QQ about taking Wine Money and starting without say person



  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited March 2010
    1. it only takes about 5 minutes for the slowest toon to RUN from the platform to the instance. maybe 7 or 8 if you get stuck trying to jump over the hill at the edge of the swamp.

    2. Since when do you pay the wine at the platform?

    3. I've been is some sh**ty squads, bet never one that didn't try to find out what was up with the missing person before running off.

    4. worst case scenario, you should have been able to be inside the instance by the time they were pulling pole, and in the room before they killed it. (That's also assuming that they were in the instance and starting already when you left the platform.)

    I mean really, reality check here
  • Linwiz - Lost City
    Linwiz - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Now I'm not the one to rant and QQ about something that happens, but this time it went way to far. I went to a normal BH squad on a normal day, "Oh 50k wine fee, thats nice." We all start Flying there and me, having only a 1.5 sword, Got there last. And I paid for wine at the Platform, so they wined it already. Then when I got IN the cave, I saw everyone picking up a 3rd stack of coins (1st and 2nd from the mini-bosses).
    And what'd they do? They already killed pole. So running as fast as my little Pixel feet can, I get to the room with the Noxtouch Boss and see MORE coin drops. You know what they did? Yeah you do know, they killed pyro. Then they said "Thanks everyone, fun bh"...I PMed the leader and said "You know i wasnt there right?" and he said "Yeah i know, why you bring it up?"
    "Well, you kinda took my 50k and then did the whole thing without me..."
    "You werent here, your fault. Suck it up and go grind maybe? Blacklisted"

    So now you know my story...killing bosses when someone isn't there after you take my money. And then he has the Nerve to Tell ME to suck it up and go grind. Then he blacklists me? I know its only 50k and I don't care, I just have to rage >_>

    Ok, so, you were all flying to the instance, you saying you had +1.5 aerogear, now unless they all had +3.3 aerogear from the coral packs you are not getting there way after they are.

    Ok, so, when you got IN the cave you *saw everyone* picking up coins, ok you saw them picking up, alright, that means you were there close enough to see them picking up the coins

    Already killed pole, but didnt you just say you were there and *saw* them picking up coins?

    So now you run to the noxtouch room and see more coins? Ok since when can you even get to pole/nob and 2nd miniboss and NOT go past nox yet? you already stated earlier that you *saw* them picking up coins from second miniboss and polearm

    Running from nox room to pyro takes less then 30 seconds, even at a measly 4.8 m/s -.-

    Ok, so, is it just me or does his story have more holes then swiss cheese? b:chuckle
  • HeavensWing - Sanctuary
    HeavensWing - Sanctuary Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Here is everything wrong with this situation:

    - You're paying on the platform. Never, never ever, pay on the platform. Honestly, that was your own stupid mistake.

    K, My mistake then

    - If you aren't going to spend a measly 10k or however much it is to Wraithgate, then you can tell people you're flying and save up for a faster flying mount. Wraithgate to Archo is not the fastest flight and I for one would be pissed that you make me wait that long and don't even say that you're flying.

    Um, Wait what? Im Broke as ****. And ofc I told them I was flying, i said "Im flying, will be there as soon as I can"

    - You should have been PM'd before the boss was begun so people could know where you were. Now, by this point, if you had only been half way to Wraithgate... yeah, I'd have done it too. If you had been right outside then I would have waited.

    I told them that I was close to there. I have no clue why they started

    - It took you that long to get to Wraithgate that they could do Pole and Pyro? You're lying about something, be it the speed of your mount or just straight up flying there and not going AFK. If the squad was around your level, no way should they have been able to kill that fast. Polearm I can expect to be done, but Pyro, seriously? You should have easily been at Pyro before they killed it.

    Um, I said in my first post, they did pole while I was flying, And while I was running they did Pyro. What you dont believe they did pyro that quick? We had 2 archers and the barb, Pyro with 900k hp. I believe it wouldve been PRETTY fast.

    - They should have waited for you for one of the bosses at least, most definitely. Although, see above. You must have been going pretty slowly or that was an epically fast squad.

    barb was 89, the archers were 85 and 86, so Yeah I dont find it that hard to believe they were going to go fast.

    - You should have been given your 50k back, period. The fact you weren't means you were scammed.

    Ok thanks, was trying to get at that in the first post

    This will, however, teach you that it pays to teleport and pays to pay your share in the instance.

    Looks like my bad, but thats been stated in the many posts above :)

    There ya go :D

    Ok, so, when you got IN the cave you *saw everyone* picking up coins, ok you saw them picking up, alright, that means you were there close enough to see them picking up the coins

    Already killed pole, but didnt you just say you were there and *saw* them picking up coins?

