside The Orchid Temple, or Quinzi (actually, most of creatures from Spiritual Cultivation quests), but all of them were unsuccessful... for now.

    I have a slightly different thought regarding Wraith motives - in that I don't believe they want anything from us, specifically. For your consideration, a quote from Aurus*

    "For centuries, we languished in darkness, watching as your races made war, spilled blood, and settled all your petty differences in violence. Centuries, your wars raged on, and all the while your creator did nothing! The same God who condemned my kind to death for our struggles!

    But even in the face of annihilation, we survived. This world was created for us, and we will reclaim it even if we must anoint every inch of it in blood."

    To oversimplify - if your kind were exterminated for its impurities, pushed to the brink of extinction, and then bore witness to your successors repeating the same acts with impunity, wouldn't you be just a little bit pissed off?

    *Main antagonist of 'imPerfect' - script still under revision, quote subject to alteration.
  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well there is logic in it, I must say. Is there anyway for you to provide me with this info, more in detail, I mean. Haven't found it so far.

    Thank you on your response. It is another spark of interest. b:victory

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The elemental system in PW is not unlike Aristotle's, in that all matter is composed to a certain extent of all elements in different proportion. Spirit cultis would suggest that this conception does also include energy (quintessence in the west, yin/yang for eastern cultures) whose workings would account for the phenomena your rp char wonders about.

    As for the Wraith, like most fantasy PW is based on a neoromantic view that necesitates agents of evil that can be destroyed with impunity by the protagonists heroics. It's a shallow system but an unavoidable flaw in the genre so far. It's a bit like movie **** that have neither family nor morals and serve no other purpose but to provide an enemy audiences have no qualms about seeing destroyed.
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The elemental system in PW is not unlike Aristotle's, in that all matter is composed to a certain extent of all elements in different proportion. Spirit cultis would suggest that this conception does also include energy (quintessence in the west, yin/yang for eastern cultures) whose workings would account for the phenomena your rp char wonders about.

    As for the Wraith, like most fantasy PW is based on a neoromantic view that necesitates agents of evil that can be destroyed with impunity by the protagonists heroics. It's a shallow system but an unavoidable flaw in the genre so far. It's a bit like movie **** that have neither family nor morals and serve no other purpose but to provide an enemy audiences have no qualms about seeing destroyed.

    ((>< OOC MANray_ -))
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ((>< OOC MANray_ -))

    Hey, i did use what is considered a legitimate example in literary canon. It certainly fits the context when trying to explain what is a childish approach to the context of evil. Had the third reich's attrocious crimes been comitted by undead it would certainly fit the rose tinted view of fantasy fiction. But the frightening thing about evil is it can enthrall otherwise ordinary people.

    I was merely pointing out fictional evil races are a cheap literary device.
  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The elemental system in PW is not unlike Aristotle's, in that all matter is composed to a certain extent of all elements in different proportion. Spirit cultis would suggest that this conception does also include energy (quintessence in the west, yin/yang for eastern cultures) whose workings would account for the phenomena your rp char wonders about.

    I am still troubled as how the Tideborn psyhics fit into entire story, as they have... well, moved beyond concept of elements, so I wonder... actually, my character b:chuckle wonders is actually this quintessence that they are talking about.

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • Kalza - Sanctuary
    Kalza - Sanctuary Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Cool story bro
  • Jennalicious - Sanctuary
    Jennalicious - Sanctuary Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    See what happens when you start sniffing glue? Threads like this start, and continue on a one-way path to fail.
  • Miseri - Dreamweaver
    Miseri - Dreamweaver Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Dude i nuke things , i dont ask why . XD
  • Duke_Atticus - Sanctuary
    Duke_Atticus - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Still it does not explain why is one of elements dominating over others, marking before mentioned weaknesses for particular creature in such way. And why some creatures are non-elemental at all? Why do same species have different element weaknesses/powers? One possibiltiy is that elemental mark comes to creatures when they are possessed by Wraiths.

    I don't get this part. Are you asking why a specific element is strong against another? (e.g. Water > Fire)

    Or are you asking why certain creatures are tagged with a certain element?
  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Or are you asking why certain creatures are tagged with a certain element?

    Yes, why are they tagged?

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • Elijun - Heavens Tear
    Elijun - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    "The Human race was born of Pan Gu's spirit, and demonstrated morality, honor, and an unlimited imagination. The race of the Untamed, born of Pan Gu's body, embodied freedom and peace, and possessed a unique connection with the natural order of the world. And the third race, the Winged Elves, were born of Pan Gu's own blood, and exemplified beauty, grace, and purity."

    If I remember correctly, I believe the Humans were said to be born from Pangu's Flesh and the Untamed from Pangu's Spirit.

    I can't confirm where I found this but I remember reading it somewhere, two years ago.
    Don't take my word for it. After all, it's been quite long.
  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    well, i c/p this from story page, here on PWI. let me check...

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Can someone move this thread to fanatics forum please?

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • Linwiz - Lost City
    Linwiz - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    THAT IS NOT HOW IT IS SPELLED b:angryb:angryb:angryb:angry