    So now you run to the noxtouch room and see more coins? Ok since when can you even get to pole/nob and 2nd miniboss and NOT go past nox yet? you already stated earlier that you *saw* them picking up coins from second miniboss and polearm

    Running from nox room to pyro takes less then 30 seconds, even at a measly 4.8 m/s -.-

    Ok, so, is it just me or does his story have more holes then swiss cheese? b:chuckle

    Yes, I SAW then picking up coins...In squad chat. I see "Gained 1XX coins" when everyone else picks them up..and I see "Blahblah Got Blah blah" also! Do you not see that?
    Original Join date: Nov 24, 2008
    Originally Posted by Russiee - Raging Tide

    As for Shadow Escape. "I am sin, I Shadow Escape on a boss, Boss attacks cleric and squad wipes. Lolol im pro fish".

    ^ So pro b:victory ^
  • Celestyna - Heavens Tear
    Celestyna - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    if your so broke maybe stop doing bh's/CS every day b:surrender
    start merchendising when your not at your pc, grind more, farm some mats and sell them

    If you really want to save money just pick up all three at once and you dont have to go out and come back in between, and for heaven's sake TP at least close (if you cant afford 10k.. ok fine how about running/flying from hidden orchid instead? thats a 3k tp and its at least a little closer then arch..)

    I had someone fly to the bh59 for my veno today, for bh2 and bh3.. we had to wait at the boss after clearing all mobs so they didnt die .. again.. for them both times. I have better things to do then save someone 10k in tp fees, not to mention you could get at least that in dq drops if you helped clear the mobs..
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    unless its a person I've squaded with many times before - I never pay the wine fee until either

    A) were all inside or
    B) it has been wined

    but yeah, most BH squads want a quick run and dont like to wait on people to fly there or show up and say "oh im out of pots/arrows brb". So I always pot up first and illusion stone in. on the flipside of the coin, if its a wine I made myself with mats I've farmed myself - I dont even ask for money for it.
  • Ninnuam - Sanctuary
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Sooooo what you're saying is that the squad managed to get in the dungeon, kill a miniboss, kill a boss, turn in, go back in and kill another boss all in the time frame it took you to drag your slow **** to the instance?

    I mean yeah the polite thing to do would be to pay you the 50k back, but as far as waiting goes, I wouldn't wait that long either. Illusion stone ftw.b:bye
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm sorry, but why the hell did you pay him before you were even there?

    That was a mistake from square one.
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    1.) Pay when everyone is inside.
    2.) Dont fly to bh, to archo, to bh, to archo, to bh. It pisses me off.
    3.) If you really cant afford that small sum of teleporting money (and wine) you really shouldnt be doing bh. Do some merchanting (or even grinding) for some money.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    From reading the OP's responses to Airyll and Linwiz i do think we can lay the issue to rest.

    1. Yes, OP made a mistake by paying the wine fee on the platform and this should serve as a cautionary tale. It was an honest mistake however (not originating in malice) and i think the bashing has gone a little overboard on this. There's a saying in my country that would roughly translate as "some sins carry their own penance", guy made a mistake and he did pay for it.

    2. I think some posters have succesfully established the OP was in fact negligent in taking so long to reach the instance. This was not an honest mistake. As an aside i will point out this is far from being an uncommon practice in BH PUGs. Even though i'll usually stay at the platform until the squad is complete (i do think of recruiting as a shared burden) i'll more often than not be the first or second guy to go in. Most BH51 runs it will only be me and 1 or 2 others all the way to Fushma for instance. I agree with all those posters who consider using illusion stone an unspoken agreement, however this is rarely the case. The OP des seem to be dodging the issue of wether he afk'ed en route as well as wether he received fair warning from other squad members.

    3. The issue of refunding remains muddled because of the OP's own omissions in the story. The dialogue with the squad's leader does suggest an uncooperative attitude. Not having a clear reference on how long the squad did have to wait it remains a moot point however as it may not have been unprovoked.

    4. I do stand by my first posts in that to me the central issue remains in wether the OP was given fair warning or not. It now seems unlikely to me anyone would have missed the necessary dialogue that would acompany people leaving the instance to turn in the first kill, and must admit that while i may have been hasty in forming my first opinion, those posters who could see through inconsistencies on the original post did a good job in backing their arguments.

    Bottom line is respect works both ways, you can't demand courtesy or civility from others if you yourself don't demontrate it, no one escapes the consequences of their own actions.
  • Ranfa - Dreamweaver
    Ranfa - Dreamweaver Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If the person who wined had refunded, that would have been 50k profit loss (assuming he made the wines with his own mats), which wouldn't have been fair for him. He may have spent hours of his time farming the mats which should reward him with profit. It might not have been fair for you either but it's a commonly practiced courtesy to stone in to instances unless otherwise agreed.

    Hopefully you have better luck in the future.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    remebmer when there was only 1 bh?

    and people didnt mind waiting for you to fly in and instead just chated and had a lil fun?

    and if it takes you more than 5 mins per boss in 69 you have a fail squad with a 7x-8x squad you can drop any boss in 1-3 in less than 10. despite the reduction. have been in squads that downed pyro in under 2 mins seriously are the 8x's that bad now?

    dont wine it clear the bloody instance your lvl 80+ man and you can aoe through all of 69 but rooms 1 and 2 takes less than an hour to clear the whole thing then just dont let it reset

    far more than the 50k rip off im disgusted by the "rush rush rush pay pay pay" mentality here ITS A GAME

    if somone wants to fly ok set your char to autopath grab a drink walk outside get a smoke take a **** or just have fun

    really to those of you foaming at the mouth at the thought of somone else not blowing an extra 30k+ per bh...per day for YOU well try being less selfish about it

    whats next 90+ req FCC 85+ only gamma....waaaaaiiiit a second >.>

    again and for the last time ITS A GAME
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Duke_Atticus - Sanctuary
    Duke_Atticus - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'd be equally upset if I paid and were in the same situation. Except of course I don't make people wait for damn long. I'd take a cheaper alternative, but...not a full autopath on a 1.5m/s sword.

    Yet even if OP was such a slow **** it took forever to reach there, is there even any sense of common courtesy or patience nowadays? Why must everyone who doesn't comply with the 'unsaid norms' be 'punished'? Can't things even be settled just by asking politely? Even booting can be a polite affair and I've done it, no bitter feelings at the end of it.

    Seems to me impatience is condoned or justified regardless of the rude actions taken, as long as you have the number of people to back it up.
  • Gri - Lost City
    Gri - Lost City Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yeah never pay at the platform. I've never had anything quite like that happen to me but here's a little story for you...

    ...I was on a squad for pyro on my cleric and we were half health when leader invited another cleric. So the tank says "Pull pyro to door"...Yeah...tiger runs faster than me reaches the other cleric and kills pyro before I get to them. There's fair for you when I paid fee and the other cleric didn't.

    Little advice...If you have a non-max flyer I would recommend TPing in just to be safe. It's not your fault they did the BH without you but it is common courtesy to to try not to keep people waiting. Sometimes **** happens.

    That really sucks, sorry they wasted your time and money. :/
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It doesn't take that long to fly from Arch to the Wraithgate even a lvl 1 Cleric can do it.It wouldn't take them that long and I never go afk in flight in squad format.I imagine when you all port out you end up in Whetstone Keep ins squad format to do it again.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • HeavensWing - Sanctuary
    HeavensWing - Sanctuary Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Sooooo what you're saying is that the squad managed to get in the dungeon, kill a miniboss, kill a boss, turn in, go back in and kill another boss all in the time frame it took you to drag your slow **** to the instance?

    I mean yeah the polite thing to do would be to pay you the 50k back, but as far as waiting goes, I wouldn't wait that long either. Illusion stone ftw.b:bye

    They didnt turn in, they all had them. It was a Pole Pyro squad, Which means some came for pole and some for pyro. I myself needed both. They werent on that days BH list or infact, the last 2 days

    You guys often list the same thing EVERYONE else does. "Your mistake , you paid at the platform, your stupid" or "You shouldve stoned, They shouldve started without you cheap ****"
    Of course no one said that directly, but thats your point.

    So ok, I get it. I shouldn't and didn't get a refund for my money and it was my stupid idea not to stone in
    Original Join date: Nov 24, 2008
    Originally Posted by Russiee - Raging Tide

    As for Shadow Escape. "I am sin, I Shadow Escape on a boss, Boss attacks cleric and squad wipes. Lolol im pro fish".

    ^ So pro b:victory ^
  • Articwiz - Heavens Tear
    Articwiz - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Unless u have some big DD's u cannot just run into wraithgate and wipe it out in 10minutes anyway. You must have been afk for too long. I go in with squads and it takes us around 20 to 30 minutes because of ppl wanting to run back and turn in bh for another. You paid b4 in the cave is a huge No No. I do my bh runs with either my faction or ppl I know that can do it.
  • Torsay - Sanctuary
    Torsay - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    This idiotic bh system only generates more idiots... not much you can do about that. Just avoid doing bhs with randoms.
  • MistaBwanden - Sanctuary
    MistaBwanden - Sanctuary Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    They didnt turn in, they all had them. It was a Pole Pyro squad, Which means some came for pole and some for pyro. I myself needed both. They werent on that days BH list or infact, the last 2 days

    You guys often list the same thing EVERYONE else does. "Your mistake , you paid at the platform, your stupid" or "You shouldve stoned, They shouldve started without you cheap ****"
    Of course no one said that directly, but thats your point.

    So ok, I get it. I shouldn't and didn't get a refund for my money and it was my stupid idea not to stone in

    It was stupider that it took you over 10 minutes to get there.
  • Taksuke - Dreamweaver
    Taksuke - Dreamweaver Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    like many other people have said never pay at platform

    heres a story for u:

    as soon as i hit 70 i got pyro BH. i got a squad and then we ask who was ganna wine it. i said i was so i tele in and waited until every1 was in b4 wining. the squad leader wispher me to tell her who has not pay and she will ask them to or kick them b:chuckle well every1 has pay expect the barb b:laugh the cleric and i waited about 30 sec to 1 min for the barb to pay. he finally did and the run went great.

    lesson- make sure ur in b4 paying the wine fee b:bye
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<=== thks Forsakenx for the great siggy
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    like many other people have said never pay at platform

    heres a story for u:

    as soon as i hit 70 i got pyro BH. i got a squad and then we ask who was ganna wine it. i said i was so i tele in and waited until every1 was in b4 wining. the squad leader wispher me to tell her who has not pay and she will ask them to or kick them b:chuckle well every1 has pay expect the barb b:laugh the cleric and i waited about 30 sec to 1 min for the barb to pay. he finally did and the run went great.

    lesson- make sure ur in b4 paying the wine fee b:bye

    Boring story, no one is scammed or loses money or wipes or messes up. b:cry
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Must - Lost City
    Must - Lost City Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yesterday i just did a bh pole cause my lv l80 wife couldnt get a barb to tank it i wen there when squad qas already on poleharm, I lured and tanked wit ha lv l80s squad took me at least4 5 min to kill it and im lvl 100 and have good gear on me...

    Sooooo u lying like hell cause kill 2 3 mob then nox then turtle then pole then pyro wirt ha full 80 squad (and to add only 5 ppl not 6), take at least 25 30 min or more.....

    So u did get afk and really u got wt u deserve................b:angry
  • Candie - Raging Tide
    Candie - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    Let's do a little math here. By the time you're in your 80s and doing BH69, you should be able to grind 200k/hr easily (I'd consider 250-300k/hr more realistic, but let's be conservative and go with the lowest figure). In 15 min, that's 50k .

    Where ??? How ??? O_O I usually farm 80 Chipmungs for Justice Envoy quest , and I get like 40-50 k in DQ and maybe 20-30 k from digging nearby ores
  • HeavensWing - Sanctuary
    HeavensWing - Sanctuary Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yesterday i just did a bh pole cause my lv l80 wife couldnt get a barb to tank it i wen there when squad qas already on poleharm, I lured and tanked wit ha lv l80s squad took me at least4 5 min to kill it and im lvl 100 and have good gear on me...

    Sooooo u lying like hell cause kill 2 3 mob then nox then turtle then pole then pyro wirt ha full 80 squad (and to add only 5 ppl not 6), take at least 25 30 min or more.....

    So u did get afk and really u got wt u deserve................b:angry

    Again, im not lying, I told you they were in the high 80s. Pole = about 5 minutes to kill, Going to pyro and killing it = 2.
    Thats 7 minutes, Mini-bosses = about 2 or 3. It took 10 minutes for BH. Thats how it usually goes.

    Now stop Posting, I just said I get it already. JUST SHUT UP b:angry
    Original Join date: Nov 24, 2008
    Originally Posted by Russiee - Raging Tide

    As for Shadow Escape. "I am sin, I Shadow Escape on a boss, Boss attacks cleric and squad wipes. Lolol im pro fish".

    ^ So pro b:victory ^
  • Sarq - Dreamweaver
    Sarq - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Again, im not lying, I told you they were in the high 80s. Pole = about 5 minutes to kill, Going to pyro and killing it = 2.
    Thats 7 minutes, Mini-bosses = about 2 or 3. It took 10 minutes for BH. Thats how it usually goes.

    Now stop Posting, I just said I get it already. JUST SHUT UP b:angry

    Everybody on this forum knows how much stuff you are shoveling now.
    10 minutes to do LOLOLOLOLOLOLO

    You already said you paid on the platform. So at least ONE (the person you paid) wasn't in the bh69 along with you. In my experince, unless it was a failed group or somebody left, hardly anybody is in the bh until the full squad is made.

    Assuming you were the 6th to get into the squad. So you are saying it took a group of 5 (high 80's) 10 minutes to get to the bh69 enterance, transfer the money to the winer(i say this because you are probably one of the only people to pay at the platform), buff, wine and then

    a)kill guard> run kill second guard> run kill third guard.
    b) avoid mobs and run around which actually takes longer.

    run to nox>Kill nox>run to turtle>kill turtle>lure pole(which can take a min or two)>kill pole>run to pyro>kill pyro

    The fact you are full of it makes me happy you screwed yourself out of the money.
    10 minutes my ****